11059 -
That was BRILLIANT!!! I can't stop laughing.
Quote:They could have given us a lot more notice than that. They decided to shut down Paragon Studios yet still let the devs and us believe everything was fine and continue developing I24.I personally do not feel I was treated shabbily by NCSoft. They gave me a 90 day notice that CoH was shutting down...more than most MMOs get. They could have easily given a 30 day notice...just saying.
Quote:Loyal customers? Where were all these LOYAL customers a year ago..6 months ago?? Just like any funeral...people come out of the woodwork to praise the deceased when they couldn't be bothered 6 months ago or a year ago to give CoH a second thought. -
Quote:Just double checked what I remember clicking and clicking GW2 takes me to a page advertising GW2 and has the NCSoft logo big as day in the upper left corner and a buy GW2 button in the lower right. Clicking that takes me to the GW2 site where the digital downloads can be purchased. At the bottom of that page I see where the ArenaNet is located but I never scrolled down that far when I made my order.Sounds similar to buying games through Steam. Unless you actually *look* you wouldn't even know who half the games were by.
Side note: buying through the NCsoft store (at least now) takes you via the guildwars2 website, and yes, both the Ncsoft logo and arenanet logo are actually at the bottom of the page.
As far as I can tell, it was always this way. So I can see how you can easily make the association (because you wouldn't expect buying through the NCsoft store to take you to a different companies website) -
Quote:If I've never been to it then I never heard of it. If I never heard of it how could I possibly care?Yes, but they aren't loyal customers. If some business in town closes that you never been to, do you care?
On the other hand I have frequently flat out refused to have anything to do with places my friends have complained about, and gone to places that have been recommended by friends even if they didn't have anything I personally liked because while I may not need anything from there, I could by those friends a gift from there.
And being a big tabletop gamer I've even driven 60-100 miles to support game stores I heard about to see what they carried and find out if they'd ship things to me if I ordered from them. Especially after I caught a friend (who owned his own game store) opening his customers special orders (Games Workshop Warhammer miniatures) to get figurines he wanted and replacing the pack with one off his shelf. After that his special orders kind of dried up, as everyone that ordered from him pretty much knew each other.
Quote:NCSoft is just one logo on the box. ArenaNet is the logo people may be more aware of and don't realize that ArenaNet is 100% owned by NCSoft and think NCSoft is simply just a publisher. So they won't make that connection either. -
Quote:Also people tend not to boycott conglomerates because of something one of their parts did. Would you boycott Pizza Hut or Taco Bell because of something KFC did? Or Longhorn Steakhouse because of something happened at Olive Garden or Red Lobster. People don't think that way.
No more often than not they don't even know those companies are interconnected. Fortunately NCSoft isn't that big or diversified so it's less likely that type of confusion will happen.
Quote:Our argument is to stay away from a game publisher because of what they did to a game our target may not give a rat's behind about. If their friends like GW2, they will more likely listen to them than us. And with 2 million sales in the first month alone, that's likely a lot of positive voices versus our 20,000 diehard (based on the petition numbers) CoH supporters trying to warn them.
They don't have to give a rat's behind about CoH itself to see how abrubtly and poorly NCSoft implemented the closure, and how shabbily they treated it's loyal customers. -
Companies have done studies that tell them that the average dissatisfied customer tells 20 others, and for every dissatisfied customer that complains to the company there are between 25-50 that don't contact the company and just complain to others. Those numbers add up quickly to where every dissatisfied customer a company knows about can represent the loss of 500-1000 potential customers.
The most shocking part about these numbers is that they are, if anything, conservative. Research has uncovered ratios as high as 2,000 unhappy customers for every known complaint.
That's the point of telling the truth about how NCSoft treated it's CoH customers who've been loyal for as many as 8 years. Hundreds of thousands of potential customers are thinking twice about doing business with them. -
Quote:Also - I gave NCsoft NO money since COH has been axed. I received the game as a gift, pre-ordered long before COH was shuttered. I have bought gems with in-game gold. They have not received a dime from me, nor will they unless Anet buys itself free of NCsoft.
