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  1. Very good! I like the emotion between Alex and the created Kilo. We get a good sense of the characters without knowing much about them. Cool concept and you ended it well. Makes us want more.
  2. She does wonderful work, her detail in costuming is awesome. I love the way she does clothes. Congrats on that art!
  3. Congrats on all the recent artwork. The background and colors are really nice on that vacation piece.
  4. DarkLilac

    Terra in color

    Really nice coloring, great piece!
  5. I think your art is totally fascinating. It's very different than drawn work and so you can't approach it the same way. I don't think art has to always be a literal translation from one medium to another (screenshot costume to interpreted artwork done by traditional means).

    Unique and interesting.
  6. DarkLilac

    >.> Chaos! <.<;;

    Have a wonderful Birthday!
  7. Very cool concept and character, great artwork of him.
  8. Awesome return with the adorable chibi art. Welcome back!
  9. DarkLilac

    Mirror Spirit ?

    She was in a villain side mission. I remember being surprised to come across her and I did take a screenshot...probably a pretty bad screenshot tho, hehe.

    Always cool to fight someone that we normally don't get to, she definitely falls into that category.

    *goes to rummage through the screenshot folder*
  10. These are too cute and full of spunk! Very nice
  11. I think I have some of what you are looking for. Here are a few:





    Have a few more but not sure how much more they would help you. Hope this helps!
  12. I love scenery shots also, I know I have a ton I can't find but these are a few I like:

    Traveling the Rogue Isles can be lonely and tiring...

    Pretty Atlasglow with some interesting things in the distance

    Independence Port Bridge Always loved the bridges of IP, can't find the other screens I used to have tho

    The Rogue Moon No album is complete without some moon shots!

    Sally Ness...Loch Sally I like the atmosphere of this one.
  13. DarkLilac

    A Question...

    All the points here are good. If I really liked another costume I might borrow the awesome color combo with different pieces or perhaps just take one great aspect of it and build around it and make it my own.

    If you are totally into someone's costume and wish to make your own you could always put a little blurb in your ID bio space too, something like **Costume inspired by Hero X

  14. Very cute gift drawing! Happy Birthday
  15. Cool character look, love the art! First commissions are so cool. Having made my first recently, I definitely feel the need for a few more, too. Congrats.
  16. I really like how this turned out, looks fantastic!
  17. I'm with the others, that Eyes in the Dark piece is very cool!
  18. DarkLilac

    3d Rikti

    Wow, that was like a virtual sculpture. Totally amazing!
  19. Happy Birthday, Larissa!

    Great pic, Modern!