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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Falke View Post
    There's going to be a lot of people who get hit like that. I'm still baffled at how bad this move was. They just need to roll this crap back and let us reset BEFORE they do this sort of thing.


    Seriously, I want to apply a Going Rogue code to my account now.
  2. Absolutely Fabulous.

    I jumped in for a month to visit old gaming friends just last week, and accessed my account just fine.

    Today, I can't access my account to apply a brand new Going Rogue code to it.

    I don't have any of this seven year old information from three computers ago, and at least three apartments in the past as well.

    I've changed my main credit card for MMO payments and other online purchases at least five times, and do not have access to those old numbers, those e-records are stored on computers I no longer possess. I have changed ISPs at least four times too!
  3. ....PP, I can't imagine why i thought you'd recognize or remember me without my Hip Hop Kitty avatar.

    But oh well.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I have a girly named Natural Stimulant...
    She is Earth, kin...

    I would consider naming her PooPet, Hanky Panky
    If given the oppertunity...
    Well, hello Stranger.
  5. I had the exact same problem you are describing, but on my newly made Test.

    Here, this thread...

    TweakCoH fixed my error, it seemed to be something in the default display resolution.

    That's my best guess anyhow, maybe this will help you too.

    I basically just ran TweakCoH, and from it set my Display to Fullscreen, and same resolution I run my desktop at.. Test opened fine for me after that, the black screen was replaced with the old "BLue Background, Heroes Approaching" login screen as normal.
  6. I am thinking tweakcoh may help, I noticed that the test client is running at a significantly smaller resolution than I like, so may be the culprit, I'll try that first, then look for more drastic measures..

    Thank you!

    [Edit] Tweak COH did the trick, there was indeed something about the default sttings giving my new system a display error. Thank you once again.
  7. I posted this in the Test forums, and was directed here, so here it is again;

    I haven't been on the Test server in about a year, and never before on this PC.

    I followed the same steps as I did before, and looked at the threads here for guidance again to make sure I didn't so anything wrong, and everything seemed fine.

    However, when I get to the Game Loading screen [I do get the Test entry screen in the Patcher window as normal], instead of the classic "Heroes approaching" on blue background, I am getting a black screen..

    My cursor shows normal activity, the game loads up to what I assume is the Login screen, and has the login screen music, but I still have a completely black screen.

    Any thoughts? I've tried deleting my checksum file and I have also verified the image repeatedly, my next step unless I get some advice on this is to just delete the test folder and try all over again.

    Thank you for your attention.
  8. Thanks, I'll do that.. My GFX drivers are up to date though.
  9. I haven't been on the Test server in about a year, and never before on this PC.

    I followed the same steps as I did before, and looked at the threads here for guidance again to make sure I didn't so anything wrong, and everything seemed fine.

    However, when I get to the Game Loading screen [I do get the Test entry screen in the Patcher window as normal], instead of the classic "Heroes approaching" on blue background, I am getting a black screen..

    My cursor shows normal activity, the game loads up to what I assume is the Login screen, and has the login screen music, but I still have a completely black screen.

    Any thoughts? I've tried deleting my checksum file and I have also verified the image repeatedly, my next step unless I get some advice on this is to just delete the test folder and try all over again.

    Thank you for your attention.
  10. I can't say much that hasn't been mentioned, but I will say this; if it's robust enough, I expect to use this as a Roleplaying tool.

    Create content for my friends and I to participate in, with clues in the mission directly related to ongoing storylines, and even 'flashback' missions dealing with shaodwy events in our characters lives, perhaps even reliving our origins!

    I am really looking forward to this..

    I can only hope the UI is more like Character Creation, and nothig at all like Base editting, which might have the worst UI design I've seen since DOS.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, $9.99 for a few costume parts? That's a bit steep. $4.99 I might spring for. I love the game and complain about very little, but considering there are not any temp powers or more than basically two costume options it's a bit pricy, IMHO.

    And just to beat the trolls to the punch, yeah I know. I don't have to buy it. And at this price I probably won't. But I will give my opinion just the same, thank you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, you beat me to it. It is seriously overpriced for a few costumes and emotes. I've been here for ages, and i even want this stuff, but really.

    The same 9.99 could get you an entirely new game, like AudioSurf, for an example. I know that's where my 9.99 will go.

    I think 4.99 is a bit steep, and 3.99 is about just right IMHO. 9.99 is just too high.
  12. Another amazing job, Doug.

    I've been a fan of your work since I first saw that Champions adventure supplement you wrote, The Zodiac Conspiracy. The color inserts of all the characters was what really put that over the top.. and for what it's worth, I loved the characters and concepts [like villians who weren't actually EVIL, and could be interacted with in Roleplaying scenarios as well,they were more like rivals] that I still use most of those characters today.. and I still have the adventure, still with the color art insert.

