771 -
Wow. Just... just wow. This is a much more enthusiastic response than I was expecting (and on a weekend, no less!). Thanks, everyone.
You've all given me a huge list of names to consider. And while I haven't nailed down anything for sure yet, I have made a couple of decisions:
- I'm going to let this thread run until at least 5pm (Pacific) on Monday before I choose anything for certain. I kind of had it in the back of my head when I started this that it might take a few days or even a few weeks to get anything I really liked from this (especially given my specificity), but it looks like I underestimated the community here. Still, I don't want to jump to any conclusions -- you never buy a car from the first lot you visit and all that. That's not a promise I'll make decisions regarding all three characters by then, but it is a promise i won't make any before then.
- There's no way I can address each suggestion individually like I'd planned. Instead, I'll try to single out the ones I have detailed responses to, since I feel like that's the most helpful, and otherwise provide more guidelines as I go.
To everyone who's complimented the designs, thank you. I really mean it. Costume design, and more to the point, creating something I see as an "iconic" character, is a big deal to me, and knowing I'm not the only one who likes a particular design is pretty validating. It makes all those hours (sometimes literally!) messing with the character generator instead of actually playing the game worthwhile.
To those of you with the tin-foil hats, calm down. There isn't some conspiracy at work here. My only angle is to get names I like so I can finally play these characters I've been sitting on for so long. And anyone who provides me with one of those names will be paid, just as I've promised.
I admit my standards for what constitutes a "good name" are high -- probably higher than most, and maybe prohibitively high. But my character select screen -- forty-plus characters on Virtue, all of whom have names I like and thirty or so with names I absolutely love -- proves, if nothing else, that it is in fact quite possible to satisfy me. It happens all the time, most recently about two weeks ago. I don't feel any of the requirements on my list back in the original post are out of line or unreasonable in the slightest, even if they do slow me down a bit sometimes.
Quote:I admit, I kind of like "Cryogentleman," enough that it's got me thinking about revising this guy's look to something with more from the Steampunk pack and less with the "steampunk" pattern. You may have convinced me to break my own rule here.1. Dr Cryo (no period), Doc Cryogen, Doctor Cryogen, Professor Cryogen, Doctor Nitrogen, Professor Nitrogen, Doc Refrigerant, Cryogentleman, Doc Cryogenic, Doctor Cryogenic, Sir Cryogen, Sir Cryogenic, Professor Cryogenic.
Quote:3. Shanghai Shark, Shanghai Ace, Shifty Dealer, Ace Shark, Ace Dealer, Shark Ace, Sharkace, Cardshark Ace... eh, not sure I like any of those, maybe Ace Shark (surprising that's not taken) and I should probably explain that Shanghai is a card game my family likes to play, so that's the first thing that popped into my head. I like that name myself, probably wouldn't work if you didn't have that connection in your head though.
I agree "Shanghai Shark" is a great name, though I'd feel obligated to dive head-on into the "Shark" part.
Quote:Angle Shooter angle is a technically legal, but borderline unethical, play. For example, deliberately miscalling one's own hand to induce a fold, or placing odd amounts of chips in the pot to confuse opponents about whether you mean to call or raise. A player employing such tactics is called an "angle shooter".
This exemplifies another problem I've had naming this guy, though it might just be in my head, having grown up on Beavis and Butt-Head and the like:
"Oh, thank you for rescuing me! Who are you?"
"I'm the Stud Poker."
"You know what, I'll take my chances with the Hellions. Thanks anyway!"
This is also why naming him "Ace in the Hole" -- which I tried a while back -- didn't last. If anyone remembers the comic Young Avengers, the Thor analogue had the same problem and ended up having to change his name because of the merciless taunts of his teammates thanks to what "Asgardian" sounds like when spoken out loud.
Quote:3. The Huckster, Double Down, Double Dealin, Broadway Bullet - Broadway is gambling slang for an Ace High Straight, and Bullet is gambling slang for an Ace
Quote:I'm surprised you used Refrigerant but not Freon, although I'm not sure if Freon isn't safe to use because of copyright issues.
If it's safe, Dr/Prof/Doc/Professor/Doctor Freon. Of course, Freon is one type of refrigerant originally manufactured by DuPont and is known for it's non-toxicity and widely used in refrigerators and air conditioners.
