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  1. So yeah this wound up not happening at ALL. Close-to-zero interest in-game at pretty much any time. le sigh =(
  2. EmperorSteele

    Help please!

    I was going for a spaceship them for a while... never got too far with it, but I'll post some old pics to give you some ideas...

    This is an overshot of the entire "ship". You can see how incomplete it was!

    The bridge is in front, and is reminiscent of a starfleet-style bridge. It's a Control room, allowing me to put a Mega monitor and a large control computer in there. I use small Control computers to make a U-shaped navigational station so it worked out nicely. The room was "too big" so i made it appear smaller by filling it with large tech objects.

    Behind that is mostly unused hallways. The biggest problem with the base editor is that we can't put items in "doorways", which means if you want connecting halls and separate floors and such, they all have to be inside one room... so I didn't really bother decorating these areas. I believe at one point i had added large rooms and started deccing them out, but it was too much of a chore, plus the design of the base started to wear on me.

    Then there's the entrance room, Teleport bay, and Engineering. On either side was a med bay (that was never finished) and a raid porter (just because) and then the crafting/storage area.

    Engineering looked pretty cool, IMO...


    Could certainly have been better, though.

    If you want some inspiration that looks GOOD, look around the Base forum for the "Moon base". The builder did a really nice job with interiors, and had windows that looked out into space!

    Good luck with your own base!

    We don't link to WIkia. Too many problems with maleware and viruses. You'll notice the wikia site isn't exactly kept up-to-date.



    Specifically, i think this may be the item your friend was talking about:


    or possibly this:

  4. You'll actually want to ask this over at the Tech support forum:


    They're smart people over there. It'll be mostly players assisting you, but they know their stuff!

    In order for them to best assist you, you'll want to follow the steps in this thread:


    Basically, you'll have to DL a utility that will dump your computer stats onto the forums for everyone to look over. 90% of the time, the problem can be solved by reading over the information provided.

    Now then...

    Do other games work?

    When was the last time CoH worked without a problem?

    In the time between then and now, is it possible that changes may have been made to your system via a virus or family member?

    Just things other people there might ask you, so be ready to answer them!
  5. Wow, thanks for the tips, Amy! Those will certainly be useful!
  6. You can just walk up and talk to her.

    If for some reason you're wanting to preserve continuity, you'd need to do Tina McIntyre (40-45), Unai Keenan (or whatever the heck his name is), then he should intro you to Jenkins.

    if she won't talk to you, just use Orouboros =)
  7. Pebble: The only problem with those Quarterlies is that it reflects NCSoft's standings, not Paragon Studios. In fact, it appears as if CoH/V only makes up about... 2% of their revenue stream o_O This kind of concerns me. I mean, unless NCSoft is getting a relatively large return on their investment, 2% hardly seems like a worthwhile number. Hopefully that just means the other games are going GREAT, not that CoH is doing poorly.

    Their big sellers are Aion, and L1 and L2. And I'm also concerned that right now, NCSoft isn't turning a profit at all, unless I read those graphs wrong. (Something about a bunch of one-off fees and severance payments gutting their raw profit)

    Doesn't tell me much about CoH itself =/
  8. So today, I've decided I want to get some of these badges for my badger on Virtue. I realize I missed out on the post-release "get the badges NAO!" frenzy, but I'm hoping I can scrap together enough able-minded players to get the job done!

    I plan on doing several runs of each, starting in the afternoon (Eastern). If anyone would like in, or at least has any tips, let me know!

    (I made a more detailed thread of what the badge requirements are over in the Virtue forum here, so feel free to respond to either thread!)

    My global is @EmperorSteele if you want to get a hold of me in-game =)
  9. I plan on doing a couple runs of each throughout the day, so I think I can squeeze ya in, U_U!

    ...hahaha, U_U, it looks like a face =)

    Mel: I'll make sure to send you a tell, then, before MoM begins =)
  10. As per the title of the thread, my main badger (badger badger badger badger mushroom, MUSHROOM!.... *ahem*, sorry) is still lacking the full requirements for these Master badges.

