143 -
Okay, then here's a thought, why has Recluse allowed an -ambassador- to remain alive in his tower after having it bombed every couple of hours. I loved the RWZ but it needed more thought from a few more angles. There are too many opportunities to make a profit off the Vanguard, heck finding out who the honoree is should net you the biggest black mail in existence, that is if you even know how he is *the vanguard think you know but you've never heard his name ever in CoV :P* So yeah, as great as it was there are some things that are a little odd... Like recluse's alliance with the rikti that bombed him and yet here he is turning the other cheek with a smile. You can't tac on new things without considering the old, Recluse should have at least said something or given an explanation on the situation to the Destined ones.
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Sometimes countries/entities at war have modes of communication, like a diplomat or negotiator. -
No? Pretty much everything else that villains do has Arachnos sticking their nose in it... to suddenly take that element out without explanation is a bit strange. Of course, Freedom Corps doesn't say much about the invasion either, but for heroes it's sort of expected that they're going to go help save the world.
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Not exactly true. Most of your storyarcs have you freelancing as a mercenary. Even the ones that have you working with an arachnos contact usually tell you that you are an agent that they can deny works for them. It seems to me that for the most part Arachnos doesn't care what you do, as long as you don't interfere too heavily with their operations. -
Yeah I missed the 'in real time', I think ym briain is addled today.
Sorry the win goes on. Did you not get the memo that suckage is no longer part of CoX ?
(aside from MOG) *ducks and runs*
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MoG continuing to suck is the only thing that grounds me in reality.
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You might want to avoid the Training Room in the near future, then.
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Wow... -
too bad we cant go back using ouroboros to slap the idea of PPP's right outa the mouth of whoever spoke it.
[/ QUOTE ]
They're so... confusing.
My Dark Corr still wants to know how Soul Storm is any different from the plethora of other Holds, etc. that he has.... great power, but its different from other Corr stuff, er... how? and my Brutes are wondering what the [bleep] good a Snipe is to them, especially having come 39 levels without one.... but plainly I know nothing.
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What brute set gets a snipe?
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Check out the Patron Power Pools for Brutes and you will find out pretty darn quick. "Snipe" might be the wrong word, but ranged attacks? Yes.
I find the idea of ranged attacks ludicrous for this AT.
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Ohhh those. Then I disagree. I like ranged attacks on any AT. Even with improved PPPs (which I'd love) I'd still want the melee guys to get a ranged attack. They have so very many uses (and do pretty good damage.) -
too bad we cant go back using ouroboros to slap the idea of PPP's right outa the mouth of whoever spoke it.
[/ QUOTE ]
They're so... confusing.
My Dark Corr still wants to know how Soul Storm is any different from the plethora of other Holds, etc. that he has.... great power, but its different from other Corr stuff, er... how? and my Brutes are wondering what the [bleep] good a Snipe is to them, especially having come 39 levels without one.... but plainly I know nothing.
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What brute set gets a snipe? -
If CoV and CoH really are just one in the same to some of you, then why are you fighitng so hard against more CoV specific features?
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I'm not sure that they (we?) are. I'd love better PPPs. Mu works great for my el/el brute. But my em/fire would prefer a fire themed patron (and I'd love focused accuracy on my SS/El).
I'd love more content redside too. But the way many seem to go about asking for said content is a bit....well...stupid. -
City of Villains still has it's own .exe. It still has it's own title screen. it still has it's own characters, it's own content, it's own game. We are not just another update you damn heroes got for your game.
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For the last 3 weeks I've been playing CoV exclusively. Everytime I launch the game I click on my CoH shortcut....does what the .exe is called matter?
The fact that launching from either .exe allows me access to both seems to show they're the same game. -
These are the people who ask for merged markets.
These and the people who actually understand economics.
[/ QUOTE ]
These are the people who don't care if villains get shafted by the grossly inflated prices that heroes charge and are willing to pay for who knows how long before the markets come anywhere close to "equilibrium".
No one on the villainside pays 10,000 inf for BRASS.
