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  1. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Well, everyone who doubted that I could run Ultra Mode even on low settings on my machine with its GeForce 9500 GS I hope is thoroughly enjoying the taste of their toes.

    Behold! Ultra Mode on MEDIUM settings! (Any higher and framerate drop starts to become noticeable.)
    I'm hoping my GTX 260 will run it at nearly high settings.
  2. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Hey Canine, can you take more beautiful screenies for me so I can get them posted elsewhere? And may I have permission to get them posted elsewhere? The same goes to anyone else posting screenshots.
  3. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post

    (reply to Evilanna)
    They posted a link to his screenshot gallery in the I17 news article at MMORPG.com.

  4. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    So where are ya gonna post em'? Huh?

    And no, draw distance has not been increased with Ultra Mode. Most of mine are using 200% World Detail, /vis_scale 4, or both.
    I got my friend to upload them to his MMORPG.com account: http://www.mmorpg.com/galleries/Xond...526_Ultra-Mode

    I hope that link works.

    And thanks for the /visscale thing, I've felt my graphics card has been slacking off when I play CoH for a while now.
  5. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Yes, you may.
    Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
    Do it, brah. It ain't my game. But if you use any of my toon, wouldja name him as me?

    ...Nah, I'm kidding. Do as you like.
    Awesome! Thank you both!

    Also, if I'm mistaken, have they increased the draw distance with Ultra Mode?
  6. Evilanna

    Ultra mode!

    Hey, is it OK if I borrow some of these screenshots to post at various websites around the internet?

    (Asking both bAss and Necrotron.)
  7. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
    I keep hearing these same concerns, but relax. Look how long it's taking to get GR (or even new issues) out. They just registered the name, so if they are doing a coh2, by the time it's released, computers themselves might have been replaced with some new technology, lol.

    It's coming out in June.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
    Well, of course she does!

    She is a ghost and can't touch him. I mean, you know Apex loves her forever, but... not being able to touch. Unless she's a ghost from Ghostbusters... then... you know.
    She can slime all over him? Romantic...

    I want to see more of Swan cause I think she's cool. And I want her costume to get updated so she has cool swan wings instead of those weird things on her arms.
  9. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
    Naming the studio after the in-game city is a nice tribute, but that doesn't mean a sequel would necessarily be set in Paragon City.

    I wouldn't mind if it was, though, actually. I'd imagine they'd streamline and spiff it up from what exists in CoH now.
    I was being facetious, hehe. I'd like to see Paragon City/The Rogue Isles as a hub, and then heroes sent off all over the world to battle villains.

    I know this concept sounds a little like Champions Online, but I would hope the CoH2 devs would make better choices with where they send heroes instead of Northern Canada (Canada is not a frozen wasteland by the way CO devs!) and the desert. A lush tropical island, or a pristine mountain lake surrounded by towering evergreen trees are my choices.
  10. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
    It's called City of Heroes, not Paragon City of Heroes.
    It's called Paragon Studios, not City of Heroes Studios.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    First in awesome Steelclaw thread.

    And I thought Alice was strung out on LSD.
    Nah, she was strung out on opium. LSD hadn't been invented yet.
  12. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Blue_Wave View Post
    Here's a real doom post. What if Paragon Studios licenses the Cryptic Engine to make CoH2?

    I doubt it would happen, but if it did ... ugh.
    That's not even funny.
  13. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    Also, VILLAINS AT RELEASE, please.
    It's been said before, but it bears repeating: CoH2 devs hate villains!!
  14. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    I started a thread not to long ago suggesting that they start working on CoH2.

    Mod8 stepped in and had this to say:

    "This discussion is getting pretty non productive so I'll go ahead and lock it.

    While I disagree with direction the OP suggested (City of Heroes still has plenty of life left in it), the suggestion itself is not without merit.

    Starting over would allow us to reconsider certain design choices that we are committed to at this point. There are things you just don't change about a product nearing it's sixth birthday. More important than anything else, it would give us a brand new canvas to work with, and there are many great ideas, both suggested by you folks and created here internally, that we are currently constrained from doing by design choices made many years ago.

    But given CoH has such potential still, I am glad to say we are not planning on stopping work on it any time soon. We've got lots in store for you folks still no worries. We all plan on being here a long long time.

