52 -
You could always have the Nictus be Uber-Life-Drainers... From what I understand of Kheldons, they are either Blaster or Tank.... so why not have the Nictus be a Super-Controller, or a Dominator/Stalker hybrid with Life Draining abilities?
Meh to Peacebringers/Warshades Villainside. They are Epic (ie; story based), but what would truly be cool for another Epic AT (and perfect Villainside) would be the Voids/Quantums. I dont know if it hasnt already been suggested and dont feel like looking, but that would make a better Epic IMO. Even better than SoA's, but from my viewing of the storylines pretty similar in division.
Plus I would love to hear "VOID!" screamed by a PB/WS when I found one in a PvP Zone. No, I dont PvP, but that just might make it attractive to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok then lets do that then... -
I have a question for you Dionon. The devs seem to want to keep the number of ATs available to each side balanced. What new AT do you propose Villains get to keep this balance if they do port Masterminds over?
[/ QUOTE ]
New Archtype for Villians.. that's a good idea...
I've got it!
Heroes get Mastermind...
Get Nictus (you know... the evil Peacebringers!)
Hows that Villain community? Even trades? -
Because I forgot about this forum when I posted this originally lol...
So, I know it's been brought up before, but I'm bringing it up again because it's an issue near and dear to my heart.
Please CoX.... Make a Heroic version of the Mastermind.... Granted, you couldn't have certain powersets translate over, but you could have differing ones, like "Sidekicks" instead of "Thugs" or "Elementals" instead of Zombies...
I ask this because Mastermind is my favorite archtype, and I'd really like to play such on the heroic side of things.
[/ QUOTE ] -
So, I know it's been brought up before, but I'm bringing it up again because it's an issue near and dear to my heart.
Please CoX.... Make a Heroic version of the Mastermind.... Granted, you couldn't have certain powersets translate over, but you could have differing ones, like "Sidekicks" instead of "Thugs" or "Elementals" instead of Zombies...
I ask this because Mastermind is my favorite archtype, and I'd really like to play such on the heroic side of things. -
*steps up to a rooftop*
*bows down in praise* -
Nice page. I don't have a Facebook account though, but I have you on my Myspace
Guys... there's no need to be rude to each other, or the Devs. We wouldn't want to see them so much if they were that bad at community relations. Honestly I want to see them, and honestly that's one of the reasons I was upset.
You never see any of them on the east coast, but I would let them stay at my freakin house if they needed to (Not much room, but I have a couch they can pile on...) to get them into Connecticut.
But onto the first reason I was upset. I'm NOT upset that it's the Hardshell suit, or that it's a halloween-ish thing. That's of no concern to me. I was upset that an In-Game item was being given out at one venue that there is NO way I could ever afford to get to.
It's more of a principal thing for me. There really isn't anything else I can say on this, just because I think it's kind of turned into a flamewar, and I don't want to be part of that.
I'm glad for the people that will get the ingame exclusive, but It would be really nice if somewhere down the line it was made available to everyone. /em shrug -
I generally have a lot of respect for your opinions, but implying that anyone who dislikes the decision made by marketing in this instance is somehow being unreasonable is simply something I can't agree with.
[/ QUOTE ]
I never said that. I said I believe (and still believe) that the majority of reasonable players don't begrudge NC for creating exclusive marketing giveaways.
There are lots of decisions that either the dev team or NCsoft in general make that I either disagree with, or which go against my personal preferences (which are two different things). But thats not the same thing as saying I believe they are idiotic, incompetent, ignorant, unresponsive, or poor decision-makers every time they make a decision I disagree with.
I'm disappointed I missed the last double XP weekend. I do not believe NCsoft had an obligation to check with my schedule first. I can be disappointed in something without thinking that that fact alone makes the source of my disappointment deficient.
I also stand by my assertion that it is unreasonable to presume that being disappointed in a circumstance carries with it the presumption that someone made an error to create that circumstance. If I end up not getting the costume option, I'll be disappointed. It won't change my mind that NCsoft is being completely reasonable in its approach to marketing exclusives. I'm saying that with the full knowledge that there is very little probability of NCsoft being at a public venue anywhere within two thousand miles of me.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm game to hold an expo in your neck of the woods...
[/ QUOTE ]
You wouldn't want to come to ConnntiCon (Can't spell it to save my life) would you? That'd be really cool, and something that I could afford to go to. -
I'd like to talk to those that think those of us that are disappointed in NC's decision to give in-game items to conventionites is whining and [censored].
Firstly, I came onto this topic in the middle of page 5. I don't know what went on before that I just posted my grievance and asked that it might be available in the future.
I did not threaten to take my business elsewhere, I love this game
I did not threaten to shout doom from the rooftops, I love this game
I did not scream and flame and whine about it, I love this game.
