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  1. Darkfaith

    COH on Windows 7

    Win 7 comes with default drivers for a lot of cards, but those defaults are usually missing things that CoH needs to run. For example, it'll automatically install the core drivers for my nVidia 9800 GTX+, but those drivers are an absolute minimum and don't include things like the nVidia control panel. The drivers that Win 7 installs are, by default, the most current that nVidia has submitted to MS (at the moment they would be the 191.07 drivers), but it's missing just enough from the nVidia downloaded drivers that it won't run City.

    As for Direct X, Win 7 comes with Direct X (either 10 or 11, can't remember which at the moment), so it'll run City without installing anything more in that regard, but the version that's installed has certain things disabled by default, so it won't run Aion without either a manual change of those settings, or the Direct X 9 install (which activates the settings that are disabled for you, more or less).
  2. Darkfaith

    COH on Windows 7

    Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
    Now my problem have changer:

    COH stars,but it freezes on the Loading Screen!
    What could it be?
    This is sometimes (but not always!) caused by the computer not liking CoH's default settings. Try downloading TweakCoH and using that to check the settings from outside of the game (make sure your resolution matches your desktop, turn things down to minimum). If you can get it running on the minimum settings then you can turn them up one by one until you're running on something that looks decent and your comp doesn't protest to. And, as others have said, turn of compatibility mode as well.
  3. I will be....at my parents' place for at least half the weekend for Thanksgiving >.< Otherwise I'll probably work on my baby brute a bit.
  4. I seem to remember something about them wanting Ice to remain exactly that....ice, and not something that could be mistaken for something else. Can't find the post that it was said in though...I think it's about bed time >.<
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Akaiku View Post
    This particular driver package seems to pop up the crash window in city of heroes as soon as it goes to full screen from the updater. Does it do that for other people?
    What OS are you running? The latest official stable drivers that I'm seeing on the NVidia site are 190.62, for my OS at least.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mrmeeowgi View Post
    I recently formed a solo task force for an Ouroborous mission, but got no exp points. Though i only completed 1 mission. is that normal ya think?
    If the mission's level ranged was below your current level then it would have auto-exemplared you, and you don't currently get xp when exemped (it should be noted that this will change when I16 goes Live).
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lost Ninja View Post
    Pocket D destination can only be picked up during the christmas event (or when the ski chalet is open) due to one badge being outside the normal Pocket D map.
    This is incorrect. The only exploration badge needed to unlock the Pocket D beacon is Big Time.

    Edit: also, if you found some in normal mode already, just go back to them in SG mode and stand over them for about 30 seconds or so, it will pick them up for the SG that way.
  8. Darkfaith

    Vbullitin board

    There are several possible causes for this. Are you trying to log into boards.cityofheroes.com or boards.cityofvillains.com? Only boards.cityofheroes.com works correctly for logging in. You may want to head over to the Tech forum to get help, if I recall correctly there are also some Firefox add-ons that are causing problems. Just start a new thread there and they should be happy to help you out (you may want to put what add-ons and themes you're using right into your initial post).
  9. There isn't an official one yet, because the old one was coded for the old boards, but one of the players has put together a nifty unofficial one that can be found here. Hope that helps!
  10. You won't be able to transfer from Defiant to Freedom, because Defiant is an EU server and Freedom is an NA server. Unfortunately, in order to play on the NA servers you'll need an NA account.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    No, the Ravers and Supra Trolls are two different enemies.
    Ravers come out a door and "party" at the location.
    The "Supra Trolls" come out a door and move to specific other locations in the zone.

    I've gotten the badge on several characters, both before and after the warnings were added. The glowing Trolls go into the building and then come back out as Supa Trolls, which is why you sometimes won't find anything but the police barracades there if you go late enough. The game still considers the rave to be in progress, but all of the participants have wandered off. If the OP is going late enough, that may be why they're not finding any Trolls, which is what we're trying to determine. If they're going immediately when the message comes up, then yes, the Rave may be broken.
  12. Did you go immediately when the message came up? If left for long enough all the Ravers will turn into Supa Trolls, then eventually wander off and despawn.
  13. I've had this happen several times since the last patch...I've found that reloading my keybinds from the options menu usually corrects it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkMistNinja View Post
    The Vista Final Version of the Nvidia drivers is the most current one that CoH Allows at the moment. The Beta Win7 and Final Build ones have not been added to the list of drivers supported by CoH because of the fact Win7 is still in Beta Phase to October and may not release till March.
    And if you don't believe me as a Red Name, I have been talking to a GM on the Support Pages since Win7 beta came out. Been watching these issues. CoH just hasnt upgraded to Support the Drivers because of all the changed that Microsoft keeps making. So Downgrading any driver that doesn't work on CoH to the Vista Final Driver works great.
    Windows 7 requires...Windows 7 drivers. Not Vista drivers. And works well with the Windows 7 drivers, I might add. As others have said, the drivers themselves have little to do with the OS, and driver compatibility is not coded by the game developers, it's coded by the graphics company, usually with input and feedback from the game developers.

