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  1. In re of the VEATs only being part of one faction, not true while one patron has dominanace over Crab spiders or whatever doesnt mean that there are no Die hard Crab Spiders loyal to Ghost Widow.

    for instance there are patron arcs where you see this happen.

    But all in all I dont think we will have access to patron powers and to be fair I really dont see us having a need for em, concidering they are for the most part useless. their powers already being incorporated into one of the spider or widow branches in one way or another.

    If we do get a patron I would prefer us get Lord Recluse as a patron and have access to one NEW patron powerset but then that will most likely not happen EVER


  2. Sorry my post should have been

    I bane think I will bane joining any VEAT bane SG, not that i am bane to the idea or that i bane its a bane idea, its just im still a bane at bane and so I would bane joining bane.

    I would bane wholeheartedly support any such bane as i can imagine all bane teams being MASSIVELY bane just judging by the bane we have bane.



  3. I really dont think we will get access to the Patron pools, would be nice if we did though.

    thing is they would have to write up 2-4 new powersets for the two new architypes.

    I also have a feeling that we will have lots of powers to play around with, without Patron powers to worry about.


  4. In many respects I hope this is not the case and that the infiltrating Arachnos from within refers to you merely rising through the ranks and realising that as a Destined one you are more powerful than the peons who are supposed to be your "Superiors" meaning you finally shed Arachnos because at the high levels they no longer serve your purpose.

    at least thats what i hope


  5. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    The Web Falls

    Thank you MRS_Evil but it wasnt all my doing, the amazing artwork was done by my good friend Infinitron who also cleaned up the grammer and added some good descriptive bits in. as the time comes closer to I12 I will most likely continue this thread adn hopefully Infinitron will add to it from his point of view.

    in short

    Thank you very much for reading my post


  6. I dont think I will be joining any VEAT based SG, not that i am loathe to the idea or that i think its a bad idea, its just im still a horde at heart and so I would be joining them.

    I would however wholeheartedly support any such venture as i can imagine all VEAT teams being MASSIVELY powerful just judging by the powers we have seen.


  7. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    The Web Falls

    Spider’s Web - Arachnos base - Grandville

    Like a liquid shadow the stranger slipped into the Arachnos base stealthily, sneaking past Spiderling drones that patrolled the seemingly endless halls. The stranger drew up a small device and in the dank gloom it flickered to life, bathing his face in feint blue light; the computer display pointed directly to the heart of the complex where the monster slept at the centre of his vast technological web. The stranger pressed on hoping that the monster didn’t awaken.

    Deep in the heart of the web, fiery eyes flicker then burn bright as relayed images and sounds are transferred through the bases sensor array to Ebon Spider’s helm. Suspended from the ground by black cables, arranged about his body with him in the centre, gave the appearance of a Spider in his web. He paused a moment watching the stranger awkwardly try to evade all of his many sensor trips and failing miserably - as he does a smile creeps to Spiders face, and his voice drones out into the pitch black room “Alpha drone, sector Gamma, situation: PURGE”; the noise of metallic carapace clacking against itself echoed in the deathly quiet halls, the troops had mobilized and were searching for their prey.

    The Stranger heard this and prepared for a fight, cracking his knuckles and his neck as the first wave fell upon him, the stranger spun and hammered the spiders with a bout of dark energy, devastating wave upon wave as they came. Ebon Spider watched this and smiled at the carnage, as he was lowered to the ground, the cables fell away and were withdrawn into the walls. As his feet touched the ground, Spider’s suit glimmered and then phased out of sight; he lay in wait for his intruder to approach, the stranger had managed to fight his way to the heart of the web, impressive. He looked around staying forever vigilant as he searched for the master of the web, he drew out his device and looked at it, it told this area was the heart of the web - but then where was Spider? The stranger pondered this as an Armoured hand grasped him under the chin and about his body, the strength of this being was phenomenal, crushing him slightly to restrict breathing and preventing him using his super powers. Spider leaned in close to the man’s ear as his sinister voice drew up, its pitch given a metallic edge as it was altered in part by his helm “Who are you…and why are you here?”. The man struggled but Spider tightened his gasp “I said, who are you…and why are you here?…Tell me and I will let you walk out of here alive…I give you my word”. Upon this the stranger relaxed a little and uttered “M…my…my name’s Black-Light……and…I’m here because there is a bounty on your head…” Spider somewhat taken back by this uttered “how much?” Black-Light weakly uttered “15 million dollars….” Spider released his grasp, half in surprise “who fronted this? Where did you get this contract?” Black-Light’s words flowed a little easier “Infinicorp….they want you brought back alive” Spider laughed in a metallic dirge “well well, it would seem I have to visit my old friend then” Black-Light weakly and pathetically emulated a laugh as he said “now can I…..Go?” Spider tensed as he reached up and plucked the teleport beacon from Black-Light’s armour “Why……why…are you doing that?” he cried as Spider sharply twisted Black-Light’s head to the right, and there was a sickening snap. Black-Lights body slumped limply to the ground,; turning, Spider crushed the Teleport beacon in his grasp and tossed it over his shoulder onto Black-Light’s body. As Spiderlings descended from the ceiling and swarmed over the body taking it away for disposal, Spider uttered “Computer prep the flyer; Set course for Steel Canyon”.

