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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
    I'll agree that if you slot for damage instead of control, various controllers can do good single target damage. I don't consider having 2-3 single target attacks to be really great damage overall and if that's the goal, then a Scrapper will just have an easier time doing that. Well, that and I still feel the point of a controller is to primarily control.
    Of course a scrapper will have an easier time, this is a controller vs defender discussion isn't it? My comment was specific to the fact that if any controller slots for damage they will be able to do roughly the same dps as a defender before pets are accounted for.

    So relative to a defender which is what this topic is about; a controller either gets their damage for very little cost or they get their control for very little cost.

    Additionally, a controller doesn't have to sacrifice control to do damage because of several factors with varying availability.
    1. control is binary. If my hold lasts 40 sec or 15 sec doesn't matter if they target is held the entire time I attack it.
    2. IO's and HO's all for both control and damage to be highly enhanced.

    I strongly recommend that any controller tries out slotting their st controls as attacks that happen to do a great job of mezzing rather than mezzes that happen to do decent damage. You'll likely find (for most combos) that life actually gets easier for the toon.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
    true that

    I really need to find Umbrals' Fire/elec build for max DPS, Im sure it's the most potent Raw-DPS built attainable <.<
    You (generic you) will not get a fire/elec to exceed 300 dps after all the time lost using powersink and 95% tohit chance.

    In fact a son/elec buzzsaw build can produce about the same dam as the fire/elec largely because it burns endurance at roughly half the rate.

    Actually that's not entirely true, you could probably get both to just nudge over 300 dps with surveillance. Most just take /cold for the defense so you have a better chance of using the dps.

    There are fire/shield and dm/shield scrappers with 5% of the best imaginable fire/elec build and are upwards of 50x more survivable.

    I can think of at least 10 or 12 builds that range from edging out a fire/elec to outright humiliating it from a st dps point of view. None of which use -regen (well one does but it is bugged and doesn't actually work). They all share one thing in common though, they use massive recharge.

    That isn't to say that fire/elec isn't amazing because quite frankly it is. The dps analysis does not do that combo justice. Quite simply, the st burst damage is so overwhelming that the long term dps is largely irrelevant (though no slouch) much more so than other high dps and/or burst st toons.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post
    It may look dead, but most of the people in the thread are just on hide.

    Hey, if 5 people can keep a server alive they can easily keep a thread alive!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    I suppose it depends on ones definition of "solo friendly". Any set with a sleep can make it so the troller can just stand there and eventually kill things. But when it comes to actually killing things, Illusion without PA is at the bottom of the list.

    The comment about bosses was interesting. Are folks really having difficulty killing bosses? Because I've heard others make this comment, but never had any difficulty with a boss with any of the troller primaries unless they somehow get the drop on me, or if there's more than one boss.
    Of note is that we were specifically talking about early game. A red con boss will tear most trollers a new one pre-DO's, or at least has the potential to do it with a single miss. The extra duration of confuse makes mezzing bigger and badder enemies earlier in the game much easier.

    I know that in terms of direct damage without PA Illusion is not particularly fast in the least. But without PA doesn't mean without two confuses Luts helping you take stuff down.

    As of lvl 8 though plant just skyrockets ahead of everything by setting it to like -1/x5
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Maybe Hamidon raids aren't the big attraction to most people that they are to you. I really don't think that this one activity is a valid metric of server 'aliveness'.
    I've mentioned in the past that my personal threshold for a "healthy" server is the ability to log in and (within reasonable time) do whatever it is I feel like doing.

    I generally find that if there is ~1k people online at the same time as me that is generally a realistic happenstance. Now I rarely desire to run Hami, so that helps, but pretty much any other content is fair game from Mothership Raids, to a Doc Q, to the all but guaranteed ITF. I like to be able to just log in and be reasonably confident that no matter what content I might desire to run that day, some other people are likely feeling the same way at roughly the same time.

    Actually 1k seems to be the very bottom of that spectrum just based on the random fun sessions I've had where I fire up search at the beginning.

    Like I said though, that's just me and I like having lots of options open to me because just like how this game encourages altitis I feel it also (should) encourage widely varied content.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SPiNE View Post
    Ok, ok, you're right. Corruptors are obsolete, why bother playing them? Just make Defenders.
    Because scourge is pretty and makes people feel important.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    It's not really until illusion gets PA that it's solo friendly, and even then when PA is down Illusion is at or near the bottom of troller damage.

