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  1. I won't bother defending myself.

    But even if I cared about the badges, I already had them. I only came to help, just like last two times.
  2. That "statue" has power effects on him.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Repulsion Bomb.
    Excuse you.

    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    I still say Serum is worse when you compare it to stuff like Gang War.
    Serum is the worst Mastermind, unique flavor power due to the crash, yes. But there are more than a few powers that are worse than that.

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    I know plenty of blastless blasters. It's a perfectly viable way to play. There will be more come Martial Combat.
    While that's still not a very good idea, our friend misspoke. A petless Mastermind is all but literally like a Corruptor with three attacks and no slotting in any of their powers beyond accuracy.

    And constantly having their max health debuffed by 20%.
  4. Mystic Fortune, go! Find the players who hate the prompt but won't turn it off!

    Congratulations on the badges!
  5. If you're running into a group without your pets, then you are doing something wrong. You need to wait before an engagement for them to catch up, or try outrunning them to force them to tether to you. If they all die during that run, that's an issue. If you just aren't waiting, that's your issue.

    I seriously think all Masterminds need are for a portion of inspirations to effect pets within supremacy range. With the knowledge that my pets aren't going to gain from my set bonuses, I just slot for recharge. Buff/debuff faster, and if they die resummon them more reliably.
  6. Demon_Shell

    New Badge Idea

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    If you wouldn't care about these badges or doing what would be needed to get them on a dedicated "badging" character then why would you care about a semi-meaningless account based badge that you would not likely actively stumble over regardless?

    Just making the point that suggesting making this account based is just about as dumb-sounding to me as the entire idea seems to be to you. Either this would have to be a proper set of count badges (single character based) or I could -very- easily live without them myself.
    So you're asking for prestige badges to show off, not an incentive for players to go back and experience old content. My mistake.
  7. Demon_Shell

    New Badge Idea

    I never intended to. I haven't cared about badges for years now. I'll continue not to.

    But what was presented was a legitimate idea to get people to experience the full game overtime, presented in such a way that less than 1% of players will ever bother.

    "Across all characters? Sure! I'll be able to finish that eventually."

    "All on one character? Screw it. I'd rather just do another ITF."
  8. Demon_Shell

    New Badge Idea

    Have the badge progress be monitored across all characters and rewarded globally and you might have a real excuse for the average player to run all the arcs and experience all that content.

    But doing it all on one character is the kind of unfun garbage they made you do in games like Guild Wars. It's not even about fun, experience, or reward at that point. It's just a task to be completed robotically.
  9. The -resist on the Demon Summoning whip gives them utility, but most support ATs do the same thing in a group. When things go south you stop attacking and start doing damage control. It's just that, on a Mastermind, you're never not in a group.

    I do get where you're coming from, though. On AV/GM fights I get more mileage out of stacking -regen then real attacks.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I know the pet lvl shifts were changed recently. Looking at lore pets, then ALL have an aoe def of that to MM pets..
    Would easily be overkill. Something closer to the tune of 10% base, with any buffs or proc auras on top would be enough. If the devs wanted Masterminds to tank.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    What, were you trying to solo the spawns? All of my squishy characters have this problem unless they follow someone tougher who can take the aggro. Why should masterminds be any different?

    And yet, despite this low survivability that you claim makes them useless, I have six squishies (controllers, defenders) up to level 50+3 incarnate status.
    Not seeing a problem.
    The theoretic problem is that Masterminds aren't necessarily squishie. I have Provoke on my Mastermind. I've tanked TFs. I've tanked AVs (with support).

    The problem that iTrials cause for Masterminds is two-fold, with one that builds upon the other. As enemy con goes up, pets' survivability goes down. Way down. And pets can't just punch inspirations to cope with it. They can't react like an intelligent player and evade death with maneuverability and tactics. They'll just do what they always do; run in and fight until something dies.

    Not only does damage go up as con separates, so does hit checks for the favored side. Those hit checks translate to AoE damage often dropping pets that are standing in the wrong place; and does so very quickly.

    I don't really care personally. I just treat my Mastermind like a damage/support character on iTrials. But that's the phenomenon being discussed at it's core. Compare a Scrapper's survivability with a Mastermind's in all content and you'll see a very strange curve form. One where Masterminds are more survivable at one point, and Scrappers leap ahead as enemy level goes up. And that's against any mob type.
  12. Outside of /Force and /Dark, Mastermind pets are not made to bodyguard and take aggro. Without sizable buffs/debuffs/mez, beyond what most secondaries can muster, they will die.