    So, I'm hoping to recruit some help here =)

    Would anyone be interested in trying a few Keyes and Mother of Mayhem runs on Sunday? This thread is mostly for gauging interest, but I'll be checking it first thing in the morning, and maybe we can schedule something for the early afternoon =)

    Anyway, for clarity, here's the badges we'll be going for:


    Anti-Antimatter: Bring AM down to below 10% of his health while raiding Reactor Hope, then finish the trial. (So basically that auto-hit pulse will be doing like 90-95% damage with each hit).

    -Not hard in and of itself, but will make getting through that phase pretty hard.

    Bunker Buster: During the attack on Reactor Infinity, destroy all doors to a bunker within 3 seconds. Repeat for the other bunkers.

    -Will take some coordination, but otherwise seems simple enough. The tough part will be allocating enough people to do this while also proceeding with the mission before time runs out.

    Loves A Challenge: Do not destroy any terminals during the final boss fight, and don't let anyone die!

    -HARD! Not only is not dying during this phase difficult, but you essentially have to do so much damage to AM that he can't regen it all back for the several seconds he's using the terminals. Also, he uses Time Stop the first time he reaches one of several health points (80, 50, and 15% or something weird like that? I've heard it's not the standard 75/50/25). We'd basically have to fight him until he's used up his time stops, then go in for the kill. AND in order to avoid deaths during this phase, we'd also have to...

    Avoids the Green Stuff: Don't let anyone get caught in the Oblit beam.

    -Medium. As long as there isn't a Time Stop effect in place, people should have plenty of time to move. Oblit beams occur on a timer, so once there's 5-3 seconds left, stop attacking and run! If AM is near one of his health points where he uses Time Stop, then cease fire and get ready to run.


    Mother of Mayhem

    Dreamwalker: Defeat all of Malaise's Nightmares at least once.

    -Medium. This involves having to farm the first portion of the trial several times. I think there's 10-15 of them, and only 3 appear per trial. We can do a few farm runs, (it's the first part of the trial) but I don't want people getting tired and leaving before we've gotten any badges =)

    Eye of the Storm: Defeat Mother Yin while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then finish the trail.

    -...? I don't remember this part, so what is this I don't even...?

    Daylight Saver: Defeat Mother Mayhem while not allowing Aurora Borealis' health to fall below 75%, then complete the trial.

    - Sounds easy enough. I don't know if A.B. is healable. If not, then we're simply on a clock: Summon all lore pets and go nuts!

    Lost Connection to Server: Do not miss any opportunity to disrupt Shalice Tilman's connection to the Seer network, then finish the trial.

    -easy to medium: We'll all have to be on the look-out, as allowing even one connection to persist will fail this badge


    So yeah. Anyone down for this?
  11. I came upon a thought this morning, kind of out-of-the-blue. I began wondering just how much extra money I've spent on this game ever since "Freedom" was launched. Now, I'd spent money before on the various packs, but I wasn't calculating that.

    Anyway, over the last... year-ish or so, I think I've spent a good extra $100 or so above and beyond my VIP subscription. A little bit here-and-there sure did add up!

    It occurred to me that a hundred bucks (over a year, at that!) isn't a lot for a game company (I think that $100 was what one of the Devs makes in a day or two!). But then I remembered that I'm one of only tens of thousands of players!

    Some players, I assume, never spent an extra dime. Some may have even canceled their subs entirely, content with the content they already had unlocked. A few players may have spent only $5 or $15 just to unlock an extra token or two. Some may probably be "freemiums" who spend $5 a month on IO/AH licensees. And there may be some people who spend upwards of a whole extra sub or more per month to get all the points and tokens they desire!

    So, what about the rest of you? Any ideas on roughly how much extra money you've given Paragon Studios ever since the game became "Free"?

    Obviously I won't be able to use whatever responses I get to draw any realistic conclusions vis-a-vis P.S.s financial standing, as the sample size will be a statistically insignificant amount of players (unless everyone who uses the forum answers, in which case we'd have a solid 1-3% of the playerbase?), but I thought it would be fun to see, anyway =)
  12. Posting a build is as easy as making one in mids, hitting "Export", then coming to the forum and hitting "CTRL + V". What, did you think people typed all that stuff by hand? =P

    Unfortunately, this is where we hit a wall. Without seeing what you already have, many people will be reluctant to "Do the work for you". Besides which fact is, a build that -I- post might not mesh with -your- playstyle. I could hypothetically build some uber high defense, lots of recharge and acc and recovery mega build, but it might be missing your 3 favorite powers. Are you really going to have fun playing that? Probably not.

