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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Really? If I want to take my Bubble Defender into a +4x8 situation? These powers are going to destroy the challenge?

    My *** they are!

    Sure, maybe for someone who's running a kitted-out "His level says "Chuck Norris" in it!" scrapper, all they're doing is making stuff that's already easy easier. But the second someone starts in with "my scrapper", any semblance of challenge goes completely out the window.

    This is NOT "City of Scrappers".
    And we come back around to the problem of creating significant solo/small team incarnate grade content. It's a non-trivial challenge to find the sweet spot for its difficulty in a game with so many varied builds and performance levels....wonder why they may have scheduled it back behind the initial trials...after they've had a chance to collect data on the incarnate powers in the wild, among other things.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Havent they said that's already in the cards, just needs to take time. So why are people asking for something they already said was coming?
    Because this is the forums.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    No way I will miss this!

    As a not on the military turning people away, take a look at a movie made during the time.

    "It's a Wonderful Life"

    George Baily was rejected because he was deaf in one ear. In a time before albuterol, asthma was just as bad, or worse because it could kill w/o the aid of a bullet.
    I was rejected for the National Guard (after testing well enough to qualify for any MOS except for ones needing a driver's license, cuz i dinna have one) after Gulf War 1 because they thought I had flat feet...I was wearing orthotics to the final physical. My podiatrist grandfather had made them a few years earlier while testing out a new in-office method of casting them, and they were comfortable to wear with my Adidas Sambas. Even x-rays, independent expert testimony and a letter from my congressman wouldn't change their minds...but that was in peacetime, they didn't need the people. You advance my situation a decade and I probably wouldn't be writing this right now
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I know how it should sound: "Say and do nothing, watch nothing happen. Work towards change, often get it."
    Or, tell the avalanche to continue heading down the slope, and claim responsibility when it does just that.

    Seriously. Look at the track record of the dev team, and tell me you honestly don't think there's damn good odds that this concern is already being addressed internally.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Why would the devs introduce near-gamebreaking powerlevels in a way that all you had to do was farm two trials for a few hours a night over the course of less than two weeks?
    That's the carrot. People wanted endgame for 7 years. They got endgame.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Of course the followup questions is why would they do so in a way that ONLY farming those two trials gets you there?

    That's a better question.
    Because that's a temporary situation. There will be more trials, and dollars to donuts other (besides what exists now) ways to get the salvage. It's going to take time, is all. People are acting as if this is SOE or something. They do listen to us here on the forums, and more importantly, they *do* know what is actually going on in their game.

    That said, they're working at least 2 issues ahead of what's on live. Even if they dropped *everything* and changed their plans (plans which I strongly believe already *do* include solo/normal team incarnate content already) to respond to the sturm und drang here on the boards there still wouldn't be anything tangible for months.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Stop saying this. It's absurd.

    No one here is asking for it right now.

    Are we now to the point of making up stuff to try and invalidate others opinions?
    Would you mind addressing the rest of the post? I would seriously like an answer to it. Why would the devs want to make access to near-gamebreaking powerlevels easier for those that don't want to do trials, when trials are the only content currently designed for that power?

    Never mind the fact that the fact that people are continuing to make threads about the (intentional) inefficiency of solo-earning incarnate stuff is akin to asking for it NAO (even though all involved should understand the basics of how PS developments content and the kind of timeframes they deal with)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Why do people keep assuming it's iTrials OR soloing?

    I like the trials, I play them often...when I have the TIME. A reasonable solo option would allow me to still advance my hero or villain when I only have time for a mission or two instead of a Trial.

    I WANT the power of the Incarnate because it makes my character more powerful.
    My Defender now has perma mezz protection and you are seriously asking people that want to solo why they want additional powers?

    It's so effing obvious the question doesn't NEED to be answered.
    No, I'm asking why, from the dev standpoint, would they feel the need to add a quicker solo method to get near-gamebreaking levels of power when they don't have content to use it in yet? \
    Like I said, I fully expect there to be solo/normal team incarnate content at some point in the future...and at that point in time, I'd also expect there to be a much-expedited solo-incarnate power accrual method. I just don't see the need for it NAO!!! when the only designed content for the incarnate powers is, the trials.

    Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that all we give up is the level-shifts when we're not in a trial.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I think this might be a bit more of a problem if there was some reason for the solo character to actually need the incarnate abilities outside of "I just want them, but don't need them, just want them fast, so I can move on."

    Solo players want to become Incarnates, I get that. Alpha, easy enough to get unlocked solo. Just do the arc.

    I see you have a team vs solo account of how long it takes to get rewards. But nothing said of why one would even need the abilities solo.
    That seems to be the most side-stepped question. *Currently* (it may well change in the future when they release solo incarnates stuff, which I believe will happen in some form) there's nothing in the game designed for the level of power that high-end incarnate powers grant. They're expressly designed for the Incarnate trials...not even just teams....but for the trials. If one isn't doing the trials for *whatever* reason, where is the *need* for solo incarnate power acquisition at a faster rate?

    edit- and granted there are people that do amazing things solo..I'm talking from the dev standpoint, though. What need is there for a non-trial player to have the abilities that were expressly designed for use in the trials?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    Vast difference in - mindset.

    Devs saying we hear you and we will look into it - is vastly different from Devs saying we know some of you love to solo and we have it planned and it will take time to implement.

    The very fact they had to wait for feedback for a solo path to be looked at astounds me.
    And when in the 7 year history of this game have they ever said "X feature is coming" before they had it just about ready to go on to test? Them not phrasing something in absolute terms is nothing new.

    Also, the fact that you think they didn't have something in the works before the "I wanna solo to Incarnate!!!" posts started is even more astounding. The devs don't work as a monolith, with every department solely focused on the same thing at the same time. As they've re-iterated recently, (actually, revealed..before it was thought to just be end-game team, and rest of the game team) they're working in sub-divisions, even within the same department, and have been for the better part of a year.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Well, wasnt he a 90lb weakling in the comcs? But yeah, probably could of made him taller. He just looks to short compared to the lead actress.
    I think they were trying to emphasize it. I mean, we're in war with action in Europe, Asia and Africa. He would have to be *obviously* unfit for duty for the Army not to take him in some capacity.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

    Also given that Hugo Weaving is the Red Skull....I hope one of the Skull's soldiers has the last name of Anderson just so we can hear the Red Skull say "Mr. Anderson!"

    He's still playing the Red Skull...he'd more likely say "Herr Anderson"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    Fair enough.
    Saw something about the spoiler-ness of trailers in the past few years just before Super 8 came out. Despite how many people complain about it, apparently the majority of the movie-going public doesn't respond well to non-spoiler-y trailers.

    edit to add- Friggin awesome!!!!!!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post

    Cripes, another ten to fifteen years? I can barely keep everything straight as it is ...
    There was a much longer gap between 4 and 5 than the first 4...I don't think he'll take that long again....i hope. Lucky for me though, I didn't know about the series until the previews on HBO, so almost no waiting so far for me

    I will hunt Jordan down in the afterlife, however. Writing other, non WoT novels before he was even close to finished....grrrr
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    No, you actually don't.

    This argument is always frustrating to me. Not everyone's character is a mask-and-cape superhero. For some characters, it's their daily job and there's no secret identity involved. Some characters are just magical beings who are out doing good. Some characters are undercover Resistance or Loyalist characters, signing up as "Heroes" in order to spy on the works in Primal Earth. Some characters are villains and don't need a super-hero moniker.

    Whatever the case, it is absolutely false to say that you HAVE to have <Adjective> <Noun> Silver-Age superhero names. You can run a random string of syllables together and be a djinn whose master ordered her out to fight crime so he can stay home and watch TV. It's up to you who your character is.

    Um...he wasn't talking in generalities there,...he specifically said what *he* likes his character names in this game to look like.
  15. The Devs and Zwill have been answering questions in the official announcement thread, you can find their posts in the Dev/Community trackers in the the development sections of the forums.

