City of Heroes Secret Admirer Contest Winners!




We’ve concluded another fantastic contest with top quality entries thanks to our talented players. But, as always, only a lucky few can be winners!

Unfortunately, the hand made category entries didn’t *quite* follow the contest rules/guidelines we set forth…so as a result, we’re only going to be awarding the winners of the digital category.

Please join us in congratulating the following City of Heroes players for the creative ways they found to express their love and admiration for our very own War Witch!

1st Place Winner

Richmond, Virginie

2nd Place Winner

zOorg luB
Czech Republic

Front - For Valentine’s day… I am sending you these have my words, I had never felt this way since the birth of my youngest Yak…

Center - My love,
From the depth of my yurt, I am sending you this bunch of flowers… know that I hesitated for a long time to offer you Yak butter or a bowl of Ayrag...I would like to grow old loving you, but I can’t die without telling you.
One word from you and I leave everything… My native Mongolia, my yurt and my yaks,
Yours truly,

[War Witch’s post-it on the card
1- reminder to turn away this friendly but lout hero
2- buy bread and a pint of milk after my mission]


Winner 3

Nicholas Totton
Norton New Brunswick

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Hey Av, can you tell us what happened with the hand-made entries? Why didn't they follow the rules?

I never made one, I'm just curious is all.