    But I'm told it's awesome at killing grey minions.
    Early access to confuse makes it the second easiest (not necessarily fastest) solo'er from the get go.

    The ability to easily take out bosses or other such difficult enemies in the early game while they award such large bonuses probably does make it the second fastest too depending on what you choose to face while leveling through the early game. Worst case though is that grav bumps its position.

    I'm not sure what your last line refers to. I'll assume it is an inside joke.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
    I should do the math, but the number of controller combos that are NOT fire/kin are staggering. A handful of those combos might be "top" DPS builds, and usually in very specific circumstances (Ill/Cold vs AVs for example). They range from low to moderate+ damage builds. I don't disagree that fire/kins do very good damage, but lets not infer that all controllers do very good damage.

    I am not opposed to some sort of buff for Defenders, preferably something to make them more unique. But you can't compare all defenders to one outlier controller for damage. You might was well suggest that no one should play any controller other an a fire/kin since it's clearly superior.
    It's not just fire/kins or an elite few builds. It's any controller that slots for damage. Well at least when it comes to single target damage.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I was just on Freedom and I saw this when I did a quick search of Atlas Park.

    Freedom's Dead! The devs should shut it down so players can focus on enjoying more populated servers.

    Well it's not like anyone said Freedom was heavily populated. Just more populated!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rad_Avenger View Post

    The Most Interesting Man in the World takes exception to this.


    He was once my hero, but after watching the Old Spice Man whip off nearly 100 personalized responses to youtube/twitter/facebook/etc comments on the Old Spice commercials I have decided I have extreme Man Love for him that only one manly man can share with another.

    I dare you not to share the same opinion:

    edit: I'm not Jason, but I laughed my *** off to this one. The responses to Alyssa Milano were terrific as well.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    "No interaction for me today, please."
    I love it! I'm going to say this to people in real life when I don't want to talk to them. You just made my day.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    Can someone put the numbers out there side by side. Do it solo with debuffs applied and do it team with debuffs applied. Factor in scourge damage vs new defender inherrent damage. Let the numbers speak for themselves.
    Anyone can do this, just pull up mids/red tomax and plug away at it. However the results will vary depending on the buff/debuff set it is paired with, the amount of recharge (uptime of aim/soul drain), procs slotted, powerpools included (ie assault), rank of foe being faced (for scourge avg), etc.

    In general though I can tell you this: archery corrs (all corrs for that matter) need to have all cyclinders firing to keep up with high recharge versions of the defender that take /soul app.
  13. These days I feel that the only corr worth rolling over the defender version is fire blast. All the other sets I can just pair with /soul app and do much more upfront damage while being a better forcemultiplier. I don't like having to rely on scourge just to catch up and hopefully pass the defender version while also being quite a bit weaker at buff/debuff.
  14. I don't hide because as mentioned before the invites (blind or otherwise) don't stream in (freedom). I'll maybe get 1-2 per session if I'm solo'ing. Hardly worth being afraid of

    I also greatly prefer to PUG because the game is roll-your-face-on-the-keyboard-easy so anything slightly more organized than a below average pug is usually strong enough to take down the STF. So I won't hide from the only form of teaming that doesn't put me to sleep these days.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    But I Exemplar Well!

    Defenders used to exemplar to very low levels a bit better than controllers did. A storm or kin defender had his complete primary on Katie Hannon Task Force; a /storm or /kin controller would be missing Lightning Storm or Fulcrum Shift.

    Not so much the case anymore. Allowing powers up to Exemplar Level + 5 helped controllers out a ton when exemplaring in a team. The new Vigilance damage buff didn't help defenders out at all when exemplaring in a team. So much for that small, situational advantage.

    Naughty Tentacles

    Thank goodness defenders do have a few nice secondary blasts. Some are so nice, in fact, that Castle is afraid to give them to blasters or VEATs. The key is recognizing them, slotting them (esp. for cone range), spamming them, and hoping the controller or tanker on the team is doing his job with aggro. That's pretty iffy, though, on most PuGs.

    Defenders Welcome Here

    Actually, when looking for a support hero for a PuG, with no information other than AT, I'll choose defenders over controllers.

    Why? Because many, many controllers build strictly for DPS and do not buff teammates. Fire/kins, I'm talking to you. Apologies to those in this thread who still think of controllers as a low damage AT, but fire/kin is still one of the top DPS builds blueside, and will again reign supreme if and when elec/shield scrappers get nerfed.