Haven't given NCSoft a dime either since CoH got cut. Like you all my gems have come from converting in-game gold. I love that feature. It lets me be a constant drain on NCSofts profits. Every gold to gem conversion is money they didn't get from me, and every purchase I make with those gems hurts them. Sure it's the equivalent of a paper cut, but those are the ones that are the most annoying. -
Ditto. This is so true for me. Every game I try I always find myself comparing it to CoH. Even ones I'm having fun playing like "The Secret World" there's still that "But it's not CoH." that puts a damper on things.
Quote:Could be. I have bitten my tongue before and tasted my own blood. Would that be considered cannibalism?
I thought I made it clear that I heard about the incident second hand and not a fact. That it all may have been coincidence and the ban was for something else. If it wasn't clear, I apologize.
My post wasn't intended to stir up trouble. Just wanted people to know their actions may or may not have consequences and mind their P's and Q's. Some people are very passionate about the game and already hurt by its closure. To lose their account in the final days would be twisting the blade.
And honestly any of us could be banned whatever reason strikes their fancy and they would be in their right to do it because of the EULA. Like cake more than pie? Welcome to Bannedville, population: you.
The remaining Paragon staff who have been moderating the forums have been extremely forgiving and understanding, one has to act like a colossal pancake to get moderated or banned. -
I heard from a friend, that knows a guy, who has a sister that dates a guy who knows a girl, that works with a friend who overheard a conversation between two guys, and one said that said his wife's mother spoke with a colleague who may or may not work in an industry that is remotely connected to someone that works for a subsidiary of NCSoft that read an internal corporate email that supposedly, but can't be confirmed, mentions that everyones accounts at CoH will be banned on Nov 30th.
Swear to god. -
Oh I admit I'm far from an average GW2 player. I don't act like a 6 year old on a sugar rush buying all the uber leet gear as fast as possible or trying to be the first with whatever new shiny is added to the Black Lion store. So it doesn't seem like it takes me long to make 10 gold.
Quote:Well, I am surprised that this is happened. We were allowed by the mods to talk about other games on these forums.
If you don't like the thread, report it and go on your merry way. There is nothing *forcing* you to reply to each thread. We are allowed to post about it.
How about this for an idea.
Go into the Secret World forum thread, and tell those guys to get out of these forums.
Just an FYI for those that weren't aware of it, and confirm Gangrel's post, as soon as the devs announced the closure they were asked if we could talk about other games freely and they said go for it, cuz it didn't matter anymore.
So anyone with sand in their panties about us talking bout other games can go ahead and petition us. We fart in their general directions.
Neener Neener Neener!
Edit: Corrected post for clarity of meaning -
Quote:Yeah some logic. They made it impossible for players to violate other peoples copyright/trademarks by restricting players to specific Marvel owned intellectual property and thus eliminating all potential lawsuits from DC Comics, NCSoft, Cryptic, etc, etc, etc.If you recall, Marvel sued Cryptic over City of Heroes and the ability to create custom characters that looked like Marvel Characters. Now, they are making a Marvel game and you can't help but play a Marvel character. Some logic they have there...
Cuz ya know nobody would want to see Marvel get in trouble for allowing players to do the same thing they sued us for. -
Quote:Changing post, cos Forbin already said my point:
Actually it is a bit less than that, but that is because the conversion ratio has dropped quite a bit *at the moment*.
To be fair, I have yet to buy any thing off the gem store (apart from the free devil horns), although i have done quite a bit of buying dyes from the ingame currency market.
Probably dropped cuz of the holiday. But I don't follow it regularly. -
Quote:Uhm the answer to your question is yes.I can understand CO and DCUO and MHO and even TSW. But...why the heck are you pushing a fantasy MMO in a room full of super hero MMO fans?
Does it have comic book super heroes?
Does it have demi-gods teaming up with robot ninjas teaming up with catgirls and spandex-wearin' science accidents and sorcerers and space pirates and super-geniuses in power armor?
Sounds lame, bro. Pass. The publisher has nothing to do with it in this case, honestly.
