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  1. Demilion

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not a problem child ! I'M NOT I'M NOT ! ::stomps feet, throws self on floor::

    I need those badges, but won't be able to make it tonight, due to previous committment. Whup some Rikti tail for me !

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *does Jedi hand wave*

    You will..... *jedi hand wave backfires on user and renders them helpless*

    I at the raid tonight with my blaster....

  2. Part 1 of ?? to The Legion Chronicles posted up!

    ...finally got to the long story of Demilion and other characters involved around him.
  3. I just hope that CoX will always be around. I put too much time and effort into this game just to lose it all in these past 3 years.

    I'm still hoping for free expansions, more power sets, new zones, new Archtypes, and level +50 content.

    My heart and interest will always be with CoX and Guild Wars.
  4. Good lord....i11 close to beta already? o.O

    Well, I hope those for closed beta happy gaming! I never was able to get the Test Server to work properly nor get it to download correctly so I stay off of it LOL.
  5. Wanting to let everyone know that I have uploaded 4 drawings that were done by request to draw out some CoX characters.

    They can be found through this link...
    DGS Drawings

  6. I completely love the idea of i11, especially some of the weapon customizations to make your character more unique and their own person among everyone else.

    Hopefully they got this tested out because I want it to go live in the midmonth of November after the Halloween Event is done LOL.

    I hope there will be K-9/Wolf parts because I'm still waiting for them to make an appearance
  7. Letting people know that I am offering request to draw their characters.

    Posted a thread about it for people to make requests if they want their character drawn out so please use that so I can keep track of who is who
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Totally different take...

    We've seen what has already been worked on...

    Server transfers, character renames...

    Could it be... maybe just maybe... that when everything old is new again, you get to the top then you go to the bottom of the slide and you can begin again... as the other side?

    IE: The much-talked for ability to play CoV with your hero that was stuck on Hero because you started there, or vice versa?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would be really nice but I don't think they would go that far just yet as the storyline for good and bad is still going on.....though no one knows for sure except for the dev team LOL.

    If it was like that and if they brought out Incarnates, you would still have to get a villain born character to 50 because a fallen hero doesn't fully count as a villain in this game universe.

    For myself, I'm really not sure if its the 5th Collum but another new group.....though they can be rated as a new villain group since they've only been around once but for a short time.

    I also think that i11 will go into beta after or near the end of the Halloween Event like how Issue 8 came out last year

    ....again, one never knows until they are brought out
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Check out the new Issue 11 Wallpaper here!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *tips head to the left*


    *tips head to the right*


    *does a headstand*

    I still don't get it.....but whatever it is, its going to be good
  10. i10 does look promising (can't get on test cause it never works for me) and I really do love the idea about cooperative missions especially the Task Force. Thing that I look on is how Lord Recluse and Statesman may combine forces to defeat a shared foe....I mean, they once were friends, hate each other's guts, and might become friends again? I'm a little confused of how the storyline is at the moment between good and evil. Don't get me wrong, the current storyline freakin rocks but looking at it for the future setup, again, I am confused LOL. Though that I can't get on test (tried but everything doesn't work) I'm hoping that we can somehow get into the Rikti fallen ship and/or go to their homeworld and see what happened to that first group of heroes that made an assault there from the first invasion

    On a side topic, I'm really hoping that i11 will bring us bigger SG rosters, new stuff to put in the bases, new power sets for Tankers and Scrappers, more coop missions, new content in PvP zones, and hoping for The Hollows zone to be restored instead of the plans for Boomtown clean up.

    I hope someone at the office is making power sets for next issue or upcoming patches because we need them and players want them

    One question that I want to ask....are we ever going to see world travel on here or maybe off world travel other than Portal Corp. and city zones? There are heroes stationed in Paragon City so, why not send heroes out to other places of the world/galaxy to help those in need as well? Would be kinda cool to do such a thing but I'm not sure how well the design team may like this idea.....

    *takes cover from the laser dot from a sniper*

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    SmokeyBonez, you got alot of balls to try and pick a fight with a whole server but a very dumb thing to do. Trust me, thats not a very wise thing to do even if there is a monitor between us all. Of course I cannot nor am in no position to threaten you but giving you advise to ease back on what your doing would be the best thing you would ever do.