    Thanks, "

    This is the link to the thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=213052&page=4
    Wow! That's a really candid response. I'm pretty much 100% convinced at this point.

    But, I also think they'll keep CoH running and updated at the same time as CoH2, just like with Everquest and Everquest II. Just because a "2" is coming out doesn't mean the "1" will die.
  15. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    OK, this is the press release:

    "City of Heroes is a flourishing franchise and continues to be the world's most popular super-powered hero MMO. While we cannot comment on City of Heroes 2 at this time, NCsoft is proud of City of Heroes' success and is looking forward to future product launches associated with the franchise, including the City of Heroes Going Rogue expansion scheduled for release this July."
    "While we cannot comment on City of Heroes 2 at this time?" This make me think more than ever that there is going to be a CoH2.
  16. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    If we PM TheOcho, do you think he'll tell us anything, or just copy-paste that NCSoft response?
    Go ahead and copy-paste it yourself and save him 45 seconds.
  17. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?

    I wonder where MMORPG.com got that nifty CoH2 logo from?

  18. Evilanna

    CoH2 registered?


    Come on guys, it make complete sense. Positron steps down as lead on CoH and goes to work on the endgame (what we now know to be Incarna system) and other unspecified projects leaving War Witch in charge, and the art lead for CoH, Ken Morse, does the exact same thing with David Nakayama taking over as CoH's art lead. They've been hiring and training lots and lots of new staff as well.

    If they aren't making City of Heroes 2, I'll eat my hat!

    Edit: I'll bet they won't announce the existence of CoH2 for at least half a year, probably in first quarter 2011.
  19. Hey Av, can you tell us what happened with the hand-made entries? Why didn't they follow the rules?

    I never made one, I'm just curious is all.
  20. I can't wait to try out the "ineptly fail to kill boss's arch-nemesis" mechanic in City of Henchmen! That's gonna be the best!

    Also side-note: That screenie is in Ultra Mode.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    They set the groundwork for this with the "all Origins are interconnected" stuff in the Origin of Power arc.

    Honestly I don't see the big deal. Statesman and Recluse are not such memorable characters that making their "gimmick" available to everyone risks losing anything important. And I'm kind of used to ignoring large chunks of fluff text ever since the whole AE thing.
    What? You didn't like the AE arc where I wrote "bananas" 500 times??
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
    I believe that that quote was a mistake by the journalist reporting what was said as, on the website where the blog (or whatever it is called) was appearing there was an introduction saying that City was 6 years old and had had 6 free expansions and was soon to be getting a seventh. This makes me believe that it was originally going to launch with 16 but, due to an earlier error or a misconception it was reported incorrectly.
    Issue 6 was around when CoV came out, right? It makes sense for them to have been working on a side-switching mechanic around the same time they created villains. Also, Issue 16 was last issue, and they've been working on Going Rogue for far longer than they were working on I16. Why would they split of a major part of Going Rogue for Issue 16?

    They guy also corrected his earlier mistake. It was supposed to be 10 Cryptic issues and 6, going on 7, Paragon Studios issues.

    That does mean that side-switching has been in the pipe since the release of City of Villains, and I certainly do recall talk of side switching when Villains first came out (not by the devs, but purely as player speculation.) I agree with Psyte that side-switching was probably not worked on continuously from I6 until now, but kept to the back burned as a project they wanted to revisit some day and then pulled out fully when they decided to make Going Rogue.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    The thing I found interesting, that I think people might have glanced past... when Positron asked "Can I tell them about no more war walls" and someone told him "no", I don't think he was just talking about Praetoria....

    I'm thinking that there might not be an actual reason to have war walls anymore. I mean, the Rikti always get in, and if they set each area to zone you into another zone... there really would be no need for them anymore.
    Oh I really, really, really hope this is trueeee!!!
  24. Q: When was Going Rogue born as a concept?

    Jesse: It was originally going to launch with "Issue 6"

    Wooooaaaahhhhh... I expect the side switching system to be amazing if they've been working on it for years and years.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Be sure to check out the info coming out of PAX East this weekend. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
    You tricksy devs... http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/g...Announced.html