332 -
dood! I know what I'm doing this weekend when I'm not leveling! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Frustration over having to respec all my characters....nope
it's like christmas and my birthday all rolled into one! MUAHAHAHA!
(Honestly though, doesn't bother me at all. I just think of it as hey, I get to make you all over again!) -
Oddly enough I'm reading The Web of Arachnos right now
Quote:I have no depth perception to begin with, so those things either do one of two things, suddenly give me depth perception and the worst headache in the world, or nothing....so yeah, if I go see this, I'm finding a 2D theatreLooks pretty good. Only thing that worried me?
"In 3-D (and in 2D in selected theaters)"
Shouldn't that be the other way around? Sigh. I have duane's syndrome - ze goggles, dey do nothi-- little (though they are slightly better than the old red and blues which literally did indeed do nothing. Just like the old viewmaster toys.) -
For example, it took me approx 10 minutes just to go from clicking submit on my post to viewing that the post was up.
Whenever I tried to access the forums for the past couple of days, it would time out, but it was also quite intermittent as to when it would and when it wouldn't. Sometimes I'd be able to view a page, but more often than not it would just time out over and over again, sometimes showing as loading on my task bar for upwards of fifteen minutes at a time.
I asked a few other friends if they were having these problems, and they said they had also been experiencing issues with viewing the forums, and for a while even visiting the main city of heroes webpage was difficult. So I was just curious if there had been any problems going on with the forums or not.
There was another thread started that I was unable to see that also mentions this:
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=246376 -
Been having problems getting onto the forums, or doing anything else with the forums. Is there a reason for this?
All I can say is "Thank Bob all I have on my toons are S/Os"
Quote:Thanks! Never really messed with that before, will remember it for later.FYI - for youtube, adding "#t=0m0s" - replacing the 0s with the minutes (m) and seconds (s) respectively - lets you make a video load after the default start point. (for the above, i just added "#t=2m14s" to get the right spot.)
EDIT: haha, "Posi-Gaga" -
Thanks for all the help guys! I'm up to level twelve right now (I think...fell asleep while playing) and having fun. I'm also messing around with a robotics/force field on the test server that's really fun
I use it constantly with my support characters and blasters. It's really fun, and I used it to slot up Karma (woot, nockback res)
Quote:For those of you who couldn't make it to the meet and greet.....load this and go to approx 2 minutes 14 seconds and you can see the "promise" that everyone is freaking out about.
Actually, they didn't promise anything - they only said they were shooting for November 16th-ish - but if that didn't work out, it'd come out after Thanksgiving.
/Insomnia is GREAT for random searches! -
Not sure if this is supposed to go in this area or not (sorry if it isn't).
Sometimes when I'm zoning to different areas, my pets will just stand at the entrance, and if I dismiss them, they will remain there (even though it will now say I have no active pets).
Even with it saying no active pets, I can tell them to attack things, and they will respond with the little chat bubble, but it they will still just stand there. -
Quote:But...but...I heard the dev's all sneeze sparkles and fart cotton candy!This game doesn't run on rainbows and smiles and stuff magically happens. If you honestly lead yourself to believe the Devs don't work hard, then you seriously need to get over yourself.
I've had a glimpse into the industry, this job by no stretch of the imagination is easy and for most people who dream of being a game designer will find out unless they truly have a passion for the industry, it is not all it's cracked up to be.
On a more serious note, I agree with ya, the job is by no stretch of the imagination easy. I used to work as a writer/designer for another game, and my job was difficult...but it was nothing compared to the people who had to put my designs into code which would in turn become the game someone could play. -
will this potentially also be on champion server?
I shall amuse myself, and perhaps others by gnawing on my arm, and possibly leg while I wait! MUAHAHAHAHA!
I think this will be what convinces me to get the party pack (that's the only pack I don't have so far)
Heyo! Still in the under lvl 20 stage of trying out a mastermind (robotics/dark) and was wondering if there were any specific tips I should look out for?
I already figured out some basic keybinds for the bots (numpad keybinds)....but any suggestions/tips would be great!
(especially since I mostly play scrappers, and blasters.....)
Quote:The female/male option was something I mentioned at the meet and greet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that it would be cool to have options for the petsThis actually for Mastermind pet powers like Thugs, Ninjas, and Soldiers.
I would like an option to add my own costume on Thugs, Ninjas, and Soldiers. I would also like to make them either male or female, and give them their own skin complection. To me, all the Thugs, Ninjas, and Soldiers look to plain.
Quote:I do not see "100% customizable pets" in the future, but I do see a set of default looks. But five bucks says that there will be no options for female henchmen, because while pimping men can be okay, it's not right to do the same with women. (In the Devs defense, I know at least one case where this concern is justified... The gender double standard though, really isn't.) -
I've met quite a few of them. Always surprising when you bump into someone, get talking about gaming, and realize they're an online buddy
Course I'm hoping I know one of my online "buddies" on City....he's my other half and we play one room apart.
I also got to meet and talk with a lot of players at the meet and greet in Cali, as well as getting to know a lot of the devs. It was rather amusing to see the sign stating the occupancy limit for the room we started out in was 19 people standing...and I think we had over 50 in the room.
If there's anyone in southern Oregon, Joyrock and I are always up to meeting new people if ya need to get away from the computer for a while (blasphemy!)