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/demorecord Timings are off again since i13. I notice that the superjump animation is out of sync with when you hit the ground. This was a previous problem which was addressed and fixed a couple issues back, but it has returned. Also some of the attack animations are off. For example running up to and attacking a baddie and on demo play your just standing there attacking thin air and the stike animations are on the baddie across the room. Also at the beginning of demorecords I'm now often getting about a 15 minutes lead time, something like 15000000 at the beginning of the demorecord.
If you'd like to do voice-over dialogue for my story arc PM me. I'm putting together a /demorecord video derived purely from the Hollows story arcs, starting with Lt. Wilcott. I'm using the paragonwiki.com story arc walkthroughs -- because they are so wonderfully complete with every bit of actual dialog. I'm currently doing the character dialog voice-overs myself -- but I sound pretty crappy and stilted. PM me if you think you are good a voice-overs and would be interested.
Very nice base showcase, very creative. There sure are a lot of bars in your base. Aren't your heroes to inebriated too beat up on bad guys.
Here's a list of the particular baddies that run away in my experience, some to a degree more annoying then others but all of these particular baddies run away AI is none the less quite annoying
If a group isn't mentioned here then I haven't experience annoying-type run away by them.
Hellion minions run away fairly often in missions when the mob is reduced to only one of them.
CoT ghost run away in missions a lot as do the Earth/Air casters. The Casters also like to get out of melee range and always pull back the the edge of their ranged attacks.
Freak Tanks run very often as do the Juicer Chiefs.
Outcasts usually have one of the mob minions run away when you attack outside missions.
Trolls Gardvors run away somewhat but not too much in missions, but one of the minions usually runs away when you attack a mob outside of missions.
Banished floating Masks run away quite frequently.
Family, one of the minions from a mob often runs away when outside missions.
Tsoo the Sorcerers like to run away to the far reaches of the map in addition to them doing that annoying automatic teleport away thing after being attacked.
Witches run around like a spastic gerbils to get out of melee range to the edge of their ranged attacks. The minions also like to just run for a moment out of line of sight then come back. They, next to the CoT, are the most annoying.
Crey Paragon Protectors run away somewhat.
Sky Raider Porters always 'port away after a few second of them attacking.
Lost, one of the minions will often run away from the mob in outside missions.
Rikti, the teleporter dude, I forget his name, is very much like the Sky Raider Porter and always teleports away after it lands a few attackes.
Devouring Earth swarms of course always run away. In fact when a mission won't complete they are often the culprit and where everyone ends up searching for the swarm.
The part of the run away that is particularly annoying is that not only do they often run all the way across the map, but they also lose aggro and then WALK back to their origin so you have to spend a couple minutes waiting for them or run off trying to find them.
These are the ones I can recall. -
I wonder if the tier 4 power will still require that you pick 2 before it, or if it will only require that one?
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There is no Tier 4.
There is the 1st Tier (Where you can pick two powers).
Then there is 2nd Tier, which requires that you have one of the 1st Tier powers and 12th level.
There there is the 3rd Tier, which requires 2 powers of 1st and 2nd Tier and 20th level.
So I'm not exactly sure how this unlock works. Does the badge allow you to unlock 2nd Tier and 6th level along with 1st Tier travel powers? And then you can get 3rd Tier at 12th Level?
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Of course there is a tier 4 - Group Fly, Group Teleport, Vengence, etc. -
City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.
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That doesn't make any sense... all power pools unlock at level 6. Do they unlock at another level, or have you dispensed with prerequisite powers for travel powers?
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I think he meant to say that at level 6 the tier three travel powers are unlocked as opposed to having to wait untel level 14 for them to be unlocked. -
If you thought you have a hard time getting a good run time on the CoX ski slopes take a look at this:
http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-164378 -
With i13 the battles I've been in (I'm exclusively RV and Sirens PvP by the way) team members seem to live longer, there are less insta-deaths. They also are less scattered all over the map. I believe skill and team building now has a much bigger role in success. My PvP'ing has been less that usual lately, for no particular reason, but so far I believe the changes are for the better. I'm a pretty hardcore PvP'er. I would encourage folks curious about PvP to give it a try. But remember getting defeated, maybe often, is not unusual in PvP until you find your best build and become skilled. Even with these changes you'll need a tough hide --not be too sensitive about defeats.
I so cant wait for this event! I love the holiday events in mmos, except in lotro, cause they largely suck there... this one sounds like a lot of fun.
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Imagine timed ski slope races for Heroes, killer snowmen, a very ugly baby New Year, candy canes, a jet pack the emits jolly christmas colored sparkles and magical wind chimes sounds. There ya go. -
I just want to know if they will freeze over the lakes and stuff so I can ice skate like i did many years back...
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Roger that. I loved when the lakes would freeze over in the City for ice skating. I'm not sure why they stopped doing that. -
It's too soon for me to pass final judgement since it's only been out for only a day but so far all the changes and new content look great. I'm heavy in PvP but again it is too soon to give any feedback until I get some PvP time in on this new issue.
Good Luck LHit's been a pleasure.
I'd be curious to know what's going on with the subtext in many of the comments, if anyone wishes to send me a PM. -
Rent still exists, but it has been reduced dramatically. Rent is no longer charged by plot size, and is instead based on the number of utility items in the base.
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It's kind of ironic because originally base rent was calculated by the items in your base, then it was lowered by changing it to plot size based rent, now it is going back to per item calculated rent. In any instance lower rent is definitely welcome.
Base salvage has little value to most players. Since there are a limited number of base items to construct, once those items are built there is little need for any further base salvage. As a result, base salvage tends to either gather dust on salvage racks, or be a source of confusion with Invention salvage. Base salvage will not be removed though, so anything not converted to Brain Storm tokens will remain in game.
