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  1. You would get 2 sets of 3-slotted bonuses instead of a 6 slotted bonus.

    I guess I should be clear, you don't just get the 3 slotted bonus, you get the 2-slotted and 3-slotted bonus twice. If you slot 6 in the same power you will get all of the bonuses listed from 2 slots up to 6.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    how much resistance a target with 0% resist to all has after 3x Enervating Field is put on it. (Actually, I'm not 100% sure about that one, either. )

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    Assuming they're all defender EFs, -90% resist.

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    90% is correct because resistance debuffs are only affected by the original resistance, so the resistance debuff from EF does not modify future resistance debuffs. If a character had 50% resistance, then each of the three EF resistance debuffs would be resisted 50%.

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    Uh, what is Arcanatime?

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    I'm sure someone will come along to answer this better later, but arcanatime is a correction to take into account that the game operates in discrete time intervals.
    From a post by YanYan quoting Umbral:
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    The formula is as follows: (roundUp(listedTime/.132)+1)*.132 = realTime (commonly referred to as the Arcanatime of the power)

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  3. Draggynn


    You may want to consider that additional endurance recovery may be achieved by slotting the Numina uinque, the miracle unique, and the panacea proc in health. Stamina is a base recovery buff of 25%, while the Miracle provides 15%, and the Numina provides 10%. The Proc's equivalent recovery will depend on your total endurance. Assuming you have 100 endurance though the PF proc provides ~12% improved recovery. If you have more that 100 endurance divide that number by (your endurance)/100. So if you have 110 endurance, that's only an ~11% recovery boost. The Panacea Proc on the other hand provides ~9% improved recovery (same modification applies).

    So some numbers:
    stamina no slots: 25%
    Miracle Unique: 15%
    Performance Shifter Proc: 12% (If you have more than 13.2 additional endurance, 1 slot in Stamina is better)
    1 slot in stamina( lvl 50 IO): 10.4%
    Numina Unique: 10%
    PanceaProc: ~9% endurance (If you have more than 5.7 additional endurance a second slot in stamina is better)
    2 slots in stamina: ~8,5%
    3 slots in stamina: ~5.7%
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    1) I have both +DEF aura IOs muled for a controller pet and I'm not sure if I can slot both simultaneously (Edict of the Master and Call to Arms), Mids says I can, but wanted to confirm.p

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    yes, you can slot both.

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    2) When slotting something like the BU proc in Soulbound Allegiance or Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge, when does the proc check/fire? Is it when I summon the pet only? When the pet attacks?

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    Technically the procs will fire when you summon the pet and whenever the pet attacks. When you summon the pet, the effect will happen to you, when the pet attacks the effect will happen to the pet. However, pet attacks are now immune to recharge modifcation. Thus, Although the +recharge proc may go off when your pet attacks, you will see no impact.
  5. My gut reaction is that I hate the idea of using Virtue LFG, and although a noble effort Quinch, I don't think the effort to switch people over to the architect channel will work. If you close down Virtue LFG someone else will simply start a new channel to replace it. I don't think you will be able to get people to actually use the architect channel.

    I also feel that although it doesn't have a clear purpose, it is intended for use to discuss architect related issues, and that it would be inappropriate for us to use it as the default teaming channel.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm still not quite understanding the knack of how to win and move up in the Swiss Draw matches. I always won the matches I was fighting against last night but I *never* got pulled into a 2nd round?

    How does it work, do you win your round - go back to Arena click on the kiosk thing and get pulled into round 2?

    Some help please someone as I have all the other Arena related badges.

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    There have been several methods already posted for ensuring that you win the match. What worked for us though was to select who was going to win the swiss draw and have everyone except that person exit their match as soon as the "fight" signal was given. That person would then wait until the pop up appeared declaring victory and then exit.

    At this point all of the people who "won" their matches (by being too slow to click exit plus the predetermined winner) should receive a warning that the next match will start in two minutes in one of the channels (don't remember which one). After said two minutes round 2 will commence. Then the two winners of round 2 will get the same 2 minute warning and proceed to round 3 where the winner will be declared.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    It's the difference between a team that goes "woo, we just barely survived that" and moving on, and the team which wiped. Then that team has to spend 5 minutes listening to some control freak Rad telling them we died when everything went because they believe as if everyone has nothing better to do then make sure they're doing whatever their flavour of Defender wants them to do.