Quote:As a magician/person that can do card tricks I have a few suggestions for character 3 based on techniques we use:
Double Lift
False Shuffle
Charlie Shuffle
Key Card
Force Fan
Riffle Shuffle
The Palm
Sleight of Hand
The Overhand Shuffle
Double Cut
The Turnover
The Pass
The Reverses
The Glide (One of my favorite card techniques)
The Glimpse
Overhand Shuffle
Hindu Shuffle
Maybe you would like one of those?
Really, everyone: thanks for participating in this. Even if I don't use your suggestion -- even if I don't specifically acknowledge it here -- please know that every single one is helping, and is appreciated. -
Quote:It's really not that there's anything "wrong" with them per se; they just aren't grabbing me. It's tough to spell out.Can you be a bit more specific about what is wrong with those? I especially like Neurofreeze as it is descriptive of the character, I thought.
I am not trying to lobby you into liking them (that's likely impossible) but I am a bit curious as to your thought process... also it could help others to pick better suggestions in the future.
Part of it might be that I'm just not personally a fan of most "mashup" names; they sort of read to me like something that's meant to sound like a superhero (or villain) than like a genuine superhero. Which probably doesn't make much sense, with all superheroes being artificial creations. The permutations of "Brainfreeze" I tried are different because that's a term that exists outside the realm of superheroes; it would be like something the character co-opted for their own use, rather than a word he just made up. It also might have something to do with the very scientific-sounding "neuro" part not "fitting together" with the less-scientific "freeze" part in my mind; once my brain gets "neuro," it wants the whole word to be that high-falutin' (neuroscience, neurosurgeon, Neuromancer).
I don't imagine I'm making much sense here; ultimately that one just doesn't "feel" right to me; I really wish I had a better explanation than that, but I don't know that I do.
Thanks very much; I'm really thrilled with the way these guys look, and that's a huge part of why I'm so eager to find them names I like just as much. -
Wow; good response so far. Thanks, everyone!
Quote:An interesting play on words, but it doesn't seem too evident what it's "supposed" to be (I didn't get it immediately until I read your explanation). Also, kind of awkward if you say it out loud.For #1 I put forward Strife Support, a play on Life Support because of the suit and I think the character looks like a villain.
The character may well end up being a villain; I figure once I find a name I'll see what that suggests.
It has a nice ring to it, but it doesn't seem to add up to anything. One of those names that sounds deep and meaningful right up until the point that you start asking yourself what the meaning actually is.
Quote:For #3 I offer Flying Acrobat, I took the name on Virtue for a time I might want to use it but haven't been able to get an acceptable concept.
Not bad, but... "waltz?" Where did that part come from?
Quote:Character 2 = Again, without a specific background he's difficult to name. "Eastern Eclipse" runs off the Moon Knight-esque theme.
Quote:Character 3 = Actually the easiest to name. Something like "Wild Knave" (rather than Wild Jack, as Knave is the original name for the Jack cards and is less likely to be taken) or "Crazy Knave" if you're going for full theosaurus-athon and it could feed into the wild/flailing poses of the dual pistols.
Quote:I'm only doing this for the challenge however, so does this count me out of the running?
Quote:#1 is pretty damn tough due to the huge numbers of robo-brains people rolled back when the think-tank was released. I can't think of any decent ice-related brain names besides "Brainfreeze" which was probably taken at release, so focusing on the whole brain-jammed-onto-robot deal, how about "Brainframe"? Like a mainframe...but with a brain...yeah, I got nothing.
Brainframe is a decent name (and available!), but doesn't reference ice or cold at all, and I'd really like something that does.
Quote:#2 Hrmm, how about "Moondrake" (or Moon Drake I guess)? It fits the emblem, isn't too annoying to say/print on a comic book cover and sounds suspiciously like mandrake, a famous component of many rituals in the past (handy if he's magic origin). As an added bonus, if you ever get bored of the dragon, drake works for ducks too, so you can slap a bird emblem on there for variety.
Quote:[AlGore] (I have ridden the mighty) Moonwyrm/Moon Wyrm is also free [/AlGore]
Thanks. Hopefully something will turn up!
All decent names, but all names that rub me the wrong way for whatever reason; I think it's just that they all seem to be just "naming two things" names. They just leave me flat. "Dustmoon" less so than the others, possibly because reversing the syllables creates a "real" phrase (which is unfortunately taken).
A perfect illustration of the dilemma. -
I typically delete characters for one of two reasons:
- To "refine" a concept -- usually that means making the same character again, but with a different AT or powerset.
