256 -
I honestly think, given some of the great character concepts out there that I've seen, most of you could easily come up with reasons to be taking the patron pools. You just don't want to.
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Isn't that always the case? -
And Lightning Rod gets my vote for Coolest Use of the Power System.
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If it has Posi's endorsement it must be cool. -
Even I know that some threads just don't deserve rezzing.
Essentially, each hit (if successful) will give you a short term damage buff. Different powers would have different buffs; but if you could string enough hits together you can "peak" your damage.
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Quoted from Statesman.
And then he gave it to brutes.
Ok I made a torrent for the video . This is the first .torrent I tried to make... so I didn't had the time to install a tracker, and used Azureus built-in tracker.
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Needs SEEDers! -
Thanks, Castle. I love it when you do that -- just drop into a thread and squelch unfounded rumours.
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Except they weren't unfounded, were they... -
I based what I said off of an old post by Castle where he said he felt Aid Self healed too much for it's recharge, and bieng a pool power, and said he'd 'look into it.' And I've been around for a while, and immidiately saw 'nerf.'
However, since then he also talked about the power after making that statement. He spoke of it in relation to healing flames and said Aid Self wasn't being changed.
So. No worries. -
Blasters are going to get walloped by the upcoming toggle-dropping nerf.
And really, that's enough for me.
But /EM is too powerful, for blasters or stalkers. It's impressive on my brutes, but most squishies have a pretty good chance against me if they play smart. -
Except he didn't actually say that's what they'd do, or even commit to a fix. He doesn't even seem certain that it can be improved at all. I realize he can't make a bunch of promises right off here, but even looking at this in the most positive light possible I think it's pretty early to get our hopes up that fury'll be fixed to work the way we thought it was supposed to work.
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Well, he DID say look for a fix in i7. Given that i7 will sit around for a month on the test server, should be enough time to figure out a solution.
It is obviously a terrible mistake to design an entire archetype around a gimmick and then leave it high and dry when said gimmick doesn't work properly. -
Too early for a joke. Looks like we'll see I7 on test next tuesday.
That said:
Damn, the PPP's look like crap. While Blasters get Force of Nature, Hibernate, EMP Pulse and LRM Missiles, Corruptors get a pet.
It's sad that all of the sets are pretty much carbon copies of each other, despite being spread through tha AT's.
I certainly hope they are powerful enough to justify decent slotting... because right now they just look sad. -
I too am less than impressed. It seems uniformly for brutes -
A blast, an immobilize, a blast AoE, and a pet. No matter what patron they choose, they get pretty much the same thing.
Very unimpressed. With a hero APP, I could choose damage, control, or self-support for my tanker. With villain PPP's, wow... not much variety at all. Just different appearance. -
Hopefully a "large margin" is the exponential brother of a "small tweak".
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'Small Tweak' is Statesman.
'Large Margin' is Castle.
But I bet a million dollars that they mean the same thing.
Sorry blasters! Not that I ever thought you could toggle-drop and stun like a stalker with perma-AS and no cooldown was ever balanced!
Sorry stalkers! Not that I ever thought you could do the same with your /energy melee, while your other primaries end up being inherently weaker by comparison!
Good, I say. Toggle Dropping needed to go. It can stay around, some AT's need it, brawl can keep it, but the instantaneous removal of all a person's toggles is and was just nuts. Glad to see it's prevalence go. -
As long as Brawl keeps it, I am fine with detoggling going out the window.
To consider, however-
My level 34 tanker is practically unkillable in PvP. The only way to kill him is to drop his toggles and even without them he takes some work. I have had multiple stalkers gang up on me and literally take turns AS/Placate'ing me. Between Aid Self, Dull Pain, and fancy footwork, I was able to stay alive and was nearly at full health by the time I made my escape.
Without toggles.
With toggles, my tanker has held the line against many villains, buying time for my pals to rally together and beat the villains back. My last fight, brutes, a mastermind, a couple corruptors, and me. No toggle droppers or mezzers present. I couldn't kill a damn thing, but I myself was unkillable. They even dropped a nuke on me, and I just stood there and hit dull pain as needed, until a hero team came by and wiped the floor with them.
I really really felt like a tank. To date, my tanker has never died in PvP, and while his kills aren't many, it's made up for in the fact that he can laugh at things that would butcher any other AT.
