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  1. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
    Someone is getting a steal on this base all things considered. If I didn't already have a SG base on Freedom I'd buy it for quite a bit more than current bid. 1800 storage spaces for IOs has a lot of value...and not having to do the TP beacons makes it convenient.

    Just 6 mos ago I sold a base for someone with 10M prestige and I got 1.5B so I know this is a steal.
    You know, you are right. I'm gonna raise my bid to an even 2 billion!
  2. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale


    I feel the same as you. A good deal if you can get it.
  3. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    1.8 billion is my current bid.
  4. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    What I find funny is that a player could take the 1.65 billion and just convert it to 3.3 million prestige if my numbers are right.
    That's true. but you couldn't convert it to 43 million prestige with all the amenities unlocked.
  5. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    Either way is fine with me. I like building bases but if it was all kitted out I would probably only make a few changes.

    If I win this one I will probably keep some of the stylistic elements and arrange accordingly. I craft and market a lot so workshop is a bigger deal for me than most, so i will probably but in a bunch of racks, a vault, etc.
  6. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    I am sure that you would get more out of it than I because you are undoubtedly a better base builder. mine tend to esteem function first and decoration second.

    But a base on Freedom would be welcome, especially one where I don't have to unlock all the TP beacons myself!

    By the way, those TP rooms look sweet! I think I will just build around that if I win the bidding. I love the cathedral effect of the overlapping spires.
  7. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    1.6 billion. Your turn.
  8. DevilYouKnow

    Base/SG For Sale

    I'll go 1.3 billion

    I have bases on 3 other servers but none on Freedom. One of the things that keeps me from playing there. I'm thinking of several ideas. The main one is an abandoned subway station.
  9. I have bought this on my main and my sister's account. I will get it for my second acccount tomorrow.

    I know some not see any reason to buy it because it is for beasts mainly all I can see is that I never though I would use the wedding pack, but I do all the time. Lots of great pieces means more option for all the things I have gotten.

    So good job Paragon Studios! You fixed my Savage Wolfman toon from looking like he has pig tusks.

    BTW, Animals we could have used: Bears, Primates (monkies, apes) Crocodilians and Rodents! Who doesn't want to play a wererat?
  10. Pretty simple. Does the Triage beacon count toward Super group healing?

    My feeling is that it doesn't since it doesn't actually heal but merely buffs regen. But I would love to be told otherwise.

    (but only if it is true.)
  11. DevilYouKnow

    Market Bug?

    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    People used to post screenshots of a billion infl as it were an amazing achievement... and now, from reading the Market forum, it seems like there's a set of people that would call that a "slow day".

    Well, there may be a some who make a billion or so a day, but most I think must make less. I actively market and I make about a billion a week, maybe I am not doing it right, but this pace seems to impress my non marketeer friends.

    It's weird, I try to give them money and they won't take it. I think it is because they would have to spend a ton of time to get a 100 million and just won't beleive me when I tell them that's basically about 20 minutes work.
  12. Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who posts here who would cheat someone. It may be old fashioned, but I beleive in honor and no matter what debates nayt arise, I have a hard time beleiving that anyone here would actually give up thier honor a few billion in what is essentially play money.

    It may be a trusim that we have the ethics we can afford but we can afford some pretty freaking high standards.
  13. My advice is to pick an AT/powers that you like to play, a lot, because you will be doing it for a awhile. Also, use mids to tweak out your low end build. Set bonuses can really help.

    Finally, I suggest a build that you have already taken to 50 so you won't be as tempted to unlock him/her.
  14. Look, I know this might not be what you are looking to do, but I am also willing to contribute funds. At least a couple hundred million if needed.

    My last level 35 roll was awesome. 2 Decimation triple. Touch of death tripe. kinetic combat triple and an Aegis. I sold all but the Touch of Death. If it doesn't sell in a week or so I will pull it and send it to you.

    I'm not super rich but I figure I got about 8 billion all told at the moment so I can spare some cash.

    (BTW, I just burned 600 million to finish TP's on an Infinity base. I thought of you while it burned!)
  15. I can start running my level locked (25,30, 35) guys again to generate a merits for a random roll.

    Obviously, I would keep the stuff I can slot on my army of alts, but there is always some stuff left over.

    They do sell, but can take a long while. I recently crafted a level 26 (I think) Touch of lady Grey proc and it sold finally after two months of sitting on a toon.

    I would be willing to give them to you as recipes and you could either sell them or craft them or give 'em away or whatever method you prefer to get them into someone's hands.

    I make plenty of inf so money isn't the issue. I just know someone could use these, even stuff that isn't all that hot. Heck, I tried to give away a level 30 Horror - Acc/Fear. No takers. If you are willing, I will produce recipes in the 25-35 range.
  16. I have toons locked at 25,30 and 35. I do tips on them but not lately and Another Fan is right. You can't make as much as you can with a 50 and they just sit there forever. (I suspect that people are so used to no supply that they don't bother to check)

    I mean to get back to them and do some more but wokring niches at 50 is so much easier. (i purposely chose an AT and powersets I already had at 50 to avoid the temptation of unlocking them). Basically I take whatever I need and market the rest.

    I really wish it wasn't like this.
  17. DevilYouKnow

    Ancient Boned

    Meh. I always bid creep, yes even on common abundant salavge. If there are 0 bidding I always start at 259 and move up from there (I chose this number so that people make more than they would ojust with a straight vend).

    I don't mind paying more but if I can get it cheaper I will.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
    So heads up folks!

    If you are looking for cheap stuff, there's a really good chance that your 1 INF bid will get it, especially 50 common IO enhancement recipes and all the magic salvage you can choke on.
    I know there is a lot of stuff put up for 1 or 5 inf, especially "junk" salvage but I always pay at least what a vendor pays plus a little extra. I want people to put thier salavage up for sale instead of vending it or deleting it.

    Really, if you are flipping and paying somebody 11 inf and then selling it for 5000, make it worth thier while to keep you in business and give them the lousy 240 inf extra.

    Yeah, I know you can get it for 11 or 10, but you make so much inf that you can easily afford to let them break even.
  19. The Shadow's ghost could do this depending on when it is. Weekends are better. I'll do a one off Cowboy outfit.
  20. The worst I have ever done is is blow 280 million on a stack of ten rare somethings. Took the oppourtunity to flip slavage to recover and finish the Wents badges.
  21. DevilYouKnow

    A Bowling Alley?

    If that first one is on Virtue I might have seen that one. Base of the Incredibles has one very similar.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    The scarf is a standard cape detail, isn't it? Or is there another scarf that is unlocked with the winter event?

    In either case, gratz.
    The scarf is only for female toons I believe. The winter event one is for any toon. I least I hope so. I think I remember one from last year.

    But you are right it is a cape detail.

    Update. You are absolutly right! I just tried it out on another toon who has unlocked capes and I can get it anytime I want it! Thanks for the info!
  23. DumpleBerry;

    Actually, this toon's name is G8 Battle Ace based on the 30's pulp character. He is a WWI pilot who thwarts evil schemes against the US.I need to get him out of Praetoria and into the Winter Event. He needs the white neck scarf to complete his look


    Yes, I basically wore a path between the Trading House and CDEC (He was loyalist for bulk of the time). Steel or even Atlas would have been much, much easier.

    I mainly did this to see if I could do it. I have to admit that you guys were right about how much quicker you can make money by just straight marketing. I mainly just followed advice I have read here. I had a hard time believing that it was that easy.