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  1. How's this for a thought:

    Heroes standing on the steps in Atlas Park, all of them using the salute emote, facing the Atlas Statue.

    Then, one by one, they take off, and they fly through the city in formation, finally landing at Portal corp, where they disperse through the portals.
  2. I'll not be playing any more MMOs. City of Heroes was worth every penny I put into it, because of the friendships it started. I would much rather see these bonds of fellowship continue and the game die, than the reverse.

    I am at least going to try to novelize some of my own personal canon, however. There are a lot of stories I've never told.
  3. For me, the answer is simple.

    I will go where the Call leads me. Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. I have been, and always will be Mentalshock from Protector.

    Though, Once, long ago, I was known as Eldritch Knight over on Guardian.

    This game.... I've only been playing it since 2008, but it has been there through some really difficult times: My father's cancer, having a fiancee boot me out of her life, and a really nasty case of homesickness.

    The Game may die, but the friendships remain. And really, that's worth every penny to me.
  5. I for one, will be waiting for further news.

    I am very upset by this, though.
  6. It is truly a pity that I now know that I would have been able to join, but since all slots are filled, I content myself with thinking: Those poor Shmucks.
  7. The Final Frontier seems much further away now, though it seems to me that the biggest hurdle to further exploration of space is not in a lack of funds, personnel, or material, but in the simple lack of idealism to guide it.
  8. I really, really wish I could make this, but my Computer is so far gone, it's basically scrap metal.

    Fortunately, I have the laptop, but it does not run City well enough for me to do this. (I am not even sure that it'll be able to run the game at a tolerable level at all...)

    I have, at least, found another machine that I am saving up for.
  9. Eldritch_Knight

    Caption this!

    Hey, I'm entirely online now. Send me some Cookies.
  10. Not to state the obvious, but we meet them before they die.

    Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey stuff and all that....
  11. Well, all we need is a few pressurized gas tanks around to shove down the sharks throat, and then make them explode. Problem solved;

    Or, we could just make every vehicle, house, building and business surrounded by a shark cage, then the only danger is going outside on foot.
  12. We remembered the shark repellent?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Wherever they put Infinity.
    In Beyond?
  14. Yeah, I just noticed it in the discussion myself.

    Nevermind! Nothing to see here. These are not the droids you're looking for.
  15. I was reading over the Captain Mako Week Events page, and I noticed something a little out of place, something missing....

    Where's Protector?
  16. Okay...

    Looks like I'm going to have to create an alternate version of my main DP blaster...

    This will be fun.
  17. Sorry I missed this, I was mostly dead (tired) all day.
  18. If I can make it, I'll be there. The start time is going to be tricky for me.
  19. Eldritch_Knight

    Happy Canada Day

    My fellow Canadians,

    As we celebrate this day, it is time we strike! Join me tonight at 8 EST to write our names in the sands of the past as we take Cimerora for ourselves!

    Happy Canada Everyone!
  20. Happy Birthday. I'd send you an Iced Capp from Tim's, but it'd melt well before it got there.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kult666 View Post
    ='( who will pick on me now?

    *Raises hand*

    Sorry to see you go, Jan. I'll still be keeping an eye out for random encounters, though.
  22. They've always called me a hero on paper, but sometimes that's the only part of my life that actually seems heroic. I've worked all over the world, from Paragon to the Rogue Isles. I've even been involved in Praetorian operations on the occasional basis. I've worked with all sorts of heroes, rogues and vigilantes. Though I will never officially admit to working alongside declared villains, I will admit that they are handy in a pinch, especially against threats of world ending potential.

    There's always one thing in common though, regardless of your alignment. All of us have big stories to tell, moments that have defined or destroyed more than a few capes. Some end in glory, others in tragedy, and more than a fair share end with nothing more than regrets. It was because of one of these that I found myself drowning my sorrows in a King's Row bar.

    I had lost track of how much I had drunk, when I heard the door open behind me. The footsteps came up behind me and then stopped. I had just raised my tenth (or was it the eleventh?) glass to my lips when this massive hand plucked it from my fingers and tossed it against the wall. When I noticed that the crowd was rushing out the door, I turned around and caught the glare of Statesman.

    "What do you think you are doing, Lestock?!? You cannot do this city any good sitting in here drinking your sorrows away. You are a hero! Act like one!"

    I scoffed, having a good head of steam, and courage fortified by no small amount of drink.

    "Just what do you think a Hero is, Cole? Are we meant to put our lives on the line ever single day for people who just take us for granted? People who always think that we will be there to save them? Not everything is so black and white! You were never willing to do whatever it took to keep this City safe. You're nothing more than a coward. How many lives could have been saved if you had just killed Recluse when you had the chance? Did you even stop to consider the collateral damage a crashing Rikti ship could cause? You're no hero! You're a thug in a cape!"

    "So we are to throw away our principles then? Get rid of honor and integrity? We are examples to the people, we have standards we must live up to!"

    "To hell with your standards, Cole, and to hell with you!" I brought up a fist and swung it at him, only to connect with empty air.

    "You are not like this. Do you think you are the only hero who's ever failed? Do you honestly think that I have never felt the guilt and regret you feel now? I may have god-like powers, but I am still a man."

    I swung at him again, and thought I was about to connect cleanly, when my fist passed right through him. Confusion crossed my face until my mind caught up with my eyes.

    "Failure never defines us unless we let it, Lestock." Statesman said, as he faded away. "You stopped Wade, and the cost was indeed high, but that is the price we pay as heroes. We are not beholden to the people, we are beholden to ourselves, to do what we believe is right, and to leave the world better than when we came into it. I do not blame you for my death, nor does Shalice. If you seek forgiveness, know that you have it, but if you seek absolution, know that you can never find it fully."

    I sputtered and blinked, scarce believing this phantom before me.

    "You are a hero. You do what you must to keep this world safe, just as I once did. Our methods may have differed, but our hearts are the same. You know what you must do."

    The spectre of Marcus Cole faded away completely, and I turn back to the bar, where the bartender looked at me with a smile on his face.

    "Pardon me, but you're not the only hero to have gotten a visit like that. I think in his own way, he is still looking after this city, by protecting the souls of its protectors. The only question is, what are you going to do about it?"

    I placed my money on the counter and turned to the door, not answering. I took a few steps and then paused, thinking, then spoke.

    "I think........ No. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going patrolling."
