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  1. Yatmans RHW runs are epic and something not to miss....period.
  2. DebuffCHICK 53 Rad/Sonic Defender
    Dmg: debuffer
    Alpha: T4 Spritual
    Destiny:T4 Barrier/Rebirth/Clarion/Incandescence
    Interface: T4 Diamagnetic/Reactive/Degenerative
    Hybrid: T4 Assault/Melee
    Lore: T4 Seers/Longbow/IDF/Polar/Rularuu/Storm
    Leadership: maneuvers and assault
    Fury of the Gladiator Chace for Resistance slotted
    Achilles Heel slotted
  3. I (global @akimbo master) will be hosting an all defender and corruptor iTrial event on Freedom server, Friday 10/26 5pm (pacific standard time). All servers are welcome. LvL 50+3 is preferred, but any LvL 50 VIP defender or corruptor are welcome. I'll be running the following iTrials with a min of 12 and a max of 16 players, DD>Lambda>Full Mag. We'll be attempting "Master Of" badges for each trial and even a "RHW" attempt on Full Mag, please come with your best defender or corruptor!

    Sign-up w/toons name>build>lvl shift below......

    ie. DebuffCHICK>sonic/rad defender>53
  4. Myself @ Akimbo Master AkA DebuffCHICK and @iTs MuSh AkA lllllllllllllllll will be hosting non-stop iTrials this week from 4pm till 11pm Pacific time zone. Come to PD and get your toons incarnated and badged up. SEE U THERE!
  5. DualpistolsCHICK 53 dualpistols/mental blaster (MoKeyes)

    Dmg: toxic, fire, cold rounds & PSi dmg
    Alpha: T4 Musculature/Spiritual/Agility/Nerve/Cardiac
    Destiny:T4 Barrier/Rebirth/Clarion/Incandescence
    Interface: T4 Diamagnetic/Reactive/Degenerative
    Hybrid: T4 Assault/Melee
    Lore: T4 Seers/Longbow/IDF/Polar/Rularuu/Storm
    Leadership: maneuvers and assault
    Fury of the Gladiator Chace for Resistance slotted

    DebuffCHICK 53 Rad/Sonic Defender (MoUG, MoTPN)
    Dmg: debuffer
    Alpha: T4 Spritual
    Destiny:T4 Barrier/Rebirth/Clarion/Incandescence
    Interface: T4 Diamagnetic/Reactive/Degenerative
    Hybrid: T4 Assault/Melee
    Lore: T4 Seers/Longbow/IDF/Polar/Rularuu/Storm
    Leadership: maneuvers and assault
    Fury of the Gladiator Chace for Resistance slotted
    Achilles Heel slotted

    H20CHICK 53 Water/RAD Corruptor (MoMAG)
    DMG: Cold/debuffer
    Alpha: T4 Spritual
    Destiny:T4 Barrier/Rebirth/Clarion/Incandescence
    Interface: T4 Diamagnetic/Reactive/Degenerative
    Hybrid: T4 Assault/Melee
    Lore: T4 Seers/Longbow
    Leadership: maneuvers and assault
    Fury of the Gladiator Chace for Resistance slotted
    Achilles Heel slotted
  6. I'd like to help out if you can use any of my mains.


    Blaster - Dual Pistols / Mental
    DMG: Chem rounds (Toxic), and Psi
    Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment
    Lore: Seers Radial Superior Ally
    Destiny: Rebirth Radial Epiphany
    Interface: Degenerative/Diamagetic/Reactive all core flawless
    Alpha: Musculature core paragon
    Leadership: Maneuvers, Assault
    Fury Of the Gladiator: Chance for -Res slotted


    Defender - Radiation / Sonic
    Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment
    Lore: Seers Radial Superior Ally
    Destiny: Rebirth Radial Epiphany
    Interface: Degenerative core flawless
    Leadership: Maneuvers, Assault
    Alpha: Spiritual core paragon
    Achilles' Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff
  7. Sign me up plz!!!!! DualpistolsCHICK 53 dualpistols/mental blaster

    Dmg: Chem Rounds (toxic) & PSi dmg
    Alpha: T4 Musculature
    Destiny: Barrier/Rebirth Radial

    Interface: Diamagnetic core
    Hybrid: T4 Assault
    Lore: T4 Seers
    Leadership: maneuvers and assault

    Fury of the GladiatorL Chace for Resistance slotted
    stocked in Ultimates and team reds
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
    If I am using the Greenwich Mean Time Converter correctly, then at Midnight in New York would equate to 8:00 AM the next day in Paris. Which would have been June 10.Not saying you're in Paris, but the converter didn't have a lot of options.

    As for what I wrote, I was specific to the time, who led, and what our circumstances were (used lights in last minute, Atomic Saint was the true hero of the day.. ) Plus I was polite. Hope that helps.
    true hero indeed=) .... i need that "hard way" badge for my Mo.....jealous
  9. Looks like your full, but i like to be on the waiting list please

    DualpistolsCHICK (DP/Mental Blstr)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    Originally Posted by DualPistolsCHICK
    I farm with my dp/mm blaster @54x8 with bosses without veng. I run "Thug Farm" in AE in less than 4 mins. With PERMA DRAIN PSYCHE u can farm easily.

    Originally Posted by Atomic_Toy_Guy
    I would be curious in seeing your build if you get a chance.

    When I get home I create the build that DPC is talking about. It involved picking up Scorpion shield and just picking up some S/L defense sets. Your gonna be picking up your standard tough and weave possibly maneuvers along with maybe slotting some kinetic combat IOs. The perma part will probably require some purple IO sets or an incarnate.

    I know it sounds vague, but its really not hard to create. But in my honest opinion you would be better off getting another set that is positionally capped for Range or Melee possibly this way you would not be limited to a specific S/L Farm. You could then farm just about any mission with standard mobs ( Freakshow, CoTs, Etc ). Mobs like Longbow and Malta and even carnies sometimes can be a real issue running 4/8. There are just TOO MANY holds and debuffs messing you up.
    yes you must be fully incarnated with 5 sets of purples and 5 lotgs
  11. I farm with my dp/mm blaster @54x8 with bosses without veng. I run "Thug Farm" in AE in less than 4 mins. With PERMA DRAIN PSYCHE u can farm easily.