A Bowling Alley?




One of my alts got invited to a SG this weekend. I don't usually frequent this forum, so you guys very probably know about this already, but to give you all a newcomer's pat on the back... I started exploring the base and discovered a full bathroom with toilet and all.... I'm thinking, gee.. that's pretty sweet... what else do they have here? I go to the next room around a corner and what do I find? A bowling alley! I about soiled myself when I saw it. It's a friggin bowling alley. Good stuff people. Really amazing.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



ahh how i miss banes lanes...and to think i made that almost 3 years ago



Those are some pretty neat alleys.



lol those are amazing

Enjoy your day please.



If that first one is on Virtue I might have seen that one. Base of the Incredibles has one very similar.