My Charr is a giant Pirate Catboy with a steampunky cybernetic eye and horns, wielding a "Charrzooka". He could easily fit in with CoH only he wouldn't look as cool cz we can't do decent catboyz.
Quote:You forgot to mention how no one is forced to spend any real money to get things from their "real money store". Players can easily trade some of their in game currency in for store credit called "Gems" and get anything they want without ever spending a dime. 10 gold will get several thousands in Gems.You forgot to mention about GW2 having Halloween weapon and armor skins you can only get by buying keys from the real money store. And that they only give a small chance at receiving the skins, to get people to buy even more.
GW2 Halloween event is not good, it's just new. -
I picked up the ghost kitty from the store. I can't explain why but the damn thing amuses the hell out of me.
Quote:To be honest we can find "those" people doing that on both sides. Doesn't make it right, just neither "side" is innocent. It's almost like watching two political parties campaigning for the same office.I understand. Vote with your wallet.
...then there is those who come into every thread, broadcast their boycott or shout from the heavens how everyone else should do the same, or discuss their self-righteousness and lay guilt trips to people who are enjoying themselves in other titles.
'This is what we do' - yeah, right. -
Quote:My response to that is that nothing in life is guaranteed. Its like saying I was dumped by a significant other from a particular race/part of town/religion so I will never trust that subset of humanity with any sort of emotional attachment again. Its short sighted.
If I get burned by a company, I am not spending another dime on their products, and if I can't get a refund on what I already spent, I'm damn sure gonna get my moneys worth cuz I'm not presenting them with a gift for screwing me over. I don't give a rat's rear end what race, religion, gender, sexual orientation they are. I don't care about where they live, who they vote for, or how they dress. I don't care about any pathetic excuse you can think of to justify dismissing my decision on how I should spend my money.
A company that provides it's customers with superior service in both product and support gets customer loyalty in return. A company that doesn't provide superior service and treats it's customers like excrement is going to lose customers and acquire an untrustworthy reputation which will make it harder for them to get new customers.
That's how businesses work when they don't have a monopoly. They can't afford to ignore their customers as if they didn't have anywhere else to go.
NCSoft isn't providing superior services to it's existing customers, by it's own financial reports it's been losing money on all of it's major products. Now it is paying the price for it's lousy business decisions.
Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.
And yes I bought a copy of GW2 before CoH was cancelled. -
Quote:The sad thing about that kids scenario is ...Ouch. Of course, the thread would have been deleted before it passed page one if we were under full moderation seeing as how posting about bans is against forum rules.
If he had just used a different attitude the responses would have been completely different. For example if he had said
"I screwed up and filed a charge back when they announced the game was shutting down and now they've cancelled my account. What can I do to get this fixed ..."
would have gotten a totally different response than his righteous indignation over getting punished for committing credit card fraud.
With the attitude he actually had the only thing surprising was how polite and civil we were to him in spite of E_L's pathetic attempts to engage in a flamewar. That girl really needs to stay on the meds the doctors gave her. -
Quote:I was referring to myself.
If you feel happy playing an NCsoft game .... carry on.
As someone that bought GW2 a month before the CoH shutdown announcement, it's not about feeling happy about playing another NCSoft game. It's about getting the value out of the money I spent cuz I can't get it back.
The way GW2's business model is set up allows me to play the game indefinitely which allows me to get my moneys worth, and I have the ability to convert my ingame currency into credit in their microtransaction store, which allows me to buy anything I want while thumbing my nose at NCSoft by not spending another frakking dime.
I and others like me get to be an anchor around their necks dragging down their profits for what they did to CoH. A constant reminder of what happens when they screw over their customers.
Alone I may not have much impact but united the GW2 community can send them a message in the only place NCSoft pays attention to. Their wallets. -
Quote:Wow, you're right. I had read it a short time ago when I logged in. Just checked again and it's missing.
P.S. Now we're discussing forum moderation. Oh noes!Quote:With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?
Well someone posted that they reported the kids thread because he was using an alternate account to get around his primary account being banned so it's likely that not only did his thread get deleted but the account he used to make it was also banned.
And now he doesn't even have an alt account to play on.