    I'm not talking number of enemies because, you said it yourself, pets can't maintain aggro. I'm talking hits, I'm talking standing in front of Statesman, spitting on his shoes and not getting your melee pets Zues'd to Hell.
  13. I would love to see that AoE hole removed (either by heightened, innate AoE defense or some method of reducing the damage they take form all AoE hits), but I'm worried that would be too much. That could bring some Masterminds up to Brute/Tanker abilities to sustain damage (though still not aggro), and that would be any damage, regardless of type.

    If that's all Masterminds were, I'd see no problem. But exactly how much damage are Masterminds doing? How much are they healing/buffing/debuffing for? Would it be balanced to give Masterminds the potential to tank for real? Not just the tankermind-style tanking, but real main tanking, like a survivability-buffed scrapper with Provoke, minus the need to have that buff come from an ally.
  14. I think a power armor set would work better with short duration damage toggles that you can turn on at the same time, while also attacking.

    Activation turns you to face the target and immobilizes you (so you don't turn away). One toggle turns on a shoulder gatling gun, one fires tiny-multi missiles from your legs, third fires a beam from your mouth. After a few seconds (and steadily draining your endurance in the process), they drop and have to reload/recharge. While all of this is happening, you're still rotating attacks like firing energy balls from your hands or having a rocket launcher pop out on your other shoulder.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    So.... Prototype? Or T-1000 style? I can get behind that!

    Also, we need a Self-Duplication Mastermind set!!
    Everything from T-1000 to Clayface. All just different shades of the same thing.

    And the tech for a Self-Duplication Mastermind set not only exists in game, it would also double as a time travel-flavored Mastermind.
  16. Shapeshifting.

    Not like [Blank], more like shifting parts of your body into things like blades, spikes, mallets. Throwing a chunk of your arm or something to wrap around an enemy as a hold (sort of like Bull Natterling's hold). Single attack-style body morphing.

    The logistics of how? Beats me, but it's pretty common in comics and animation.
  17. This is all pretty complicated for very little end result.

    All the devs would have to do is make all badges account-wide. Instead of them being a representation of what your character has done, just let them stand as a representation of what you, the player, have done.

    And it would save server space too. I distinctly recall a dev saying some time ago that the data it takes to record each badge across each character is no small number.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    That's pretty expected, since Tyrant's sneezes can kill just about anyone.
    Cept it wasn't him hitting them, it was everything else. After the destiny buffs before everyone jumped in, all of my pets did fine.
  19. Speaking of, I did a Magi about half an hour ago. Had the misfortune of having my three small pets get killed at one point, could not for the life of me get them back up and fighting until the rush of destiny buffs right before the engagement with Tyrant.

    They'd get killed with a sneeze.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Actually I think it was more likely so that mastermind pets could survive something stronger than a sneeze. Remember, all iTrial critters are -minimum- level 54
    Walk into a level 54 non-Incarnate mission. Same thing happens.
  21. I had kinda figured the whole even level incarnate thing was testing the waters for making them just always even level. Almost like they started something and then quit.

    There is a pretty damn huge difference in survivability there, because the pets take less damage from enemies that don't con as high against them.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Whenever people say that Kinetics would be too OP on a MM, I remind them that MMs can team with Kinetic players and enjoy the benefits of Kinetics at a higher buff/debuff rate. And yes, that's different than being able to do it solo, but we're talking iTrials here, which aren't solo content. The point is that when MMs team with Kinetics, it's great; but it's not an "I Win" button.

    Besides Dark Miasma can provide -60% Resist Debuff; floor ToHit; and -500% Regen Debuff half the time. Kinetics isn't going to jump to head of the class.
    While I think that was a terrible analogy, because my Mastermind doesn't lag in Incarnate content anyway, I think your comparison of Kinetics to Dark Miasma is a strong argument. Darkest Night has a damage debuff as well and Fearsome Stare also provides soft mez.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Could work the same with IO sets.
    I personally feel at that point you'd be buffing Masterminds too much, especially considering what the aura IOs can offer.

    Inspirations can take an impossible situation and upgrade it depending on what you use. The reason Masterminds can fall into these unwinnable scenarios so much easier than other ATs is a combination of inspirations doing so much less for an AT that wins and loses through their pets, and because their weakness is so much stranger than other ATs (AoE damage to pets).

    At least, that's what I've observed.