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  1. You would not think it overkill if you spent the last 4.5 years of your life investing thousands of man hours building and maintaining your characters only to have it all stripped away in a few minutes.

    This has happened thousands, I would wager even tens of thousands of times in World of Warcraft, and their response was perfect. This little thingy you buy for 7$ guarantees that your account will not be hacked, cracked or otherwise compromised by anyone not holding that device in their hand. That is a tiny cost to pay for such protection and piece of mind.

    I left WoW shortly before this was released, but had i still been playing I would definitely own one even though I had never been compromised, I would rather not take the chance.

    I wish all MMO's used this feature. It only takes a couple seconds more to login and it is so worth it. Would put a huge strain on the gold farmers as well.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
    I suspect you're listening to the cretins who like calling me names. I'm a reasonable and open minded person. If you have an opinion about my builds, I'm all ears. I may not agree with everything you say, for various reasons, but I'm always happy to have a discussion, as long as it stays respectful.

    I find the bubbles of little use because they seem to provide rather minimal defense to the bots. That is, they don't seem to do a better job of surviving with or without the shields. Further, since I'm often doing many of the attacks myself, I do gather a sizable chunk of the aggro. I'm not sure if that would qualify as a "Tankermind" to you, but it works (so far).

    As for broadening my horizons, could you elaborate? As I say, there were options, but nothing struck me as being particularly useful to me, and I have seen Group Fly be useful from time to time.

    To be totally clear, I NEVER give anonymous rep, especially negative rep. In fact, I don't give rep at all, really. I just don't want you thinking I'm that petty.

    That rep comment was not aimed at you Ultimo_, sorry if it sounded that way it was just a general statement about the cowards who hide behind anonymity.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
    Heh, I'm happy to hear criticisms, but I think I'll explain some of my choices, of only for the sake of interest.

    I take personal attacks because I made the character as an homage to Dr. Doom. Besides, in the comics, any character you might consider a MM usually gets involved himself. Even Lord Recluse fits this description (though, it's always been a peeve of mine that comic MMs and Lord Recluse are all PERSONALLY dangerous, while ours are not...). To this end, I have the attacks so I can have some personal offense, pathetic as it is (in fact, I often go to Siren's Call to buy the EMP Glove so I have a decent personal attack). I'm rather looking forward to Mu Mastery.

    I have a team build with the bubbles, but solo, I found them to be of limited value.

    I took Group Fly for a couple of reasons. First, it does have uses. I've found it handy more than once, but it IS situational. The other reason was that I really didn't have any other options that struck me as more attractive.

    As I say, the character plays pretty well. I've had few problems with the build as it is. If you like, I can post the team build for your amusement (or bemusement).

    Solo you find bubbles of limited value? wha? so more than doubling your bots defenses as well as boosting some of their resists is "limited value?" I don't understand this, especially since your build is not a "tankermind" build, meaning you count on your bots to take the aggro and not yourself.

    The other reason was that I really didn't have any other options that struck me as more attractive.
    Maybe time to broaden your horizons.

    But, I digress, if the past is a clue to the future, it would be pointless to continue to try to enlighten you, so I will end it with "I tried"

    P.S. I love how people give negative rep and don't have the guts to leave their name, especially when the reason for giving it is ridiculous. -rep for having an opinion? I didn't realize we were a communist forum.
  4. Scorpion Shield does next to nothing to increase your defenses, since 99% of people focus on Melee, Range and AoE defenses and not on just Smashing and Lethal and most IO Sets confirm this.

    Force bubble is amazing for a tankermind. keeps most of the baddies at range and continues to build aggro on them, meanwhile your pets are shooting the snot out of them.

    Force Bubble (50) will NOT push mobs out of the range of Force Bolt(80), Repulsion Bomb(70), or any of the personal attacks(80).

