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  1. One other idea for making the zepplins at tad more attackable for melee/non-flying characters is by being the same as the Arachnos flier in that they hover around the zone for a while following a set flight path, spawning parachuting troops before landing and spawning guards around it. Remaning grounded for the rest of the 'invasion' so people get a crack at them and once the invasion enters it's final phase (with the giant Mech-man) the guard despawn and the Zepplin takes off heading out of the zone.

    The main reason for the rocket temp power is it allows smaller teams to take on the big things (such as the Zepplins or the Mech-man).

    While you, ravenswing, don't like the invasions, people do enjoy them though even I will admit it's getting a bit old with the Rikti invasions now, they're brought out whenever there's a 'lapse' in new shiny stuff coming out to keep people satisfied. However the fact is, invasion days are needed simply so that the Watchman/Watchwoman accolade is able to be gotten with ease on our much quieter EU servers by newer players.

    Unlike the mass invasions of the Rikti which are designed to simply cause chaos, I envisioned the 5th column attack as a strategic strike, one of the other suggestions brought up was that the troops parachute in all over the map, Players near them or not and once landed head for an objective (so for Atlas, City hall, Galaxy, Freedom Corps building).

    Once there they would set fortified position up just outside of Drone range complete with spawning Sand bags and loudspeakers spewing propaganda but I simply couldn't think of an objective for every zone.

    Though having them do this around the Zepplins as they land would be kind of awesome.

    Also it makes very little sense to have 'rolling invasions' with the 5th Column so this would be a one zone strike every (random time) say 4 hours but once the hero/villain side finished, the 5th would attack a zone on the other side.

    As for why no Elite boss badges, they are a pain to get in the Rikti invasions since it requires big groups of people to spawn enough (though I have had Assault Suits spawn for a single team because they were butchering the invading Rikti fast enough).

    Saying that I like the idea of 1 badge for each of the elite bosses but it's for a single defeat rather than 10.

    This is designed for the 5th Columns big comeback and as always, is just a crazy late night idea...but why not ahey.
  2. Came about through random chatting last night so here goes the the idea of a 5th Column Invasion in the same sense as a Rikti Zone Invasion.

    [Arachnos]Warning 5th Column troops inbound for X (Replace X with whichever zone is being invaded).

    For Heroes they get a slightly different version.

    [Freedom Corps] Warning 5th Column troops attacked War Wall Power Grid, system shut down for X. 5th Column troops inbound.

    Now as usual the Air raid siren sounds (and in Paragon the war walls go down) but instead of Rikti Dropships coming in, armoured zepplins (retooled Atlas Park blimps, coloured black with the 5th Column logo on the sides and armoured cockpict underneath) begin hovering into the zone. Unlike the Rikti Dropships these are designed to be attacked by large groups of heroes/villains and brought down.

    The Zepplins are the same toughness as Rikti dropships but move fairly slowly (Zepplins aren't quick) and don't exit the zone, instead continuing to circle it, when one is defeated, another one enters the zone (that way there's a good supply).

    Badge name: Up in Flames.
    Badge Description: You've managed to send the 5th Column invasion plans up in flames.

    Now for non-flying heroes/villains a Longbow/Arachnos officer will spawn and much like the Fire Chief in Steel canyon will give out a temporary power and will continue to replenish it if you've used up all your shots.

    Power name: Rocket Launcher.
    Power info: a Long ranged multi-shot rocket launcher designed to help grounded defenders to attack the high flying blimps and very powerful ground targets. 20 shots.
    Recharge: slow (40 seconds).
    Range: 200ft.
    Damage: Massive (3% of total HP of target in damage).
    Effects: -15% regen debuff unresistable (meaning GM resistences don't count for anything against it). lasts 40 seconds.

    This deals quite a hefty bit of damage to the Zepplins and has a massive range on it however it can only be used on Zepplins and something to come later...

    While the blimps are flying around, 5th Column troops of all kinds will be parachuting in (using the MM Commando Parachute animation) around heroes much like the Rikti teleport in. The greater the number of heroes, the more 5th Column parachute in around them and the more bosses/elite bosses turn up.