What I did ask for, was say 3 months from now, that they come out with a costume pack with all the costume pieces that were at one point exclusive (That can't already still be gotten in game) and all the Temporary NPC change powers made permenant already included. Then, say once a year, they can come out with a costume pack update.
I'd pay 10 bucks a shot for that. Am I whining? No. I'm just suggesting a future course of action. Please stop ripping into people that have a different opinion than the "hardline" It's really rather rude, and degrades those of us who are voicing legitimate arguments.
Thank you for your time. -
You know? I'd like to know if these things are ever going to be available to those of us who are barely able to afford to keep our accounts online.
I know I'm going to sound like I'm whining, but I'm on a fixed income, and honestly, I can't afford to go to Germany to pick up a pass to give me this.
Is there EVER going to be a "costume parts collection" expansion pack? Cause it gets a bit on my nerves when I see things that could be available to all, or unlocked through actualy gameplay be made available because you were able to flaunt your ability to pay for a ticket.
I am going to get SO flamed on this..... -
Don't know if this has been suggested yet, but you know what would be nice? The ability to create characters at your highest character level at the beginning.
Like say you're rather new, and you get a character up to level 20. There should be a little bar when you create a character that says "Would you like to create a higher level character?" And if you pull that bar, your character starts with up to your highest level character's (20 for this example) in level ups coming to them when they start.
Just an idea, one that's been milling around in my head for a while because as much as I love this game, I'd like to be able to skip the beginning storylines that I've seen multiple multiple times. They're good don't get me wrong, but there are just so many times you can beat on Hellions and not think "Man... I hope I get to Frost Fire soon... oh wait... I'm only level 3... crap!"
/e activateflameguard -
So... any chance of a redname response to all this? I mean it seems to me that with a few exceptions, the 54 month reward is pretty unpopular amongst players.
I'd like to hear if we've had an impact and maybe a chance to go back to the drawing board before anyone gets to 54 months. Cause technically it wouldn't be that much of a hassle if you just switch the choice to another group of temp powers or something.
Sorry, I know it's kinda rude to ask, but I'm curious what the Dev-Staff think now that there has been a good number of responses. Cause I'll be honest, this is one of the best games I've ever played, I haven't really had cause to complain at all, other than some issues that are beyond you guys. So this is kindof a first for me, you know, saying something is bad about this game. -
51's cool. I think the 54 could have been better thought out. Taking powers that you've already offered us and rehashing them to say "Here... take another candy" says while you might not have run out of ideas, you don't feel like wasting them on Vet rewards....
I agree with some of the others... perhaps a different selection of former temp powers, or maybe even a free Raptor Pack or Zero-G Harness... That'd be very useful. -
/em victory Yes!!! Whoot! Time travel AND the beginnings of Power Customization. I love you guys
I'm going to take a page from Identity Crisis #6 and ask: Who gains?
Who gains from Arachnos no longer being in charge of the Rogue Isles? Who gains from Wyvern no longer existing? Who gains from _you_ no longer existing? Who gains from Dr. Miller dying? Who gains from the Breakout never happening? Who gains from the 5th Column existing in South America?
Looking back at the newspaper articles, something caught my eye: 11.1.3 says that Arachnos was behind the attempted Zig breakout, and that they were operating out of the Rogue Isles. It also shows that it's Ms. Liberty who sends in Longbow. But 11.2.4 says that Marchand repulsed Recluse back in '63 (and presumably pushing him out of the Isles), and it's now MRS. Liberty. Is it possible that whoever is altering time is making multiple trips, changing some small thing and then seeing how it affects the present?
Here's something nobody has mentioned: is it possible that it's the HEROES who have gone back in time and messed things up? Perhaps Statesman went back and tried to stop Arachnos from forming by helping Marchand fight off Recluse-which would explain why he's on good terms with Marchand in the latest City Scoop.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm this is an idea. AND it would be a good reason why ole States hates Manticore and Recluse even MORE now a days (see my reasoning for why they are together in the other thread for the President thing).... He's changed history, and he can't have anyone changing it BACK *stews a rabbit* er yeah... -
I think I might be able to explain why Manticore and Lord Recluse might have been spared any Time Altering.
Manticore is a Teleporter right? What if, and this revolves around my knowledge of both Comics and the TV show Charmed... What if he was mid transport when the reality wave hit. He wouldn't have been in our dimension and thus not effected (like what happened to Paige in Charmed when she accidently teleported after a sneeze and went on to foil a Time Change)
As for Recluse, he's a god now. And he's also the "smart one" of the ones that drank from that little fountain. He probably would have realized something was f...ed up, and protected himself. He turns around, goes to Paragon City to tell Statesman, where he's summarily captured. Manticore remembering what Statesman and Recluse are, goes towards them trying to tell States, but finds Recluse on the way spouting about the time change. Realizing that he's actually got to help him, he breaks him out, and waxes poetic to the ametuer video because, well hell, if he's going to get the timeline back to normal, it might not be something he can do alone, and if EVERYONE was looking for him, they might show up just in time, in true comic book fashion, to be of help in the final showdown with whoever did this...