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I have a small personal size base and use my salvage extensively in the Empowerment Buff stations so my salvage never sits around gathering dust.
Anyhoo, I'm very happy to see more Base love'n by the devs. I've always thought the base system is quite awesome. -
Name: Earth Fury
Global Contact: @EarthFury
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Magic
Super Rank & Super Group: Founder, Midnight Karnage -
Anyone notice that mobs seem to run away... ALOT. Been playing my crab since I12 launch and it seems like just about everything runs and its quite annoying.
EDIT--- This happened when I was fighting scrapyarder as well... Basically he ran instantly.
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Oh dear god I hope they tone down the run away AI. I was about to pull my hair out last night after doing a COT and a Council story arc with my dark scrapper. The Thorn Casters always, and that's not hyperbole, run away and often all the way across the floor map. The Council are almost as bad. And don't be me started on how much the Croatoa witches run away, argh. For us melee folks this is incredibly unfun and frustrating.
A few issues back is when it got to be intolerable, they changed something in the AI that caused this excessive runaway.
By the way my toon last night was a level 37 Dark/Dark scrapper running orange/red baddies. The CoT Guides run away infrequently, the ghosts run away quite a bit, the behemoths and bosses seldom run away. -
That article kinda stunk.
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If you don't mind me asking, what about it did you find to be smelly?
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Lol. I love that response, just the right amount of humor. -
Travel to location X, kill 10 mobs. Travel to location Y, kill 15 mobs. Travel to location Z, click three glowies, etc. Eh, pretty much the same ole, same ole stuff.
I want new varieties of tasks in Issues, not yet more kill baddie TF's. I'd gladly trade five new killing baddie story arcs for one fresh, new type of task or new type of object interaction. -
This Trick or Treating... can it be done at any doors, or ones that are specifically slated for this event? Because any of them I try it says, "You cannot enter" and that's it. Any information would be appreciated.
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Also they have timers so that each person can only click so many doors per minute and each door can be clicked only so many times per minute. The timers are 30 and 60 seconds I seem to recall. -
Zombies eat brains right? Whew... I'm safe.
What sort of storyline are you going for? Character-driven? Location-driven? Something based on in-game events (like my "Incarnate" video)?
I've got a lot of experience with that sort of thing, and am willing to help.
And yes, Aralcox does some absolutely amazing work.
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Hmm, I don't have any particular preference between character or location driven. Aralcox' seems to be strongly character driven and I gravitate toward his.
Where is your Incarnate video so I can take a look at it. -
I want to create another CoH demo and need a storyline/storyboard. I'm not particularly good a creating stories so I thought I'd solicit for one. I'll be posting it to youtube and you'll be in the credits. It will take me a couple months to create the demo. If you're interested the story can't be too complex since I have to fit it into 4 or so minutes of demo. You have to image all the scenes being shot using in-game maps/powers/etc. A story taking place in outer-space or something like that for example wouldn't work. I'll be putting the demo to some dark Melodic Trance music -- no vocals. You can look up Melodic Trance on youtube to get a feel for what that sounds like. Since there are no vocals I'll include short text bubbles to move the story along. These videos by some dude named aralcox on youtube show the "feel" I'm shooting for, although my demo skills aren't as advanced as his.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvtsL...eature=related -
Also, since most of my alts are supposed to be working in Pocket D will there be rewards for logging out there?
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On Test, I've got a character that's still in the old Paragon Dance Party. I've got another that has been standing on the roof of the Storm Palace for years now.
I think my villains will be fighting for a weather forecaster job. Today's outlook: sunny. Tomorrow, sunny. 10 day forecast: sunny! Sunrise and sunset times never change. Even the moon phase stays the same! Now that's my kind of work!
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Ooo, I want rainy days added to the game. =D -
some cool stuff but i'm a little upset at the idea of nerfed rewards on the custom missions.
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lol, how can you nerf something that hasn't even been release yet. -
So it's OK as long as it's part of the game. Phew.
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I wouldn't make that assumption, IMO. I'd ask for clarification. Here's why:
1) Rules excerpt that I didn't bother quoting the first time: "With the exception of those elements which are contained within the Selected Games and incorporated into your Video, your Video must NOT contain:
The word "elements", as used earlier in the rules, was a reference to graphical elements, not gameplay elements. It MIGHT refer to gameplay elements in this context, but it could as easily refer (as I read it initially) to the graphical elements referenced previously.
2) The list of prohibitions was not complete. It was just the most egregrious. For instance, the first two that I didn't list:
<ul type="square">[*] any dialogue or vocal effects from the Selected Game;
[*] any content which endorses or condones illegal drug use or alcohol abuse;[/list]
We don't have any recorded dialogue in the game, but if we did, it would be forbidden desipite being "a part of the game". Likewise, we have Superadyne junkies and dealers, and we have beer mug emotes, bars, and other alcohol-related elements that would get your film disqualified despite being "part of the game".
I really hope Zloth is right. I just would advise erring on the side of caution until Lighthouse or another official person gives a clarification. Contest rules judges are notoriously picky due to all of the legal ramifications of doing it wrong. If you're questionable, you're disqualified.
If it says "No destruction of property", I'd say that setting it in a mayhem mission is a likely to raise an eyebrow at the judges' table.
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They made a mistake it's not that you have to be a US citizen but that you have to be a US citizen and lawyer to enter the contest. -
I think the run away AI needs to be adjusted slightly so they don't run away quite so much, in particular even con baddies.
I think CoX AI is quite good in general and when you stop and think about it very realistic. For example in other games the instant a baddie sees you they attack. In CoH the baddies have a nice "reaction" AI where it takes them a moment to assess the situation before they attack, run away or whatever.