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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    So if Japan wants Gundams, then what does the U.S. want?

    See that might actually work.

    It has six legs to spread the weight over and to stabilize itself when firing the main gun.

    However it doesn't solve the major problem, a main battle tank wouldn't suffer the drawbacks of:

    A) having to keep the weight down to allow it to walk and thus lose armour.
    B) be slower than a current tank since Treads can achieve a greater speed than running.
    C) due to their inherent stability tanks would be able to fit larger guns.

    So the only thing a walker can do better than a tank is climb uneven terrain and while we've sort of achieved that with the Big Dog robot, it's still hit and miss.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    also there's this pesky square-cube law; remember Hitler's super-heavy tank project?

    With current materials the Mech's legs couldn't bear it's weight.
    The Maus might have been fairly effective weapon as a mobile bunker if not for the fact that Tanks were being replaced with air superiority AND the fact that no bridge could bear the weight of it, the same problem that the JagdTiger suffered.

    Also Self Propelled Guns and tank destroyers would have a field day with the thing, slow to move, huge silouhette and unable to hide behind anything meant it could be outmaneuvered by lighter, faster tanks

    However Hitler wasn't the only one to make this mistake, Americans proposed the design for the T95 Tank Destroyer.

    That thing would had a whooping 305mm of frontal armour, a top speed of 12mph and a 155mm cannon unlike the Maus this thing was actually built (two prototypes) but never used because it proved too cumbersome AND that kind of firepower was rarely needed.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Because there's ever been such a thing as an original idea? Also, every generation had a crap ton of terrible movies, songs, shows, etc. No one generation is worse than the others.We just don't choose to remember the crap thirty years later, meaning all we remember is the good stuff. Ergo, the 80s moves were plentiful and higher in quality than today's.
    This is so true.

    I mean nobody remebers the the metric ton of rubbish westerns and war movies that the studios spewed out in the 50s and 60s, they only remember the good ones. For example here in the UK, those are used as schedule filler during the day when everyone is either at work, at school or generally doing something else.

    Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
    as well as The Plague Dogs.
    Ah the horrifying movie sold as a childrens film...
  4. ((oh the information on the website is stuff about the New You and Dream Partner program, Here be a link to the Unionverse page))
  5. TVs throughout the land flickered, hissing into static for a brief moment before showing the symbol of a skull within a cog. It had been a number of years since such a symbol had appeared on Paragon and Isles.

    A soft female voiceover follows.

    "And now a presentation by Necrotech incorporated owner Doctor Edward Johnson."

    Doctor Mechano appeared on screen, dressed in a smoking jacket, smoking a pipe and as the camera pans back out, a pair of pink fluffy bunny slippers.

    "Hello there, now don't worry, I'm not about to attack the city, infact I've already done it, now over the past few weeks you've no doubt read the papers about one Ellie Stoneberg, you all ravished the news, printed the stories, even hunted her down and slapped a collar on her..."

    Edward shook his head, "are you honestly that stupid? It was a FAKE! You morons were all fooled by this fake who acts so outlandish, so out of character and you bought it, you ALL bought it."

    "I am a modern day professor Moriarty and you, you are all Detective Lestrade and one of you, ONE managed to be my Sherlock Holmes...well done to you Samantha Christophe...I shall be keeping my eye on you in future...and sending better ninjas damn you!"

    "So yes, I've proved my point, the masses are ignorant. You know that you are better than this, I can make you better than this, stronger, smarter, able to throw fire or hurl cars, I can make you the best you can be for monthly payments, think about it...you can either be the schmuck that falls of such ruses or you can be the one that sees through them and defeats them."

    "This is Dr Mechano signing off...oh visit the website for more information..."

    The TV flickers to static and returns to normal programming.
  6. Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those that prosper may truly judge what is sane.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agahnim View Post
    New movie from Disney called Wreck it Ralph looks amazing! Almost looks Pixarish. I'm amazed at the licensed characters they were able to include.

    Trailer is here.
    Yeah...the sheer amount of liscensed characters in that trailer alone, you're looking at, I think 10 different video game companies, some that aren't even around anymore (the robot in the meeting is from Rise of the Robots IIRC).

