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  1. EmperorSteele

    3rd Attempt

    I have a mind/kin guide here that, while only 50% of it would be useful to you, is the most complete and up-to-date guide on the Mind primary you'll find. It also covers a lot of Controller-based concepts as well, so it's worth a read just for that.

    As others have intoned, going Mind is either a logical choice for you or the worst one you can make if you're trying to get a feel for how a controller plays different than a blaster. However, I think it's more of a middle ground. Mind plays LIKE a blaster with its attack chain, but it doesn't dish out huge damage like Fire or Plant. Conversely, you have Stone and Ice which have less attacks but throw in a good deal of chaos and might be a bit tricky to wrap your head around at first.

    All that matters though is that you have fun! As long as you PLAY your character and don't just PL, you'll adapt to the playstyle adjustment just fine!
  2. I was just about to post what Teeth just said, especially in regards to sonic. Sonic powers debuff a foes resistance. So even if you're at the damage cap, you're doing even MORE damage. Of course, given that you're already rolling through everything in your path, i don't think there'd be a noticeable difference except perhaps in regards to AVs and GMs
  3. All Posi is is like 18 radio missions (except a lot are defeat-alls), a nasty ghost ambush (watch your ToHit plummet) and a tacked-on Vahz EB. There's nothing hard about it, it's just long. You should be fine on any character you're comfortable with at level 15 (using up to level 20 powers)
  4. You know, Superman's known just as well for his strength as his toughness. If you don't mind trading off a bit of one for the other, it's fairly easy to softcap a Scrapper's S/L defense. You can take MA (switch to punching animations) with Invuln... playing in mids, i got "him" to 53% s/l defense (8% more than you need for the soft-cap) and 67.3 s/l resist (with other resists hanging around the 20s, which isn't THAT much worse than an invuln tank). It should be noted though that i skipped build up, taunt, and health/stamina and had to IO out for recovery. There's probably plenty of other ways to go about making the build.

    Just offering an alternative =)
  5. ... half my aborted arcs flow along this vein. Time to cast Mutation on one and clean it up!
  6. Why not call it Virtue TFs 2: Electric boogaloo?

    No? Pft. Fine.

    I should join before i forget!
  7. EmperorSteele

    Feral Kat artz!

    It could be a whole lot worse, scooter.

    ...I wonder just HOW prehensial those tails are... hmmm. It'd come in handy, especially if the kats ever have problems removing their claws....
  8. Hhhrrrmm, I'm beggining to think that the floater's pose is as good as it's going to get, bending both legs just looks too unnatural and messed up =/

    The problem with "seal girl" is that if she were on the RIGHT side of the page, the pose would look fine... maybe if I just twist her around or something, hmm...
  9. Happy birthday; have cake!
  10. Ah, yeah, i kinda got carried away there, my bad!
  11. I got a few...

    Patty-Sue Ivanova:

    Bio pretty much says it all: Countess Crey clone =)

    And then i've got JenericElectricChick:

    Former Outcast, currently on probation and doing "community service" by using her abilities to stop crime instead of cause it. All that matters to her is that she gets to release her violent urges on SOMEONE. Above is her booking picture.

    I also have a troll who joined Longbow, but hes stuck at level 6 because i never ever ever play him =(
  12. Airhead: I like that first idea a lot, consider it done! Thanks! The second one though... it's a trick of perspective. I know you want to see a second arm.. heck, so do I. I want to DRAW one... but at this exact angle, it'll be hard to pull off. I'd show the references i used, but some of it isn't exactly work safe >_>

    Tonality: You may not be an artist, but sometimes it's best to have an "outside" opinion. After all, if even an "untrained" eye can detect a problem, then that's all the evidence one needs to know that a problem exists! So your input is especially welcome! Anyway, when i was sketching this picture out, she WAS turned (was trying to get a nice butt-shot in), but then her face started getting hidden. She actually is at a bit of an angle right now, but it's trying to find a happy medium that's got me vexed. Guess I'll have to keep trying... thanks =)

    And oh yeah, welcome to the fanart and screenshots forum =)
  13. Okay! Here we go again:

    The psi effect and the floating girl's legs are really just placeholders. I'm not quite sure what i want those legs doing. Also, her one arm is just kind of... there. I'm not happy with it. Any ideas? Does she at least look a bit more feminine now? (i see that compressing the picture kind of negates all the detail, bleh...)

    And I know the girl on the bottom seems to be missing an arm, but in every photo I could find of someone doing something like that (especially from an angle and not straight-on), the other arm was almost always hidden from view. Mweh.

    Thoughts and ideas?
  14. Actually I think you did pretty good with the coloring! Though you should add more shading (or maybe a highlight) to the "aeon sudz" box, have GW cast a shadow over the washer, and see if you can eek out just a little more contrast. Also, put the left side of the washer in shadow: one gradient blend across all the sides makes it look flat. GW herself looks fantastic, though!