- To make room because I'm out of slots. This one always makes me sad. But this suggestion would help that.
Edited, 26 July
Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama, once said that the hallmark of a well-designed cartoon character is that they be identifiable in silhouette. Back when Wizard magazine was both an actual publication and a publication actually worth reading, their editorial staff observed that the hallmark of a well-designed superhero is that an observer would be able to pick the character out on a poster like this one without hesitation even if all they knew about the character was his name.
Names are important for superheroes, moreso than characters in other genres. If Aragorn or Buck Rogers or Sherlock Holmes or John McClane had a different name, the character himself would be largely unchanged. If Spider-Man or the Flash had a different name, the character would be fundamentally different, possibly requiring a different costume or suite of superpowers in order to make any sense. For superheroes, names matter.
And for some reason, it seems that any time someone mentions it being tough to find a decent name around here (outside this thread, anyway), they're immediately set upon by a crowd of people telling them how easy it is, that they just need to be "more creative," that they should learn to use a thesaurus, et cetera. Well, if you're one of those people, then this is your lucky day. Assuming it's as easy as you say it is, anyway.
Now, I'm not exactly loaded, but I'm willing to offer up a sizable chunk of what influence I do have to anyone who can deliver on this. Think of it as a reward, a finder's fee, or a prize; the point is, if naming a character is so easy, I'll pay you to do it for me. The rules are simple:
I have a character I desperately want to play, but he doesn't have a name. He's been sitting, unused, for about five years now. If you provide me with a name for this guy that I like enough to take and use, I'll send you in-game currency to the tune of half a billion influence. There's no cutoff date; the money remains up for grabs until it's given away. There's no limit to how many names you can suggest. But there are rules, and there are standards. To qualify, a name must be:
- spelled properly unless it's an obvious, purposeful misspelling.
This includes punctuation; superfluous periods or apostrophes, replacing a capital I with a lowercase L or vice-versa, inserting a space after every letter, or "XX Name XX" are all disqualifying offenses. I will be the sole arbiter of whether a purposeful misspelling is acceptible, but generally, I'd stay away from just adding a Y after any given long A, replacing an I with a Y, or sticking an E on the end of a word that doesn't normally have one. You may have more luck with consonants; X's and Z's are both pretty cool. No promises there, though. - in English, unless it being in another language suits the character.
I will be the sole arbiter of whether a non-English language name "suits the character," but generally, if it has a direct translation in English, I want it in English, primarily because of the next item on this list. If it's a word in another language that doesn't exist in English (or has been appropriated as-is from that language -- Baccarat, for example), that might be okay. - obviously meaningful in some way to the character's theme, costume and/or powers without having to be explained.
I say again, without having to be explained. I will be the sole arbiter of whether a name is obvious enough that it doesn't have to be explained. Note that this also means "fantasy" names (by which I mean, gibberish that "sounds about right") won't fly here. If it doesn't actually mean something, you can keep it. - a single word or short phrase as opposed to a complete sentence.
If a phrase, it would be helpful if it were a real, common set of words people actually use together (and in that order) from time to time, though it doesn't necessarily have to be -- I'm pretty sure "Green Lantern" wasn't a commonly-used phrase before the superhero first appeared. Clever wordplay is good, too, as long as it doesn't get too silly. He isn't intended to be a "joke" character. - something you might see on the cover of a real superhero comic book.
I will be the sole arbiter of whether a name is "superhero" and "comic book-y" enough. Titles like "Doctor" or "Captain" or "(whatever)-Man" are acceptable, but less desirable than names without them. Also less-desirable but not expressly forbidden: "mashup" names, i.e, just taking two otherwise-disparate words vaguely related to the character and putting them together: "he uses fire, and carries swords, so he'll be, um... Scorchblade! No, wait -- Burning Edge! No, Stabflare!" Those kinds of things typically generate a response somewhere between "eh" and "meh" from me, but you're welcome to try. - an actual superhero codename.
I'm not looking for their real name or secret identity here. I want Wolverine, not James Howlett. I want the Flash, not Barry Allen. I want Black Widow, not Natasha Romanov. Codenames are evocative and informative; real names are lazy and boring. Real names that are also part of a codename (Black Jacques) are cheesy and lame, and will generally be seen as a "misspelling." So, you know, see above for the rules on that. - Available (or, for safety, taken by you) on the Virtue server. I don't care what's free on other servers. I don't play on those.
Basically, "good enough" is not good enough.