    This, I think, could be the video game equivilent of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  8. Edward cursed as he slammed down the phone.

    "If you want something done right, don't hire budget ninjas...I swear one of them wasn't even Japanese...infact I don't think any of them were Japanese...I knew I should have just sent the Goop minions after her, how was I suppose to know she was a trained combatant..."

    Complaining to nobody in particular he looked about the room, "alright, looks like we'll have to move up the price range...now the Family won't work with me after the Chronodyne incident and common Helions or Skulls would be just as useless as those Ninja."

    He sighed and swung in his swivel chair and begun typing at the computer.

    "The Knives of Artemis are having their own trouble, Malta won't work for me, I can't send my usual troubleshooter because everybody and their mother knows about Steve thanks to his online blog...so it's either robots or more expensive ninjas..."
  9. Edward sat in his big, comfortable office chair, feet up on the desk. Reading a selection of todays newspapers...some of the less reputable ones were doing their usual thing, spouting off this and that about Ellie.

    "Ah the guttertrash press, is there any bandwagon you won't jump on..."

    He picked up the Paragon Times and read the article by Samantha Christophe.

    "Hmm it seems as though there is one smart person among the press after all...now that just won't do will it...or can it...now if I silence opposition to the view that Ellie is a drunkard with uncontrollable Kheldian powers then it is going to look too suspect but all it takes is one dissenting opinion to sway the public...hmm I shall have to think about this...Steve fetch me my thinking coffee!"
  10. Today: 4:30pm
    Edward set infront of a desk, monitors arrayed infront of him.

    "The world may have forgotten but I remember Ellie Stoneberg, I remember what got you in trouble a few years ago, let me see if I can't repeat that incident."

    The Ellie Imposter ((henceforth refered to as the Elliebot)) had made her way into a very upmarket resturant, Edward having already pre-booked the table. Of course she got stares, that was going to happen after the charade in Pocket D.

    Edward was looking through her eyes, making sure that there were no children present, he wasn't a complete monster after all. He observed her ordering from the menu, flirting with the waitress and now waiting for her food.

    "Ok let us move from humilation to aggrevation..."

    Edward entered the command code and the Elliebot doubled over in pain, he fired off the visual effects, making it look as if Kheldian energy was pouring from her uncontrollably, filling the place with an eyesearing blue and white light.

    Then the explosion, the building shook to its very foundation and begun to collapse in on itself, burying the men and women underneath the rubble. He had made sure to make the Elliebot durable enough to survive, he needed her to be seen flying away from the scene after all. Blasting through the rubble the Elliebot took off at high speed, she would make a few stops to make sure to lose anyone or anything tracking her before returning back to the factory, after this her fuel cells would need recharging.

    Edward chuckled to himself, Ellie had lost control of her powers many years ago and suffered majorly for it, hoping to repeart such an incident, especially since this time people got hurt.

    He knew she would deny it, provide witness to prove she wasn't there but in denying it the distrust of her among the unpowered populous would only grow. This fear would drive up customers for his New You program, he would hold Ellie up as an example of how dangerous meta-humans could be...
  11. One Doctor Edward Johnson aka the infamous Dr Mechano stood over a skeletal humanoid robotic form. The lights were down low, illuminating only the metallic body and a pair of faces. The grey skinned, elderly face of Edward who was making the last adjustments. The other the balding middle aged face of Professor David Thulian, Edwards' top research scientist and inventor of the blackhole gun.

    "Well, lets begin this shall we, Mr Knightly was kind enough to provide the clothes, now we shall begin the next step, creating the replicant, now we've taken the holographic photos....I honestly can't believe she let me take those, we shall put on the synthetic skin over the...well you know how this goes, there's no point me telling you things you already know Professor."

    "Oh quite Doctor, now since you've dragged me off my very important research for this, would you mind filling me in exactly why you've got it in for this particular woman?"

    "Well she has always vexxed me somewhat, I don't hate her, I just find her a deeply annoying and I've decided that in order to get her back for all this vexing I should humilate her...well that and I feel it's been too long since I got into old fashion villainy business again."

    Edward and David move the body into the mould, "oh...you did bring the wig as well right Dave?"

    "Oh yes, made with real hair that I shaved off of many cats..."