    *note* taking ANY attacks on a MM is just a bad idea. The dmg modifier for MMs is the lowest of all ATs. The damage you do is pathetic, when you compare it to the endurance cost its even worse. There are a multitude of other powers you can take that will be of far more benefit than any attacks. The only exception to this is the very early levels where the poor dmg is actually enough to make a difference in fights, but once you get your second t1 pet its benefits fall off drastically.

    Ultimo_ your build confuses me. You power choices and slotting makes baby jesus cry.

    I started to list all of the things that made me cringe, but after seeing it I thought better of it as it tended to sound offensive when that was not my intention. Can i just give a couple tips?

    Take Deflection and Insulation shields, teams will love you and your bots will thank you. Unless you absolutely have to have them, and realize that having them WILL gimp your toon, please drop at least some, if not all, the rifle attacks and the patron attacks(see above note). You can place a few more slots in Force Bolt and put dmg procs in and you will have a nice atk power that is up often and will be useful. Lastly, Group Fly?

    The rest are slotting issues, but i will pass otherwise I am just back to my original long post about changes and such.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
    And I usually have a couple of mids open up. Clicking that thingy would open up a new one... me no likey

    So I almost always never click one of those, no matter how good the build maybe look like ...
    One click of the X in the corner and its closed after you look at it. Personally, I prefer it to open another instance of Mids since I usually have builds open that i am either working on or looking over and don't want to have to reload it after i am done looking at some posted build.

    But i digress, I am derailing this thread and i had no intention too!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Datalink doesn't work for me if I try to open it directly, it just opens endless blank pages in Firefox. If I save it on my harddrive, I have then to scout my download folder for it and copy it to my mids build folder. It also saves as "mids_buildX" rather than a descriptive name.

    Much easier to just copy/paste the data chunk and import it in Mids for me, takes all of ten seconds and doesn't involve anything annoying.
    That's wierd, do you have the latest version of Mids? I have none of those issues. When you click on the link, it opens Mids and loads the file. It shouldn't open any other windows. You can rename the save file, just use Save As instead of Save.

    Bummer you are having problems
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    Santorican, in the future, mind posting the data chunk? It's a bit easier (for me at least) to copy & paste the data chunk rather than the datalink
    Not sure how it would be easier to copy/paste, then import into Mids than clicking one link and waiting 2 seconds for it to load the build automatically? Odd...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
    Since the PGT fix, best slotting I've found is a 4 slotted 3x Recharge IO and 1 Lockdown Chance for Hold.

    I use 2 recharge IO and a Ghost Widow's Embrace: Chance of Damage (Psionic) and a Neuronic Shutdown: Chance of Damage (Psionic).
    This seems to work well for me, ymmv.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JagBlade View Post
    *Dives into the rookery tackling F M J. He begins beating him in the back with the stock of his rifle*

    NEW PERSON! Who are you?! Why are you here?! You're a spy aren't you?!

    *Growls and threatens to hold you captive in the pillow fort without trial*

    :O oh noes!! *hides behind NekoAli* Hey!....you have skittles in your pockets! *nom* *nom* *sneaks away whistling innocently*
  10. must...get...cheerful!!!

    five-fiddy!! (550 inf!)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    Hi FMJ, nice to meet you.
    Thank you, nice to meet you as well
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    welcome F_M_J. btw shes great on teams. Break time will return 9 pm pacific after dinner
    awww, thankies!

    P.s. I got my 5th 50 today on the Puppeh Team of Powa!!

    Despite Diabolique refusing to co-operate, and some difficulties on the last mission of the night it went really well

    Tomorrow, the run continues!!

    cya tomorrow!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    breaking for lunch will return 2 45 pm pacific/ 545 eastern( if server isnt redded out)

    pogo as long as 30+ ill take ya on team =)
    almost forgot

    Where did the puppy go! *3:10pm*

    /sends out the puppy finding squad!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MurphyKnox View Post
    Either double click the power or click once and select edit. either will work for ya. Glad to have helped out
    Hah, you are correct sir! I missed the "double click" at the end of Step 3. My fault!

  15. awesome, thanks.

