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  1. Take a look at this dudes three cinematic CoH videos. They blew me away.

    Or do a youtube search for his name Aralcox.

    I wish I could get my CoH videos to look this good.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Could we please for the love of... All I want for i12 is to turn down the freakin' volume on the portals in Portal corp., RV portal, etc. Sounds like a Freight Train running into a car wreck sinking a steamship! I could only imagine with headphones on... Seriously do we need to have the portal sound that LOUD I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO TYPE IN CAPS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT TO HEAR ME OVER THE NOISE THOSE AWFULL THINGS MAKE!

    That is my only request. Thank you for time.

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    OOOOOO THAT WOULD BE SOOOO NICE....oh what? oh sorry not standing by portal now....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Roger that. I always turn my volume off when I'm waiting around in there. I also face away from the portal, all the flashy lights practically knock me to the ground in epileptic fits.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Real Numbers
    As a general quality of life improvement we will be adding new functionality in a coming version of the game to display the “real” numbers behind your characters and their powers. This includes a user configurable display of important characteristics such as movement rate, regeneration rate, resistances and many more! Additionally, you will be able to see how those statistics are affected in real time by buffs and/or debuffs affecting your character.

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    OMG, hell has finally froze over. Woohoo!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    3. DETENTION FIELD: I think the simplest fix frankly is to change the graphic to where its super super obvious that thing has been detained. Stick the mob in side a glowing Iron Maiden or something . . . or something thats not as dorky as that but you get the idea.

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    I don't think it is broken but I agree making the graphic more noticible would be nice. The Detention Field bubble on the villian side I've noticed is has a very distinctive graphic, looks like a fabrise egg, lol.

    [ QUOTE ]
    6. FORCE BUBBLE: Make it the same radius as Dispersion as its frankly too big as it is. This change alone would make it much easier to use. Adding some defense to the defender would be nice too since otherwise you pretty much have to pair it with a purple if you are trying to save the team from anything thats actually threatening. But I honestly could live with just making it smaller as this would make it a more precise tool, less likely to cause unwanted aggro, and less likely to knock things out of attack range if you do not have a corner handy.

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    Force Bubble history if you are interested.
    Many Issues back FB had a massive endurance cost which made it practically unusable. (watch your blue bar sink fast) They dramatically lowered the endurance cost on it to .68/s which is a little more than DB at .52/s. Not sure but I also seem to recall they shuffled it up to tier 32 where it is now, but don't hold me to that. Also in CoH beta FB had ToHit Debuff which apparently they decided made it overpowered and took it out of final. That might speak to the adding defense to it suggestion.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Please use this thread to discuss the below article:

    Lead Designer Matt "Positron" Miller talks about the history and design behind the Respec Recipes included in Issue 11: A Stitch In Time.

    Click here to read the full article.

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    Great idea!

    I'm a long time veteran and have about, jez, maybe 5 veteran respecs for each of my toons I haven't used yet. I also have 3 normal respecs I earned and also the free respec I get every 4 months with new issues. So I'm floating in respecs. Total I probably have about 9 respecs per toon. There are a lot of veteran players like me so I suspect the respec recipes won't be terribly expensive on the market. But maybe again they will. Will be interesting to see.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I thought they said they were going to tone down Willpower.

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    Exactly my thoughts. We know that we can have defensive powers with no power fx since Tough and Weave both have zero power fx. So devs., time to step up and either deliver on the no fx powerset we want or give us an option in the costume creator to turn power auras on/off. No excuses.

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    Why would anyone want a powerset with no F/X. I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't understand.

    Cool F/X to me are one of the most important parts of me wanting to try out new powersets.
  7. Holy crap, those duel blade animations look so awesome. I'm glad we got new animations and not just recycled ones from other powers.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    I don't think that is a snake biting its tail. If you look at the head, it seems to have an ear. I would guess it is a lion.