    "Good, Good..."

    "Oh besides the humilation of course I will be getting her in trouble, we do have the holographic emitters correct?"

    "Oh yes, while they won't strictly be Kheldian powers, they will look them and the overload will be highly lethal to those in the vicinity, activated at your command"

    "This could affect the business you know?"

    "Oh yes but boredom and villainy outweigh the needs to keep the company running."

    Edward chuckled to himself, "well now, she'll be complete in a couple of hours we'll do a test run...and make sure the correct people don't interfere...the newspapers tomorrow will be filled with an interesting story...

    ((Stay tuned, there will be more tomorrow, this is just the setup post...oh and what happened in Pocket D last night was just the tip of the iceberg)).
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    D&D Next

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The problem is the product doesn't move. Stores can't afford to throw away money on stuff that's just going to sit collecting dust. It's much safer to order it for people out of the catalog.
    Thankfully it was one of these really old games stores I found while on holiday in the Lake District here in the UK a long while back that pretty much did just keep hold of stock, never letting it go, sadly never seen a shop like it since.

    Part of me wished I had more money because this place was a treasure trove of ancient and outdated RPGs.

    TMNT and Other Strangeness, Judge Dredd, Dr who, shelf upon shelf of the old Star Wars roleplaying game supplement along with a crapton of GURPS second edition supplements, all kinds of weird and wonderful books.

    Hell if I had the money back then I would have snapped up the first three mentioned if only because they're ridiculously rare these days.
  13. Yeah finished watching Excell Saga a while back...and in a show of sad geekiness the phrase "My Tears flow like watefalls!" and "I must return to my hot sexy wife" have entered our catchphrase lexicon.

    Once again I'm waaay behind the curve here and watching Angelic Layer and really enjoying it.

    Especially since I could see that if such a technology takes off that games companies switching from the traditional video game fighting format to Angelic Layer and selling 'official' characters to use at official tournaments like EVO (under the guise that since they're not the custom ones it's all fair).

    I actually found it quite funny that in order to fully customise and Angel you had to be a decent hairstylist and a decent tailor in order to get good looking costumes. At first I was like, "Really, no male Angels..none?" and then one turns up.

    Also another thing I liked is the face an Angel controller is called a Deus, the latin name for God, don't know why but thought that was kind of awesome.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    Dr_Mechano, seeing as you're currently the most knowledgable so far in the thread, what would be an optimal game engine to run with for a potential CoH 2? Or is it more of a case that Paragon Studios would have to custom one of the newer engines for their needs? I seem to recall that the engine for Age of Conan was entirely their own design, but I don't know how accurate that is. Presumably the most wanted features would be physics stuff along with a lot more customisation with hair and so on, so would it be a hybrid sort of system? Lot to work out, I'm sure.

    Keep in mind I'm getting most of this knowledge second hand so I'm not sure which engine would allow what we have at the moment, the huge customisation on player characters (that look good, while our two nearest competitors have more customisation and better looking cityscapes their characters themselves tend to look fairly meh), the large expanses of cityscape, the showy special effects and still be able to run on a decently affordable computer (one of the downfalls of Conan was that you had to have a fairly beastly PC to make it look decent, there's a reason the big gorilla is still popular which is because anyone with a PC bought within the last 5 years can run it).
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    D&D Next

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I used to love visiting various shops and finding new and unusual systems to absorb. H.O.L. (and Buttery HOLsomeness) are some of my favourite such tidbits. But alas, the comic book stores began to carry less and less in that vein, and the few stores that were purely game-oriented began to stop carrying RPG books in favour of family/board games, miniature/tactical games, and CCGs.
    There's been a general shift away from Tabletop games, hell I can remember back when HMV (a movies and videogame retail store) would stock non-gamesworkshop brand miniatures and a slew of tabletop RPGs in one corner.

    Now very few brick and mortar stores will stock things like that anymore, hell I only know of one store in London that stocks non-GW brand miniatures these days (called the Orcs Nest) whereas before you'd see them in every little Friendly Local Gaming Shop.
  16. Ok my bad, people may still use open GL...but Graphics cards themselves don't really support it anymore which would be the problem, a lot of the higher end ones have to emulate it rather than actually support it.