    Grandville – Spider City Infinicorp - Steel Canyon

    It wasn’t difficult for Spider to storm this corporate building, the only security that was there were a few lowly Longbow soldiers who were cut down equally as swiftly as the lab assistants. Spider felt a sense of dissatisfaction that Infinicorp's posterboy Infinitron didn’t rush to the aid of his people, no matter Spider would make up for that by killing everyone inside, those that manage to get past him will be shredded by the dozens of Spiderling drones posted at the entrance. Spider continued slaughtering any that crossed him until he saw the RnD lab door, walking towards it slowly he crouched and picked up one of the dead scientists and walked effortlessly with him towards the ocular scanner pressing the dead scientists face up against the scanner, the door swung open as Spider tossed the limp body at a wall then proceeded inside taking pictures of some of the inventions contained within.

    The Spiderlings at the door detected vibrations and an energy signature that they relayed to Spider moments before they were torn asunder by heavy fire from a high caliber rifle. Spider smiled as he tapped into the buildings comms system and broadcast “Come into my parlour said the Spider to the fly….HA” the signal went dead as Infinitron stormed towards the RnD sector, stopping only to check if there were any survivors, sadly Spider had spared none.

    As Infinitron entered the RnD sector he saw it was awash with fire, with only one scientist standing in the middle of the room looking shocked “Where is he Stanford…..are you alri…” Infinitron was cut off as he looked at the floor and noticed the Stanford’s feet seemed to be floating off the ground slightly, suddenly Spider phased into view holding the scientist up by his throat as he hurled Stanford at Infinitron who moved to the side and unleashed a barrage of blasts at Spider, Spider simply dodged them with ease “pathetic Infinitron, you knew me when I was a hero…..you know that doesn’t work on me” Infinitron did indeed know this and had set that up deliberately just to distract Spider as Stanford escaped. Infinitron dashed for Spider slamming him with a massive energy hit that sent him smashing against the wall, Spider flipped to his feet and raised a strange device as he uttered “my turn” upon pressing the button bombs detonated demolishing the lab and blasting Infinitron through the wall and onto the streets of Steel Canyon, Infinitron rose to his feet, his helmet’s view distorted due to damage, his rifle too was devastated and rendered useless, he discarded them both as Spider emerged from the carnage. Longbow rallied to the scene as one shouted “don’t worry Sir….were here to help you apprehend this Archvillain” Infinitron tried to stop him but it was too late, Spider fired a razor-sharp Glaive from his gauntlet killing the longbow with ease. Spider then turned to Infinitron and lectured “See how easily I knock over your pathetic little toy soldiers? By the way hows the eye?” Spider raised one hand over his eyeport mocking the great hero before laughing darkly. Infinitron simply stared at Spider his remaining eye burning with anger “Alex…..look at what you’re doing, you’re not this…you are not a monster, you are better than this!” Spider stopped laughing and responded “First name terms now…..very well Joseph; you really don’t understand do you, I served this city well and what did I get as my reward? Your much vaunted heroes sent me to die….and I now loathe them more than I loathe the rest of the weak and pathetic denizens of your city….I will take pleasure in snuffing them out….one by one by one - STARTING WITH YOU !!!” Spider darted for Infinitron slashing at him with his energy blades, Infinitron deflected them with controlled bursts of energy before countering and slamming Spider in the chest knocking him backwards towards the building. Spinning in midair Spider turned and clung to the wall before diving back towards Infinitron who deftly sidestepped and grabbed Spider spinning him and launching him into a wall and sending masonry flying. Again Spider dived to his feet and turned running towards Infinitron blending into the background as everything went suddenly silent. Then Voices started to echo all around Infinitron mocking him and taunting him, seemingly from all places at once.