    Elite boss names:
    Mark III wolfpack.
    Warwolf Beserker.
    Vampyri Supreme.
    Raserei Ubermenschen.

    Unlike invasions elite bosses have no badge but instead are included in the defeat X badge of the invasion.

    Badge name: Broken Column
    Badge description: You've beaten back three hundred invading 5th Column troops of all kinds, you've truly broken the Column's will to fight against you.

    several waves of 5th Column troops continue to parachute in until there's suddenly a dead stop, the blimps continue flying overhead (to indicate the invasion is still ongoing) when another warning pops up.

    [Freedom corps/Arachnos] 5th Column ground forces retreating, massive Unidentified Flying Object inbound to zone X.

    At which point a truly massive [Hess TF sized] 5th Column mech-man (using the Assault bot summon animation) drops into the zone. This again has a massive level of health and is of the same health/power level as U'kon Gr'ai. The Rocket Launchers help by dealing large amounts of damage and the regeneration rate debuff (this gives small teams a chance of taking out the Mech-man and large gatherings the chance to see the nifty sight of a massive salvo of missiles firing off all at once).

    Defeating the giant Mech-Man also awards a badge.

    Badge name: Held the Breach
    Badge description You held off against the 5th Columns mightiest war machine.

    Getting all these badges grants an accolade.
    Badge name: Requiems Bane.
    Badge description: You've foiled every single invasion plot Requiem has, your the bane of any 5th Column invasion.

    The power to go with this is the Rocket Launcher temp power on a 30 minute timer per shot but can be used against anything.

    There we have it...took a lot longer to get it all down than I thought it would.
  3. ((just like to thank those that participated in this storyline, it's been good to have quiet a few people interested and also adds good backstory to Edward...will he turn evil again? Will he just turn to a life of mediation as he promised Ryan? who knows!

    Tune in next time folks!))
  4. Edward smiled, giving a sad sigh, "There is one place you simply can't get me.."

    He grinned and tapped some buttons on his forearm, the sigil of the Oroborous Menders appearing on the floor, "see you some place in time Ryan..."

    He gave a low, fancy bow, "if being a villain taught me one thing...it was always have a backup escape plan..."

    Edward stepped into the portal and disappeared in a flash of light, the portal begining to fade behind him.
  5. Edward shook his head, "I don't want to fight you Ryan...don't make me..." using the intense focused heat from his eyes to melt the ice blockin the keyhole of his cuffs, still clutching the key he turned it in the lock, the cuffs dropping off.

    "Remember Ryan..I've already been inside the Zig once, how can I do the Lords work from there, punishing the wicked while they are still free is the only way to show them their wrongs...even if the judgement required is death..."

    Edward rubbed his wrists, "just stand down Ryan...please...I have no want to hurt you..."
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    Personal Space

    hmm that is odd.

    Being an RPer myself when people stand there, either at the Plaque or at Charlie, I just assume it's people going through the motions of doing their initial contacts (considering you have to talk to Charlie and click on the plaque for two missions).

    We get people coming up and doing those two things all the time at Galaxy Girl and most of it's just shrugged off.

    I can't see why people would get angry at you for just standing there unless you were spam clicking on Charlie...which you obviously werent.

    Meh as FFM said, you get oddballs in every part of the game.

    Either that or you were in someones favorite spot (oddly people do have places where they like to stand 90% of the time, or 100% of the time in the case of Red Commissar)
  7. Edward turned around as Ryan caught up with him, Edward had been limiting his own super speed because of the hazardous nature of the sewer system.

    "Well, you caught up to me...now let me go Ryan, I wont be troubling the city, I just want a quiet life away from all this...a chance to meditate and pray..."
  8. Edward heard Caras shouting, even down here in the sewers as he begun to sprint along, the foul water splashing against his trousers, he was use to it by now.

    "In the eyes of God my actions were just, those men were befitting of punishment and to be sought for his judgement, the laws of the Almighty are not the same as the petty laws of man..." answering only to himself and the few rats that were scattering from his path...

    Edward turned to the Shivan, "Alright Steve...go...you've served your purpose and what they do to me would pale in insignificants to what they would do to you should you be caught...I don't want you to end up some experiment on some DATA scientists table..."

