Technical issue for Test.
There are a couple of things that could be an issue, but the first thing I'd suggest is getting TweakCoH so that you can adjust the game's graphics settings from outside the game. It may be that it doesn't like the default settings. Your Live client works properly, right?
If that doesn't work you should take a look at the Common Solutions and Guidelines sticky, and probably post a CoH Helper and a HijackThis log so that the techies can help you take a look.
I am thinking tweakcoh may help, I noticed that the test client is running at a significantly smaller resolution than I like, so may be the culprit, I'll try that first, then look for more drastic measures..
Thank you!
[Edit] Tweak COH did the trick, there was indeed something about the default sttings giving my new system a display error. Thank you once again.
I posted this in the Test forums, and was directed here, so here it is again;
I haven't been on the Test server in about a year, and never before on this PC.
I followed the same steps as I did before, and looked at the threads here for guidance again to make sure I didn't so anything wrong, and everything seemed fine.
However, when I get to the Game Loading screen [I do get the Test entry screen in the Patcher window as normal], instead of the classic "Heroes approaching" on blue background, I am getting a black screen..
My cursor shows normal activity, the game loads up to what I assume is the Login screen, and has the login screen music, but I still have a completely black screen.
Any thoughts? I've tried deleting my checksum file and I have also verified the image repeatedly, my next step unless I get some advice on this is to just delete the test folder and try all over again.
Thank you for your attention.