295 -
I'm running Windows 7 (build.7000) with an nVidia 8600GT with the unreleased 185.x drivers from nVidia. You can find them on Google. Windows 7 blows Vista (and even XP) out of the water in terms of speed.
If the benchmarks thus far are any indication of where Windows 7 is headed, it will definitely be the next XP. I think Microsoft glued the ball to their hand this time.
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Pretty much everything I've read about Vista suggests that it was a "half-finished" attempt at what Windows 7 is supposed to be. In other words Windows 7 was always the main goal but they realized it was going to take so long to complete that they released Vista as a sort of "placeholder" OS until the "real" OS was finally done. We can only hope that it will work out like that.
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Hmmm... Reminds me of some other OS in the past... *coughMEcough* -
I agree with Shadow_Ravenwolf.
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Wow! I love the new website. It's so cool.
A question though: the www.cityofvillains.com/ site currently redirects to the main CoH site, will there eventually be a CoV site again? -
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I wanna be a Roman soldier! No, I wanna be a Night Widow! No wait... I wanna be a Fortunata!!! OMG!! I'm OVERWHELMED!
... to places you've been wanting to go, but thought not possible.
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Moon Zone please.
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Underwater Zone please.
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Castle says there'll be an underwater moon zone! -
There are a lot of exciting plans in motion that we expect will knock your socks off and take the City of Heroes/Villains franchise to the next level.
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But what IS the next level?
(and for the first person that says he means a level cap increase, I will personally spork you in the face)
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Level cap increase.
Are you gonna "spork" me now? sounds naughty!! -
Wow, so they alter the game to work as they intended, and everyone complains?
People, we're starting to sound like the WoW forums here. :/ -
The price seems a little steep to me. I think something closer to $4.99 to $5.99 would have been better.
I'll have to think about whether I want to buy this or not. -
They can't put hair under a witch hat, unless it's Katie Hannon. What makes you think they can do this?
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Hair under the Santa hat would also be ideal.
I used the Santa hat for a little while with my holiday costume, but it really bothered me that my character was bald underneath. So now she wears festive ear muffs instead. -
I just don't think it's fair to have badges that rely on certain powers to get.
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So do you lie awake nights fretting the various healing badges?
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Not at all, I can easily take a healing power, even if I'm a scrapper. Not only that, but that healing power will benefit me and my team by preventing us from dying and it will get put to good use.
The good news is, I finally got the badge. I managed to get someone to bring me along for the Kings Row Safeguard mission (thank you very, very, very much Stone Palace,) where I got the Zero-G Pack (and the exploration badge in the mission, yay, bonus!) After about 5 practise runs, I got the Speed Demon badge with 23 seconds.
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No, it's IMPOSSIBLE, remember?
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Yes, it IS impossible for some who only has Fly and doesn't have some bogus temporary power.
I don't think I ever want to see those ski slopes again now. It really wasn't fun for me to get that badge...
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And yet you did it anyway, KNOWING it wasn't fun, complaining you weren't having fun the whole way, and now you're complaining that you didn't have fun before.
See, it's a GAME. It's supposed to be fun. There are a lot of people who enjoyed this part of the game; this part of the game was therefore meant for them. What you're supposed to do with the parts that aren't fun for you is "stay away from them".
I am honestly baffled why you can't get this; it was fun for some people. You want it changed, which is bound to make it less fun for SOMEBODY who was already enjoying it.
And I'd be careful what you wish for, those of you who are claiming this part of the game ruined your lives; the easiest way for NCSoft to fix that would be to just not ever offer it again. Boom, problem solved; and you got nothing, and other people got their fun ruined.
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No one ever said this part of the game ruined their lives, and no one ever suggested that it be removed from the game. There were some constructive suggestions for improving it to make it even more fun and to ensure that everyone has a good time.