    Steve nodded and disappeared off into the blackness of the sewers.

    Ed was alone, without backup, in a city that now hated him, there was one place he knew he could be safe and that was Tyras house, even then he would have to dodge the many police drones which guarded the Trams and other essential areas...

    "Lord be my guide in this time of need, show me a light through the darkness..." he continued his trek through the Sewers, knowing that the heroes could not be far behind.
  9. Edward looked at Cara, "you know the appeal would never work, once a villain always a villain in the eyes of the public...especially a man like me..."

    Edward whistled and called Steve over, the massive Shivan smashing the ice covering the manhole and the ground itself, leaving a large hole in the road, "good man Steve.."

    Edward looked to the two villains, "thanks for the help guys, wasn't expected but then I didn't expect this kind of trouble..."

    He turned back to the heroes, "and with this I bid you goodbye...tell those at the Statue I still respect them all, well..some of them anyway...stay safe.." he bowed and dropped down the hole into the sewers where some very surprised Lost were greeted with a Demon and followed by a very large Shivan, causing them to scatter, "quickly Steve, no doubt they will try to follow me...from here I can make it to Tyras house..."
  10. Edward was about to get the cuffs free when an icy chill went over his hands as the metal cooled with the ice.

    Ed moved to the front of the van for a moment, giving the last rites to the driver, "all good people deserve peace in death."

    He saw Red and shook his head, "didn't think you'd be here to bust me out..."

    "Don't hurt those two...delay them but try not to hurt them...they're here to work against me but I do not forget friends..."

    His eyes quickly darted around the streets, looking for an escape route, spotting a manhole cover he sighed, the sewers, he wasn't much safer down there than he was up here but it was an option.

    He shouted to Ryan and Cara, "Stand down, don't get in the way, you know the sentance was unjust...I wont hurt you but I can't control the actions of my colleges...I've requested that they try not to harm you but what they do is their own free will..."

    He muttered into a cybernetic comm unit, "Steve...it's time..."

    Something big, green and glowing came lumbering out of an alleyway...the recognisable form of Steve the Shivan...

    "Cover me while I move for that Manhole and follow me down afterwards...aim to miss, I don't want them hurt"

    The Shivan nodded as it hurled a ball of radiation at Ryan, the projectile clearly off course but close enough to force him to move...
  11. Edward was thrown from his seat as the prison transport came to a sudden halt, landing on the floor with a grunt.

    "Well seems like the rescue party is here..."

    He slowly go to his feet, hearing through the viewing slit in wall Reds demand for keys.

    "I know that voice..." he chuckled.

    The guards looked shocked, they had expected trouble but not quite in this way, seeing the first police car slammed into a building, sending shattered masonry work and glass flying across the street in a plume of smoke.

    "Ok, ok...take em...just don't hurt me..." the guard held out his hand shakily with the keys to Red.

    Meanwhile the Police car escourting at the back had two officers, armed with shotguns, get out the car and take up positions behind the doors, radioing in for support. Heroes listening to their police radio bands would also here the distress call...
  12. ((this RP is for myself, Kelvinbridge and whichever other villains (or even heroes...who knows) want to be part of the 'break out' team which Soren may have assembled to help in springing Edward (PM Kelvin to be on the team)))

    Edward sat in the back of the heavily armoured PPD prisoner transport van, deciding it was best that he was transfered by himself. His actions indicated he may be a danger to other criminals, super-powered or not.

    "Shame when a good hero goes bad isn't it?"

    The other guard sighed and shook his head, "doubt he wanted to be a hero in the first place, just playing us for fools so he could have greater access to Paragon..."

    "Nah, you wouldn't go rescuing Statesman and earning yourself that hero of the city medal if you just wanted peoples trust, if that was the case, he would have just let Tyrant pummel Statesman."


    Edward flexed at the cuffs, Impervium, designed to hold in the strongest of criminals and he wasn't one of those.

    Edward smirked to himself, "wonder if my old cell is available in the Zig..."

    The guard spoke up, "You're not just a crazy old man any more, you don't get to be put in the lower security area, you're fully powered, you get to go into the nice high security wing with all those big criminals you busted...they're gonna be happy for some fresh meat and a shot at revenge..."