    Like they say, kids say the darnest things

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i am just contributing to the Protector server because i myself have played on this server for 3 years now. i do browse the forums alot and what annoys the most is seeing a thread about something really important and having to scroll through pages and pages of utter nonsense. it is completely ridiculous. so, i am just saying my piece as part of this server, not that i particularly like this same ol' cliq that posts on these forums.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then next time say it with consideration without pulling out some guns and ready for a round or two
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If I can ask.. we are trying to accomplish something here.

    This individual is trying to troll.

    Please, everyone, just ignore him. He's hoping for a response, so please don't give him one.

    Let's just keep trying to work this out, ok?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, too late.....already gave the little smuck a response
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    Ok Is it just me or is this thread trying to get jacked?


    I have sat down and I have read through alot of this.
    There have been quite a few statements that begin to give hope to mend things.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can thread jack it to sport some humor around.....but then I would fuel a fight and it would lead here and lead there yada yada yada.

    SmokeyBonez, you got alot of balls to try and pick a fight with a whole server but a very dumb thing to do. Trust me, thats not a very wise thing to do even if there is a monitor between us all. Of course I cannot nor am in no position to threaten you but giving you advise to ease back on what your doing would be the best thing you would ever do.

    Like they say, kids say the darnest things
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think that what binds you all together can easily destroy you as a group, and I don't want to see that happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Come on, people! This is Protector! We can work this out.

    Please.. lets find the middle ground. Please?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For my time left on here, I'm willing to find it even with a person that hates my guts completely
  15. Get Mods for each forum section and have them monitor it.

    You really should go out into the public with this. I'm positive that there are more players out there that is wanting to get problems solved as they are possible victims of some kind of harassment or person that suffered from someone else going around ranting about stuff n'such.....that is way beyond threadjacking.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Some people think something is a problem and are trying to talk about it. Incidentally, Ex agrees it is a problem and is asking us to work it out ourselves.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, I say other than sticking to Protector only....Ex should make this a whole forum operation. Can try it and see what problems can and/or could be solved
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    Demi, you asked us to look at other peoples' perspectives to get a good idea of what they're thinking which is a great way to start understanding, but by refusing to acknowledge "what some of you are seeing or believing" you're looking for trouble. That statement was the epitome of hypocritical; you're asking us to do something, and won't do it yourself.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Meh, should have directed it more better and it is

    If you think I'm not seeing the picture here of what "your" seeing, then evidently you have not stepped into the shoes of the people that has been attacked.

    Again, I am not giving out or stating my problems like some of you think....I am stating that alot of people need to wake up and see of what the hell they are doing to other people even if they think its just a simple joke. Heck, I've done it myself and got rid of that part of my playing but damnit, alot of things need to be looked into on here......and some or most of you on here know what I mean and if you say "No, I don't understand what you mean" then you need to wake up and look around. It may be a game to you but what about the people behind the character/toon? Its a serious thing to some but to others, its just a game thats there for fun.

    Just sit back and think about it.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    I don't believe thats technically true, I think its your opinion

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are you sure its not just my opinion?

    [ QUOTE ]

    You aren't seeing ours.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This is not directed to you but....I really don't care what some of you are seeing or believing.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Theres a difference between 'speaking the truth' and 'stating your opinion', Demilion. Your post was obviously directed towards those of us who aren't fans of threadjacking. So you decide to call it 'elitist'. If we are elitist, why are we trying to preserve posts by *everyone* and not just ourselves?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Got your attention there didn't I? You see Dirtwolf, if you ever did put yourself in other positions of players you would understand of what I meant by elitist.

    Makes ya get a little fired up doesn't it?
  19. Even though I'm flying out of CoX for good in a few weeks, I really must admit that there needs to be alot of improvement and issues to be worked out, not only here on Protector, but elsewhere as well. Even though threadjacking seems to be the main issue here, it really isn't....its conduct and breaking of the rules. Sure some people go overboard and turn into 5 year olds that start making it into a big issue then attack other people just of it does not make it go away, it only fuels the fire (a few I can list but gonna leave it to that). I always believed to be a good player towards others but if the person needs to be pistol whipped, they are gonna get that and much more just for ruining other people's play. Sure alot of people hate my guts because I speak the truth but truthfully, I just dont' give a [censored] of what they think or say about me. I paid to play the game to have fun and by goly I'm gonna do just that.

    The way I see it, if people don't like it then talk or go around it because it will never change. Its like trying to make society stand on their heads while trying to drink a glass of water.

    Again, in my view....its not about threadjacking that goes on around here, its about the so-called "higher" people trying to be control freaks that think others should go about doing what THEY want them to do because thats all they know. If people actually get off their high chair, stop, and look around in another's point of view.....they might actually understand of what is going on. When you think about this, it all goes back to the rules and conduct of the EULA for players to follow online and the forums.