    And as for it not working for the Average Joe...well, no OS is ever going to work perfectly for every person and every setup, but that's why the various driver manufacturers and Microsoft provide support. Yes, I know you've been talking to a GM, but the GMs really don't have all the knowledge they need to make that kind of call...Windows 7 is not officially supported by the Dev team because it's not released yet, and even then it may be a while before the GMs are given the training they need about it. Vista wasn't supported for a very long time after release, but that doesn't mean it won't work.
  15. No problem! I'm glad that fixed it for you!
  16. There are a couple of things that could be an issue, but the first thing I'd suggest is getting TweakCoH so that you can adjust the game's graphics settings from outside the game. It may be that it doesn't like the default settings. Your Live client works properly, right?

    If that doesn't work you should take a look at the Common Solutions and Guidelines sticky, and probably post a CoH Helper and a HijackThis log so that the techies can help you take a look.
  17. You mentioned you were using some of the 185.XX set drivers? If I remember correctly that set of drivers was having problems interacting with City on certain setups, as are the 190.XX drivers. I've got a 9800 GTX+ myself, and I've been running the 181.71 drivers without so much as a hiccup myself, and I've been running Win 7 since the beta opened in January. With the nVidia cards you some times have to go back a few versions to find a stable version that works with City.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anobaca View Post
    They rolled back that patch last night due to some kind of bug with monkies that made people crash(I think that is why)
    They've fixed the build and are putting it back up tomorrow.
  19. I have no problems with boards.cityofheroes.com, but if I try to log in from boards.cityofvillains.com (which is where all of my bookmarks originally pointed) it won't stay logged in

    OS Version: Win 7 RC (build 7100)

    Firefox Version: 3.5.1

    Installed Extensions
    • Adblock Plus 1.1
    • Clean and Close 2.3
    • Download Statusbar
    • Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant 1.1
    • Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out 2.0

    Installed Themes: Default theme only

    Installed Plug-Ins
    • Adobe Acrobat
    • Java Deployment Toolkit
    • Java Platform SE 6 U14
    • Mozilla Default Plug-in
    • Shockwave Flash
    • Silverlight Plug-in 3.0.40723.0
    • Windows Presentation Foundation 3.5.30729.4918
  20. Darkfaith

    Forum Login

    Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
    Odd....different issue than the one I'm having then. Have you tried deleting your cookies for the old boards?
  21. Darkfaith

    Forum Login

    Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
    I can't seem to stay logged in with Firefox... IE keeps me logged in just fine.
    In Firefox, are you trying to log in from boards.cityofvillains.com or boards.cityofheroes.com? I find I can stay logged in on the second, but not the first.
  22. Okay, so all of my bookmarks pointed towards boards.cityofvillains.com. The URL itself still works, and still points you to these boards, but I found that if I logged in under that URL I wouldn't remain logged in once redirected back to the boards. I can log in just fine if I use boards.cityofheroes.com though. Anyone else run into this?
  23. This is true about the windowed mode....I forgot about that. I never run in windowed mode myself. With the way that taskbar is turning an opaque light blue though, it's definitely because it's a conflict with Aero so Windows is disabling Aero.
  24. Ah! I know exactly what that is! I didn't realize you were running on Win 7. Okay, for some reason on most cards (nVidia cards especially) the system doesn't like to run City and Aero at the same time, so when you kick up City it'll turn Aero off and kick Windows into basic display mode so that it lessens the strain on your video card. That's perfectly normal, and actually there really isn't anything you can do to change that given the card you're running on.

    Edit: Mine does exactly the same thing, so I'm very, very sure of this.
  25. Is your desktop resolution the same as your game resolution? That's the only thing I can think of that might do that. I haven't heard of this bug myself, but maybe someone else can think of something else that might be causing it. You should probably post a CoH Helper and HijackThis so that the tech heads here can take a look for you.