Logging in to boards.cityofvillains.com




Okay, so all of my bookmarks pointed towards boards.cityofvillains.com. The URL itself still works, and still points you to these boards, but I found that if I logged in under that URL I wouldn't remain logged in once redirected back to the boards. I can log in just fine if I use boards.cityofheroes.com though. Anyone else run into this?



Just login under boards.cityofheroes.com and set your option for the villain skin or is there another reason you don't want to change your bookmark?

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Same here. No big deal though. I did the same thing Father suggested.



Firefox won't keep me logged in, no matter which url I access. IE, on the other hand, works fine for me.



Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
Firefox won't keep me logged in, no matter which url I access. IE, on the other hand, works fine for me.
I'm using FireFox and it's working just fine for me. Just make sure you click the button that says "Remember Me" when you log in.



Originally Posted by Mateo_06 View Post
I'm using FireFox and it's working just fine for me. Just make sure you click the button that says "Remember Me" when you log in.
Yep, did that. It's not even keeping me logged in immediately after it tells me I'm logged in.

I'm not saying it's logging me out if I shut down the tab or Firefox (which is what it would do if I didn't have the "Remember me" box checked). It's logging me out immediately after logging me in. But only in Firefox.



I was/am having some trouble too. But I'm finding that if I want to log into the boards than I have to literally go into a thread, quote somebody, and then log in for it to stick. Gonna clear everything though just to see if that works.

Edit: Yup clearing cookies did the trick for me on firefox.