Keyes and MoM Master Badges needed!




As per the title of the thread, my main badger (badger badger badger badger mushroom, MUSHROOM!.... *ahem*, sorry) is still lacking the full requirements for these Master badges.

So, I'm hoping to recruit some help here =)

Would anyone be interested in trying a few Keyes and Mother of Mayhem runs on Sunday? This thread is mostly for gauging interest, but I'll be checking it first thing in the morning, and maybe we can schedule something for the early afternoon =)

Anyway, for clarity, here's the badges we'll be going for:


Anti-Antimatter: Bring AM down to below 10% of his health while raiding Reactor Hope, then finish the trial. (So basically that auto-hit pulse will be doing like 90-95% damage with each hit).

-Not hard in and of itself, but will make getting through that phase pretty hard.

Bunker Buster: During the attack on Reactor Infinity, destroy all doors to a bunker within 3 seconds. Repeat for the other bunkers.

-Will take some coordination, but otherwise seems simple enough. The tough part will be allocating enough people to do this while also proceeding with the mission before time runs out.

Loves A Challenge: Do not destroy any terminals during the final boss fight, and don't let anyone die!

-HARD! Not only is not dying during this phase difficult, but you essentially have to do so much damage to AM that he can't regen it all back for the several seconds he's using the terminals. Also, he uses Time Stop the first time he reaches one of several health points (80, 50, and 15% or something weird like that? I've heard it's not the standard 75/50/25). We'd basically have to fight him until he's used up his time stops, then go in for the kill. AND in order to avoid deaths during this phase, we'd also have to...

Avoids the Green Stuff: Don't let anyone get caught in the Oblit beam.

-Medium. As long as there isn't a Time Stop effect in place, people should have plenty of time to move. Oblit beams occur on a timer, so once there's 5-3 seconds left, stop attacking and run! If AM is near one of his health points where he uses Time Stop, then cease fire and get ready to run.


Mother of Mayhem

Dreamwalker: Defeat all of Malaise's Nightmares at least once.

-Medium. This involves having to farm the first portion of the trial several times. I think there's 10-15 of them, and only 3 appear per trial. We can do a few farm runs, (it's the first part of the trial) but I don't want people getting tired and leaving before we've gotten any badges =)

Eye of the Storm: Defeat Mother Yin while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then finish the trail.

-...? I don't remember this part, so what is this I don't even...?

Daylight Saver: Defeat Mother Mayhem while not allowing Aurora Borealis' health to fall below 75%, then complete the trial.

- Sounds easy enough. I don't know if A.B. is healable. If not, then we're simply on a clock: Summon all lore pets and go nuts!

Lost Connection to Server: Do not miss any opportunity to disrupt Shalice Tilman's connection to the Seer network, then finish the trial.

-easy to medium: We'll all have to be on the look-out, as allowing even one connection to persist will fail this badge


So yeah. Anyone down for this?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Do you have a time on when you plan on doing this on Sunday? Would like to join in but I work and don't get off till 7:30pm eastern.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I would rather kill myself than do MoKeyes but I'm down for MoM, @RadiantDawn. And you can't heal AB last time I checked (that was a few months ago).



I plan on doing a couple runs of each throughout the day, so I think I can squeeze ya in, U_U!

...hahaha, U_U, it looks like a face =)

Mel: I'll make sure to send you a tell, then, before MoM begins =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Just some pieces of information/tips I'd like to share that were derived from running quite a few badge runs/players' ideas.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Anti-Antimatter: Bring AM down to below 10% of his health while raiding Reactor Hope, then finish the trial. (So basically that auto-hit pulse will be doing like 90-95% damage with each hit).
When Keyes got changed, the pulse damage got lowered as well. It now hits for a maximum of 35%, meaning Anti-Anti Matter isn't nearly as painful as it used to be.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
Bunker Buster: During the attack on Reactor Infinity, destroy all doors to a bunker within 3 seconds. Repeat for the other bunkers.