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    Wrong. It definitly looks like a pony.
  9. Hey, how about the ability to re-choose your powersets on your character. Through something similar to the respec trial. Now that would be cool. That would be consistent with the new moniker in the wallpaper.
  10. I hope it's not the 5th Column....boring, but something much more interesting.

    New powersets maybe. Wasn't there a thread by one of the red names many months ago polling which powersets, from a powerset list they posted in the thread, people wanted most to see?
  11. Nearly every MMO game I've played that has any kind of economy has had this issue to deal with, eventually. Unfortunately my experience is that they come up with a fix of some sort to get rid of the bots or whatever and then a workaround is discovered, and on, and on. I'm glad they have a zero-tolerence policy and are actively looking into it but I suspect it is just something we'll have to live with as a part of the game.
  12. After years of playing the repettitive game play bored me to tears. I for some reason gravitated to PvP and it is basically the only thing I do now. I only do SC. In Warburg I die in a heartbeat and constantly from blasters. Bloody bay is fun, mostly dueling and chatting on the dock.

    I find it absolutly amazing how SC evolved it's own dynamic. This area is the designated duel zone, when heroes are winning battle moves toward the villian base, when villians are winning battle moves toward the hero entrance, the self-created content is kind of an interesting phenominon.

    EDIT: i9 Inventions have re-invigorated my gaming and now all I do is shop at Wentworths.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    No kidding.

    Let me know when someone on the Dev team "adapts" the ability to Phase Shift since you all are living organisms too.

    Lazy answer.

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    We use our intelligence, well most of us hopefully, to adapt our battle tactics to new circumstances and challenges. And respec our builds for that also.
  14. Here's my first attempt at creating a coh game video. Curious what you think of it.
  15. How do I fix this. The quality of the FRAPS avi I captured degrades tremendously after I import it into Windows Movie Maker or Nero.

    The avi quality is great when I merely view the capture. But after I move into edit mode in these programs to manipulate the video the quality degrades into a practically unusable quality.

    Any solutions out there?
  16. I regularly used the buzzcut with facial hair costume pieces, although I don't think that was the original name, but buzzcut is now gone. If you could bring it back that would be nice.
  17. My base has all the goodies (tier 3 empowerment stations, inspire/enhancemen/salvage storage, telepads) but members seem to use only the telepads and little else. For the life of me I don't know why. The empowerment stations are very useful and they alone make the base worth the effort, IMO. I don't understand why my SG members seldom if every use them. I have a full and quite active SG membership.
  18. Great guide!

    I have a question but I'm not sure how to articulate it, so here goes. What are the standard video styles used to capture specific emotions or feelings for the demo I want to create. For example,

    I want scene A to evoke a lonliness feel, so I do film school 101 standard sequence X. I want scene D to evoke a panic feel, so I do film school 101 standard sequence Y. I want scene C to evoke sad feel, so I do film school 101 standard sequence Z, etc.

    Director's use these standard filming "devices" all the time in movies I think.

    Maybe there is a website with an index of Emotion storyboards, something like:

    * Lonliness - Single person. Close view. Zoom out slowly while turning.
    * Panic - Quick zoom directly on face. Quick cut to person A. Quick cut to person B. Quck cut back to me.
    * Buildup - blah, then blah, then blah.
    * Mysterious intro - this, then this, then that.

    I hope my question makes sense. Maybe my question is too complicated for a website and I need to go to film school, lol.
  19. How many applications of my Mez power do I need to Hold a Brute.

    For Bosses in PvE hitting them with 2 holds is effective every single time (assuming a hit is made).
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    This is rapidly becoming my new favorite COH minigame. It's like spotting wardrobe malfunctions, except I get to take screenshots.

    Crewcut is missing from both Male and Huge models under 'hair'(or whatever the default it called) and 'masks with hair', but you can still find it under 'pointed ears', for both, where it is Style 5. Jay is sexy.

