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  1. Think almost all CoX players are going to give CO atleast a try out, which may be a problem if it does prove to have more pulling power.

    Yes the 'do little attacks to build up a meter for bigger attacks' is pulled from WoW, namely Rogues in the combo point system and Warriors Rage (smaller attacks build up combo points and the heavy hitting attacks cost combo points, Rage works the same way Fury does with Brutes but the hard hitting attacks cost Rage).

    Apart from that I really don't see a connection to WoW...
  2. You know it's odd...I was readily defending the MA from the criticsm of the likes of Shockwave and Londoner, saying it would be great and such...

    ...though their initially 'it's only for RPers' complaint has proved completely wrong (it's not for RPers, it's for farmers) they did make some good points back in the day, probably should have listened instead of defending it so blindly...
  3. Just going by what the guy said, seems a little odd that he would suddenly recieve a lot of lowered votes once he hit hall of fame status, that's 1000 or more people have played it and rated it a 4.5 or above, surely somewhere in those 1000 people there would have been those that disagreed with the 'popular' opinion and rated it a 3 if the arc was really only average.

    Seriously it's the one MA arc I've heard from quite a few people and have talked about myself being really good and worthy of HoF status, yes your opinion may differ but feel free to play through the arc and vote accordingly, it's not like I'm yelling at you to give it five stars, hell it's not even MY arc...mines languishing at 4 stars and 9 plays...but then I actually except mine isn't that great.
  4. when it drops down to a 4 it loses HoF status, for HoF you have to be atleast 4.5 average to achieve it.

    Also I'm not saying it was but one man preforming it, would be a group of people obviously.
  5. The person who wrote the arc said that when he recieved HoF, (thankfully once you get into HoF you never lose the badge associated with it) he would suddenly recieve a flurry of one star votes which caused it to drop out.

    The devs are in the process of fixing said problem that once an arc hits HoF it remains there.
  6. Currently there's a bug where down voting an arc drops it out of hall of fame, he did managed to achieve hall of fame then some git gives him a one star out of spite and he drops out.

    It was HoF for a couple of hours, it's also mentioned in his Arc review thread on the US forums with multiple other posters congradulating him on HoF before it dropped.
  7. The trouble I'm begining to have is that yes Issue 14 was quite nice and I was very excited but...well...lets just say the player base pretty much ruined it, it was inevitable that the farming maps would outcrowd the decent story telling ones, the rating system is pretty awful.

    To be brutually honest the Magic Booster pack got people more excited in the various Union global channels I frequent than the MA, it held peoples interest for about a week, I may still tinker with it just to make a decent lowbie arc (which is sorely limited, since 90% of the arcs are aimed at farmers or toons IO'd out the backside) and then calling it quits, I'm not going to get hall of fame, devs choice or any of that, so what's the point if the arc is going to languish with the other decent arcs buried amid the mountainous pile of crud that fills the MA...

    We really do need some more info about Issue 15 and what we can expect, the creative side of the MA won't hold peoples interest for long...well...so I reckon anyway...
  8. I sadly have to agree, it's been what...two weeks and the MA is already filled with more five star piles of dross than I care to think about.

    I think I've played probably five really good five star arcs, the first Hall of Fame entrant, The Footstep initiative (that arc damn well deserved it, it's very well done). Arctic Princess Twisted Tales part one arc (sadly now unpublished) and her/his latest arc which is also very good, did it will a team of four and everyone enjoyed it. The build your own moonbase arc which is definitely one of the best devs choice arcs (lets face it, even a few of those aren't exactly eyebogglingly brilliant) and one other which escapes me at the moment.

    I think playing The Footstep iniative as my first ever MA arc probably spoiled me somewhat but going through pages and pages of five star farm maps or maps called 'Test' with the description 'put this up to test something' (seriously for Jehovahs sake, that's what the test your arc before publishing option is for...) is just awful.
  9. Judging by the NPC dialogue around the one in Kings Row, I think the devs know how out of place they look...or atleast our good Lady War Witch does.

    The police outside of the Kings Row AE building do say the following, no lie.

    "Wow this building looks really out of place. You been inside yet?"

    and either;

    "Hmm no graffiti, wonder how long that'll last..."


    "Hmm no graffiti, impressive."

    So yeah, I think they know...
  10. Ok everyone, lets see the costume designed you've created using the Magic Booster.

