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  1. Very cool. Statesman is a tank, eh? Great way to introduce us to the comic... and the art is very well done.

    Lookin' forward to it.

    And frankly, I'm glad Mark isn't Hopping down the bunny trail for this story. - It's a nasty slant on Paragon City - and I like it.
  2. I pronounce Tsoo as


    and kheldian [incorrectly]


    Because it sounds cooler than

  3. I have an HO. It doesn't make the screaming difference you folks seem to think it does, honestly.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hammidon enhances will get annoying in random pvp battles. But it might not be a problem at all for those who dont care about pvp ladders as long as the devs dont start balancing AVs around hamidon enhancements, which wont happen.

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    There won't be many random pvp battles.
    AV's will never, ever be balanced around HO's. They are a toy for the endgame, something nice for your level 50 to get. Nothing more.

    I just think it's sad how so many people write off pvp simply because of the existence of HO's.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    For me the arena has hereby died, don't need some griefers to show me how cool and 1337 they are because of their Hami-Os.

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    That's a very sad way to observe things. I have 1, (1!!!) hamidon enhancement. By me having a single Hami-O, you would not fight me?

    You also cannot be GRIEFED unless you allow yourself to be. The Arena battles are completely consensual. You won't fight anyone you don't want to and can easily find an honorable opponent.

    I also find it sad that because of a freaken ENHANCEMENT, you will forgo a very large and potentially fun addition to the game.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Another fire/dev has his sniper attack sloted with 6 damage/range.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    6 Hamidon raids. Time spent = reward. Big deal.
  6. Dawnslayer

    Kheldian changes

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    All I say is just wait for the new epics that will come out.

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    Yeah. As the HoC chat said, some future ones will be unlockable through possible task forces, and others, a level requirement.

    And being 50, we automatically fulfill the level one.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Roland goes back farther than The Gunslinger. hehe.

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    Yes it does, but as you already named the initial Dark Tower book where Roland appears, (The Gunslinger) and the fact that he's a gunslinger boss...

    Not much more needs to be said, eh?

    WoW will never have this 'real world' factor. Instead they get bandit demigods named Van Cleef.
  8. Man, screw the Arena... it would just be full of level 50's teamed up running around ganking everyone. I know - I'll do it.

    Rather have SSOCS.
  9. The fact that this change is seen as a "fix" by statesman simply makes me wonder what the devs are smoking, where I can get some, and how much it will cost me.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Any thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. That the devs look at data and nothing else.

    Tough bosses looks great on paper, but apply it to sky raider/Freakshow respec or any task force with a full group. Bosses are prevalent. I know, I played to 50. Very, very prevalent.

    Oh, the Numina TF's last mission was a debttrap last I heard.


    By the way ,excellent X-men analogy.
  11. *sneers*

    The devs forgot how common bosses are. Any given TF with a good sized group is FULL of them.

    For that matter... AV's and Monsters are pretty crazy. Go do the Numina TF. Have fun dying in the final mission... That's all I can say.

    That said: These are Statesman's changes and with his attitude, he's going to stick with them.

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I would actually find that rather disappointing, since I feel that it rather limits background creation for those characters ("Hey, I'm a Kheldian and I'm here...fighting crime for some reason. Oh, and both my parents were killed by Nictus.")

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    Well, it does, sort of. But there's still the human who the kheldian bonded with in the first place - They are symbiotes, not parasites... so you are basically where you were when creating a normal hero, with the added spice of explaining how he got bonded with an immaterial alien.

    Frankly I'm just going to relaunch TLA when he hits 50 as an epic. It makes sense that the aliens would offer themselves to the strongest heroes first, and i can easily incorporate that into TLA's story.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    always love how people think of tweak as nerf automatically.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Geez. Look at the Context of his statement. He says scraps cannot achieve tank defenses, but regeneration is a small concern.

    Context. He was talking about scrap secondaries being overpowered, says they aren't, but says something is off with regeneration.

    Context context context.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    A potentially awesome post tragically derailed by the mindless masses. I really doubt we will see any more questions answered at this rate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Read my sig. People do this for a reason.
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    As someone else said..maybe that's the point. Right now, I have 3 powers in my secondary set that I consider necessary: IH, Integration, QR. The last being necessary for the other two. FH is worthless. Resilience is a drop in a bucket. Revive is pointless, MoG is broken. Recon is useful only in the low levels, and DP is useful but not required. It's jsut handy if you have an extra slot.

    Maybe they'll wean us off IH by boosting some of our other powers? For a slight drop in IH's power, I'd be OK with that.

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    Basically forcing a respec on me so i can slot fast healing to get my current healing powers or something? I really hope not!
  16. Regeneration by itself isn't that great at all.
  17. Notice I said "made up example" All of my post is conjecture. I'm not jumping to conclusions, just taking an educated guess based off of my current experience in the game. Am I somehow not allowed to do that? All I'd like is for a dev to come along and assuage my fears that the epic AT might replace current AT's in big enough groups... and can't solo worth a damn.
  18. I'm surprised they went the group route, since I don't see these epic AT's being wanted much in groups. The jack of all trades, master o' none thing is great for solo, but crappy in a group role where you're easily outperformed. I play a scrapper- I know.

    So basically we have a character who needs lots of group members, and can do anything. He can snap off, (made up example) a RA, and can do decent damage melee damage. But any defender can pull off a better RA, (and more buffs to boot.) and any scrapper/blaster can do more damage than the EAT. So why have one that is focused on grouping?

    Well, that's just my opinion.

    [ QUOTE ]
    They are the conduit, but everyone else is providing the energy.

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    Why would I want someone in my group who sucks my endurance every time they use a power?
  19. Holy geez.

    [ QUOTE ]
    In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mama Mia!

    Well... Peacebringers and Warshades. Let me guess - Peacebringers = Light/good Khelds, Warshades = dark/good khelds?
    Or is it more simply one is more support and the other more combat. Hmm.

    I'm hitting the roof with this one. Very very cool, even if I'm wrong.

    Must grind to 50!
  20. You got it.

    I still want 5$ though.

    And you won't win.

    Let's pray you do.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Does anyone have a link or anything from the IGN preview? I haven't seen it.

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    Pretty sure it was a magazine preview. As it stands, I contend we will play dark-powered Kheldians. Evil Nictus automatically equalling dark powered kheldians is like saying all heroes with dark powers are automatically anti-heroes.

    That said, hopefully i'm wrong wrong wrong.
  22. Nuts. And i'm only level 42! (yes my crey profile needs serious updating.)
  23. IGN preview thingie stated basically, "players will be able to create both light and dark kheldians."

    The preview itself had some dated information, though, (skills in issue 3, when we know they got pushed back) so it is a bit suspect.

    As to them having different powers... well some people believe nictus = dark powered kheldians and peacekeepers = light powered kheldians. (based off of the villain Requiem, fused with a nictus and having dark/fire powers.) I myself believe that there are dark powered khelds on both sides, and light powered ones on both sides. Just like we already have with current heroes and villains.

  24. Not all nictus have dark powers. Not all kheldians have light powers. Such is my contention. Nictus automatically = evil. Dark Kheldians does not.

    as for Babylon 5.. dunno. Khelds already remind me of vorlons.

    Edit: Holy crap, i have 706 posts?