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  1. Quote:
    Otherwise you end up with something like Issue 15.
    We do not speak of that issue

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Woops my bad! Drudges i meant!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Could you mention the new enemy groups?

    To be more specific, I was suggesting adding more supers type foes. A group of costumed supers. Not something I see D&D or whatever. Something that makes me think the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Justice League, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Galactus etc. We have some of that and need more. Video games have a lot to do with looks. Give us some cool looking NPCs. Many current groups in-game are pretty 'meh' looking; some are also kinda dull and generic feeling (various militia etc).
    Since Freedom launched we have seen the following new groups + complete upgrades of existing ones.
    • Talons Of Vengeance
    • Druids
    • Hamidon infested NPCs [cant remember enemy group name]
    • Master Midnights group
    • Carnival of light/war/vengeance
    • Knives of Vengeance
    • Revamped Banished Pantheon
    • Black Knights
    • Elementals [certain different name but you know what i mean]
    • Awakened
    • +2/3 more coming in Night Ward which i cant remember at the moment
  4. Quote:
    3) Lack of new enemies, staleness of same old foes year after year.
    Lack of new contact, paper, radio missions for mission teams.
    While the paper/radio missions i do agree we could use more of, we actually get repeatable mission upgrades on a regular basis [RWZ/Cimerora/DA etc].
    Also we are getting a HUGE influx of new enemy groups to fight lately and also some old unused ones getting some screentime. Even in i23 we're getting a few new enemy groups, so i dont agree with you saying theres a lack of new enemy groups.

    Though i do agree with everybody that you need a small break due to burnout to refresh your love for the game
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Don't be confused by the thread title. It's a poorly disguised complaint about getting a free XP booster. The inferred comment is that if he'd known it was just an XP booster, he wouldn't have bothered looking for the free item.
    valuable seconds they are!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Devs: We will test out a new system we want to implement.. Freebie Friday, you get something for free every week.
    Playerbase 1: YAY!
    Playerbase 2: Free? How much will that cost us?
    Devs: This week it's an XP booster
    Playerbase 1: Test worked, looking forward to next week!
    Playerbase 2: WTF? I do not need this, why this, what's wrong with you? I wanted (fill in the blanks)!

    I'm in the 1st group, i do not care what group you belong too.
    Hit Streak said it best, so did Black Pebble: You do not have to 'buy' it if you do not like it.
    They understand that they can not please everyone all the time, even with a fully free item, people will find a way to complain.

    Its actually rather suprising at the rate of complaints from people about free items in so many different forms though.
    Nearly all of it stinks of a "i want better quality free for my own purpose" whereas very little could be taken as constructive feedback.

    For example i myself would have 3 items up for "sale" each Friday, however you can only claim one as being free. This at least gives the players that sense of choice or diversity that seems to be the theme amongst them.

    If it was possible, then for this week you could have a choice of the following three
    • Windfall
    • XP Booster
    • Prestige Booster

    Then another week can have it as [again as an example]
    • Warwolf Charge
    • Holy Shotgun Charge
    • That baseball bat power!

    That would be my constructive feedback to a system like this anyway
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Golden girl called. She wants her emoticons back.

    Never said I didn't like free stuff. I guess I just expected the random. Bah.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Cole was a super before he was the Champion. Making "peace" with The Hamidon convinced the Well and Cole was after the power to do it. They both got what they wanted.
    Aye its how they justify having previously unknown characters have access to the power of the well. It isnt obtained through strength alone, but through proving yourself in any form to be worthy of such power.
    In the case of Cole, this was by making peace with a monster as big as the Hamidon through words alone.

    Edit: So thinking about it, could you say that up when Cole did become the champion of the well that the well actually corrupted him?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Broken_Wings View Post
    I wanted a pony
    If Nemesis cant have one during his invasion, NONE of us can!
  10. stop giving us free stuff!

    Also what hype? They didnt do a huge promo about it, they basically said "ok we're doing a Freebie Friday, come grab your free item!".

