Virtue TFs Channel full, beginning conversion to Virtue TFs 2010




Due to the number of inactive members in the Virtue TFs channel, I created the new channel "Virtue TFs 2010" and the moderators have started the conversion process.

The process includes:

Jan 29th - Feb 2th
5 days of raising awareness and encouraging people to join the new channel. Please broadcast in both channels to make sure everyone can hear about your task and strike forces.

Feb 3rd - March 5th
30 days of "countdown" before setting the channel to private mode on March 5th. Please broadcast in the new channel, but feel free to remain in the old channel to hear broadcasts by those who have not yet had time to jump into the new channel.

After March 5th
Virtue TFs 2010 is the place to go for TF/SF teaming. The old channel will not be joinable and other channel settings may be adjusted to direct everyone to the new channel.

Channel MOTDs will be updated frequently to keep you informed of the schedule and how it may affect you.

Thanks and see you in game!



Thanks for heading this up Pirate, I'll do what I can to help out in the conversion. I've also started broadcasting about Virtue TFs in Steel and Atlas to let more people know about this resource. Virtue TFs is definitely one of the best tools Virtue-ites...Virtueans, people on Virtue have for joining / forming TFs.



Based on a bit more research into what "private mode" does to a channel, it's less severe of a move than I thought. I've set the channel to private mode earlier than in the original plan, which should have the following beneficial effects:

1. It will not appear in the channel search. This should prevent confusion over which channel a new user should try to join, especially while Virtue TFs still has more online members at this early stage of conversion.

2. Users cannot join/rejoin the old channel without a moderator's invite. As some people leave the Virtue TFs channel (having already joined Virtue TFs 2010 and to free up space in their global channel list), a few open spaces will reappear in the old channel, giving the impression that it is not full. It's better to leave these unfilled (with moderator discretion for exceptions) to encourage a quick conversion back to a single TF channel, than to keep refilling the channel repeatedly for years until it is entirely composed of inactive members.

Here are some additional interesting facts about channels:
- A channel can have a maximum of 2500 accounts subscribed
- In Virtue TFs, between 1500 and 1800 subscribers are inactive
- The moderators cannot clear these inactives unless their names are known (and they are not).
- Virtue TFs 2010 should not fill up for several years, at the current rate of joining and inactives.

Thanks, Virtue TFs subcribers, for your patience.



Why not call it Virtue TFs 2: Electric boogaloo?

No? Pft. Fine.

I should join before i forget!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



We've made good progress on the channel conversion; roughly 95% of all accounts active on a daily basis in the old channel are also in the new channel. The new channel also has many new members (who wouldn't have fit into the old one), so it has about 50% more people online at any given time, with 20-50 events recruiting every day.

At this time, we're entering the final phase of conversion - removing accounts from the old Virtue TFs channel, so our new channel can be the one-stop-shop for recruiting for TFs, SFs, and trials. Of course, we welcome Hami & Mothership raid info and other merit-related team recruiting.

This final phase involves two parts:
1) asking people to leave the channel (requested in the MOTD) from today until Friday February 12th, and then...
2) Periodic "waves" of kicking accounts from the old channel once I double check that they are in the new channel. This will repeat at least once daily through March 5th, and will be announced in channel five minutes prior to the kick wave.

To leave the channel - and save me some work - you can do either of the following:
Type into the chat bar: /leavechan "Virtue TFs"
Right-click in chat window to open a menu -> "Leave Channel" -> "Virtue TFs"

Thank you, moderators and channel members, for making the conversion very successful so far!



The conversion has basically been finished. I will periodically monitor the old channel as people who have been away log in and may need help to move.

Virtue TFs 2010 now has about 250 accounts online/unhidden at peak times, quite active as channels go.

Please contact me in game if you have questions; I doubt I'll return to this thread to update/review further posts.