Also, I won't be altering the character in any way from what's shown here (aside from possible weapon or power customization); no "this name would make sense if you changed his chest detail to x or added hat y or used aura z." Make the name fit the character.
In an effort to help you take my money (because I legitimately want to give this inf away), I'll try to come back to this thread periodically and explain precisely why I'm shooting down some of the things that I don't deem "winners." This is not done to start fights, insult anyone, or otherwise be a jerk -- it's done to assist everybody participating (or thinking about participating) to better understand exactly what it is I'm looking for, and get everyone that much closer to payday. It's called "constructive criticism," and I hope anyone who wants to jump into the thread without suggesting a name or discussing a given submission will keep that phrase in mind before posting.
Anyway, here he is:
First, let me point out the complete absence of a clown/jester theme.
Ultimately I'm willing to let this guy's powers be determined by his name. For example, if "Ace of Blades" were free (it's not), he'd become a Dual Blades character. If a name I like suggests guns or fire or darkness or whatever else, I'll change his powersets and AT accordingly. If the name he ends up with allows it (i.e, doesn't call out a specific suit), I'd like to give him four costumes that are identical except for the suit on his chest: one for spades, one for hearts, and so on. But I'm not dead-set on that. I do know that if he only gets one suit, it's spades.
Ideally I'd be able to name this guy "Pokerface" or "Solitaire" or "Ace of Spades" or something similar, but, hey, the people who took those names nearly a decade ago and haven't logged on even a single time since then might come back and immediately buy a million Paragon Points, but only as long as they still have that name they've almost certainly forgotten, so....
Anyway, there you go, folks. Half a billion, up for grabs, and all you have to do is name him. Have at it. - spelled properly unless it's an obvious, purposeful misspelling.
I've seen a 45-mook count, too. Not sure exactly what caused it.
Quote:I've said it before -- I think I mentioned it earlier in this thread, even -- exclusives are fine, but within reason. I also missed out on the recent loyalty pack, because my VIP subscription lapsed for all of six days back in January. And it's fine with me that other people have that stuff right now, while I don't. It's fine with me that other people got that stuff for free. What's not okay with me is being told, "you didn't have an active subscription for those six whole days, therefore you'll never be able to get those things, ever, by any means, no matter what, for no other reason than that we don't feel like allowing you to have them."I don't mind giveaways, but I have no use for Twitter. I have bought every costume piece available as they've come available, including the old super boosters full of emotes that I never use. Hopefully the Dark Matter and the pieces that were given as loyalty giveaways will be offered at some point on the market or even as a tier 9 reward option. I missed out on the loyalty pieces due to hitting a rough patch financially and my wife and I both had to let our sub lapse for a few weeks. I'll miss out on these, since I work every Thurs (barring vacations) and don't use twitter.
It's not like there's a limited supply. Paragon can't run out of these things.
Quote:I didn't have a problem with the promotion myself, as a first run. As time progresses and I loose the ablity to stay home and wait for the twitter feed to update, I won't loose sleep on being excluded from promotions either. The world isn't fair, not everyone will be able to get everything whenever they want it.
It's not because someone with an infinite supply said "no" just because they can. -
This is my typical setup. Tray 1 for attack powers, tray 2 for things that see a lot of use but that I want to be a little more deliberate about (mostly debuffs in this case, but I also use it for things like Build Up, Assassin's Strike, or Street Justice combo finishers) since I can use Alt+number for them easily. Tray 3 is miscellaneous other "basic" powers, but I usually put situational stuff like rezzes there, or anything that's going to make me drop a targeting reticle. Ctrl+number is a pain for me, so I figure if I want to use those powers, I'll just click the buttons, and putting things that are going to force me to reach for my mouse anyway there makes sense. Tray 4 is travel/mobility powers, mostly. Tray 5 is all my long-range teleports and other "out of combat" stuff. Tray 6 is a recent addition -- before I'd just stick my toggles and autopowers on the far end of trays 2 and 3, but this way just works better for me. (My masterminds take over tray 6 with pet summons and commands, so their toggles stay in the lower trays.)
I like having my health and endurance visible right in front of the character, so that's where my Combat Attributes window goes. I always display those at the top, XP to next and debt (or level shift for a 50) and inf at the bottom. In-between, it depends on the character. Melee types usually have defenses showing, blasters and brutes have damage bonus, etc. -
You know how sometimes, depending on the book/writer/story, Batman can take down the entire rest of the Justice League single-handedly, but other times a single thug with a small-caliber handgun is a legitimate, credible threat to him?