    You might not have a need for an xp booster, i have a need for mine
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    The first blow was by Cole. We never attacked Praetorian Earth until they attacked us. Unless bombing Kings Row and Nerva weren't attacks.

    Also he became the well's champion to STOP Hamidon.
    No, false

    Infact, the kings row/nerva attacks are quite a distance behind the first blows
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    I thought that market stuff would be something that can actually be put on hold at any moment if something like this comes up, unlike for example a Strike Force.
    Wasnt sure how long i had left before i had to log so wanted to get my "to do" list sorted first
  13. Really hope we get to smack Prometheus around a bit sometime.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    No, This is Poppycock.

    That looks . . . . . . disgusting :/
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Ah, thanks the Chad and Tenzhi. That makes more sense. You see, to me 12:00AM Thu is the start of Thu, not the end. So it's from 12:00AM Fri to 11:59PM Fri. This would be less confusing (for me) if you used the 24hr clock. That way it would be from 00:00 Fri to 23:59 Fri. No AM/PM silliness to factor in along with Time Zones.

    Yeah i thought the same too So not for another 14 hours or so, right gotcha!
  16. Quote:
    Account based.
    Makes sense so people dont mass collect items such as inspirations when they hit the FF.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Wait, people not using inspirations? IO'd and/or 50 I suppose, but I'd like to meet the guy who's gone through an entire Inspirationless playthrough 1-50.

    Now there is a character concept! *thinks of character name*
  18. Quote:
    He came to an agreement with it to become the well's champion. When he started the war with us, the Hamidon cut the deal off and decided to come take his city away soon anyways.
    Cole didnt stop the Hamidon to become the champion, he stopped Hamidon to save the world. The well saw the strength of his words/persuasion and this convinced the well to make Cole its champion.

    It has been proven many times in this thread that the first blow was struck by Primal Earth, Cole knew that if any sort of conflict with Primal Earth was to spill out into the open in Praetoria that the deal he had struck with Hamidon would be off.

    Just thought i'ld correct you
  19. Amazing idea! Now i know some weeks will be something like a team inspiration but hey free is free and adds another "wonder what happens this day" to the week!
  20. Not sure if this is possible but we do lack a great deal of true mutation costume options.
    For example tentacles/additional body parts coming out of shoulders/legs/arms etc.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Fairly certain continuing a war who's single justification has been shattered for months, and willingly annihilating his city and populace (evacuation being by Primal Earths hands, mind you. He was willing to 'save' his people through death.) is his own cause.

    Knowing that the city was evacuated like you said and to just destroy us, not his people! He didnt destroy his people in that people, the city was already being destroyed by the now "free" people of Praetoria [as shown in the new arcs] so there wasnt exactly much of a city left to destroy was there?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    You're suggesting, by no in-game text, Heroes are more than happy to help Villains. You can't cite this, or even begin to cite this. And yet there's cases of organizations like Longbow and Vanguard Sword being absolutely livid about this (although to borderline villainous levels). The fact is, there is no evidence Heroes support this. At all.

    And Cole's annihilation is his own doing, nothing more.

    Longbow and Vanguard are quite frequent in fighting eachother [sometimes to the death] too remember

    End of the day dont say we're [the ones saying Praetoria is completely evil] the ones wrong when its all about which angle you look at the war I could quite easily get a big list of instances ingame where a hero has started a conflict/double crossed for the "greater good".

    Unless Primal Earth defeats the Praetorian Hamidon and rebuilds the place from the ground up, then we are the ones responsible for destroying their world.

    Hey we saved your planet from destruction by the Hamidon, however to do so we have also destroyed your cities and planets. Yes we know you are without a home now but you are safe! How about you leave your dimension and come live with us?
    That sounds vigilante/rogue to me than heroic
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    I sincerely doubt he's alive. His Personal Story had a very "preparing to die" feel to it.

    You just know hes going to fuse with Hami in some form

  24. Well you made my heart stop! Mothers day? But it was only 2 months ago, im sure of it!

    *rushes off to check i aint dreaming and missed it*

    Aha its when the US has it!