-Will take some coordination, but otherwise seems simple enough. The tough part will be allocating enough people to do this while also proceeding with the mission before time runs out.
This part isn't as time intensive as you might think. How we usually do it:
  • Split the league into 3 teams. Assign each team to a door (left, center, right).
  • Get a volunteer from each team to be in charge of damaging the door their team is responsible for down to about 500-750 HP or a threshold of your choosing. This helps control the rate of the damage as it can be much more difficult to control several other people attacking the doors.
  • Once all 3 doors are at the stopping point, call for teams to fire Judgement at their door. I usually count down from 3 (3, 2, 1, FIRE!).
  • Rinse/repeat for the next 2 bunkers.

Note: You can control when Anti-Matter arrives by limiting the number of glowies clicked. After 5 glowies, the timer for his arrival starts.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
Loves A Challenge: Do not destroy any terminals during the final boss fight, and don't let anyone die!

-HARD! Not only is not dying during this phase difficult, but you essentially have to do so much damage to AM that he can't regen it all back for the several seconds he's using the terminals. Also, he uses Time Stop the first time he reaches one of several health points (80, 50, and 15% or something weird like that? I've heard it's not the standard 75/50/25). We'd basically have to fight him until he's used up his time stops, then go in for the kill. AND in order to avoid deaths during this phase, we'd also have to...
The Time Stop happens when he reaches 80%, 50% and 20% health. He will regen until he is either at full health or the terminals are destroyed. Since the badge requires you to not destroy any terminals, he will regen to full health each time.

What makes this badge easier (aside from talented players with healing powers, Rebirths, etc.) is if people are good about managing their Disintegration. It is entirely possible to heal yourself through Disintegration without any outside help. All anyone has to do is remember to fill up on greens, back away from Anti-Matter and pop greens as they take damage so that they are at full health again before the next damage tick.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
Avoids the Green Stuff: Don't let anyone get caught in the Oblit beam.

-Medium. As long as there isn't a Time Stop effect in place, people should have plenty of time to move. Oblit beams occur on a timer, so once there's 5-3 seconds left, stop attacking and run! If AM is near one of his health points where he uses Time Stop, then cease fire and get ready to run.
This badge is simple conceptually but probably the most difficult of all the Keyes badges. There's a lot I could say about it but the main points are:
  • If people aren't so great at watching the actual timer, remind them that there is a large red text warning that tells you the beam is about to fire. Once they see that pop up, everyone should stop attacking, watch the ground by their feet and get ready to move.
  • Make sure no one is flying during the fight, as it can cause "air beams". If a beam spawns in mid air, everyone below it will get hit. These can be difficult to spot.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
Eye of the Storm: Defeat Mother Yin while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then finish the trail.

-...? I don't remember this part, so what is this I don't even...?
This is the part of the trial where you fight an AV in a tech map with Voids floating around. You are unable to damage the AV until a Void is defeated next to her. Defeating a Void creates a pink bubble (called "Eye of the Storm") in which the AV is vulnerable. There are several ways to get the Voids over, but the main thing is that once they are next to the AV no KB, Repel or any powers that would cause the Voids to move away should be used. If you have a high DPS league you should be able to defeat her using 4 or less Voids. If you think you need a DPS boost you can use Lore for this part. Just make sure no one summons ones with KB/Repel (e.g. Storm Elementals with Hurricane).

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
Daylight Saver: Defeat Mother Mayhem while not allowing Aurora Borealis' health to fall below 75%, then complete the trial.

- Sounds easy enough. I don't know if A.B. is healable. If not, then we're simply on a clock: Summon all lore pets and go nuts!
Aurora is definitely buffable and healable, so lots of things are useful in keeping her alive in terms of support. I would also recommend taking out the spawn attacking her.

If you have a Tanker or Brute, have them pull Mother Mayhem behind one of the pillars so that she is out of the portal's line of sight. This prevents the portal's decay, allowing you full access to Aurora's room throughout the fight.

Good luck on your runs!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Wow, thanks for the tips, Amy! Those will certainly be useful!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



So yeah this wound up not happening at ALL. Close-to-zero interest in-game at pretty much any time. le sigh =(


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I'd try this on a weekend after school starts back up. Most people right now are out and about on these last weekends before school and such. You'd prob get more interested once that dies down. I'd love to get these badges eventually myself.

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