There has also been a lot of people saying that the ski runs were too difficult. Just because you had no problem with it doesn't mean everyone else should be ignored. -
I'm so frustrated right now, I'm seriously getting to the point where I'll cancel my account. I HATE games that frustrate me and present an impossible goal! I usually end up putting those games down and never playing them again.
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It sounds like it's making you very unhappy. So why are you still trying to do it? This is a game; it's supposed to be fun. Go do the fun parts.
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It is making me incredibly unhappy, but I've set a goal for myself to get as many badges as possible in this game. Earning new badges does make me happy, and I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.
I know there are some badges I'll never get, but that was just because I wasn't playing during those CoH anniversaries, I can't go back in time to get those badges. I also can't get the V.I.P. badge because I never bought the DVD edition.
But, this badge is here and it should be feasible for me to get! This is just ruining a part of the game that has, in the past, been great fun for me.
Lighthouse saying I don't deserve the badge because I'm "interested in working at it" is what REALLY makes me unhappy! I have been working to get this badge and I can't. I've spent a lot of my time and effort trying to get this badge and it's just not happening, and the official attitude is that I shouldn't get it? That's unacceptable.
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Hi Evilanna,
My apologies that you took my communication to mean "you don't deserve it" Please take it as "not every badge is going to be available or obtainable by everyone." There are some good suggestions by other players in this thread. Hopefully those will be helpful for you.
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Hello Lighthouse,
I fully understand that not all badges will be able to be earned by everyone. I just don't think it's fair to have badges that rely on certain powers to get. I think that my level 39 should be able to get the badge with her Fly ability just as much as a level 14 with a temp power.
Your post really did look like you were saying that some people don't deserve the badge despite how many hours they put into trying to get it. But, if I was to try for 5 minutes to earn the Speed Demon badge, then I gave up and complained here, I would fully agree that I then don't deserve that badge at all. However, I put hours into trying to get that badge. I never gave up, and I tried everything I could to try to get it. In that case, wouldn't I deserve that badge just because of the effort I put into it?
I'm generally a patient and obsessive badge hunter. I've spent hours in Kings Row for the chance that I might get the Knight Errant badge (haven't got it yet, but I know I will one day,) so I'm willing to put in the effort...
The good news is, I finally got the badge. I managed to get someone to bring me along for the Kings Row Safeguard mission (thank you very, very, very much Stone Palace,) where I got the Zero-G Pack (and the exploration badge in the mission, yay, bonus!) After about 5 practise runs, I got the Speed Demon badge with 23 seconds.
I don't think I ever want to see those ski slopes again now. It really wasn't fun for me to get that badge... -
people have been able to get this badge with spring, swift, and the zero g pack. it took some practice but people can do it. Getting so mad about it you may cancel your account solves nothing. Badges are supposed to be a challenge and from what people have said no one travel power is that neccesary.
if you need a boost just ask a kin. there are usually a couple hanging out in pocket d. If you are on justice server at all send me a tell at @bureaucrat and I can log my kin on to give you a hand as long as you need it and if I'm not stuck running some horrible timed mission.
Ive gotten silver and bronze on my main with fly on the first couple of attempts with no problems. my kin however sucks at the skiing, so he doesn't even try, just sits at the top giving SB and IR.
keep trying and if it stops being fun then don't do it.
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I rarely see anyone that can buff people by the ski slopes on my server. If I do see them I can only rely on one buff before they leave. It's very hard to get the hang of the speed and the buff when it's so inconsistent.
But why do I have to rely on the grace of other people to achieve this badge? Why can't I get it using the powers I chose? I was also able to get the bronze and silver badges, it's the gold that I can't get no matter what I try. -
I'm so frustrated right now, I'm seriously getting to the point where I'll cancel my account. I HATE games that frustrate me and present an impossible goal! I usually end up putting those games down and never playing them again.
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It sounds like it's making you very unhappy. So why are you still trying to do it? This is a game; it's supposed to be fun. Go do the fun parts.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is making me incredibly unhappy, but I've set a goal for myself to get as many badges as possible in this game. Earning new badges does make me happy, and I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.
