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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    So when i actually get round to buying this as i would like some of the pieces. Will the hassle of getting refunds and extra packs that came with the magic pack occur.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apparently the demand for the magic pack was so great it took the NCsoft store team completely by surprise, causing them to have to rejigger the store so that it could handle the sudden and massive workload being placed onto it by us.

    So hopefully, with the work in place, that's a no.

    Edit: Also pass your praise to Zortel...it was her suggestion to Positron when he visited us on Test that probably helped seal the deal (meh I know it's something people have wanted for ages but Posi's response of "Hmmm...interesting idea..." was either a very subtle hint it was on the way or the thinking outloud that got it all started).

    Even if it wasn't her doing...she still deserves praise...just because...
  2. Also need this answered as I have a Dr_Mechano on both forums...will I need to change my name or could I request they be merged?
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    Issue 16

    I was a bit "meh" about the MA, I am very "meh" about Issue 15...

    ...but as of right now I actually don't care if Issue 16 isn't anything but power customisation even if it's just colour customisation.

    You know why?

    Because that represents the very first step in the full power customisation road. First get the hardest part out of the way, the general ability to customise powers in any way shape or form. The next step would be selectable animations (I long to make boxing and Jab on my invuln/ss two different animations and make Smashing Haymaker an actual haymaker) and either custom or model replacements for MM pets with the ability to alter them (already in place with Issue 15 as you can tweak almost all non-custom faction NPCs in some way or another colourwise) and yes...I do want a pink Zeus Titan as my Assault bot...

    This is the first step towards something great...
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Issue 16

    Ohh here's a thing.

    Those Imps are custom coloured which hopefully means that all summonable pets can be custom coloured...

    Call shotgun on having a pink Assault bot!
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Would you?

    Bah...you people and your Commadore 64's....

    My Commadore was the Commadore plus/4, the business version of the Commadore 16.

    Back then my dad use to get any old computers the local Council were throwing out for free (since they would just dump them in the skip out back).
  6. While I do roleplay I also find myself doing various things even when solo, namely TF2 quotes popping into my head.

    If using an AR user that has snipe whenver I fire off snipe, before the shot has fired I'll normally whisper to myself, "Say goodbye to your head, [censored]" or "thanks for standing still [censored]" and I'll always try and find the 'best' location to launch the snipe from if I can, say on a rooftop to mobs down below.

    Full auto gets the "MUWAHAHA CRY SOME MORE!" treatment.

    Flamethrower gets the pyro's muffled chuckle come.

    On brute/scrapper/tanker gets the "What sick man sends babies to fight me" "it's good time to run cowards!"
  7. Sadly the same for me...been playing more US side, RP on the EU side seems to have had it's numbers thinned substantially with the summer coming in.

    Plus not only can I not really think of a decent new plot there's 3 people off on holiday for the past couple of weeks which leaves 4 people to run the shop, which means I don't get much free time these days.
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Non-combat pets!

    Well good news Avatea has forwarded the suggestion onto the Devs (yay for Avatea) just don't expect a response or some such from them any time soon.

    Keep the faith folks, hopefully those little critters will become available to all you collectors sometime soon!
  9. Dr_MechanoEU

    Non-combat pets!

    Hmm interesting idea indeed..there is merit for it, some of the AE badges are account based.

    Still not sure how on earth you'd get mini-Lusca to be summoned and be mobile, it would rely on creating a whole new model/rig as well (since the tentacles are technically seperate creatures).

    Also got a new set for the GMs. Instead of Bitesized Babbage being awarded on completetion of the Synapse TF, you will get a Pint-sized Paladin (the power description will remain the same though, Bitesized Babbage's new one is included here)

    Hero GM reward pets
    Name:Bitesized Babbage.
    Description:All large clockwork produce those tiny little Gears and Babbage was no exception. This one has decided you should take care of it now that you've destroyed the main body. It does like to steal shiny things though, so keep an eye on it...

    Name:Kranky Kronos.
    Description:Kronos, the greek god of time and Malta's largest Titan. This one isn't quite so mighty, infact its downright miniscule, less a tiny terror and more a tiny toy....it's lack of functional weaponry and it's size has left it with an attitude problem...

    Name:Diminished Adamanstor.
    Description:Sometimes the summoning of Adamanstor goes wrong, very wrong and this is what happens. A rather miniscule little undead creature who seeks out to devour the souls of small rodents, which are distinctly lacking in Paragons pest free enviroment...it'll give your shins a good kicking through!

    Name:Squashling (award from Hallowed Spirit or Pumpkin King/Queen)
    Description:Not all Fir Bolg grow up to be big and strong, this one a little Squashling, it sides with you in the hopes that you will defeat the nasty Redcaps, since it's bigger brethren aren't doing so well...

