
I won a PvP League
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Syndace View Post
    Really? I figured a psi/rad would be pretty powerful. It's *almost* a defender but with scourge which is better IMO.
    Rad corr numbers are significantly weaker than defender rad numbers.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    You should see the uniforms Nike made us, they put the Oregon ones to shame.
    Thanks to Nike we can move faster than the travel speed cap.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    BattleWraith needs to get a better signature before dissing people about aesthetics.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    looks like you'd cream yourself over it.

    But seriously, you guys are arguing about art? I once took an Art History course, and all I learned over a year was that art means different things to everybody, so don't tell people what is and is not good. It is entirely subjective. *.
  6. DaveMebs

    Psy.Poison Corr

    I think the only reason to go psi over fire for 1v1s would be for the placate proc.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
    Even coordinated teams lose members in fights.
    Not if youre WARE.gov
  8. DaveMebs

    Psy.Poison Corr

    Scourge is calculated when you first click the attack, not when the damage lands, so if youre running will dom > psi dart > TK blast, theres a good chance youre firing all three attacks before they go under half health and not getting any scourges.
  9. DaveMebs

    YOUR Dream Team.

    Originally Posted by Dexington View Post



    Make it happen.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    How can anyone's preference be wrong? I am amazed how people think they have the right to tell others otherwise.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Logic dictates those who know how to play the system are those that are happy with the system. If they didn't know how to play it, they would be screaming for changes to make it better suit what they are capable of. Kind of like this thread...
    By the way, if you think that you think that people who want TS and HD removed, please show us. If this is the case, it sounds like you, Warkupo, and Dahjee would easily be able to handle a 3v3 against members of WARE.gov !!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Logic dictates those who know how to play the system are those that are happy with the system. If they didn't know how to play it, they would be screaming for changes to make it better suit what they are capable of. Kind of like this thread...

    This needs to be in a signature.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    How to fix PVP?

    Have Zwillinger practice with WARE.gov. Let them educate him. (In exchange for Glad Javs.) Hopefully some of that will trickle back to the dev team.
    If the devs ever actually got serious about fixing stuff in PvP, thatd be a great idea. If they spent an hour or two talking to Silit and Vinnie on a vent server or something, I think they could get a lot of really great information about what is good in the current system, what's bad, and the same for pre i13.

    At this point though, it's pretty well documented what needs to be changed. I don't think a lack of information is what's keeping the developers from making changes to PvP. I would be extremely surprised if they did anything major before all the incarnate stuff is finished. Hopefully when the incarnate stuff is all out, if they dont have any other major plans, they'll revisit PvP.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    we aren't going to die ever.
    You say it takes 5 people to kill you, and that is with HD on. You claim that with HD off, nobody could kill you. Want to go in arena and test that theory?

    Btw, if you want people to take you seriously, I'd recommend you have a clue what youre talking about. Go look at your combat attributes in game and tell me if allt hose statistics are true.....

    I'm just curious what your thoughts on this are. Since pains are obviously so difficult to kill according to you, why is WARE.gov putting up 44 kills in a 10 minute match against teams with 2 emps, which have even higher heal mods? (That's a kill every 13 seconds by the way)
  15. They should let leagues enter PvP matches so we can get 16v16
  16. On a side note, while there is a disagreement between one guy and the rest of the PvP population, it sounds like it is universally accepted that Heal Decay should be turned off. Haven't seen a single post claiming HD should be left in place.

    I guess hatred for Heal Decay is the one thing that can truly unite people.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    That's true regardless of whether or not TS is implemented. Find me some other reason for TS to be off other than for people to run away more effectively in fights, and I might consider it. Right now I just keep getting this same opinionated argument, and the long and short of it is simply that I don't find what you find to be fun, fun. I am certainly willing to listen to other perspectives, but they're going to be opinionated on what you think is fun. I'm not saying you shouldn't ask for what you think is fun. I'm certainly not saying what I think is fun is right. I'm telling you why I don't like the idea of TS being turned off based on what I enjoy. I don't expect any more or less from anyone else.

    It sounds like you don't like the idea of chasing people, and if you had to, then it would be less fun for you, which is why you want TS to stay in place. My point is that if they removed TS, all you would need to do is get a couple teammates together, and attack at the same time. It's pretty easy, and almost always results in a kill.

    If you were to do so, then you would be happy because you wouldn't need to chase people, and we would be happy because TS would be gone.

    In fact, the lack of TS would naturally make you a better player. Rather than running around solo throwing damage on targets that are low, you're working with teammates to lock on the same target. Chances are you'd get more kills this way as well, boosting your fun level even higher.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    It's not about catering to former customers. It's about retaining existing customers by improving the product they're already paying for.

    I can say with 100% certainty that I will stop paying money for this game when the current league ends. If TS and HD are removed from zones, I will almost certainly continue paying for it. And this isnt just me making **** up to illustrate a point, I actually will leave in the next month or two if TS/HD aren't removed.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    Again, this is a simple argument from my perspective, and not a stance I am going to change.
    Glad everyone's willing to listen to other perspectives and make a logical decision.

    By the way if you just invite a couple others to your team and toss a hold, you don't have to chase the target.
  20. What's funny is that TS really just makes it even easier to gank the casual player.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    They did all 3 matches using ringers... Newguy was aware that they were playing for no points, win or lose, before the matches started. I worked with him to help him get his roster straight so that hopefully he doesn't make the same mistake next week.
    Ah that's unfortunate, but props to them for making an effort so they and FAP could play and stay active.
  22. Unless youre on a tank, or maaaybe a widow or something like that, you want to build for +HP. It's the only way of increasing survivability, without getting hit by DR. (Even on tanks, you still want as much HP as possible, but some tanks, like Shield Defense can be really tough to hit when built well.)

    On a grav/FF I would definitely take PFF. It isn't amazing and you can still be hit through it, particularly if they use Aim or an equivalent power, but it definitely reduces incoming damage. This is especially the case in RV where people don't run optimal builds.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
    Nerf CS for scrappers and the problem is solved. TS should still remain. Warkupo makes a good point about HD. It has a desirable effect on players that spam greens consecutively, but it really does hamper an emps attempts at saving an ally. But how much damage should a spike target be allowed to survive with emp heals? Without HD it's extremely difficult to kill your spike target if the enemy emp is focused on him. In zone with a large enough burst you can bring an emped enemy down.
    Fresh join date. Clearly you have enough experience to make an informed decision about what would best benefit PvP.