[/ QUOTE ]
True, but it would be nice to be able to buy the IOs you want when you want them. I've been looking for a 30-35 Dam/End Entropic Chaos for days now for my dom....
[/ QUOTE ]
My Two Brutes and Stalker had little trouble getting multiple sets of Scirocco's Dervish. My Corruptor has Posi Blasts, multiple Achille's procs, and Devastations.
And it was all much cheaper than it would have been on the heroside. Don't talk like it can't be done.
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I didn't say it couldn't be done. I said it could be done easier is I had access to the heroes' wealth of recipes. -
I guess I see a composite of different issues going on here.
1. I don't really see parity between the two games right now.
1a. I don't think PPPs compete with APPs mechanics-wise, and the limitations placed on PPPs are unduly burdensome.
1b. I don't think CoV has quite as much content as CoH, but what it does have is generally better. I like the villain arcs more than the hero arcs -- I think they're better written, have more interesting set pieces, and don't suffer from the constant "travel 3 zones and talk to a guy, then come back to me" problem. (The hero game since Striga has improved on the travel issue, and I think the Faultline arc, in particular, is what I'd enjoy have CoH-wide.) More relevant to this point, though, is that villain-side suffers from a lack of content in certain level ranges, although some of the new features work at filling in this gap.
1c. CoV's content undermines its gameplay, for my purposes. I'd love to play a stalker more, but the negative stealth (and the sheer volume of escort missions) makes me question the point of it. Similarly, I like dominators, but CoV has a lot of purple triangles. I prefer soloing (and frequently play at odd hours), so the number of fake-AVs becomes an obstacle, as I see it.
2. Issue 7 and Issue 8 pretty much cancel each other out in my book. They were both aimed at evening out the differences between red and blue. And both of them have been invoked as "proof" that one side or the other is dying. I really don't think they stand as evidence that a given side is the unloved child.
3. 9, 10, 11 all strike me as shared content. I don't (at all) see where "it was for heroes, but villains get to tag along) originates. That just seems... absurd. RWZ? Yeah, my villains can get behind it -- they'd like to have a world left to conquer. If helping out heroes to preserve a shot at victory is good enough for Requiem (Ubelmann the Unknown), it's good enough for me.
On point, I think there's still a gap between CoH and CoV, and I think each one lags a little behind the other on key points. If I had to pick, I'd probably say CoV holds the slightly shorter straw, but I don't think it's quite as bad as many people make it out to be. And I don't think 9, 10, and 11 have widened that gap. I'd like to see some more villain-only content aimed at evening things out, but I don't think villain-only issues are the solution.
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You post is very reasonable and therefore will be completely ignored. -
You know, Terra, there have been a lot of very specific points that have been brought up, here and elsewhere. If you REALLY want to respond to what you perceive to be nothing by people playing the "victim card", then why don't you actually respond to the specific issues? Otherwise, you really aren't adding anything to the discussion, and are just making yourself out to look willfully ignorant.
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Is...is that irony? -
These are the people who ask for merged markets.
These and the people who actually understand economics.
[/ QUOTE ]
These are the people who don't care if villains get shafted by the grossly inflated prices that heroes charge and are willing to pay for who knows how long before the markets come anywhere close to "equilibrium".
No one on the villainside pays 10,000 inf for BRASS.
[/ QUOTE ]
True, but it would be nice to be able to buy the IOs you want when you want them. I've been looking for a 30-35 Dam/End Entropic Chaos for days now for my dom.... -
It is the difference between contented being added FOR a game, and content being added TO a game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Is it me or is this ridiculous? -
I see Ouroboros works. I, for one, would like to welcome Ultimus to I6.
No openings for a sociologist I see...*slinks away pitifully* -
I had Mace on my N64. The guy with the big sword is Lord Deimos..or something like that.
I hear if you bribe them with foods not found in California they will come. But try finding a food not found in California.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a person who moved to Austin, TX from the Bay Area in CA I can tell you this: I didn't know what real barbeque was until I moved out here.
