402 -
Seeing Red:
Yes visit the site! Currently having a debate on SG colours which i would appreciate everyone's input on. Also, a big warm welcome back to 13th Ronin! -
So how'd it go: was the butt of the sort one kicked, or did he do the butt-kicking? In general, of course
Seeing Red:
Hey Guys, as most of you know I am Frogue's brother and as we share the account, he has commandeered the Forum side of things so I can't really post that oftenbut with much persuasion on my part he has let me use his account as long as i let everyone know its me posting and not him! (Especially with my more n00b like comments
) Felt I need to catch up with the SG I'm supposed to be running...
Put Red on another temporary hold while I mess around with Phantasmical, should return to him with some healthy freak bashing once I ding 15. Will be looking for a team to take on one of the later task forces with Red sometime this week so if anyone is intrested don't hesitate to let me know! -
Awesome one bud! You've done us proud! Ubergratzification!
Can somone tell me how to get over ''The boring zone''. For me its beatween lvls 12-18.
14-travel power. May be exciting for the first 2 times but for me, an experianced altoholic getting my 6th superspeed is frankly very very very boring.
16-team buff. (speed boost) Oh joly the TEAM is getting fun thats nice, but where is my fun huh?
And of course slots arent that exciting too...
Im energy/kinetics by the way. Now lvl 12.
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Well if you have taken Siphon speed at 10, then you don't need a travel power, you can take something else at 14. -
Lv 31 is that so you dont have to face to a lv 32 stone tank in granite.
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Ummmm, no....
/em hide
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I'll be pretty impressed if a blaster can kill a stone tank even without ga tbh
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Tanks are certainably killable for blasters. Rooted may be a pain, but it can still be dropped, like any toggle. And my then the mez protection is probs down to. -
Lv 31 is that so you dont have to face to a lv 32 stone tank in granite.
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Ummmm, no....
/em hide
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He just wants well clear of total focus but also Neo's creative use of Nova (as seen by us lucky ones last night).
But 31 rules out my invis so I guess you'll won't have the pleasure of not being able to see the fearsome might that is doing you in.
And bring on that best of 5. I can't wait -
Note, the only reason he's doing it on a sunday is that he doesn't want to face the might of Frogue, knowing full well that I can never play oon a sunday, especially in the evening
The short [censored] is just scared -
Dark rad is pretty viscious; You can floor there accuracy with all the accuracy debuffs and the mighty Radiation infection, Immobalize and disorient them (if you slot dark pit up for accuracy) effectively giving you aranged AOE hold, Do their resistance and damage in with Enerverating (sp?) field, you have two AoE holds as already mentioned and the mighty lingering Rad to slow people to a crawl. You can control huge ammounts of enemies with this set: In theory, you could slap tentacles and dark pit on one group, with RI, EF and LR on another, and stand in the middle of a third with chocking cloud on, spamming cone attacks to drop their accuracy
It's got lots of oppotunities for offence as well, especially if a teamate of yours dies
Definetly worth a look... so much so I might just role one!
I'll be on for a couple of hours this morning and could do with some team mates. I need something exciting to do; maybe actually start a villain I like, maybe do some AVS with Frogue if at all poss, maybe do Frostfire after Frostfire with Brogue and Trogue. Anyone around and up for giving me some company?
PvP is an option to, of course -
A crazy suggestion... (it is actually crazy so feel free toignore it)
Drop BFR and take Ice storm and slot Siphon speed for a couple of slows (with tactis you shouldn't need the extra). Basically this is to get AVs who are hard to hold to the slow cap, but, with the three recharges, it's also great in teams at slowing down other units in the ice storm. I'd be keen to take ice strom anyway, as of I7 your buffs will effect it.
What level are you by the way? I fancy rolling one as well and could do with a fellow Ranger and experience villain to blast through with, as I've never gone through villains before. -
Are you serious? The Fire Primary is easily the worst of the tanker primaries at the moment - weak RES, no DEF, no knockback protection and a poor self-heal.
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The fire heal is not poor at healing, it is actually a better combat heal than the others. Where the others shine is that they increase your hit points by 60% effectively magnifying all the rest of the primary by 60%, that is their value of them.
Firey Aura is weak because it only has 47% damage mitigation*, compared to about 70%-85% for Ice ( except fire which is still >50% ) and 45%-75% for Inv ( except for SL which is 75%-90% ). Stone has about 40-60% pre granite depending on damage type but has regen to back it up, it has 90-96% with granite.
So as well as being the weakest in pure damage mitigation, it does not have the 60% multiplier.
*Damage mitigation = 100-(100-debuff)/100*(100-resist)*(50-defence)/50
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well yes fiery aura is not so worse... the heal can be use every 30s for 581HP for me at lvl 40 (about every 20s with haste)
but the stamina a fiery aura tank use is incredible (at least 6 toggle for correct tanking).
my main problem is not about damage i receive, the problem is that 5 or 6 attack and i'm out of order (and if i need 2 self heal, that's worse).
Consume is really good for recovery stamina, but in looong fight, you use one time consume and that's all, you finish without stamina
the solution i'm going is to take conserve power... i don't see anything else that could chenge this "thirsty" of stamina
and there is fiery embrace that don't boost burn, and burn which is really useful with an ice secondary (ice patch) cos of the fear effect.
and no update soon for fiery tank
sorry for the bad english
PS/ fire primary is a good challenge ^^
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Well, as a fire tank, the first thing I will say is that I'd like to see the Ice tank who can out tank me! I'd also say that while my numbers may be a little lower than on their toggles, the entire build together works perfectly.