    Worked perfectly, just one tiny issue. To get to step 4, there is a step 3.5 where you need to click on Edit in the lower right box, and then you can do Step 4 which is in the lower right of the frame.

    Thanks again!
  16. I have a 46 Cold/Ice Defender I would like to add to the Thursday team if possible.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    My sister in law asked for some recommendations on a system she is building that would "play CoH and web games".

    I threw together a quick list at Newegg and was wondering if anyone could give it the once over.
    I would HIGHLY suggest taking a look at FatherXmas' signature, he has links to two very well thought out systems, one for roughly $600 and one for roughly $1200.

    *Edit* here are the links.

    $600 = http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/Pu...Number=3829929

    $1200 = http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/Pu...Number=5117031
    *note* this system is currently priced just over $1000 due to prices droping.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    Thanks for the Trojan heads up, got them, hopefully they stay gotten rid of. I'll be sure to double check after next start up.
    Glad I could help
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NetMinder View Post
    Id guess that the SLI enable caused both cards to pull large current on CoX startup.. more than your power supply could handle. You might want to investigate your power supply to see if its enough to handle your cards.
    From what I understand from previous posts about this topic, CoX is not SLi friendly, so it is likely your PSU may not be the issue.
  20. It appears you are infected with at least one trojan, possibly more. Also, several unneeded processes, and several that need to be fixed.

    I would highly suggest you goto this site, enter in your file and do what it says to clean your system.


    The worst ones I see from a quick glance are...
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [pp] c:\windows\pp10.exe
    Nasty, can come down in a adobe flash activeX installation among other ways.
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Windows Logon Applicationedc] C:\Users\Jackal\winlogon.exe
    Must be fixed! Added by the PROXYSER-R TROJAN! Note - this is not the legitimate winlogon.exe process
  21. I have a question, why the 45+ requirement, and is that a hard number? Meaning, you will not accept those under 45 period. The only possible reason I can see for this is if you intend to run only Reichsman and LGTF's.

    Just curious, as I have many 43-39 toons i would love to join with.
  22. Quote:
    As a 32-bit application, it would crash when it hit 2GB of memory usage anyway. lol
    On a default system, yes, but not if you use the /3GB switch. The /3GB switch allocates 3 GB of virtual address space to an application that uses IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE in the process header. This switch allows applications to address 1 GB of additional virtual address space above 2 GB.

    I also have noticed a bit more memory usage, I have just chalked it up to all the wild and crazy colors people are using in their powers now and was never really concerned about it.

    I will keep an eye on it for a while and see if I get the same leaks.

    *update* yep, memory usage definitley increased, currently after about an hour playing, with a minor base edit thrown in im at 1.229gb usage.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    FMJ, I had the same thing happen to my MM and her zoms. I had a whole routine set up for them where they sang the YMCA song, complete with emotes. The binds got borked and messed up the whole thing. I fooled around with the binds and finally got them working again, but I had to do some revamping. Here's an example; in order to make the macro work I had to place the speech command before and after the emote...

    /macro YMCA petsay_name "Mithras" They have everything <em welcome>They have everything <em point>that young men can enjoy! <em dance>You can hang out with all the boys!

    The problem was the beginning of the macro...it would not show up till I did the above. Now my zoms perform their songe, much to the delight of their audiences.
    That is the same syntax I am using, I hadn't changed anything since I had made them a while ago, I believe the one I tried to copy were from post i13.

    Anyhow, last night when I was again going to try to mess with it, they worked for some reason. *shrug* it seems they work sometimes, but not always even though it is the same code used every time.

    Oh well, good thing I am not idle very much, always busy!

    Thanks for the help you two! much appreciated.
  24. Thanks ZombieMan but that doesn't really help me. Since that section states
    Petsay commands are broken for binds. They work in macros and typing them into the command line.
    I am using a macro, not a bind. I will try the /beginchat method it mentioned as an alternative and see if that does anything. Though I do not want it to be a bind, it would be better than nothing.

    Thank you for trying though.