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  1. Ed heard Red and instantly begun moving towards the door.

    "Well I think someones gonna wonder where their friends have gone..."
  2. Edward shrugged, "hmm the Freaks do like to botch together bits of tech to make other bits, heard of one wanting to weld himself to a car, call himself a Sportaur...I imagine each one does something different though I'd rather not see which one does what unfortunately our only option is the 'trial and error' method of science."
  3. Ed picked the Freakshow up and propped him against a pile of crates so he wasn't on the sludge covered floor.

    "What ya found Skip?" Ed shouted back as he hurried on over.
  4. He nodded his head, "this is gonna sting somewhat..." he used his 'heat vision' to quaterise it, steam and the smell of sizzling bacon filling the air as the wound was burned closed.
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Actors ATs.


    (yes the caps are intentional....this is Brian Blessed...)
  6. Ed blinked, "oooh...I see...sorry sometimes I get a one-track mind when it comes to these things...old habit from working in the Isles, if somethings blocking the way, you blow it up or smash it down...like vault doors..."

    He looked down at the Freak bleeding out from Katas knife wound, "erm...you know you had a go at me for what I did well..."

    He knelt down and cradled the Freaks head, "...this man is dying and dying fast...now normally I would say 'let him' but considering what I've done today...well I don't want you to end up in the same mess I am..."
  7. Ed stopped...and just in time too, a few seconds longer and it would have been one very large bang.

  8. Ed paused to go through the various mechanical parts, "hmm wonder if there's anything useful in here...upgrades for my arm...new equipment for the family.."

    He looked at the ammunition then to the sealed hatch and back again, "hmm I think I have a solution to our sealed door problem.."

    He heaved the various crates of ammunition and piled them up at the door, "everyone may want to retreat to a safe distance..." He focused the flames pouring from his eyes into a beam, heating up the rounds to get them to cook off and explode.
  9. Ed dropped out of the air landing infront of the Freak, hoping that he caused enough distraction to allow Red her blow. He launched another flurry of blows at the Freak, "get down and stay down!" (Smite, Shadow Punch, Shadow Maul, Sands of Mu).
  10. He smiled, "thanks Red..."

    Feeling newly empowered he decided to take down one of those flying freaks, flaring his wings he took off, meeting one of the flying freaks head on. Bring his fists down in an overhead blow (Air superiority) trying to smack the Freak out the sky.
  11. Ed grinned, uttering a quick prayer his body flashed a white light, the electical bolt seemingly absorbed by his body. His armour of faith (Moment of Glory) did not last long so he would have to make quick work of these Freaks.

    He dived into the group of three that were charging him, drawing his hands back to his side then bringing them up to his chest as a circle of dark energy swirled around him, ripping some life force from the Freaks, his body glowing intensely (Soul Drain).

    With that he set to work, launching flurries of blows on one Freak (shadow punch, smite, Shadow maul), reaching out with his hand to bring the fear of the divine into the second (Touch of fear). The third he summoned up his power and a black morass opened up underneath the Freak, dark tentacles reaching out, sapping his life energy (Midnight Grasp).
  12. Ed took in a deep breath, flaring his wings and landing infront of the speaker stack, making for a power cable which gave the infernal speakers their juice, yanking it out as hard as he could to silence the music.

    "You guys have no taste...you really don't..."

    He smiled and waved his hand at the five freaks in a 'come on' gesture. He wouldn't lose control this time, he couldn't afford to but he'd give the Freaks a good fight.

    "Now...care to tell me where Shad00w is...or am I going to have to get info the old fashion way?"
  13. Dr_MechanoEU

    I feel Guilty.

    While the Westin Phipps arc never appealed to me, it's being evil for evils sake.

    Now Vernon von Grun...there's a man of vision!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Take more Bees with you!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    GYAAH - HAH - HAH - HAH - HAH!

    Join me!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know if you've noticed but I've been trying a couple different styles of evil laugh. It's hard to pick the right one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The one reason I like Vernon von Grun is because he's one of the only contacts in CoV that actually makes out like he's really appreciative of your help, you're like his lab assitant that he couldn't do without.

    Every other contact treats you like a schmuck but Vernon, he treats you like you're someone worthy. When he does finally get his Mad Scientist Union card...he's really happy and really grateful you helped him out with his evil schemes.
  14. Edward stumbled a moment and grunted as the barbed wire dug into his skin, as she pulled back, small jets of flame lept from the wound, "Watch it girly..." he growled.

    He turned back towards the door, took in a deep breath and stepped through the maw of death, as it seemed, into the techno hate fuelled fires of hell. He tried to locate the sound of the music, flaring his wings and jumping up onto the wall, crouching for balance to peer over the other side.

    His eyes flashed yellow, seeing if they could pick anything out of the flashing lights and the darkness ((Focused Accuracy)).
  15. Doh, shows what I get for not listening to those Podcasts.

    Hmmm...shall have to think of other non-developement questions besides the 'why don't we see you' one.

    alrighty, got a few.

    1) What is each developers favourite enemy group?

    2) How long have they worked in their respective fields?

    3) Can any of them dance (this would explain the awful dance emotes if they can't)?

    4) Do they regret some of the 'design choices' made early on in developement, I.E. The Positron (or general) taskforce design, the 'oh-[censored] we should have included that at the start but didn't think of it' idea of power customisation which is now to hard to work into the game thanks to the grumpy engine (not a go at them just the fact it was apparently a surprise that to the devs we wanted power customisation at all it seems) and so on.

    4) What have been the highs of their time working on City of Heroes/villains?
  16. I'm pretty sure Hand of Battle would be fine
  17. I second the notion of the question 'how comes we barely get any dev interaction in the EU?' and don't give me that differen't timezones rubbish, going on the US forums, BaBs is around during the wee hours!*

    *this statement is more jokey than vitriolic I assure you

    Onto a slightly more likely to be asked and answered question.

    Are they atleast 'considering' a proper Taskforce revamp since the original Taskforce commander taskforces are very, very, very poor compared to the the LGTF, STF or ITF?
  18. In the darkness Ed smiled...they knew that he was coming, that Sneaky freak would have warned them, so being stealthy was pointless.

    He took in a deep breath and He begun to sing as loud as he could, his voice echoing throughout the sewers, the freaks would know his coming and they would pray that he would be merciful

    His skin begun to flare again, his body distorted changing back to his true demon form, singing all the way. He would bring them all the fear and wrath only a divine instrument could bring.
  19. Yes...wondering what Rock has planned... t3h S00p4rFr34k! is actually one tough dude...so going up against another tank like him...ouch...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I can still think of one vet reward I'd love to see:

    Fashion Emergency Teleporter (long recharge item that teleports you to Icon/the Facemaker)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually...you know what...screw the second 'permenant temp' power option, I reckon that would make a really cool 54 month reward, I mean I'm only 17 months in now and stand about as much chance of getting that reward but it actually does sound quite nifty.
  21. Now we wait...

    ..we wait for the Fat man to strike his plot upon us...
  22. Aye Tim as a witness would be good and we're still looking for Jurors, depends how quickly the Freak-out 2 topic is dealt with as to when it gets done.
  23. Ed continued to head deeper and deeper into the sewers, begining to get a bit too far ahead of the group, he was impatient as always.

    He knew Red was behind him, "I doubt they'll understand Red...besides, I'll have to submit myself to the law anyway, it's not like I can kill her, she's done nothing, she's an innocent, unlike the scum who are dwelling down here, these Freakshow would kill people just for laughs..."
  24. that I doubt cactus (well hopefully things should pan out that you don't need a law degree unless whoever is playing the prosecution decides to get all technical)