    If your the kind of person who loves to have fun, just go out to have fun and socialize unless if you love to be "elitist", take control over others to have them do what YOU want them to do....two solutions is go back to platforming and/or just shut your trap and go about playing.

    Alot of things that need to be fixed and I do feel now is the time to do it.

    .....and yes, I am concerned of what goes around on the forums even though I am leaving in a few weeks and there isn't a damn thing no one can do or say to change my views on this.

    ....think its a rant? Why not put yourself in someone's shoes that gets gunned down by someone on here. If you use common sense, everything will go far with no troubles and no worries

    Rule #3: Think before you type.
  20. I wouldn't be too in favor of Street Fighting as Tankers/Brutes got Super Strength and Scrappers/Stalkers got Martial Arts. It would be like a repeat of each other but combined in my way of view. Sure its a good idea but again, to me, it seems like combining fighting from different powers

    What we should see is a power thats different, something like a Boomerang as a long distant fighter for Scrappers. Be like Ripper on Spines Power but everything is like Ripper. I know some of you are tilting your head about now while reading this but why not go for something completely different with an edge?

    On the last note, I hope Ball & Chain, Dual Wield, and Shield Defense make it. I'm really looking forward to these kind of powers IF they are favored. I know it would make me stay here for years to come


    Forgot to add. An idea for Dual Wield (said it earlier in the topic) would be to select which weapon you can choose from either once or multiple times like a costume piece to display with the character using and while performing the powers. Say like chains, bamboo sticks, dual katanas, axes, ninchakus, sais, chacrams(spelling is off), cutlasses, butterfly knives, etc. Only thing to make it sensible is to NOT change the colors on them to give it a sensible look and less complications on the programming and arts department
  21. If he flicks paper, I'm flicking erasers stuffed with black powder with a whick sticking out thats lit
  22. Ah cool. This is finally made

    Speaking of drawings, I'm working on some right now which is why I'm not playing right now. When my new scanner comes in the mail I'll get the ones I have done posted up
  23. Ok, I'm having a major problem. You see, I got a new replacement computer that has Windows Vista 32-Bit in it. When I just got CoX up and installed, I clicked on the desktop icon and went into the game via the steps it normally takes. When online, the resolution was odd so I changed the monitor resolution to where its suppose to be. I did this twice and when accessing the CoH Updater via the desktop icon, everything went blurry as if it was grey and smudged. The graphics became poor and couldn't make things out very well except for a few things. I thought it might change when I get into CoX, but it didn't as for when I got up to the window where it pops up "Loading" after the CoX Updater, it just stopped, gave me a Program Error window with:
    [*]1st Window
    Your card or driver doesn't support GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
    [*]2nd Window
    Your card or driver doesn't support GL_ARB_multitexture
    [*]3rd Window
    Your card or driver doesn't support GL_ARB_texture_compression
    [*]4th Window
    City of Heroes Prompt
    Detected video card or driver is currently unsupported 256MB ATI Radeon X1300PRO.
    The game may run poorly or not at all with your current configuration.
    Current system requirements are NVidia GeForce 2 or better, ATI Radeon 8500 or better, or an Intel GMA 900 or better.
    (If your card does meet the minimum requirements, you might not have the latest drivers.
    Go to,, or
    Do you want to continue? -Yes or -No

    (When you click -Yes, it says "City of Heroes has crashed and cannot continue. You may need to upgrade to a supported video card or driver.)

    After clicking -Ok, the graphics on the monitor go back to normal as if nothing was wrong. It did work for two log ins and log outs but the third time is when it started to occur.

    I download what I "supposedly" need from each website and still nothing as it says "Driver does not match current system. Exiting setup."

    Thing is, everything on this computer is brand new and top of the line as its a Dell XPS 410 again with Windows Vista 32-Bit but I'm not sure what it all has for a video card and driver as I'm not that much of a tech on computers LOL.

    If I can get help on this by someone sending me instructions on what to do via a PM to me, I'd deeply appreciate it

  24. Man, I was so hoping to get on test and jam with all the devs that were there but unfortunately the shiney "uber" comp died out and I missed it all (finally got test working until bad luck striked down on me.....again )

    Well, guess I'll wait next anniversary to try and catch a glimps of a dev member because the characters around Paragon are kind of stuck up and really don't say much