    But, given that that is only 2 days after the initial announcement, there is still a bunch of specifics that are not nailed down. I'm sure that once the systems for Freedom are actually in place, you'll be able to see exactly what you are entitled to with whatever level of vet status/buy in you have.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gilfred View Post
    I just hope that NCSoft has done it's homework on this hybrid model. Otherwise they could kill this game, if they were to put truly game changing items in the shop. Ones that would give players that have the extra cash, unfair advantages over the ones that do not have that kind of cash. Even though it is an exciting time, I am still going to be looking carefully how this plays out.

    I am looking forward to more information on this. I still do not know what I would lose if my account went to premium. Because there have been times in the close to five years I have been playing, where I had to let my sub lapse. So if I have to do it again, I am still not clear as to what I would be losing. I know that they have said whatever you have unlocked on your account you keep as premium, also what you have bought.

    Also I would like to have a way of seeing either in game or at my account screen, what I would have if my account were to switch to premium. With that information I could make informed decisions on the best way to spend my paragon points.

    Let's say I have a total of about 30 characters. How many slots will I have available on my account? What characters would not be available? How would the available characters be chosen?

    Meaning I hope that NCSoft, will give us the players the information we need to make good informed decisions continues with spending paragon points.

    Read the FAQ, and the comparison page...all your questions that have answers already decided are answered there.
  17. With the stipend of points that you get as a sub, the absolute *worst* that could happen if they charge for something is that you might have to wait a bit.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
    Ok, so i finally watched the last two episodes (thank you Tivo). OMG, WTF, and any other three letter abbreviations I can come up with.

    Spoilers...although now i think 'm the only one who hasn't read ahead.

    Ned and Drogo, nnnnnooooooooo! Damn if i wanted the cool man characters to die i'd go watch Joss Whedon's work. Daenerys has gone up a notch on my list as well as Robb. Question. Does this season truely cover the 1st book? I want to read it now but not if there is anything that might give away season 2.
    Yup. Book and season end at the same point.

    And really, you don't ruin anything by reading ahead, at least if season 1 is any guide...you just supplant one kind of anticipation for another.

    waaay late edit. The scene with Ayra starting her journey to The Wall is *not* in book 1, that's a book 2 scene. Martin leaves the reader hanging as far as what happens to her after the events shown in Baelor
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Wow... really? You really cannot compare the Animated Series' masterful Two-Face with Jones' over the top wanna-be Joker Two-Face.

    So, did they ever watch the Animated Series?

    Also, they didn't include Arnold's Mr Freeze? Or maybe they felt it captured the essence of the Animated Series' Mr. Freeze perfectly? *rolls eyes*
    You missed the adjectives "exaggerated" and "neon". Add those two words in front and you could stick pretty much any other version of Two-Face and have the sentence be fairly accurate.
  20. SO...Eminem's branching out again. Good for him!

    edit google the "without me" video if you missed the reference
  21. Just realized something...where's the Old Bear's raven been?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    After the weight of the previous episode, not much would match up anyway. This episode was less "conclusion" as it was all set up for season/book 2. All of those scenes are significant to what's to come in future seasons.
    Right. Baelor was all the conclusion... Fire and Blood was almost 100% setup for season 2. Really, the whole of the first season was just setup and background for the real meat of the story.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    I have to confess I have all the episodes stored....and haven't watched one of them yet.

    Maybe I'm in a very small minority, but I still haven't felt an incentive to watch this show. I'm sure it's very well written and all, but every time someone describes the basic plot to me, I keep thinking 'well, haven't I seen that in The Tudors, which is real life history and probably just as brutal?'

    Maybe I'm just over fantasy or have trouble finding positives in the story. I'm not after a 'happily ever after' PG-13 thing, but as I get older as a viewer it seems, the harder I find it to enjoy stories where people demonstrate just how shockingly bad humanity can be.

    Not knocking the show; maybe someone can give me some reasons to check it out that aren't 'watch it for the scheming and politics'.

    Watch it, or don't. You were interested enough to save the shows, all it'll cost you is a few hours. It's an incredibly well done adaptation of an incredibly well-written series. Beyond that...well, I doubt anyone here knows you and your tastes well enough to make any cogent arguments. I certainly don't.
  24. Yeah, technically, 1 year minus 10 weeks give or take.....still only 10 eps next season.