    For myself a simply addition of a High collar cape gives Mistress Obsidia a mystical air about her as we can see from this screenshot here
  11. Ok remembered my login ID, got a new password and changed, used the ask a question option, I take it all I do now is just sit and wait for them to resolve the ask a question thing?
  12. Ok idiotic question but how on earth am I meant to contact support, I've made an account previously using my email address but it doesn't recognise the ID I'm using and therefore won't be able to email me my password despite when I try to create a new account it says the email is already in use...

    ...god I'm really starting to hate the Plaync support system...
  13. Or a 'store credit' which gave me free purchase of the next booster pack if they can't refund the money to me.

    Edit: Time to invoke the almighty Avatea to see if she can't get it sorted for us...she's not on the forums but then I think there's probably some yelling by her down the phone at the website people...either that or she's running around the office yelling 'fixitfixitfixitfixitfixit' at random people.

    Can't even log in to support since the website automatically logs me out when I click on support then doesn't recognise my account name..yeesh...
  14. wow I only clicked confirm purchase ONCE (it greys out and I patiently waited instead of trying to click twice) and yet here I am being charged for two copies of the serial code.

    Jesus what a joke...
  15. Think it's the case of all the people beforehand going "oh god...what have we done...you know what, I really don't want to deal with this..."

    and as we speak Firefox has timed out on me during purchase...so...lets hope the code has gone through, honestly NCsoft support guys did you know expect the mad rush for these awesome costumes?
  16. Khorak does make a good point, those codes weren't purchased and then people decided 'oh I don't want them' it's a case of their new website being a complete pile of doo doo that can't cope with the demand causing the multibuys.
  17. site still seems to be moving at a snails pace it seems...

    Taking forever to even just load up my account option to log in...
  18. I seriously doubt they'd be as stupid as to put a one day delay for the Europe release over the American release.

    Well no doubt it's going to turn up while I'm at work from 5pm now...
  19. still no sign of the magic pack...bah!
  20. Well I reckon it'll turn up at 10am here in the EU.

    Well I hope anyway...damn yanks...postin on our forums, making the place untidy, introducing fast food to a once healthy nation (ignore the malnurishment most people suffered from before the advent NHS which had nothing to do with the Americans..ignore it I say!), creating Michael Bay (though I do love explosions) and many other things that are otherwise fine and dandy but horrid because they're American...

    ...for those that can't tell..the above is indeed sarcasm.
  21. well it's already been good for me infwise.

    2 random rolls, the Blessing of Zephyr Travel power speed increase and endurance reduction (1mil inf) and a Imperium Armor Res/Rech IO for a massive 35mil inf...now that I swear must have been a typo but it's too late for them to get their inf back (face it, we've all done something stupid on the market, ended up bidding 200,000 on five pieces of 20,000 worth salvage several times myself...)
  22. Dr_MechanoEU


    Well can speak for Invuln since I have slotted out mine differently through dual builds.

    First build is the "I'm going to be tanking a lot of things with Psi" build where she has roughly 40% resistance to Psi, this is greater than her non S/L damage resistance. Yes it is very handy for tanking Psi stuff but there's very little Psi stuff that isn't positional based which is why...

    ...Def capped to all but Psi second build, yes it cost a lot of inf (well to me...probably around the 250-300 million inf mark) tends to come across more effective. I can wade into spawns and thanks to the buff to the passives, cascading defense failure isn't really much of an issue (the effects are cut by 50%).

    I have yet to test run it under Statesman TF conditions (the biggest stress test) but I presume it would preform a lot better than the high psi resist build.
  23. If issue 15 hits and there's no decent free costume items in it (and I don't mean just more hairstyles or more patterns, I mean Enforcer and Jester level, two completely free complete sets) then I reckon we can safely say that we're heading towards costume packs being the norm.

    And for the love of all that's holy don't tie them to something like Vanguard Merits OR a taskforce...having to wait until level 35 for a nifty and potentially very useful costume as a bit of a kick in the teeth.

    Hell go all out, tell Jay to get off his backside and make some NPC costume items available, the Carnie Mask, the Freakshow Cybernetics, the entire 5th Column outfit (or atleast the faceplate, can do the rest myself).

    Hell I WOULD be willing to pay £20 for all the available NPC costume items bar the signature heroes/villains...would love it even more for free but to be able to actually BE a Mark II Wolfpack Mechman would be awesome...
  24. There is, of course, another major thing the Flashback system is used for...


    For those people who don't have the time (you can take break up a Story arc over several days if needed) or are dedicated soloist the Flashback system is the only way to earn merits.

    Some people have worked out a way where it's actually quicker to do flashback to earn all your merits than it is to do some of the more rewarding TFs (a better Merits Per Hour (MPH hehe) ratio than any of the more rewarding TF) if they have a very solocapable toon.