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    But maybe having some awareness about the capabilities and how some defender type play is a good thing. If you're a tank and can aggro half the map and live - then great go for it. If your a squishy that might need heals, then dont grab alot of aggro from non-debuffed spawns if your playing without an empath. A little common sense and a minor adjustment of your playstyle can cutdown on alot of dirtnap time.

    Knowing how all the defender powersets work and why they work is important, eventually most everyone figures this out. A team that works with it's defender(s) and controller(s) in defender mode is a team that just flat works better.

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    Yup, it's why I said odds are I wouldn't take an Empath over a FF if we lacked in other Defender types. However, there's a difference between a Defender who likes other to be aware and one who freaks out at the mere thought that they could ever POSSIBLY need heavy healing, and anything that goes wrong can't POSSIBLY be their share of blame. There are seriously people so arrogant and ignorant of how the game works that they believe if you even TAKE an Empath you're a bad player.

    Of course when things go wrong it's everyone else's fault and they don't realize that these (hopefully rare) instances are when an Empath shines brighter then all the rest.

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    Hey a good empath is great! If i want an empath I don't want one just for the "healing," I want one for Fortitude, the RAs, clear mind, and AB. If all the empath is going to do is provide massive healing I would rather take ANY other defender, controller, or a tank for support. Rocking the aura is not going to save the team if that's all they do. And I've seen a sad number of players who advertise themselves as healers only rock the aura, and at that point, they're useless.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    -steamy mist gives 5% defense and 20% resistance to fire/cold/energy. I prefer to max steamy mist for resistance than defense but again, personal preference.
    -maneuvers provides 3.5% defense. 3 SOs will make that a little over 5%. I don't think it's worth it for all those slots but you will need to decide.

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    When used together and properly slotted, steamy mist and manuevers will make a noticable difference in team survivability. If leadership isn't someone's thing, I usually suggest stimulant/aid self from the medicine pool, which allows stormies to open fights with freezing rain and heal the damage they take from the alpha strike. My own build uses both the leadership and medicine pools.

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    Like I said, figure out what works best for you, those were just things to think about. My main build has assault and tactics but no maneuvers, no medicine pool, and no epic armor. I open with psionic tornado followed immediately by freezing rain for some added KB mitigation, and have no trouble absorbing the alphas.

    My secondary build has soft capped AOE and Ranged defense and slots both steamy mist and maneuvers heavily for defense. I can see going both ways. On my main team build though, with all of storm's other mitigation tools, I personally don't find an extra 3 slots worth it for an additional less than 2% defense.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Last time I tested on TEST server with one of my electric brutes, Lighting Field would give stamina back to the enemies and Power Sink also gave stamina back to the enemies. So unless there was a change to the proc that I missed do NOT install it in Powersink or Lightning Field. Note: my last Test server check of the proc was a long while back but I've read of NO changes to the proc.

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    Hmm...well, i just tested that and looks like I'll have to correct myself from earlier. Currently powersink does only give endurance to enemies. Just tested it. Teach me to post without going and actually testing it to be sure.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    a great defender is able to attack keep the team well buffed and put out as much damage as is possible to help move it along that much faster. most people dont like this because they dont get the same appreciation that they do while healing. personally, I can not count the number of times im in a raid/tf/mission/anything and see "great healz" pop up. you never see someone tell the FF "awesome bubbles" or /tell a rad "awesome debuffs" because all the general public cares about is green numbers. see healing arrow.

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    And here's where I think the more educated defender community can really help things. I always make a special point on teams to appreciate the bubbles, sonic shields, dark debuffs, TA debuffs, etc. in team chat. Having someone mention it on a team, will often make other people go..."oh, you're right, look at that!"

    I also make it my personal mission to argue with anyone that claims they "need a healer" or "need an empath" for something (no offense to empathy defenders).
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    As far as I know, it wouldn't go off during the suppression.

    The main benefit would to get having it go off.

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    of course the benefit of it is for it to work.

    i guess the question is, does the suppression of one affect the firing of another.

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    This proc has been reworked so many times, take everything I say with a grain of salt since it may have been changed yet again since the last time i tested it.