    Which as I said, is the problem with CoH since graphics cards which do support Open GL normally in the PC market are being phased out.
  17. Lets be brutally honest.

    When was the last time a Dev or even an OCR even responded to something in the Suggestions forum?

    As mentioned above, the move from Development to For Fun shows that it is now the place where people put out ideas for people to daydream about, nobody takes the Suggestion section seriously anymore, not even the Dev team, so what is the point of posting in there?
  18. Certain Game Engines will have certain advantages.

    The Source Engine, for example, is apparently easy to work with and still provides some of the best easily used physics.

    The Frostbite engine is for easily destructible cover and buildings.

    The Crytek engine is usually focused on all out graphical impressiveness.

    Unreal Engine 3 is used by soooo many people that there's a massive base to draw experience from but, as mentioned, it has problems with things like hair.

    The problem with our current Engine is that it was made at a time when there were two competing APIs, OpenGL and Direct X. Now much like Betamax and VHS, one of them lost, nobody uses OpenGL anymore but CoH does. <ost modern graphics cards will have to emulate OpenGL because the don't actually support it properly meanwhile Direct X has taken over as the industry standard and all modern graphics cards support Direct X (This is another reason why it's a pain in the backside to get old games to run because the majority of them use OpenGL).

    This is why there either needs to be a huge game engine rewrite (so huge it might as well be a whole new engine) so that CoX doesn't use OpenGL anymore and instead Direct X or they might as well make CoH 2.

    The game engine is aging, badly, it's basically held together with duct tape, spit and hope at this point, they have no documentation on the Engine, all the old people who actually worked on the game and knew how it worked have actually left (BaB was the last one who really knew the guts of the engine IIRC).

    So they're left with those poorly optimised, barely held together engine which nobody really knows how everything works and because they're still using this engine also means they have to pay Cryptic royalties (hence why Cryptics name is still on the loading screen) because it was their engine.

    A whole new engine would solve a crapton of problems, bases could be done properly, full power customisation (as in APP/PPPs) could be done without any hastle, they could even add in things currently impossible like Swinging travel powers, running up the side of buildings etc.

    Hence why there are a lot of rumours that the secret project is CoH 2 because, well, the Game Engine is in such a state there kind of has to be a CoH 2 in order to make any great strides.
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    D&D Next

    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    HERO System, GURPS, BESM, Shadowrun, White Wolf and numerous independents like Fate systems have both brought new gamers into the genre and sapped some of D&D's audience. D&D is now looked at as a gateway game. It has more of a reputation for being mainstream among gamers and when I think of families playing, I think first of D&D and HERO system.
    Indeed the rise of the internet has also seen the rise of the independant and specialist games.

    Call of Cthulu, Ironclaw, Little Fears (which I always thought could use a sequel called Adult Fears), Cartoon Action Hour and many others have sprung up in this new age wheras before they would rarely be found in stores (though I did purchase my copies of Call of Cthulu, Delta Green supplement and Little Fears).

    Before you were limited to whatever your friendly local gaming shop would stock but now with places like RPG Drivethru etc. there is an outlet for all sorts of Tabletop RPGs and one available to whatever genre you want (multiple usually).

    I'm lucky in that I'm near London which has a whole slew of these type of shops, even picked up H.O.L. (Human Occupied Landfill) from one of them but other people aren't as lucky to have one of these kind of shops within reasonable travel distance.

    The other thing that has, admittedly, eaten into tabletop RPGs is the rise of MMOs as a whole along with the use of things like Skype. Though Skype along with specific tools has also allowed people to tabletop game with others who are miles away.

    Interesting that the gateway has moved from ye olde boargames of old (I grew up on Heroquest and Spacecrusade, which were meant to be gateways into Gamesworkshop stuff and it did work) which eased players into the ideas of roleplaying to Dungeon and Dragons itself.
  20. I think the other thing that may attribute to this is the distinct nosedive in Dev-to-player communication and the 'Marketting Blackouts' that follow things.

    Prior to two certain MMOs cropping up, the Devs weren't as tight lipped on upcoming features and I think the Marketting team was...well lets just say non-existent. Now we've lost all of the talkative Devs (Castle, BAB, Noble Savage etc.) have all either left or been moved to the mysterious 'second project'.