    Name:Jack Junior (awarded through the Iron Warrior or Giant Killer badge).
    Description: Jack isn't the only giant but this one is less of a giant and more of a pest, some speculate it could be one of Jack's loathsome offspring...though nobody quite knows who or what would want to mate with Jack...

    Name:Cute Kraken.
    Description:Alright, it's not cute, it's a small green hydra that likes to vomit on things...but you're it's parent now you slain the mommy, so look after it, even if it is ugly....(As not to be confused with the Hydra spawnling, the Hydra Spawnling will be a miniatue Man O' War which is red in colour, while obviously the Cute Kraken will be dark green in colour).

    Name:Rumblin' Jurrasik Rubble!
    Description:This Rubble wants to be just like it's dad, instead it has a toy car on a small stick and couldn't be less deadly if it tried, it's still made of rock mind you so try not to drop him in the water, he'll sink and the car will rust, so don't be mean!

    Villain GM reward pets
    Name:Arachnos sanction toy Flier.
    Description:Hey Kids, you wanna be cool, get the new artificially intelligent Arachnos Flier, comes with foam missiles and several Bane spider action figures. Remember Arachnos IS watching you using this toy and your playtime amuses Lord Recluse!

    Name:Ghostly whisp (Scrapyarder).
    Description:All the remains of the gigantic ghost of the Scrapyarder is this tiny whisp, it follows you wherever you go. Sometimes you hear voices on the wind mocking you every time you fall in battle but it must be nothing...

    Name:Grim Gremlin.
    Description:While Deathsurge is a monstrous amalgamation of death dealing electricity, this tiny little gremlin barely has enough to power a pocket calculator...still be useful if every you need some batteries charged on the go.

    Name:Quaint Caleb.
    Description:A small Nerva ghost, which had decided that since you kicked Caleb's backside, you're probably the person to hang around with and your ten times scarier than Caleb ever was...

    Co-op/event specific GM pet rewards
    Name:U'Kon Pr'pul.
    Description:A miniaturised Rikti Drone all of your own, watching your every move and recording it for prosperity, shame you have no idea why it's following you and why it's recording but you still look cool with it...just got to remember to not let it in the toilet...

    Name:Frozen Frosty (Frozen Fury badge).
    Description:Guess this member of the Winter horde really couldn't take the heat...it's nearly melted away to nothing, probably should stick it in the freezer...
    __________________________________________________ ___

    For 1000 tickets (each) you can buy the...

    Name:Handsome Holo (male).
    Description:Now AE entertainment has already bought you the mobile way to work from home with it's handy palm terminal for those playful users, now you can try out our mobile contact hologram, it's not hooked up to the AE yet but be sure to talk to it for all your AE update needs!

    Name:Comely Contact (female).
    Description:Now AE entertainment has already bought you the mobile way to work from home with it's handy palm terminal for those playful users, now you can try out our mobile contact hologram, it's not hooked up to the AE yet but be sure to talk to it for all your AE update needs!
    __________________________________________________ ___

    There think that has covered all the feedback I've had so far, also the Miniature Malfunction Forcefield Projector for the Silver Mantis TF would be replaced with....

    Name:Jury-Rigged Jumpbot.
    Description:Not quite upto the standard of the Sky Raiders, perhaps one of them built this in their spare time, either way the little robot has taken to following you, perhaps it's malfunctioning...who knows...

    Oh and for the Imperious Taskforce:
    Name:Minotaur calf
    Description: Minotaurs of myth are big hulking beasts of unbridled fury. This one just wants someone to take care of it, rescued (or kidnapped depending on your stance on these things) from within Romulous's army, you hope to teach this calf your own values whether they be good or evil...

    Avatea...perhaps you could have a dev look at this thread and tell me what they think of it. Put a lot of work into these (doesn't have to be yes or no on it, just what they think).
  10. Ah I assumed she was the general go-to gal for all the dialogue and now I know she isn't.

    Still glad to see that the feedback is being taken into account.

    Edit: And yes PRAF it really has, well certainly taught me to go over things with something more than "I smash gud" mentality through missions, now I actually pay a hell of a lot more attention to mission dialogue, clues, pacing...

    Needless to say most early CoH vanilla content would be 3 star MA arc at best
  11. Dr_MechanoEU

    Non-combat pets!

    hehe glad to see the support and Lusca is awesome cutified but sadly would make no sense as a mobile non-combat pet.

    I do like the idea of them being a mutually exclusive toggle, thanks Ty!

    Hmm should Giant Monsters (except Lusca) award themselves as mini-pets as well?
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    Non-combat pets!

    Posted this up on the US forums and it does seem to be gathering support.

    A lot of people have suggested mini-versions of all the GMs as well (except Lusca of course).