    I even still have the GURPs supers books you contributed art to as well, and even in those early days I knew you had something special going on.

    Keep on rocking in a free world, Doug.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Can we just add any thread started by Ultimus to the list? It's guaranteed to be either off-topic or a redundant "Hey look what the latest Dev Digest post says!" thing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know it's bad form to say, "I agree", and not much else, but really, this does say it all.

    "I agree", QFT, QFE, whatever other appropriate acronyms you can think of.

    Note that I am not attacking Ultimus, he's been known to bring some discussion around when prompted, but the majority of the threads he opens are a major waste of time and bandwidth, usually designed as a passive-agressive trolling thread, IM[NS]HO.
  14. I knew it. I'll be away the entire weekend, at Owlcon.

    Why, oh why does it have to be the same weekend as my annual gaming convention?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I slotted a Triumphant Insult: Chance to Disorient (10%) on my level 17 DB/INV Tanker's Taunt and have yet to see the disorient go off (graphically or in the combat log). Just to be sure, I waded in to a group of trivial mobs and threw taunt on autofire. Five minutes later neither the combat log nor the mobs showed anything like a disorient going off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have the same proc IO slotted into my Rise to the Challenge, and I echo this; I haven't seen it work once at all, and I've been playing with it slotted for days.
  16. I don't really get the general freak-out at all.

    Personally, only the friends list thing is questionable to me, and mainly because the local friends list is pretty much useless in my humble opinion.

    Now that the Global list is actually there [and I remember the dark days before it was], I only use local friends to 'mark' someone in a more temporary way.

    Real friends that I either actually know in RL, or game with regularly, are already on my Global or Super Group & Coalition lists, the Local list is for folks I only barely know but play with "on that toon in that level range" [and I prune those lists regularly], and folks I really like I invite into my global list so I can meet up with them in-game even easier.

    Really, I don't even consider someone a "Friend" at all until I've exchanged Globals with them.

    And I don't want my Global Friends list published, not for myself, I could care less if more folks send me a few tells, but for those friends. I don't want my real Global friends being bothered because of me.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No slight intended to the villains out there! The Praetorians are still my favorite CoH creation and Ghost Widow's journal pieces are my pick for best Manti-lore.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    YOOUUUUU!!!! Dammit! \./ You people really need to attribute authorship publicly. Since it was part of the website I thought it was Arctic's.

    Ghost Widow's Journal is the piece of CoX writing with the absolute best "voice" I have ever seen. I adore it. I'm so glad it's up on a webpage where I can go back and look at it.

    Write more of it. No, I'm not even kidding.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, GW's journal was my baby and I loved writing every entry. Your request for more is duly noted.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe I'm just blind or dumb, but my search-fu has failed. Any chance we can get a link?
  18. I'm glad this is being done as well, but I also wish the levels being affected was around 20+, becuase I have the sinking suspicion that the name I want is 'owned/squatted' by someone who made the high teens at least.
  19. The Young Sentinels are a teen super group in the mold of comics teams such as Teen Titans, Runaways, New Warriors (from the 90's) and Young Avengers, sort of a mish-mash Homage super group. Our tone is decidedly Bronze Age, with both Modern and Silver leanings. We are in Coalition with an 'Adult' Team known as the Sentinels United, and have previously been primarily an Alt team for that groups players. Many of those characters will remain and be played (some more frequently than others) but as the Leader of the team in my Alt, Night-Stranger (who is my main), I am seeking new RP and Light RP players to add to the team.

    Storyline basics allow for Aspiring teen heros and sidekicks, established younger heroes as well as Runaways type characters looking for or needing a home, as the teams HQ is a converted warehouse in Kings Row. It is basically a crashpad for wayward paranormal teens, run by an older teen hero who has 'been there', and is devoted to helping other kids. The Adult team is nominally our watchers and trainers, tasked with seeing to our training for the inevitable day when it will be our turn to save the world.

    Looking forward to hearing from some folks, as without new blood, my team will die, and I simply can't abide that.

    I can be reached in game most afternoons or evenings via tells as Night-Stranger, or via in-game e-mail to Night-Stranger, with the hyphen

    [EDIT] Now I see that my guild mate entered The Young sentinels along with the Sentinels united just two posts above here, heh. Sorry for the douple-ad spam, but she didn't tell me!
  20. Rune_


    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, Jesse! Erm, I mean, Arctic Sun. You may remember me from the GoO boards. It's me, Rune. [Not too hard to figure that one out, eh?] Nice to see you here, looking forward to your creative contributions here as well.