    Infinitron had experienced this before, a noted tactic that Spider used often to initiate a final strike; but Infinitron was ready - he had watched Spider do this so many times, and last time had been the loss of his right eye. He began to countdown in his head “10.....9…..8…..7…….6…..5……4…..3…..2……1”, then suddenly Infinitron spun and arched his body so that Spiders blade missed, he then grabbed spider in a bearhug and then jetted straight up into the sky; so high up infact that they were not visible from the ground. As they were soaring up Infinitron spoke to Spider as he writhed in the heroes grasp “Alex…..please, this is the last time I’m asking you, if you’re not with us, I…” Infinitrons words were filled with pain and anguish. “Fool do you think I will just easily come running back to you and your cadre of traitors and weaklings…I’D RATHER DIE!” spat Spider’s dark metallic voice, to which Infinitron replied in a mournful tone “then…….I’m sorry Alex…..I really am”. Infinitron hammered Spider up into the air with an energy punch, which sent the Archvillain hurtling up into the sky. Infinitron’s fist started to glow insanely bright as he focused all his energy into his fists; as Spider came down Infinitron unleashed his energy into one almighty double handed hit, pummeling Spider down towards the ground, unconscious with blood streaming from his chest. It was over. With a heavy heart Infinitron looked at his hands and saw the blood on them, Spiders blood…a man he once called friend…brother. Infinitron used a burst of energy to vapourise the blood from his fists as he watched Spider fall, unable to bear it he turned and jetted away. He just couldn’t watch this scene any longer, but he knew what he had done was right, it was for the greater good of mankind…as much as he hated it Spider had become a monster, a wreckless killer and a heartless assassin.

    Grandville – Spider City

    Lord Recluse watched Spider falling on his monitor. He was surrounded by a host of his Elite Mu Mystics and at his side was Kalinda; she turned to Lord Recluse and uttered “shall we save him my lord?” Lord Recluse waved his hand and turned as he uttered “let him die……he was weak….he deserves his fate”. Recluse began to walk towards the door as Kalinda watched on, she noticed a slight spark within Spiders mind, she tilted her head and turned to Lord Recluse “My Lord I sense a strong Psionic signature within Spider’s mind…..it seems that being at the brink of death has somehow awakened something”. Lord Recluse halted and turned looking at his Mystics as he raised his hand to point at Spider on the view screen “BRING HIM TO ME…..NOW!!!” at which the mystics turned and began to utter some arcane words in a dead language; Spider was instantly teleported directly to the table - broken and bleeding. Lord Recluse began to walk towards him as he heard Spiders irregular breathing pattern, looking over his shattered and destroyed armor, he looked to Kalinda “Will he live?”. Kalinda walked to him running her hands over his destroyed body, already sensing his body’s cells trying to reform and heal, her hands moved towards his head and then a sharp crackle travelled up Kalindas hand and into her mind, she screamed and drew back as she looked to Lord Recluse “My Lord it seems he will live, his body has awakened his immense Psionic potential due to the damage his body has sustained however he is now dormant and living within his own mind protected by a Psionic shield. But I fear he may however never regain his original power” Lord Recluse walked over to him and uttered “then he will join my Bane Spiders…I cannot have one as powerful as he having free reign, with his capabilities unchecked, he could potentially threaten my rule…only connected to the Hive-mind will he be kept in check and his powers be used ONLY for me”. Kalinda nodded as she uttered “So shall it be done, we shall mould his new Psionic powers to your cause my Lord” Lord Recluse Smiled darkly and uttered “I want him trained to be a lowly soldier first to teach him humility then when the time comes he shall become one of my new Bane Spiders…….I shall confer to him the title of Lord” Lord Recluse turned to Kalinda and spoke once more “tend to Lord Ebon Spider……..till the time comes……then we shall see what my Bane Spider Lord can really do” adding “perhaps he is the Destined one that your visions have shown” Kalinda nodded and watched as Lord Recluse left the room, she walked to Spider picking up his hand and holding it to her face “Alex…….please pull through…..” her words echoed in the darkness.

    This story was writen by myself and a few gramatical error corrections and dramatic choices were added by Infinitron who is also the Amazing artist behind the drawings that acompany this story, It is my characters transfer into Veats when they arrive. We hope you enjoy this story


  8. I will be adding a bind so that when i use any of my submachine guns i will use the quote "SAY HELLO TO MY LIL FRIEND"

    lol I kid


  9. I really like the VEATS and dont deem their powers as boring because while I have seen them ingame I havent had a chance to use them myself but im sure there will be those out there that will dislike them but thats life.

    and in referance to them being samey truth is they couldnt be massive differant due to them being based on an ingame foe, we will still see some surprises I feel and if at the very least they will be something differant to play, which is always a good thing.

    Besides were getting an exclusive story arc to follow and hopefully *crosses fingers* I will see a little more of what this Bane Spider Hive-Mind is like as that is part of what intrigues me about the banes and why I want to play them.