    Defenders, on the other hand, are almost always in the AT they're in because of the buff/debuff, not because of the DPS. Not to say I won't ever bring a controller on board for a PuG, nor will I complain if I get an offender (see how I feel about defender secondary powers, above), but I'd like to know what a controller's power sets are in their search comment, to get an idea of what I'm getting.
    Bang on post.

    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    I hope not. I'm about to dump a bunch of money into my EM/Shield toon.
    Just as a heads up, SC is likely going to be roughly cut in half in terms of damage. Or at least that is what it is 'supposed' to be set at according to Castles notes. I heard a slip up that its recharge also got whacked, but that is unsubstantiated.

    If you aren't uber rich, or able to at least rapidly recoup the costs you may want to hold off until GR, or the usual patch that hits 1-3 weeks after with the nerfs/buffs. I know I'm waiting on my bs/shield scrapper before green-lighting it for a major investment.
  16. Only one way to find out: ask the Old Spice Man for a personalized response to your question. He is the premier authority on manliness.

    Failing that I'd just do what you enjoy. If you require the validation of others to determine if you found something enjoyable then it might not be an activity that you truly enjoy.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    I disagree with Thermal being better.

    #1. Sonic has superior +Resistance, thanks to Sonic Dispersion
    True, but eclipsed (and I mean total solar eclipse) by the heals in thermal.
    #2. Sonic has superior -Resistance, thanks to Sonic Siphon and Disruption Field. It's hard to argue against how incredibly effective Disruption Field is on a Tank/Brute/Scrap. Melt armour is good, but Disruption Field is on all the time, requires no hit check, and will generally catch more mobs.
    Definitely. Forge isn't exactly child's play though. Sonic siphon+DF vs forge+MA. Depends what we are fighting. Easy foes I'd give it to sonic. Hard to hit stuff, thermal. Add in the near immunity to slows/-rech of thaw and the increase that can add to offense (ie trying to run across quicksand) and it is less clear still.
    #3 Liquefy is just fantastic. It's an incredibly powerful Control as well as Debuff power.
    Liquefy is a great and underrated power, but sonic already plows through minions pretty well when on a team and unfortunately hits a pretty big hurdle against the big baddies of the game. Heat Exhaustion, while for a different use is a better power for what is needed in the game when it is needed (if that makes sense).
    And finally, and the most important one... It doesn't have INCREDIBLY LAG INDUCING OMGIHATEU graphics. Every time Healing Flames goes off, I swear my PC dies a little bit more.

    Thermal has some great stuff, but the Graphics alone make me dislike teaming with them, as well as the typically "healer mentality" that comes with them.
    Meh I like thermal gfx and dislike the sonic bubble, it still makes me somewhat queasy over extended periods. I don't think it is the graphics of the bubble anymore, but rather that it makes me try to focus at different depths at the same time...or something.

    IMO sonic is probably the superior minion muncher (in a team), but it isn't a landslide. Thermal is the better high end content tackler (ie AV's/TF's) and it is a landslide.

    That's ok though because I think thermal is just viewed as a really solid set, which means sonic has some room to be improved in a fairly meaningful way. If I were going to take a crack at sonic I wouldn't change much though I'd just make it better at what it is supposed to excel at; resistance and -resistance.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    I'm not asking for a PA nerf, so please look past that. I'm trying to get the people looking toward specifically one build setup to take a step back and look at the broader picture. But if all you can do is bristle and shout "NO TOUCHIE!" than the point went over your head.

    My point for group invis/suprior invis as compared to a spirit tree was this: you said that doms get team buffs, like spirit tree. As such, getting group invis is fine. It's a false comparison, as spirit tree is NOT specifically a group buff, but rather an AoE +regen. It can just be for you, it can be for team mates. Well, so can group invis...but the fact is that the dom gets an identical but better toggle in superior invis, which makes group invis FAR less potent to them. Hence my comments about targeting this for replacement, to add a personal AoE soft control.

    I'd personally put in an AoE sleep. I know many find them 'useless' but they have two big draws for a dom: solo, they make stuff stop until you target them, and on teams, they can often change aggro direction you sleep them, and don't touch them. somebody wakes them with an's that somebody that often then has their ire, not you.
    Well you certainly seem to know what you are talking about so far be it for me to correct so much misinformation but here goes...