    As for how to pick them up, not sure on whether they should be taskforce rewards, merit bought, AE bought or what...damn tough choices, glad I'm not a dev that's actually making this happen.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I think both the TF and the SF are going to get quite a bit of tweaking before they go live.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They better because as they stand now, I suspect they were written (not programming written but storytelling written) by one of the new guys as their first piece of big work as there's a lot of things wrong with regards the story in terms of pacing, details given, the clues are kind of lackluster (no a Hopeless bossfight isn't fun and is just damn confusing...admittedly the objective does just switch to "Find Mission exit!" but still try to find some other way to show just how uber this returning villain is).

    I'd personally be very surprised if War Witch had done the mission dialogue and NPC dialogue as it certainly doesn't seem up to her usual standard.
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    Non-combat pets!

    Right you get a selection of Non-combat pets as the 36 (3 year) vet reward, so we know the game can do this sort of thing (I'm not including the 'buff pets' that veterans get as a later reward as these could fall under the catergory of combat pets since they do provide a buff).

    When I played World of Warcraft I was something of a non-combat pet collector (verged on 70 overall, including ridiculously rare ones, I went more out of my way for those little critters than any piece of gear I ever wanted) and wouldn't mind seeing them as a more tangible reward to some of the Taskforces/Strike Forces within the game. I'll run down my suggestion for each individual Taskforce/Strikeforce and the pets name and power description. Some Taskforces/Trials wont have a pet reward, both to keep the numbers down and only when it makes the most sense.

    Hero Taskforces/Trials
    Fall of the Clockwork King: Synapse Taskforce
    Name:Bitesized Babbage.
    Description:A completely unterrifying version of the monstrous Babbage, found as a plaything for the Clockwork king to amuse himself within his lair, it decided it prefered its chances with you after the mechanical menace fell and you've not had the heart to give it to DATA for study.

    The Kheldian War: Moonfire Taskforce
    Name:Nictus Wisp.
    Description:Too small to be of any harm, it hovers around you, perhaps waiting for a moment of weakness within which to try to merge, you're keeping any eye on this thing, unfortunately you can't seem to find any tangible way of getting rid of it apart from shooing it away for a while but it always comes back...

    Citadel's Childen: Citadel Taskforce
    Name:Zippy Zenith Hoverbot
    Description:First of the two prototypes designed as a cheaper alternative to the much larger robots but rejected that the miniaturised parts actually costs MORE to create. It never had it's weapons activated but it has designated you as it's operator and owner.

    The MegaMech Cometh: Ernesto Hess Taskforce
    Name:Miniature Mark II Zenith.
    Description:second of the two prototypes designed as a cheaper alternative to the much larger robots but rejected that the miniaturised parts actually costs MORE to create. It never had it's weapons activated but it has designated you as it's operator and owner.

    Sewer Trial
    Name:Hydra Spawnling.
    Description:Perhaps a young offspring of the Hydra, perhaps something else, you can't be sure but you were there when 'it' hatched and it now calls you it's mother.

    Eden Trial
    Name:Crystal Titan Shardling.
    Description:Smaller than the standard Crystal Titan Shards it looks up to you as it's protector, shattered from the main consciousness and driving force of Devouring Earth it seems to follow you as it's new hivemind.

    Villain Taskforces/Trials
    Beast beneath the Temple: Virgil Tarikoss Strikeforce
    Name: Hordling Lasher.
    Description:This Demon respect powers and considering you've subdued Bat'zul, you're clearly the most powerful thing around, it's siding with you for safety.

    Pirates of the Sky: Silver Mantis
    Name:Malfunction miniature forcefield generator
    Description:Unfortunately this Forcefield Generator has had some of it's circuit scrambled, it thinks you're the Engineer that built it and isn't powerful enough project a forcefield. Sad little thing really...

    Temple of the Waters: Operative Renault Strikeforce
    Name:Cute Coral Guardian
    Description:While the idea of hanging around something 'adorable' probably isn't something you'd like you just can't get rid of the damn thing for long, smash it and it reforms, shoo it away, it comes back and dropping the thing into the sea just plain won't work...

    The Crystal of Serafina: Ice Mistral Strikeforce
    Name:Mildly Melted Hellfrost
    Description:Not quite the demon it use to be now that you've crushed it down to size, like all demons it respects power and has sided with you to further it's own rather ambitious (for it's size) gains, though it won't be threatening anybody just yet...

    Respec Trial
    Name:Impetious Impette (Succubus model)
    Description:Power begets power and now your powers have changed and improved this little imp is going to make sure you put this stolen power to evil use, after all, it was from her summoners, the Circle of Thorns, from which you stole it.

    Co-Op Taskforce/Strikeforce
    The Lady Grey Strikeforce/Taskforce
    Name:Hamidon Bud.
    Description:What remains of the weakened Hamidon you fought in The Abyss, it's rumoured these globules of goo could grow back into a full sized Hamidon, best keep an eye on it then even if it does seem to be following you around...