You know how that's because the protagonist of any story is only as powerful as they need to be in order to make the story interesting, dramatic and exciting?
That. -
The servers are all physically located in the same place.
When you log on, the list of servers you see is ordered from lowest population at the top to highest at the bottom (with the last one you actually played on at the very top).
The two highest-population servers are easily Freedom and Virtue.
EDIT: When I say the list is ordered from lowest population to highest, I mean current population/load -- the number of people actually playing on those servers at that moment. So it shuffles around a little at different times of day.
Also: This should help. -
Probably a moot point anyway....
Chances are that name's made its way onto the "banned outright" list by now, and deleting it would result in nobody, bpphantom or otherwise, being able to make a new character with it. -
Just got mine! Thanks again to Zwill and Hit Streak and anyone else involved....
Also, and I know this part isn't the Community team's doing specifically, thanks to Paragon Studios for making this account-wide costume piece unlock just friggin' unlock instead of resorting to that asinine "claim it from your in-game mail" setup that prevents me (for no good reason) from using some auras when I create a new character until I finally zone into Atlas or Mercy. Not having to go through that chore is much appreciated. -
Quote:Right. I got what you meant, apparently you missed what I was saying:And by multiple accoutns, I meant CoH accounts, I know players who ahve 3 or 4 accounts, can they not get them for those? Nowhere was it stated 1 per person. My wife's account is technically my second account.....does she not get one?
If you want more that one code, make a second (or third or sixth) Twitter account. Retweet once from each. -
Quote:I don't know if you've noticed, but they've been kinda busy today. Give them a little time.I wouldn't mind, I PM'd as told to earlier, STILL not a response several hours later!!
Quote:And what about people with more than one account? They can't get one??
Just sayin'. -
Twelve minutes and counting since the window closed and I'm still waiting for my code!
This is a slap in the face!
(Sorry, I just realized that after all that... "spirited discussion" in the first 15 pages or so of this thread, I didn't remember seeing that phrase.) -
There's a setting within Twitter where you can have it send you an email automatically whenever you get a DM. I don't know if that's enabled by default or not, but it might be worth looking into for everyone who doesn't plan to remain Twitter-active.
(Also, it possible to set it up so you get a text message on your phone every time a specific user -- say, CoH -- tweets.)
Oh, and about ten minutes ago, they tweeted that the next round (for Dark matter again) starts "in a few minutes."
EDIT: There it is. Only five minutes this time! Half as much work for Zwill and Hit Streak (in theory), I suppose. -
Well. This has just been an absolute clusterpancake. But they're trying, folks. Cut them a little slack?
That said, I'm now seeing tweets saying "we'll be posting a different item later" in response to someone's question about whether Dark Matter will be the only thing given away today.
Am I to understand that the next batch of retweets today will get something other than Dark Matter? Because I missed the first chance today (stupid reality! I never liked you anyway), and pancake that. I want my Kirby dots!
(I think I've had to use our wonderful "pancake" euphemism more in this thread than in every other post I've ever made combined.) -
Quote:As percentages, yeah, that'd be pretty lopsided. But as literal numbers?Actually one thing I hope about this is that the invasions only occur in zones with large bodies of water and not landlocked zones. Probably won't happen since that leaves out like half of Paragon and none of the Rogues isles. But eh.
The Rogue Isles has Mercy Island, Port Oakes, Cap au Diable, Sharkhead Isle, Nerva Archipelago, St. Martial, and Grandville. Seven zones.
Paragon City has Independence Port, Talos Island, Peregrine Island, Striga Isle... okay still kinda lopsided. Maybe also count zones with Sewer Network access? Or Founders' Falls, I guess. The Red River runs through Skyway City and the Hollows, maybe that's an "access point" too? -
Quote:Well, it starts at 3am for you, but the post also says they'll be tweeting "all throughout the day," which I assume could mean as late as 5pm Pacific. That's 10am for you if my math is right.However, I could had saved myself some time by reading the first post more, I missed the bit on the time it starts each Thursday - 10:00 AM PDT, that's 3AM for me so it affectively excludes me anyway no matter what.
Assuming you have a typical, active-during-daytime-hours schedule, you may still be able to get in there. -
I have two: Deep Blue Sea (time/water defender) and Super Big Gulp (water/ice blaster).