I know there are some badges I'll never get, but that was just because I wasn't playing during those CoH anniversaries, I can't go back in time to get those badges. I also can't get the V.I.P. badge because I never bought the DVD edition.
But, this badge is here and it should be feasible for me to get! This is just ruining a part of the game that has, in the past, been great fun for me.
Lighthouse saying I don't deserve the badge because I'm "interested in working at it" is what REALLY makes me unhappy! I have been working to get this badge and I can't. I've spent a lot of my time and effort trying to get this badge and it's just not happening, and the official attitude is that I shouldn't get it? That's unacceptable. -
It may well be something that not everyone is going to get by just going there and doing it. Gold is designed to be a challenge. If you aren't interested in working at it, then you won't get it. Not all badges are for everyone, sorry.
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This is utter and complete nonsense!
On my level 39 main with Fly, IOs out the wazoo, I've been trying for 2 days to get the gold badge! No matter what I do, I can't break 30 seconds. People buffing me is too inconsistent for me to practise at that speed, and I've hit some sort of speed cap where I can't go any faster. This is my main character and my badge hunter, I've done all I can to get this badge and there is no way I'll break 30 seconds! I've practised on the run for HOURS! "If you aren't interested in working at it, then you won't get it." does NOT apply! I've done everything I can to get this stupid badge on this character and I can't get it!
Guess what? On my level 14 villain who got a Zero-G Pack on a Mayhem mission I got the Speed Demon badge within 10 minutes! There is NO way that a level 14 character using any powers should get a badge in 10 minutes that a level 39 character can't get in any way!
I'm obviously not inept or stupid, I was able to easily get the badge with my villain, but I can't get this stupid badge with my main badge hunter! I'm so frustrated right now, I'm seriously getting to the point where I'll cancel my account. I HATE games that frustrate me and present an impossible goal! I usually end up putting those games down and never playing them again. -
I'm a little worried anout the Manticore toy and the bead necklace. Babies can get hurt with things like that.
But, I guess he had good supervision, so I'm sure it's OK. He is really a cutie though. Makes me want a baby of my own!
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The Necklace is an Amber Teething Necklace. Specially made for infants. each individual bead is knotted on. And obviously I was *there* supervising him while he was playing with the Heroclix
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That's what I thought.I never knew about the teething necklace! I guess you learn something new every day.
I'm a little worried anout the Manticore toy and the bead necklace. Babies can get hurt with things like that.
But, I guess he had good supervision, so I'm sure it's OK. He is really a cutie though. Makes me want a baby of my own! -
My guess is a change to the Spines animations, to try and encourage more people to use the set.
Edit: Our samurai friend again. Note the widow next to him.
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Well, they could just make the pines more pointy and sharp and less like giant bananas. -
I voted for costumes, I love 'em soooo much!
My second favourite is bases. I think that even though they have some problems, they have so much potential and they can be really neat. -
I dig this idea...but I have to admit that I'm barely interested in bases. Once I knew the bases weren't going to be actual locations, I kind of lost interest. When I originally heard they were coming, I thought it was going to be like this:
"The Liberty Patrol, huh? Where's your base?"
"Talos Island. Due west of the Tech Shop. Can't miss it."
Instead, it was:
"The Liberty Patrol, huh? Where's your base?"
"You know that little glowing column of light in every major zone? That's us."
Yes, yes...I know that it fits the whole teleportation grid theme of the city and that to do it any other way would be kind of tough in a city environment without large open areas to "develop"...I just thought bases would be real places, ya know?
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There are huge multi-floor buildings all over the city, they could make one or two of those buildings sg base buildings per zone. Likewise they could also have subterranean bases in basements and the like. Or, they could devote nearly all the buildings in Atlas Park to bases.
I also think bases would be much more interesting if they were in an actual physical location. -
That was a good article. I especially enjoyed War Witch's commentary.
The Italian restaurant in the new Faultline is very funny! "Eat here, or else..."