    Also, the words at the top are touching the edge of the image. I've always known that to be a big no-no. GW's feet a few pixels out of frame is great, but not with words. Try to make them match where the last sentence starts.

    I realize it's in poor form to offer critiques to submitted pieces, but if you're not happy with a piece and you've got the extra time to work on it, then heck, why not?
  15. Thanks Vexx!

    Also, I just realized (while watching soem work out videos to see if any of them have a pose i could refence)... the perspective is totally messed up! The "camera" is ABOVE the girl lying down but yet we can see her lower back? Yikes, I'll have to scrap her completely and start fresh!
  16. EmperorSteele

    Feral Kat artz!

    Yeah, i have warnings for DA turned off. I forgot they even existed, heh!
  17. Actually, she's being telekinetically held in place, but you're right, she should probably be trying to get herself rightside up. I've already started conceptualizing how to get the gag across using anothe angle, so i'll keep that in mind!

    As for "seal girl" (XD), you're absolutely right, but i needed to make sure i knew where everything was. I'll probably make the butt crack a lot more subtle in the final piece. Thanks for the advice!
  18. Naw, they're torn jeans and combat boots. I'll just have to give her a different pose =)

    As for miss bottoms-up, i think i'll have to redo her, also. Too many problems... but good call on the perspective, i think that's the thing that was bugging me most that I couldn't figure out! Though her head should be fine from that angle... maybe it should be lifted instead of just turning? hmmm... thanks!
  19. EmperorSteele



    You're kind of all over the place here. It's hard to tell what you're going for, bonus-wise. You have decent s/l defense, and great recovery... but you've kinda gimped yourself in the process, too. No AoE hold? TWO travel powers? SIX slots in health?! (though i see why you did that, still, feels like a waste...) No end recovery in SB (ps, the proc you put in there only goes off if you activate the power, so you'll have to sb-bot your Singy to keep the bonus up)? These are unorthidox choices, to say the least.

    The membrane is a waste in Fulcrum shift, because it's only enhancing one aspect (recharge).

    I played around with your build a bit... if you swap out Wormhole, hover, and fly, you can squeeze in the Fighting pool and get a bunch more defense that way. I'd suggest starting from the top, because i tried to re-arrange your slots and i ended up dismantling half the build trying to get teh slots where i wanted them..

    In any case, it would be easiest to try to slot for smashing/lethal defense; most attacks have an s/l component and if you can get to 45% (i got you to about 38 before Mids crashed >_>), you'll be golden.
  20. EmperorSteele

    Reverse Missions

    Yeah, some of the RWZ missions are defensive in nature. IIRC one of them (save WSPDR) is currently bugged: all the generators go explody the moment you enter the mission.

    But other than that? Moar!
  21. EmperorSteele

    Break Out Event

    I like this! The "choose PCs to fight" might be a bit complex, but hey, i'm all for dreaming!
  22. The only reason that other game gives you a travel power at level 5 (or does anything better) is because they learned from all the mistakes from making THIS game. That said, the leveling environment of this game would make getting a travel power sooner counter-productive. It is assumed you'll hit a few mobs on the way to your mission; also, the travel speed modifiers would have to be completely re-written, or else you'd be flying slower than you could run. Also, you'd have one less attack power, which would slow down your leveling ability. Getting to your mission a minute faster isn't worth taking an extra ten minutes inside the mission because you're only spamming one attack.

    For a Vet, this wouldn't be so bad: we get extra temporary powers to fill up our attack chain, but for a new player, you're gonna get your butt kicked. Enemies at level 1 may have only taken 2 hits to defeat, but their hp scales up starting at level 4; the game assumes you'll have more attacks or more armor or more buffs or more debuffs and that you're slotting these things.

    I know level 14 seems like a long way off, and it is, at first. However, once you've made your 3rd or 4th alt and just don't FEEL like doing regular content solo anymore, you can get on a large Sewer team and be level 10 in like an hour. Level 14 won't be far behind.
  23. EmperorSteele

    Feral Kat artz!

    Psst, Katfood... you might wanna do the "2 click rule" on that last piece (ie, link to your gallery and tell people which one to go to). Just a suggestion!
  24. ...Huh, hadn't thought of that, and you're right, it IS hard to tell (heck, i even accidentally made her smile when drawing her...) The gag is that she's supposed to be keeping her shirt from falling off, so I guess i'll need to find another way to pull that off... Thanks!

    AND holy**** i just checked that link and that is one FREAKY optical illusion! I can't make myself see it right! Agh, stupid brain! *bonks head*
  25. Oh, snap! XD it's a female, but a rather tomboyish and cheesed off female! I should probably lighten the abs (maybe only render them in the coloring stage?) and try to feminize her face a bit more. Thanks for the input!

    And not that it matters because there's no way to tell, but she's being telekinetically hoisted around against her will (hence her expression), just for the record =)