Interesting, no? -
Of course we might accept their patronage to our own ends, but when the mood or conditions are right, betraying the fools would be in our villain's interests. That's just the RP justification for why I think we need an out.
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Actually, it seems to me that joining a patron gives you powers that your villain gains on his own, and not really tied to the patron in any way other than theme. Say I join Scirocco, and he teaches me the secrets of the Mu. I am now free to use those powers as I see fit, and he can't take them away. I can even use them against him, if I feel like. And when the day comes and I do, will the other patrons want me to join them? Hell no! Because they'd be afraid the same would happen to them!
RP-wise, villains are about the power, and if they have to work for someone to achieve that power, they'll do it. It's what villains do from 1-40, for god's sake.
That aside, like Venture said earlier, designing in a permanent choice like this is just a bad decision. It's going to cause no end of grief.
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As Posi said, hard numbers will be given before any choice is made. (What the dev's consider numbers vs. our numbers notwithstanding) The real grief that this is likely going to cause is purely aesthetic - XX power doesn't look cool like XXX power, and so on.
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That means they are giving you a badge/souvenir for completing it.
[/ QUOTE ] that is exactly what they are doing - the badges are already made. -
I don't like the idea. Especially for the impossibility of testing. How do I test it? Go to the test server at 41 and go through a mission or arc 4 different times to test the first power?
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Yeah, I am less than pleased myself. It would be a nice offset if they were stronger than the hero equivilants, but I don't see that happening.
When you get right down to it, villains don't get APP's. They have primary ,secondary, and PPP= tertiary. Just like the primary/secondary, you're stuck with what you pick.
I don't like it much. Testing will be very slow and difficult. It's pretty much as if you were locked into your APP. 4 possible PPP's, only available once per character, each different for 5 different AT's = a long time for testing. -
I have a feeling that once you complete the 'trial' or whatever, the patrons will give you the full skinny, (minus numbers of course) of what powers they grant for your archetype, so you can make a mostly-informed decision.
I wonder if this has anything to do with Seer Marino's cryptic warning that Recluse's victory might not be your own?
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First off, it wasn't Seer Marino - It was Diviner Maros.
And Diviner Maros tells you:
"When the time comes, when you must face the goddess in your preparations to make Recluse's Victory become true, you must remember that Recluse's Victory may not be your own.
What Goddess? Probably Merulena - The goddess that Calystix names when she says "My goddess Merulena will rejoice when her Leviathan lives once again."
Hopefully these plotlines will be resolved come the 40-50 levels. -
As per the souvenir text, Echo isn't there to warn the other Dr. Aeon about the PTS - he's there to warn him about you.
CoV does indeed hold to the whole 'alternate timelines' thing. Dr. Echo was, as per the Souvenir Text, was attempting to deliver a warning about YOU.
And when you catch the two guys speaking to each other in the mission, (when in range, but before they actually spot you. This is easily seen when stealthing/flying through the mission straight to them.)
Dr. Echo: "I know the world you came from was destroyed! It doesn't have to happen again!"
And he had an old photo of you.
The Alternate-reality Dr. Aeon looks at you and says, "But you're dead! Or maybe that hasn't happened yet..."
So, Obviously in some alternate timeline, you have a hand in destroying that world, possibly getting killed, and Echo was quite afraid it was going to happen again.
And in the end, when the old Dr. Aeon runs, Echo says...
"Get out of here, Aeon. This is my fight.
Just remember...
When it's your turn..."
And dies against your character. The whole "Just remember... when it's your turn..." is him telling Dr. Aeon to remember what is at stake, when the time comes to fight you.
Good writing. -
NO, you moron! I4 was BY FAR the worst of them all! HELLO? THE ARENA!
Good god. Some people have no recollection of anything worthwhile... -
Dude! I made this post TWO YEARS AGO and never got an answer!
Luckily, I moved to Virtue. -
I picked elec/elec.
I didn't care how popular it was, I didn't care how the dev's nerfed it before it hit the stands like trick arrow, I didn't care how some people found it to be uber despite it all.
I did it because I've wanted elec melee since day 1.
And because i'd look hella-cool. -
can tell me the sound files for Rage and Unyielding
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Was wondering this myself. Anyone else know how to disable these?
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Anyone figure these out yet?