I dunno.. maybe it's just idol speculation... -
2 Things:
-Crisis on Infinite servers is just too big of an idea. Sorry Dionon. The programming it would take to have a "rolling" event of that scale would probably crash the entire game for way too long. Case in point, the Transfer/Rename services have shown that the Training Room does not properly test something that deals with information moving from one server to another.
-Positron himself said MUO and COH would remain separate
[/ QUOTE ]
1 - Yeah I know, but it would be ALOT of fun, and the facts match up lol...
2- Thank the lord.... With all the W0lv3rin3s and Spydirmen running around, we don't need the real ones showing up and gutting them lol -
*runs through the post screaming* CRISIS ON INFINITE SERVERS!!! *directs people to his original post on page 7 and runs like the wind to avoid the tomatoes and flames coming at him*
I still say my Crisis on Infinite Servers idea warrants merit. I mean it might sound far fetched, but it would be an interesting test of the Transfer System... Besides, this whole "It's a wonderful life" theory, while exceedingly looking true, has been done to death in almost every other medium than this. I don't think the Devs are going to bring it here... Here's hopin...
Wow, are my theories that bad that they are completley ignored? /em sob
You know? After all that discussion on everything, I almost want to go back and revise my last post from an "Accident" to the second theory I had, the
Crisis on Infinite Servers idea...
Bear with me on this one, it's gonna get creepy.
So each Server is technically a different Earth right? Earths that technically have similar histories, similar enough to allow peaceful contact (ala Global Chat). What would happen if one of the "Earths" is effected the way the article stated, but the others remained unawares. All of a sudden, people are going to log into say "Pinnicle Earth" and find that it's over-run by Outbreak patients. Chatting with the friends they've made in the "other universes" they find out that it hasn't happened there yet.
Suddenly, they receive a cryptic message begging them to come to Portal Corp (despite the level of the character) They get there only to see it under seige from "rolling difficulty" outbreak patients, but it looks different from everywhere else, it looks pristene except for the battle scars from the current battle.
Battling your way inside, you find that for some reason, Portal Corp was spared the change and they have a way to get the universe back the way it was. The solution, you have to bodyslide to one of the other universes and find certain elements that they have that are not present in this one. Simple little things that you would never have noticed unless shoved in your face like this.
They reason I say this? They want to test out the Character Transfer and Rename thing right? What better way to do it, then make it free for a little while, and make it so that it's nesseccary to complete a set of storylines. It starts on one server, but slowly the catastrophe spreads to the other servers as Heroes unwittingly bring the plague from Universe Zero to the new universes.
Eventually it becomes in the hands of the Lvl50s Why? Because they have the most dynamic storylines. There is a way to cure the entire population, but they must take part in a massive GM raid on the perpetrator of the initial timeslip. So a massive group of level 50s has to travel back in time to fight this massive thing. They beat the massive thing, but realize that there is still something wrong. No Rikti, but there ARE Lost. In the final act of the arc, they have to travel to the Rikti Homeworld, and in Nemesis gear, spurn the Rikti to attack Earth for the first time.
SO in truth, it's the Heroes who caused the first Rikti and Second Rikti invasions, to save the entire world from Outbreak and it's devistating effect on the initial earth, setting right the world...
Far fetched? Maybe, but wouldn't it be FUN? -
You know something? I think everyone that has been theorizing about which groups are doing this and what not might be onto something, but might be taking it into the wrong direction.
What if this wasn't some sort of villain plot, but a complete accident? What if, and hear me out plz, A powerful Outbreak patient gets into a facility where there is Time Travel style equipment. He might be crazy, but he's sane enough to know how to work the equipment. In his mind, if he goes back in time before he's infected, he won't be infected anymore, so he sets the coordinates to before he got the plague, and ZAP he's back in time, still infected, In a rage, he kills off Greg Miller, and ZAP again history takes another turn for the worse. Fearing reprisals from both the future and the present, he makes an escape through the sewers to Talos Island where he meets and infects a major Lost cabal, who in turn spread it amongst the populace. It's the butterfly effect. A guy walks through a door, History changes for the worse.
Although, this might be some sort of Crisis on Infinite Servers type deal where they are trying to streamline our heroes and villains down to say 10-20 alts so they can squash the servers, or make a serverless connection, but the other theory sounds more viable... Especially with the symbol of the snake eating his own tail... -
/hypersigned!!!! I love this! This should be implemented as soon as humanly possible
*slowly falls down a wall whilst typing /cry*