    Meanwhile, Spikey Hair has developed clipping problems on both sides of the head behind the ears for Male (and I assume Huge) except if you shrink the size of the poor hero's cranium.
    Apologies that I didn't have time at posting to check back and see if that's been reported. Ian is sexy.

    And I now swear that Male and Huge heroes are ... manlier than they were before, but I suppose that's nothing to complain about. Therapy, here I come.

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    I tried your suggestion and found the crewcut (buzzcut) hair style under Masks with Hair. Unfortunately there is no facial hair option under Masks with Hair (I always use facial hair). I also looked for the Pointed Ears option you mention but could only find Imp Ears, Vampire Ears, Elf Ears, etc. but no pointy ears. I couldn't even find pointy ears anywhere. What am I doing wrong And the frustrating part is that the avatar on the costume change screen seems to be bugged, it doesn't alwasy reflect what your actual avatar will look like when you save the costume change. Is that Fee Waived thing permanent, can I test and try to find the buzzcut with facial hair until I find it without being charged.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    This is rapidly becoming my new favorite COH minigame. It's like spotting wardrobe malfunctions, except I get to take screenshots.

    Crewcut is missing from both Male and Huge models under 'hair'(or whatever the default it called) and 'masks with hair', but you can still find it under 'pointed ears', for both, where it is Style 5. Jay is sexy.

    Meanwhile, Spikey Hair has developed clipping problems on both sides of the head behind the ears for Male (and I assume Huge) except if you shrink the size of the poor hero's cranium.
    Apologies that I didn't have time at posting to check back and see if that's been reported. Ian is sexy.

    And I now swear that Male and Huge heroes are ... manlier than they were before, but I suppose that's nothing to complain about. Therapy, here I come.

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    Thank you, it's my favorite hair style.
  22. Crewcut is missing. The crewcut style of hair I like used to be available but is no longer. My old character still has it, but if I make any costume changes to him the crewcut hair is replaced with some other hair style and I am not able to get crewcut back. It is also not available anymore for new characters I create
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I want a Big Red Ball!

    No, no, not as power or anything, just in the game.

    [censored]? u ask

    lemme explain

    In one zone in CoH (Talos) and one zone in CoV (Nerva) there should be a single big red ball that does absoutly nothing except when you attack it, it gets knocked back a bit. By every attack not just knockback attacks. It cant be destoryed or anything, just a Big Red Ball to hit around, thats it.

    How big is big?

    Well not huge. Just like 1 meter in diameter. Thats Big for a Red Ball!

    The reason for just one and being in just one zone is so you dont run into it every time you log on. Maby you'll only run into it once a month or something, then youll be like "WOW! a Big Red Ball!" then you will knock it around for a few minuties laughing very hard then you will leave saying "What a cool Big Red Ball"

    Whats the point?

    A little extra thing like this would add tons of fun!

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    You've really got balls making a suggestion like this, haha! Good idea! It's simplicity is matched only by it's balliciousness.

    This reminds me of how when you buy an expensive, must have cool toy for your kid only to find that he more enjoys playing in the big cardboard box it came in.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I have noticed that most melee cone powers have an extremely tiny cone. You pretty much have to do the stacking herding exploit just to hit more than one mob consistantly. Since melee cones are limited to 5 targets why not widen this cone? This would be extremely useful on teams when you are trying to save your teammates. Since we can no longer get the benifit of HO's that had the range component in them we should get a wider cone.

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    I agree. With Ripper and Dark maul to hit more than 2 targets I have to spend many seconds on setup. Make sure I have proper alignment - 2 seconds, make sure I have the foe in the rear targeted - 2 seconds, make sure all of them are in melee rainge - 2 seconds. ::sigh, nevermind, just attack and hope for the best::

    In teams my melee attacks don't contribute much damage for the group. If they expanded the melee cone my increased damage contribution would help make my melee scrapper more desired on teams.