    Also, what's your budget? Do you have access to Purples? Hami-Os? ATOs (Regular or Superior)? The builds with the highest recharge will make use of all the most expensive pieces there are to be had, and can cost over six BILLION influence. A purpled-out mega build is nice to go for, but it won't help you right -now- if you can't afford most of it.

    Help us help you! Whip something up and we'll critique it for you =)
  13. You can take Reactive to T3 for "75% chance of Res debuff" WITHOUT a DoT, if you're so inclined. It's what I do on my Mind Controllers.
  14. Watcher on the knoll (Nerva)

    Blind Eye -yes that's supposed to be ironic- (Nerva)

    Eye of the Gemini (Galaxy echo)

    Watchful Eyes (Founders Falls)

    Park Ranger (Imperial City)

    Eyes to the Future (Nuerotopolis)

    Alpha Ranger (Firebase Zulu)

    Eye of the Vortex (First Ward)

    Witness for the fallen (FW)

    Weapon Master (Complete Apex Task Force)

    Eye of Vengeance (Complete Heather Townsend's arc in DA)

    Any of the Longbow Gladiator badges...?

    Hit-man, Sniper, Sharp-shooter (Invention badges for recharge/interrupt time enhancements)

    Troubleshooter (Complete 5 flashback arcs)

    Assassin (Defeat a custom-made for in an AE mission)

    ...that's surprisingly few options, given that TA/Archery has been in the game for FOREVER. I might have missed something, but I feel i was pretty thorough... =/
  15. Am I thinking of a different kill-patch, then? Or have they always been spherical as opposed to cylindrical? All I know is that the first few times I played this mission I accidentally griefed the team flying a good 30 feet over them >_>
  16. If you have Hero/Villain merits, trade them in for high-ticket items. Sell them for a median price (Not so low that a flipper can grab it, but not so high that you have to wait forever for a desperate bid).

    If you've played around with the Good vs Evil packs, you probably have a LOT of normal merits. Cash these in for things like the Karma -KB and other high-sellers that can be had for relatively few merits.

    I would surmise that the next time we see these IOs will be next summer =/
  17. IIRC, the "patches" have an infinite Z axis. You can be at the top of the map, and the patch will hit you.

    A reason NOT to fly is because, again, infinite z-axis: If you're in the sky and the patch targets you, the graphic appears in the sky... but the folks on the GROUND will have NO CLUE there's a patch above them, and they get kildified. SO "no fly" isn't meant to say "flying is useless", it's "flying can get teammates killed!"

    I actually have a bigger beef with the TF. In the second mission, you start off in a helicopter, but you enter the "mission door" through a portal. This makes no seeeense >_<
  18. I've noticed that with AoEs like Judgement and such. I'm at max range, click the power... then the dudes all start attacking before the animation goes off! Then they all die, of course, but still. Disconcerting!
  19. Hah, I should note that the "second account" is a Freemium account that I don't plan on sinking much money into (I reluctantly spent $5 so i could match up its costumes with my other controllers), so Controllers/MMs/EATs are off-limits!

    Time and Kin: good ideas and a nice thematic fit, but a) i'd have to buy Time, and b) those sets are quite "Active". The second account runs in the background while I play normally, and to meaningfully use those sets i'd be doing a LOT of alt+tabbing! Not quite what I'm ready for yet!

    Fire: I -could- recolor the effects to make it look like psi-armor... and Forge, Melt Armor and Heat Exhaustion would bring a lot of butt-kicking to the table. The only problem is that these effect are hardly "fire and forget" and would require me to tab out and recast more than once a minute =/ Ice is basically the same issue, though visually speaking, "PSIce" seems like it'd be harder to pull of thematically than "PfSIre"

    Empathy: The only problem I really have with Emp is that if I'm on a team, I'd feel obligated to share the love and spread the buffs around. Also, the buff bot itself would be quite vulnerable without a shield of its own.