    Last time I tested the proc (back in i13), it turned out the paragon wiki graph of suppression was no longer accurate. In fact, there was no longer a suppression period, and if the proc fired while the old buff was active it would simply refresh the buff (so you could effectively get perma feedback if you had enough aoe knockback producing powers to slot it in). Now, this may very well have changed again in i14 or i15, so someone who has tested more recently should probably confirm this.
  12. Hmm, well because storm has a nice virtually autohit defense debuff in Freezing Rain, Storm can get away with using vet attacks as part of their standard attack chain in a way that many other players can't (Freezing rain compensates for the inability to enhance veteran powers accuracy). This means that you can often put off taking attacks until later levels. Unfortunately, I suspect you probably don't have that option, which means that something has to be put off until later.

    If you only solo you can often make do without an AOE attack and put off howl, but since you want to start teaming at lvl 10, you are probably going to wish you had that aoe attack. Personally, I would put off shout and take hurricane at 12 moving hover and fly up. I would also move tactics and maneuvers later and taken hasten MUCH earlier.

    I don't agree on a lot of the slotting, but that comes down to personal play style, and you need to see what works for you. Just a couple thoughts thought to consider:
    -you may find you don't need the end reducer in o2 since your inherent will give you an end discount in any situation where you need to use it.
    -steamy mist gives 5% defense and 20% resistance to fire/cold/energy. I prefer to max steamy mist for resistance than defense but again, personal preference.
    -maneuvers provides 3.5% defense. 3 SOs will make that a little over 5%. I don't think it's worth it for all those slots but you will need to decide.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Now that I actually know to look for it, it hits me pretty consistently 33% of the time.

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    What zone are you in when you do this? When I exited the arena match to pocket D, I started spamming lightning storm to see if I could get it off again and after about ten tries of nothing I gave up.

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    Happens to me in every zone. I logged into Atlas Park though and fired off LS several times and had three procs from seven summons:
  14. Now that I actually know to look for it, it hits me pretty consistently 33% of the time. I'm curious though, Garent. Do you have a high defense build? I'm wondering if you're not getting hit because of that, but in the arena, due to diminishing returns, you are?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I opened this bug *nine months* ago, and reopened it again when it wasn't in the laundry list of fixes for I15.

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    It's not uncommon for bugs, especially ones that aren't game breaking and don't have a large impact on players, to take years to fix. I didn't even realize that I was taking damage from the proc until I was monitoring my health closely because i was on an MoSTF run, so for me this would be a low priority fix. I'm just happy that summoning LS doesn't hold me.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    What about Transferrence from Kinetics? Since it doesn't do damage, but takes and gives END?

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    No. Transference's Target is the foe and therefore slotting it in transference will give the additional endurance to the foes, not to you and your teammates.

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    Hold It! Transference summons a pet upon activation - wouldn't it transfer the proc just like it did with Touch of the Nictus before that bug was fixed (immediately after I13)?

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    Hmmm, true. It would definitely have a chance to proc on the target, but it might also have a chance to proc on your allies. I guess I spoke too quickly, someone would need to test this case then. However, i suspect that it is set not to inherit the proc as otherwise it would likely have to inherit the chance for disorient proc as well.
  17. Draggynn

    Heath Procs

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    Is there a special reason why numina's convelence only gives you 12% regen and 17% recovery instead of 20% regen and 10% recovery?

    And regenerative tissue only gives 15% regeneration instead of 25%?

    Is it broke?

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    They're not broken. They are in fact boosting by the appropriate amounts. The numbers you are looking at are the percentage of your total endurance or health recovered per second due to that proc (which is actually .12 and .17, less than one percent). The 10 and 20% numbers are the percentage of your base recovery and base regeneration.

    Your base recovery is 1.67%/sec (1.90 end/sec). The numina proc enhances this by 10% which is .17%/sec (rounded from .167 or (.19 end/sec)

    Hope that makes things clear
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    What about Transferrence from Kinetics? Since it doesn't do damage, but takes and gives END?

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    No. Transference's Target is the foe and therefore slotting it in transference will give the additional endurance to the foes, not to you and your teammates.

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    Here is a related question. What is the case when a Performance Shifter Chance for +End is slotted in both Stamina AND Quick Recovery? Will there be two chances for +End each 10 seconds? What if both hit, do they stack?