    Edward grinned, "oh I wouldn't be so sure that they'll get their chance..."
  13. Dr_MechanoEU

    quick question

    Just a quick question to our Community Moderators.

    Are there any plans to give something out at the coming conventions/next years Omega mini-con in the smiliar style to the Freakshow Tank costume (perma)temp power that was available to US players at one of their Conventions recently?

    Just out of curiosity really.

    (not too fussed really since you can pick it up for a limited time during halloween).
  14. I can't speak for Kheldians, personally the only reason I haven't played one is that they never appealed

    What a lot of people forget is that solo, in the early levels, before you get all that nice +def from various sources, Widows are incredibly squishy and mahoosive endurance hogs. They're stalkers without Hide.

    Yes my Widow can now decide to ignore Elude because Mind-link softcaps her defenses to melee/range/AoE (and for Psi I've got 45%ish resists, not great but it does) yes it only lasts 1 minute 30 seconds but there's no crash to it and it's on an under 4 minute recharge.

    With such high defenses the only reason I can think of why I'd possibly need Elude is against an AV and since the SG I'm in is primarily designed around the VEATs (with a few MMs, Brutes and Corruptors here and there) the only time I'll face an AV I'll either be a in PuG group (where i doubt I'd be tanking him, though I have yet to test out how well I'd tank an AV, with Mind Link up an +2 EB rated BaB (this was without Insps) never actually hit me once, even without it, he still only hit me twice (in a row, damn luck rolls, which was enough to down me to be honest)) or have other Soldiers/Widows to boost my defense to the hardcap level.

    Yes this is awesomesauce BUT way back when she was level 5 her attacks drained her endurance so quickly she had to rest after almost every fight and got twatted about like a hanging kipper.

    This lasted all the way until 24 when I could FINALLY pick up the Night Widow power trees.

    Yes in teams the VEATs are awesome but during that first level twenty four slog they're so damn squishy it's untrue.
  15. Indeed I was expecting ads for things like Mountain dew (or the EU equilivent), Dell computers and the like.

    The main thing that did disappoint me most is that they said they still had creative control on how the advert was displayed ingame, saying that it would look appropriate for the situation it was viewed in, if it was in the Rogue Isles they said it would have a grubby texture filter applied to it to better fit in with the rest of the adverts. If it turned up in boomtown, the advert would be completely damaged showing only a hint of what was left.

    This didn't happen, the Ads in the Rogue Isles and the ones half-buried still look brand spanking new from what I've seen on the US forum.

    What also annoyed me is that the Advertisers clearly didn't do anything with regards helping the setting ("Nike, for keeping your super speeding feet cool" or the like) and just took a blown up mag advert and lumped it ingame.

    I want ingame ads for realism but I don't want just 1 ad and I want them to look appropriate as to where they turn up.
  16. There is a post by Niviene answer a question about the ads saying that the ads have been turned off in the US (then the thread was locked which seems...odd even if it did go onto the whole 'paying for respecs' discussion).

    We in the EU haven't even seen adverts ingame (part of me is glad, the US only had 1 advert total, the Nike one which turned up everywhere over and over again though we in the EU would be getting a different set of adverts).

    Since it seems only 1 company decided to take them up on the offer and that nobody new has signed up, making the ads look like a failure.

    Of course the other thing could be that they've been turned off for a couple of days while they get updated with new sets of ads.

    Curious speculation of course.

    I mean I can understand the idea behind it but perhaps 150k subscribers world wide really isn't a big enough market to draw in the big spenders and I doubt Nike saw a massive upsurge in the sale of their shoes thanks to this.

    Anyway...just an interesting thing I noticed, feel free to ignore, flame or discuss as you see fit.
  17. ((my turn))

    Ed bowed his head and put his hands behind his back, ready to be cuffed, "you do what you must, I understand...let's just hope it all goes well at the trial..." he smiled and shrugged, "if not...well you could always visit me inside..." he gave a cheeky grin.

    Edward knew that the trial probably wouldn't go in his favor, he couldn't understand how he'd lost control or why, however he knew mans justice must be appeased, he would find out why later.
  18. Ed heard the sentence and hung his head, muttering, "The laws of man are nothing to the law of God, heathens shall suffer..." he looked to the Jury, "true justice was done that day...this is not justice."