    What do people think (spent quite a while working on this) and what would your suggestions be?
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    I miss .........

    Saw him (briefly) in person when invited to a Union Hami raid last weekend, sadly it looked like a lot of people had simply buggered off after doing the first Mito wave and there wasn't quite enough to beat him.

    Still I got to see the giant glob of jelly that is the Hami.
  16. Well there's definitely a distinct lack of excitement with regards this issue from some (myself included).

    The below is personal opinion.

    New hero taskforce: Plays kind of like a 3 or 4 star MA arc, it's "Just a bunch of stuff that happened" or so it seems, there doesn't really seem to be a lot linking each mission together other than the fact it's a taskforce. The maps a nice but there's plotholes abound and then end AV suffers from "Unkillable unless by luck (doesn't activate his tier 9) or a couple of Psi blasters are in the team" won't say more incase it ruins it for those waiting for it to get onto live.

    Villain Strikeforce: Suffers horrendously from the "Lord Recluses [censored]" syndrome that a lot of the Taskforces and story arcs redside fall into, you've beaten up his sidekick for your patron arc (and by an extension THEIR sidekick) and if you've complete the 45-50 section of your patron arc, you've handed Lord Recluse his future selfs helmet and told him you're not going to be a pawn anymore.

    Yet here we are again, hell Barracuda talks to you like your barely worth her attention, that's the sidekick of a sidekick to Recluse (not to mention one you've pummelled MANY times by the time your at 45-50 range if going through ordinary non-MA content).

    It hands the villains the idiot ball and makes them run with it...never a good thing mind you the Villain SF does get an epic cutscene, something distinctly lacking in the Hero TF.

    One interview it was said that there would be "Multiple ways to beat [x]" (still not saying who it is, just incase) when I've yet to see anything that suggest the standard stratergy isn't simply involved again, there didn't seem to be other ways of doing it unless they meant "pound down the AV while someone tanks the adds" or "tank the AV, while pounding down the adds"...which I count as two seperate ways of beating the AV, not really the multiple I imagined.

    New faces: To be honest the faces did need new additions, it's been a long time since there had been any additions at all in that catergory. They're pretty good, neutral faces, nothing to complain about here.

    new costumes: Ulterior is another set in a similar vein to Stealth and Exproto, it's ok but compared to the paid for additional costumes we've been getting recently, kind of falls flat. Vines, however, does not live upto it's name, the merest whisps of colour that the set uses as 'vines' aren't what the name brings to mind when the worse 'Vines', most people, I imagine, would think of something along the lines of the Batman Rogues Gallery member, Poison Ivy. If they change the name to something more suitable, I think it would be a lot better and save Vines for something more akin to vines wrapping around the body. Neither costume is really upto the standard of the paid for costumes and seems a tad lackluster in the long run.
  17. It's only a small change but his the plume ontop of his helmet does change (if I'm remembering correctly) each time he revives.
  18. Yup you can, adding the pack will give you a months free time and the items.

    I'm a PC user but still bought the Mac edition pack because in the long run it actually works out cheaper than buying the Valkyrie pack on it's own would when it came out if including a months subscription into the cost.
  19. ((ok people lets begin to wrap this up, mass of PPD would probably begin arriving about now. A note, Miranda, the Longbow with the Grenade Launcher AND the sniper rifle is a player character, not some random NPC with a name, it's been brought to my attention that a few of you have godmod killed her, this isn't ok in the slightest, the person that plays her was upset by it and hasn't enjoyed this topic at all, please take into consideration other people when you act, next time I shall be running a very tight ship when it comes to this topics, it may be a little less freeform but I think the topics will benefit from it overall in plotline))
  20. That looks suspisciously like an armoured variant of the new Ulterior set that's on test...
  21. Hmm anyone got a theme suggestion for the NWA?

    Was thinking something along the lines of Hoist the colours

    Especially the chours, since the NWA is villains working together (Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colours high), a collection of 'thieves and beggars' and how if one of their number is taken out, the rest remain so "never shall we die!" villainy cannot truly ever be stopped.

    Yes it's a bit piratey for a group of comic book villains but I think it suits quite nicely.
  22. ((can pick what loot you gathered))
  23. Edward sighed as he picked up the phone as he talked to Ghoul, "well nothing ever goes completely to plan...I suggest that you and any other survivors vacate the area as fast as possible.." Edward hung up the phone.

    Edward begun hooking up the battlesuit, "well this certainly is a nifty catch...energy shield device and all.."

    "hmm perhaps something to give my next genetic experiment..."

    Edward begun dialing his offices in Necrotech, "Yes, Edward here, look fire up the fast growth genetic vats...I've got a plan..."