I run all the defences from the tank set and also tough. I have the self heal 6 slotted and find it a LOT more sueful than those on some of the other sets. No point having a HP bonus if it's gone after a couple of hits and you're waiting on the recharge while I'm just using my very quick recharging self heal at will.
I've also seen mention of end problems? I'm not sure how they have toggles slotted but you'll only have end problems if you've made a mistake there, other than that consume will cover any end drain even when on full offence.
And then we come to the reason I consider fire tanks to be the best tanks, rather than the weakest... Fiery Aura. Nothing holds aggro like it when slotted correctly and coupled with taunt, makes them so much more effective at aggro management than other builds.
On the route to deciding on a fire tank, I tried both Invuln and Stone. With stone, I failed to see how I could tank from the front when I couldn't even keep up with the team and with invuln, I just found the set not as diverse as fire.
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Oh man, don't make such persuasive posts as that. Now I actually have to think about what would suit my playstyle now that they've all been pretty much justified. Damn.
Were you talking from a fire/fire perspective? -
succesfull thus boring.
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Ooooh uh! Boring is NEVER good! -
Ok, a quick qestion, since we're talking about scrapper combos that can survive as well as dish it out; which would be better for this: Katana/SR or DM/Sr, Both playing on the addition defence/minusaccuracy stackings they can offer?
Cheers in advance -
Interesting thoughts. Invuls Taunt aura staying on through the uberness of Rage sounds appealing. As does UnthingsPoint in his own thread about ice primary resisting the defence debuff of the crash... Iwas considering Ice primar, but now I am.
Stone melee and SS seem perfect for my style as I like highly offensive sets with some control (just not overloading on it, which is why I'm resisting Ice). Kinda being swayed from Stone armour; not liking the lack of mobility. Of course you become uber resitance wise, but I've never been one whoe likes to sit around.
Lol, Well we've kind of got somewhere: Ice or invul primary, SS/stone secondary. The issue is combos really; things in those sets that'll work particulary well together. Keep it coming please!
This is mega appreciated guys; am an official tanking n00b, but I feel that leveling one up will increase my knowledge of the game, and having a selection of toons for a variety of situations is damn cool to! -
I loved Super Strength!
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So what was so great about it, if you don't mind me asking?
Ok, I'm thinking either Invul or stone ATM; stone because... well, If I'm honest, because it looks cool and I haven't got a stone related toon yet, and Invul seems like an efficient and different choice if stone doesn't work for me playwise.
I'm leaving all Fire and Ice stuff for now, as I have a fire and an Ice related toon, and I'd like something different; although I would be prepared to use them as a secondary. Although I am looking for damage primarily; Alot of my toons use control and I want to try a slightly different approach for the tank.
So, the sets I'd like more detail on would be Stone Armour, Invulnerabilty, (apologies if I spelt it wrong; been a loooong day), Super stength... and I guess I'll consider all the other secondaries to (stone and energy above ice and fire) but I'm leaning towards SS and that lovely looking (description wise) rage power!
Cheers guys, keep it coming! -
Wanting to sample every AT at some point, I am a complete utter novice at tanking. TO that end, I'd like to try something that works really well together. It doesn't matter how easy or difficult it is to play; I want a challenge, and as long as I have a few move combos that work well I'll be fine (I hope
). Besically I want something that is effective and fun.
So, what works well? -
Does the set play very differently for a corruptor than it does for a Blaster? I'm speaking from experience as an Ice/NRG, but I just had a strange hankering for an ice/kin and wanted to know peoples thoughts.
Cheers guys! -
what about bitter ice ray instead of frezzing touch? a ranged hold is def better than a melee IMO
[/ QUOTE ]not when the ranged one has 4 second activation time...
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ANd combined with super speed, you can get in and out to another ranged position fast, if you queue Freezing touch as you start to run towards the taget. It'll actually activate once you've made it a fair enough distance past them. Of course you need to be aware of any surrounding mobs first -
I dont know who you are Jum, but you seem to have made you way onto my global list for sum reason, seems bad not to say bye, so...
p.s. bah new signatures not working
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You play with my brother, Katora (who by the way, is almost 50).
Thanks for all your support guys, made headway on getting a social life again, and got mullered
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But obviously you whipped out your speedos and cured that 'mullering' away with your EXTREME healing! Hope things are ok bud. -
This is terrible!
I call for an instant gathering of all the available 1AT coalition empaths - we must pool our resources to take up the slack from Jum's absence...
And we must all create SPEEDO or SWIMWEAR costumes to tide us over until his return!!!
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Limit it to speedo's because otherwise all you pansies will just cop out and make the swimwear because you could never voluntarily match the hardcore uberness that is the gimp mased, speedo wearing EXTREME healer!
Don't stay away to long bud! -
I have also started a fire kin, and with both single target abilities to make use of containment he's already quite the damage beast. He'll be great and taking out threats, locking down mobs and abusing containment! THey truly are awesome, or though I can see that it'll take some learning and a regular team to get him (and my abilities controlling him) to his prime.