    Dink is thankfully quite talkative, though I will say not as talkative as Noble Savage use to be IMO.

    The Marketting Blackouts also compound this problem where Black Pebble and his team practically suffocate the dev team on what they can and can't say not to mention sometimes being borderline idiotic when it comes to certain things let Powerset or item release dates and them being stuck no matter what (yes I'm still bitter about Staff Fighting taking that freaking long to release when Beast Mastery was a bugged as hell and got released sooner just because marketting said so).

    So yes, most of the Devs rarely communicate via the forums anymore and we've taken a noticeable nosedive from the so called Golden Age of Forum Communication a couple of years prior.

    Notice I say Forum Communication, the Devs still talk at the Player Summits and on the Ustream chats but, as mentioned, the all great market team still throttle them with what they can and can't say due to fear the competition will somehow pip them to the post on...something...

    Also the tanker Changes can belong in General Discussion since it is a General Discussion on what could be done to make Tankers more appealing in the age of Heroic Brutes, it's no a suggestion on how to do those changes but a discussion about the AT as a whole.

    So Nya.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    Really? I'd a need a citation of where the devs came out and said that.

    Either way, for "not going as planned" it seems to be wrapping up fairly nicely, at least with the Magistarium Trial and i24 wrapping up the loose ends.
    Something tells me that we were suppose to fight Praetorian Hamidon (the Underground trial suggests we would atleast take him on) prior to fighting Tyrant but since, as mentioned, the devs felt that people were fed up with a storyline that has been dragging on for three years now (IIRC), that they axed Praetorian Hami and are skipping straight to the end.
  22. Dr_MechanoEU

    Celestial Armour

    Yeah..you know...you could have just broadcast in the game saying.

    "Hey can anyone show me what the celestial stuff looks like?"

    I'm sure there would be someone that would show you what they look like.

    I'm guessing you blew a massive chunk of change in order to get them before they disappeared and thus are now moaning about them because they're not something you wanted.

    Besides just because YOU don't like doesn't mean it's stupid, you don't have to use the pieces in question, it is that wonderful thing called 'options' and 'choice' that we have.

    Also your being an pancake but that's just me.
  23. I also think it comes down to the fact that many people see the 'Suggestions' section of the forum as a place Suggestions go to die (i.e. be ignored by the dev team as a whole).

    The Tanker Changes is an interesting one because it's less about "Tankers need a change and here is my suggestion for it" and more "How, as whole, can the community come up with a reasonable way to improve tankers".

    The All Things Character art is a thread started by a Dev, no it does not move to Suggestions, it remains right where it is.

    Cheap marketting idea...eh...suggestions are for ways to improve the game, marketting is a seperate entity to game changing suggestions.

    Or in other words:

    Stop being a grumpy git and let the mods sort things out!
  24. Considering that here, for example, it was only available for 1 day (today) in about 3 theatres around the UK this wasn't a paid for film, I actually got to watch it free since it officially comes out on Monday and I work in DVD rental place.

    So yeah if I'd have paid for it, I'd been even more disappointed.
  25. Moon Nazis, Zeppelin Spaceships and...not very well done satire oh my.

    Eh...even as a non-American I found the over the top satire on America that features in the film to be a bit...eh..I suppose I was expecting something more along the lines of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (alright the film isn't good but you know what I mean) and less Team America World Police with Nazis.

    The film is fun just probably one of those things where it wasn't what I was expecting at all and because of that it went from "yay!" to "meh!" fairly sharpish around the 30 minute mark.

    Satire on America being an overbearing warmongering nation has been done before, almost to the point where it is now cliched, I just wanted a straight up campy actionfest, the film does have these moments but they're too few and far between. It honestly felt like one of those poorly done parody movies like Meet the Spartans only with more class.

    The other problem is...well I saw Avengers on Tuesday and...kind of still reeling from that film, especially since it was my first 3D experience (and it didn't give me a massive headache and eyeballs feeling like they're about to explode like the old red and blue 3D does).

    So yeah, if you want another movie that does that angle of satire, go ahead and watch it.