    GI is not FAR less potent than SI. For the purposes of providing invisibility against mobs they are identical. Identical as in they both provide full invisibility. SI would provide invisibility in situations where something is reducing your stealth radius, but that never happens as far as I know in pve.
    Additionally GI costs about 1/20th the endurance of SI. GI's threat reduction also doesn't suppress when attacked, which SI's does.

    Like I said in a previous post: SI is actually the redundant power not GI and GI is actually the better of the two powers in almost all situations. However, SI is a signature power and not going anywhere.

    Oh, and group invis has nothing on mass hypnosis. Once one team memeber is aggroed, your entire team is too, due to aggro sharing rules. Mass hypnosis? Snoozin.' Plus attacking 'reveals' invis characters.
    haha no. Maybe you should try out GI (or SI) sometime. The things you can do with it might just astound you based on your misconceptions.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    I still think it was gutted for pvp reasons. The range change makes no sense what so ever in pve since by the time you would have leveled to get boost range most mobs are gonna still out range you with that still. I know for a fact nemesis snipers easily do this. The damage got gutted for pvp reasons which doesnt make sense either because they then turn around and give everyone pvp resistance to like all the damage types in some form of either resists or defense. So I think all the pre-nerfs to psi need to be rolled back or the damage bumped up alot. Psi scream should have stayed in the and the snipe removed since all of the attacks would have been closer to sniper range anyways if the range was restored.
    Certainly an interesting theory considering the st damage was actually increased for the blaster version.

    Yes snipers out range player powers, but 160ft blasts out range normal npc attacks (160ft would be if psy had retained 100ft+boostrange).

    I agree with regard to psy scream, but the devs love their useless snipes for w/e reason.
  20. I don't hesitate to share builds when asked. Being good with Mids isn't something worth lording over people imo.

    Besides all my builds are customized to what I like to play so the chances of someone else using the build in the same way or even as well are reduced. Actually come to think of it I wouldn't care if someone took a build I posted and broke the game so to speak. Good for them I say.
  21. I think a better comparison point for sonic is thermal. Thermal is imo a much better overall set than sonic.

    Even on controllers which can make use of disruption field while solo I still feel thermal is a better set.

    Thermal defenders will be very good too and should be pretty popular, if popularity is any indication of prowess in this game.
  22. Absorb Pain as well would provide a 1300 hp heal. It would of course prevent you from using other self heals for 20 seconds, but you would still have the benefits of the massive regen you are running.

    Handy if hit by a massive spike in damage like a Statesman KO blow that took you down to 1hp.

    That doesn't even get into what a power mastery emp defender would be doing. Easily enough recharge for perma PBU'd fortitude. Which would push their def (all) up to 38.5% and let them do crazy things like 780hp heal other on themselves.

    Not to mention a solid IO build could have over 50% uptime on Force of Nature.

    Effectively giving them a mortality line that makes granite tanks do a double take.

    Why not though right?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    It's easy to test this claim. I'll buff your ill/cold with my emp. Let me know where and when you'd like to try it.
    You lost me. How is buffing my ill/cold with an emp going to prove that a solo emp defender that could self buff would be ok? I'm not sure what claim you are trying to test and how you think an outside buffer would validate it.

    You did say you specifically wanted this tech for defenders right?
    A change that would differentiate defenders from corruptors and controllers would be to allow them to buff themselves when they solo.
    They already have the tech for modifying buff percentages and for changing how defenders run solo. Nothing new about it.
    Target self. Can you? if so you are the only person in the game that can.
    If there's a problem with Defenders soloing, and I think most folks would say there is, then it's worth trying to fix it. Allowing them to use their powers solo seems like a reasonable fix to me rather then asking them to solo using only a portion of their powers. It's not a game breaking idea.
    New vigilance was put in specifically to address defenders solo'ing. Most people are reasonably happy with it and most people realize that solo defenders are barely tailing behind solo corruptors now.

    If you read the patch notes introducing new Vigilance the devs made it pretty clear that the "problem" was purely on our end and the buff was effectively a bone being tossed our way. The change was not accompanied by the usual dev comments about datamining, and missing performance marks that typically go with buffs.