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    Yes, each proc will have a chance to fire every 10 seconds. I'm not certain that stacking is the right term since it is a one time bonus and not a recovery buff, but yes, if both fire at the same time you will get 20 end. These can also be slotted along with the panacea pvp proc for an additional chance for 7.5 end.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Additionally, Castle publicly explained the reason for the change. When pet attack recharge rates were altered, the AI reacted poorly and caused some pets to stop cycling through their attacks. As a result, some pets, like the Bruiser or Fly Trap, simply didn't work, no matter what tweaks were made to the AI. Removing the ability to enhance Recharge was the best solution available.

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    Although partially true, this leaves out vital information. Lightning Storm and Voltaic Sentinel only have one attack and therefore do not have problems cycling their attacks. The change impacted Lightning Storm and Voltaic Sentinel because allowing them to inherit recharge made them overpowered. That some other pets benefited was an added bonus.

    To quote Castle:
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    Powers like Lightning Storm, Voltaic Sentinel and Auto Turret are precisely the powers that were targeted by this fix.

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  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    It should work fine in attacks that drain end and give it to you though, Dark Melee's whateveritscalledagain and Fire's Consume for example.

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    Dark Consumption and Consume do DAMAGE. They don't drain endurance, that's how the PS Proc works in it.

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    Actually, this is not correct. As Sarrate said and I reiterated, they work in these powers because you are the "target", as opposed to the enemies you are effecting, that these powers deal damage has nothing to do with it. For example, even though Power Sink drains endurance from enemies, you are still the target and will therefore get the endurance back while, assuming it's working correctly, the proc will have no impact on the enemies you drain.
  21. I think nericus said septad/pentad referring to the fact that there is one badge for both, not that it had actually been earned from a septad. No one who has posted has successfully gotten a kheld the badge from the septad yet.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    The one thing I don't get is how to get the lightweight badges? If you select those, do you auto-exemp down?

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    Correct, if you select a particular weight class you will be auto exemped to the highest level in the weight class.

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    Also, did I read right that for the Pentad, I could possibly get the hero badge just by having two characters of the same AT fight against each other? I don't actually have to have a full team of 5 on both sides as long as all ATs come in twos?

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    Correct. I haven't actually tested this, but based on other observations I suspect that you only need at least one person on each team. The only way (I know of) to do this is to get two of the same AT since the arena starts filling up the roster from top to bottom (So to get someone on each team you need two with the same AT so that the second of the AT has to be put on the second team). But as long as you have those two, you can probably fill up the rest of the roster as much/little as you want. 5 against 1, for example, should work.

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    I thought I understood that to be one vs one

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    1 vs 1 will work. I also expect 5 vs 1, or 3 vs 2, etc. will work. So if you have a bunch of people who want the badge, you probably don't need find a matching AT for all of them, but rather just a matching AT for one of them.
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    The one thing I don't get is how to get the lightweight badges? If you select those, do you auto-exemp down?

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    Correct, if you select a particular weight class you will be auto exemped to the highest level in the weight class.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Also, did I read right that for the Pentad, I could possibly get the hero badge just by having two characters of the same AT fight against each other? I don't actually have to have a full team of 5 on both sides as long as all ATs come in twos?

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    Correct. I haven't actually tested this, but based on other observations I suspect that you only need at least one person on each team. The only way (I know of) to do this is to get two of the same AT since the arena starts filling up the roster from top to bottom (So to get someone on each team you need two with the same AT so that the second of the AT has to be put on the second team). But as long as you have those two, you can probably fill up the rest of the roster as much/little as you want. 5 against 1, for example, should work.
  24. Hmm, apparently at the moment the apocalypse chance for damage proc in Lightning Storm has a chance to fire on you when you summon it. Noticed this for the first time last weekend while running an MoSTF. Kept getting paranoid I was under attack.

    Fortunately, though, the devastation chance for hold proc will not proc on you, and the force feedback +rech proc will. Not sure if it's a problem with all damage procs or just the apocalypse.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry for trying to [censored] help. I guess you can't make a single [censored] post on these forums without having someone dissect it like a science project. Don't worry, it won't happen again.

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    I really don't think Loth was attacking you Beef. Loth was just trying to provide useful additional information for people the same way you were.