    Arky: I'm doing this basically because I can =) The buff bot is basically a very dumb perma-pet.

    So basically, I'm stuck with keeping the buff-bot as-is, or rerolling it as either a Sonic or possibly Empath...

    Then again, i DO have a second slot on the freebie account... who says I can't have my cake and eat it, too? =D
  20. So I've been experimenting with dual-boxing lately, and I wanted some opinions.

    For those who don't know, dual-boxing is the act of playing two accounts at once, either by using two separate computers, or in my case, running two versions of CoH on the same computer at the same time, and alt-tabbing when needed.

    Currently, I'm using a FF/Psi as my buff bot. Shields that i only have to recast every 4 minutes, Leadership toggles and a couple spammable attacks I can put on auto seems to be a fairly decent deal.

    The issue I'm having is that, aside from some outlying cases, my main characters tend to have most of the defense they need. My mind/kin is def-capped, and my mind/time can get close to that with powerboosted Farsight. So I guess the issue is, all my buffbot is bring to the table is mez protection and a minor damage buff, and i was wondering: is there something better?

    Now i'd like to keep Psi for thematic reasons, also because the immob power is useful for my Mind Controllers. I'm wondering though what primary would be better?

    For instance, should i go empathy? Fortitude on auto, hit auras when they come up, and switch to cast clear mind if i don't have a break-free?

    Maybe sonic for Resistance (+mez protection) instead of defense, as well as a potent debuff?

    The other sets have pros and cons, too (the cons mostly being I'd rather not be covered in flames or ice all the time), but I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say =)
  21. Well, this weekend was doubleXP, which probably raised prices (common salvage was going for MILLIONS of inf!). Of course, with more people playing, there's probably more purples available for sale, which drags down the price. I would also surmise that a lot of people saved purples for DXP and listed them, leading to a glut.

    I should note that the "Common salvage for millions of inf" was all middle-tier salvage. Maybe there's a lot more 25-39 characters being attended to, which means less demand for purples?

    There's a lot of potential reasons. The most simple being maybe flippers are the only ones buying right now.
  22. You can't just "play" a "story", though. Story involves context, dialog, interaction, and other things besides just conflict. If there's no text, you may as well be in a featureless void beating up featureless enemies.

    You can't divulge your opponents motives by beating them up. There's no sense in making/collecting clues if you don't read your clue box. If a mission objective says "Search 5 crates", do you know why you're doing it, or do you act like a mindless robot and just click on anything that hums and glows?

    Story is important. Its the entire justification for everything in the game. Since AE authors cannot make new game mechanics, there's no sense playing AE if you're not in it for the story. Any other Dev-made mission will accomplish what you hope to do within AE, except maybe farm tickets.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by candlelight View Post
    When you add these two things together, electric / electric sappers could see a surge in popularity.
    I see what you did there =)
  24. If you're going for a magic theme, maybe wait for I24? There's going to be a new pool power set: Sorcery, which adds some nice magic spells to your repertoire. Or you can always spec into that later.

    As for secondary, you could also go with Energy Manipulation, and just take the self-buffs (Build Up, Conserve Power, Conserve power, Boost range) and RP that as self-buff spells. However, it lacks the control that Elec Manip has.

    Alternately, have you considered maybe a different archetype? Electric control has animated gremlins, the buff/debuff sets have some nice "Spells" (Elec/Storm is already the combo that the witches in Croatoa use), unless you're just gonna be an attack mage =)
  25. EmperorSteele

    Story line?

    Dell: A lot of the pre-amble is on the going Rogue character bio pages. The rest is pretty much very brief plot synopsis of the I-trials, with a little bit of Sutter, Apex, and Tin Mage thrown in, as well as events form the last few issues. The parts about the Well is all gathered from talking to Prometheus in Ouro.

    I missed/left out a few things (like how Calvin Scott's wife isn't ACTUALLY his wife and he's actually deluded, Desdemona's role in the trials, etc), but mweh =)