    It's already in the game with controllers.
    You keep saying this, but it isn't having the impact that you believe it should. Probably because controller pets:
    1. Have very limited powers
    2. Have very limited AI
    3. Are not affected by recharge

    If I put adrenalin boost on Animate Stone it won't cast regeneration aura more often. In fact it won't do anything more often. It won't know that it can now use powers with reckless abandon because endurance is meaningless. It won't know that it can rush ahead into the most difficult encounter and laugh at the enemies.

    But if I can cast AB on myself, holy guacamole I just hit myself with:
    +100% rech
    +80% res to slow/rech
    +800% recovery
    +500% regen

    With just generic IO's I now have 2 seconds off of perma hasten and all the benefits that normally come to billion inf builds with that much recharge. Those benefits are large. Large like now being able to keep fortitude on 6 other people easily if I wanted. Or if not on a team, large like having rain of arrows recharge every 16 seconds.

    With just SO's/generic IO's.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    But I think it's a subject where people can reasonably disagree, and again, I think the disagreement is mostly semantics, because both sides agree on the basic facts of the case (5ft vs. 7ft, stupid AI). I also think that Silverado is just encouraging us to be all that we can be. Make it harder. Make it as hard as it can be, and keep trying until you beat it. I can respect that.
    I largely agree with everything you just said. Especially the bit about tactics. Like for instance fighting Regent Korol on my corruptor was impossible from range, but fairly trivial from melee.

    However, I disagree that the 7ft vs 5ft disparity falls under tactics. The tactics in this situation are the fact that Infernal is happiest using his ranged attacks. So an active kiting method that encourages him to use his ranged attacks the most would be tactics. However, generating enough dps as a melee toon doing this would be a challenge.

    But standing just out of his melee range and using your own melee attacks and only facing him at his intended strength at the times he runs out of ranged attacks and switches modes is not so much tactics as much as taking advantage of a glitch in the system.

    The last time this was discussed I made mention that it was similar to when mobs that were leaning against walls wouldn't fight back. Now obviously Infernal even in a limited capacity is much more of a threat than that, but my point is the mob is behaving in a limited capacity and it isn't because of anything you are doing, but rather because of a bug in the game.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    Show me pics of your Ill/Emp troller doing what your Ill/Cold troller does. Or a Fire/Emp matching a Fire/Kin. Until then, I'll place the idea that empathy turns you into a SR/Regen scrapper into the "unsubstantiated claims" bucket where a majority of these message board posts end up. You can already pop inspirations to get the equivalent buffs and you're just not going to be a scrapper.
    If my ill/emp could use all my powers on myself it would curbstomp the feats my ill/cold can do. It wouldn't take down single hard targets as well do to the lack of -regen, but it could easily solo 85 foes at once which is roughly the agro cap of an illusion character.

    Additionally it could do it on SO's, compared to the multi-billion inf build my ill/cold is running. And that right there is the crux of the issue. Peak power in this game is something that generally gets whitewashed over by the devs. They know that with team buffs the feats we can do are ridiculous and they know that via huge investment in IO's many solo characters can perform at i4 levels.

    However, very very few toons are permitted to "break the game" with just SO's (the only one I can think of is bots/traps). A self buffing emp would have an immortality line that eclipses most tanks and would literally only be kill-able via extreme burst damage. Allowing it to do that AND bring the buffs that it does to a team is just a ridiculous premise. Not something I'd expect from an educated player at any rate.
    And after that, explain to me why, if a genuine balance issue is found with giving defenders the ability to self-buff soloing, modifying those buffs to provide a percentage of their full power solo wouldn't work.
    This is a different premise. Depending on the strength and what powers they were allowed to cast upon themselves (ie clear mind is probably off the list as mez protection is a very coveted self power for squishies) then this idea could have merit.

    I'm not sure developing entirely new tech just so a defender can get 25% of the benefit of their team buffs (I doubt they'd go above that) is a worthwhile use of their time. Not when you can just add a message to the loading screens that says "not all power sets are designed to solo as well as they team"...oh wait they already did that.

    Hopefully your next line of reasoning will involve some of the crazy things debuffers are allowed to do and ask why buffers aren't permitted to do much the same. That's the next logical stage in this discussion anyway. Like ask why a dark defender is allowed to have the equivalent of softcapped def and allowed to debuff damage to the point they are at the res cap and other such fun stuff. It's a good question to ask if you choose to, but fair warning as the answer usually stops these "buff myself" threads in their tracks.