    He was lead away to the holding cell, awaiting his tranportation to the Ziggursky prison, he flexed at the handcuffs, seeing they were made of Impervium, not something even someone with Super Strength could break out of.

    Edward was locked in the meta-being holding cell, left alone in the dark. Thoughts running through his mind, thoughts about true justice and that mankind was too weak of faith to see it administered, he would show them true justice, he would show all of them true justice if it was the last thing he did...
  19. ((ok may I ask Cass, who is the Judge to deliver the verdict on Edwards crimes))
  20. Ed looked into the face of Shaw00w..there was seemingly...nothing..a black mist in the vague form of a head, this freakshow had gone beyond the boundries of simply modifying their body...this tank armour WAS Shad00ws body.

    He looked into the Fiery eyes, "oh...no chance Shad00w I'm not giving you my true name..."

    Edward continued to fight Shad00w, the fight was nothing more than a slugfest, no acrobatic moves, just the two of them toe-to-metalshod toe, pounding the hell out of each other.

    The Freaks numbers had been greatly lessened, Red and Molly had managed to hold their own against the Freakshow, wounded but hardly down.

    The commotion wasn't just restricted to being dealt with by the PPD and the heroes already present, other heroes were inbound having picked up the call on their police radio scanners. Longbow had begun to arrive in force.

    The Freaks were about to have a very bad day, those present had delayed the Freakshow long enough for backup to arrive...

    ((just so you know, this isn't me godmodding, Rock has given over control of the last part of the fight to me (not sure why but not looking a gift horse in the mouth) so I'll be doing the NPC control I imagine. Basically last round of posts then finishes it off as major backup arrives according to Rocks instructions)
  21. ((This topic is for the jury at Edwards trial do decided on their verdict and such. For this it is a closed RP as only the people on the Jury can actually decide.

    Once again I would like to thank all those involved in this storyline and to the creators of the Rhode Island Supreme Court supergroup base, it is indeed very awesome.

    Let the verdict begin!))
  22. Edward growled..."awaken the beast my friend and you suffer the consequences..."

    Eds form shifted to his demon form, "you know you're not the first Super Freak I've taken down...and I was a lot less powered fighting him than I am now..."

    The journey time and the interrogation after the fight had given Ed enough time for his body to take the stress of mass healing...Ed grinned, he knew this Freak feared something but it would take a while of searching for him to find out, Ed summoned his own tentacles to bite at the flesh of Shad00w, dark energy versus dark energy was never a good match but he knew what was...

    "Hey Rock man...a little help..."

    Stone never aged, stone never feared and withstood the test of time.

    Ed continued to fight Shad00w, aiming his blows for the exposed head instead of the body, if he could distract him long enough for the rest of the Freaks to be dealt with...this group of heroes would be more than a match.
  23. Ed stood to one side as the rock man pried open the doors, quite thankfully the guy made of rock had gone in first.

    Ed smirked and headed straight for Shad00w, this was going to be an interestin fight, the heat lanced from his eyes and struck Shad00w in the back. He kicked off a hospital bed and raised his fist to bring it down on the Super Freaks back.
  24. Ed heard Reds command and nodded his head, he wasn't a users of super Strength but he would try his damn best to get the doors open.

    Digging his metal fingers inbetween the gap, giving him enough room to fit his other hand he begun to try to pull the doors apart, yanking with all his strength. He knew once the doors flew open he would be dangerously exposed to Freakshow firepower but had to get those people out of there.

    "Come on Ed, people are counting on you...you've got to do this..."
  25. From what I'm guessing by the hints in BaBs quote is kind of as such

    "We announced Mission Creator...that's a feature we're comfortable (I.E. We're 99% sure that it's going to be ready and in a fit working state for Issue 13) in mentioning...there's a crapload of stuff we're working on now for Issue 13 that we can't mention (I.E. We're not sure if they will be ready for Issue 13 release) plus we like to keep the Proliforated Powersets a surprise...oh and we like to keep you guessing on other things too Muwhahahaha!"

    Does that sum up the gist from BaBs post?