We should send them a teeny tiny box of Texas Barbeque and tell them they can't have more unless the come to Austin.
(Works both ways, though. No one out here can make really good Sourdough bread, either. Sure, they LABEL things Sourdough... but it's not. It's a mere facsimile.)
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SexyJay gave us a real Texas Style Barbecue not too long ago. Good stuff...I could feel my arteries hardening!
As far as public appearances go, I swore off trade shows about a decade ago (or maybe, I was sworn off of them. Something about being forced to demo a product I thought was doomed and being honest about it when asked...not real sure.)
A "Meet & Greet" might be different, and there is at least a small chance I'd go to one locally. I hate travelling and dislike crowds -- not a great combination. Makes me a bit anti-social.
Besides, EvilGeko and Angry-Citizen would kidnap me, lock me in a room and do horrible things to me.
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You'll get no trouble from me, doing anything to defiance is a positive move in my book. -
<--- From Houston, myself.
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Same here, I don't think most Texans consider us folk very Texan though. -
Ah, I see. Then while my sometimes should be translated as yes I like pvp as is when the mood strikes me. That said I'd like your suggestion (or a variant on it) in addition to what exists. -
OK. I've tallied up the numbers so far and we now have:
No = 51.8%
Yes = 38.1%
Maybe = 10.1%
It was interesting to see how people approached a genuine direct question. Some insist on having to complicate the issue, others just answer...the figures hold some interest...but I want to see how the numbers change with more answers...
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Two quick things:
How were sort ofs and sometimes counted? Not at all?
I'm not particulary fond of your use of maybe. It seems a lot of even the yes-es could fall under that.
That is all, carry on. -
Thing is, fire/fire isn't a particularly uber build. It's nifty, but there are far better brute builds. Nerfing fire/fire won't do much good to prevent this kind of thing, that's Ultimus' point.
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By definition, the process of changing every build that can solo AVs(or the temp powers involved) would prevent soloing AVs, if a sufficient adjustment is made.
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Yeah, but that's a lot more work in fixes than enforcing rarity on recipes by limiting drop rates of TFs and Trials.
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Or just nerfing shivans. I'd waiger what Ultimus does can be done with many brute and scrapper combos at least. He's done it with at least one tank build and thinks he could do it with his illusion controller. It's much easier to limit a rare drop to one per TF per day (NOT to one TF a day) or nerf shivans to bosses. Maybe 10 boss summons instead of 5 EB summons or something... -
This game's battle is not particularly complex. Most powers in this game aren't very dynamic, either - you toggle or click them, and they do their thing. Little strategy or tactics is involved. If one primary/secondary slotted a certain way(with specific temp powers) can perform a task, another player with the same primary/secondary(using similar tactics) can accomplish the same with equal ease.
The uber-est loot our game currently provides through average play(+3 SOs) is too common to put re-balancing our overperforming primary/secondaries high on 'The List.' Risk/reward is broken, but because rewards are so common, not terribly so. Inventions, if rare enough, may more quickly draw attention to our over-optimal powersets(both from our players and the devs).
I don't see the point in nerfing the entire playerbase just because one or two powergamers are out there farming the hell out of the system.
[/ QUOTE ]
I see a few reasonable benefits to changing builds ideally equipped for farming before rare loot is added.
The devs balance the game around outliers. Would you prefer the devs balance drops around the optimal performance of farmers? Where does that leave the average player? At Wentworth's - lining farmers' pockets. Or rolling their own farming alt. Or pulling out their credit cards at PimpMyOrc.com. Or without IOs.
Or(should the devs balance around the performance of the 'average' player), with a market absolutely
flooded with 'rare' loot.
Draw in the outliers, and loot stays rare and accessible to all players equally. Leave certain primary/secondaries able to gather loot faster than most, and it's a tacit nerf to the majority of the playerbase.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thing is, fire/fire isn't a particularly uber build. It's nifty, but there are far better brute builds. Nerfing fire/fire won't do much good to prevent this kind of thing, that's Ultimus' point.