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    Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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    It's Canada Day. All the canucks have the day off.

    Of course everything's closed for the holiday. And all the celebrations in my city have been canceled because of a city worker's strike.

    And it's raining.

    Wait! I'll play City of Heroes! Or not... Guess I'll sit at home in the rain and stare at my garbage.


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    Hah! Very funny! Only good thing about servers going down is skimming the forum for amusing stuff like this. Thank you!

    Also, if you wait long enough (which is not long at all), the usual war of words will start between the complainers and the non-complainers (who are complaining about the complainers) ... equally amusing.


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    And some of us luck out and have the summer off!! OH yeah underpaid, but most of summer! Yea! being a teacher!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Starting at 2:00 PM CST - 4:00 PAM CST on Wednesday 7/1 all US and testing shards for City of Heroes will be brought down for maintenance and publish.

    We expect the downtime to last 2 hours but please allow for early release or an extension as necessary. Always check the Server Status page for complete details.

    [/ QUOTE ] and Publish wonder what the publish is?? Science Booster pack maybe???? Hope Hope!!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Wow, that's so funny! Just yesterday I thought to myself it's got to be about time for another Double XP weekend. W00t!

    [/ QUOTE ]Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that it was already on the website's front page yesterday?

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    I was gonna ask about the news archive.....Is it me, or does the news archives show that the 26th June (Friday) was the official release date for issue#15 with the "so go ahead and jump in"? Was it not yesterday, the 29th it was released? AND It has the 29th of June listed as the date for double xp weekend announcement? Not to be picky about it, just glad it is out.... but I know there have been sometimes heated discussions on the forums in the past about release dates and it being quoted from news archives.
    Just peeked at it again and it still said that.
  4. Sweet Thanks for the Heads up on the date.

    1st after red name!!!! Always wondered If I'd get to post that....

    Thanks again for giving such an early notice for folks to plan ahead.
  5. Elord

    PvP farming

    ROFL...that hits the nail on the head Omega! 8To quote a friend of mine.."All the power in world don't mean squat, if ya don't have the knowledge and EXPERIENCE to use it"
  6. Elord

    Buy Vet Rewards?

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    This is my second account, my wife took over my original after I got her into the game.....

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    Dude. You are MARRIED! You should know how things work in a marriage.

    What's her's is her's, and what's your's is her's.

    [/ QUOTE ] Technically, according to the rules, accounts can not be shared or transferred, which means you should be able to take the account back from your wife at any time. haha

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    I can tell by your "haha", you know the death sentence I would face for such an act.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    /em backintheolddays

    Used to have maintenance every day of the week. Uphill both ways!

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    In three feet of snow!

    Dang kids! Get off my lawn! <waves frozen carp threateningly>

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    Once had to kill a grizzley with my spiral notebook!
    Darn kids clogging up the internet tubes with their darn comments!
  8. Elord

    Buy Vet Rewards?

    One of the biggest reasons I feel that the VET Rewards should NEVER be sold is just that, they are VET REWARDS . Their purpose is to reward people who have continued to play the game over time, not & or if you have extra money to spend. Kinda sounds odd anyway to "BUY" rewards, you are supposed to earn them. And as far as account selling.... I will NEVER do that. I do enjoy this game. This is my second account, my wife took over my original after I got her into the game..... , so i am having to work on re-earning some of the Vet rewards. That account was about a year older.....LOL
  9. Looks Great, hope to show mine sometime if I can get it done.
  10. Elord

    The forest room.

    Great Job Natalie! I was wondering how do you create the "hilly dirt" areas. Kinda looks like hills or something.
  11. Its in "UNKNOWN" status..............

    what is there NOT to know???? We want in ....lol
  12. Hello I have two for consideration:
    !st is A "simple" day (ARC#117154) This is the intro for TEEN FORCE
    2nd is TEEN FORCE to the Rescue (or to be rescued) (ARC# 116459)
    Both are listed under Energylord.
    Any helpfull critics would be appreciated. This is a story so even though the numbers are out of order, you should do ARC# 117154 1st. I prob. messed it up when making early corrections. TY for your time.
  13. How about a shapeshifting power? We have a lot of wolf, cat and dog types running around, how about an actual shapshifter? With the new costume emotes coming out for everyone in issue#15 you could change into your type of beast and incorperate some melee powers like the claws or something. Maybe a growth power, where you increase your density and strength as you get bigger and gain lvs. Your range attacks for meele could be greatly increased.
    or perhaps stretching....I am just trying to get some "new" in game power ideas going here....
  14. A nother thought would be maybe a moddified version of "pets" with actual animals used by the controler/beastmaster type. As you advance, you get tougher, larger stronger animals. Starting out with simple one like a skunk who can use a "gas" attack to summing a tiger with deadly claws. Just a thought since we are wanting to try for new/different power sets....
  15. How about a water power set? We cover earth, fire and air/storms now.
    You could have :
    a fast stream of water.
    a thicker jet blast of water.
    a fountain effect to raise 1 person off the ground so they are immobile.
    a spray that fans out hitting multiple targets at ounce.
    a down pour, water bubble or wall of water to reduce visability.
    a heavey shower/hailstones to cause area damage like rain of fire.

    These are just some quick ideas. The damage type and amounts can greatly vary. We use high pressure water to do alot, from just pushing an object to drilling in the ground or even for fine tool and die cutting.
    Im sure the Devs could run with this and come up with some even better ideas.
  16. THANK YOU!!. I agree whole heartedly with you. Here are a few more you can add to that list: Swordmaster, Taskmaster, Deathstroke, Nightcrawler ( a swahbuckling master), Captain Boomarang, Thor, Members of The Hand, Stick (trainner for Daredevil), Deadpool, Daredevil (batons), Green Arrow, Hawkeye (yes bows are "primitive" weapons), Captain America and many others use these "medieval" weapons.
    And in refference to the person complaining about the large number of Captain America ripoffs we'll have, what about claws? There have been and continue to be occassional wolverine toon sightings around paragon. Just because a power is used by a popular comic character does not mean that that is the ONLY version that people will create. From what I have seen over the years......... there is a LOT of creative folks playing the game. .