  10. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Omega Maneuver

    It will probably end up being some kind of Snipe nuke, massive charge up for a massive effect with massive recharge


  11. If only it were that simple but as I have stated everyone is Destiny's Pawn, be they the most powerful superbeing to the lowliest street thug.

    No one can alter Destiny, which is why Lord Recluse's Project destiny is going to fail, unless our characters are not the Destined ones and that he is waiting for that special one who will rise through the ranks and pave the way to covering the world in darkness and rendering the world to the spiders web



    P.s. Im starting to talk like my character that is not good
  12. as is everyone and herself included, No one is the pebble in the pond.

    and while your thinking is that she can see it and see that Lord Recluse is but a puppet...do you really think she is any less? a puppet is still a puppet even if it can see the strings that control it.


  13. In re of Kalinda being the seer that saw the coming of the Destined ones, as I posted earlier this is true but that doesnt even remotely make her Equal to Lord Recluse.

    He views her with use and as long as she does this he will find her Valuble but in all sense and purpose he doesnt regard her his equal. he doesnt really regard anyone his equal as most megalomaniacal Archvillains tend to....well except you when you come back from the future holding his damaged and charred Helm but even that was grudging respect at best.

    now to get this post back onto the rails, I really dont think we will ever see your character turning into a Tarantula or Tarantula queen/mistress the reason for this being that it is highly unlikely that they would lock out all your costumes (because as a Tarantula you would no longer be a humanoid char type) so your cossies wouldnt count and it couldnt be done as a power similar to khelds because it doesnt make sense transforming into a robot then back again.

    my 2 inf


  14. Thanks Praf

    but as I said it would appear we as Banes would be able to do that but there is a chance it could change and that perhaps that was a mistake that they put the blade arms into the Bane costume options rather than the crab ones *since we havent seen a bane with those ingame yet*. but the I live in hope as I want to design a costume using those blades since they will emulate my Original Mains costume albeit in SoA form.


  15. yes but she is the only one who forsaw the Project Destiny, it was her that saw the coming of the Desined Ones.

    and because of it has a place at Recluse's side, since she potentially has the ability to see the one who can pave the way for Recluse's domination of the world.


  16. what I meant by that Praf was that not all their mace blasts will be the photonic toxin, only one or two will just like the NPC Bane Spider Executioner who has Poisonous Ray Burst.


  17. Yeah I kinda thought that they would do it that way (as in partial toxic/lethal), although I seriously doubt that their mace blasts will be the photonic venom one, well maybe they will have one power with that but the rest will just probably be energy blasts.


  18. Plus not only do they get damage but they get a defence and accuracy bonus as well if you take all the soldier secondaries and leadership, it will be very end heavy though if you go down that route.

    now add in that they do DOTS, explosive damage and can hold foes and all do Machine gun fire.

    if all focussed they will slice through most foes all the way up to them branching into whatever they want to.


  19. not really

    think how many people complain now that we have one slot dedicated to arachnos armour only, now imagine that with a bodytype that cannot be changed, has no access to any of the costume capabilities that we have now and has no access to emotes or anything else the player models have.

    Plus remember not all Fortunata are female now im sure while a few males dont mind being called Widows im sure none want to be called Mistress lol

    It wouldnt happen, perhaps Fortunata get a pet and if so it might be a tarrantula queen who knows. I always thought that it would be cool if when a Fortunata dominates some people they get added to a petlist with some pet controls like a MM but that could cause problems.


  20. I really hope your right (not that it matters as i will be wearing my armour most of the time and the rest of the time i will be wearing my Main chars outfit) but I suppose theres nothing we can do till it hits open beta which should be Soon(TM)


  21. From what we have seen of the Wolf Spider and Widow, if they all had all their secondary and leadership i really cant see how they would fail at anything lol


  22. I feel we will primarily be fighting Longbow as they seem to be the light to our dark, with a few other groups chucked in for good measure, perhaps taking down some rogue faction of Arachnos.

    In many respects I do want us to go up against Superheroes and finally up against Lord Recluse to trounce him and let him know we are not his toys any more.


  23. Will Bane spiders have Poison DOT on their mace strikes like the Blood Widows and Night Widows have, since the NPC version has it surely the PC ones have to? I was sure I saw in the vid a Longbow with the poison aura that banes do to PC's (E.g. kind of white fire with black bubbles rising)

    what do you guys think?


  24. yes i want them to expand on the Bane Spider hive-mind to the point that for banes when fully trained you gain mishs through the hive-mind as opposed to a contact I would also like to see this Hive-mind expanded on and show whats its like from the inside.


  25. just take snippets from the Grandville speach to use as the motto.

    "I lord Recluse shall cover this world, in darkness"


    "In Lord Recluse's name shall we cover this world in darkness"

