Scenery Screenshots.....




I love moon shots a lot. Hehe



A lot of the screenshots I take are of the backgrounds. Sometimes they get used for art projects I'm making (I give credit ) but mostly they wind up as wallpaper for my computer.

The city of Paragon, the Rogue Isles, and all the environments that our characters have the privelege of running around in... They're really, really well crafted. Kudos to the team members who created these beautiful works of art, and thank you to the devs for giving me the chance to take such great pictures.

With that, I will share some of my favorites.

I've always loved the Hollows. There is a particular moment there, standing over Cherry Hills, when the sun comes up, that is just stunning. There is peace for a moment.

Similarly, the eternal reminders of our heroic city's past stand ever watchful in the morning and evening hours. Over Talos in the morning...

To sunset over Peregrine Island.

The evening lights up Talos in its beautiful golden glow...

While over Peregrine Island, it looks as though the Tractor Beams have caught the moon!

Even in the most dangerous portions of the city, the Moon is a calming, almost loving reminder that we all live on the same world. In Eden, perhaps that is most important to remember...

While the War Walls remain up around Dark Astoria's cemetary, some beauty can come of them.

But the natural beauty of the city is not the only thing I appreciate around here. Sometimes things have to be put into sharp contrast with the bright, happy faces we see in Atlas Park; don't forget that Outbreak has been burning for more than 3 years...

The imposing city of Oranbega cannot be denied its beauty, or its danger...

The world Outside the world, Pocket D (situated somewhere in the Shadow Shard? Who knows!) hosts many parties but also seemingly serves as an outpost on the edge of the universe...

Perhaps the enigma of the Shadow Shard will be solved some day. Who controls it? Where exactly does it rest - between reality and fantasy? ((ooc: I just really love the shard, and it provides me with so many excellent wallpaper resources... please use this as a wallpaper, eh?))

The dangerous roads and alleys of the Rogue Isles cannot be denied their part in all of this...

Heroes must not forget, there are a multitude of alternate worlds, which threaten to encroach on our own. Recluse's Victory is dangerously close to doing so...

And perhaps the most strong reminder we have, of our eternal need for vigilance, is this image of the Rikti Mothership that crashed some 4 years ago on a once thriving part of Paragon City. Before the peace was shattered...

I hope you enjoy my little tour of Paragon and the Rogue Isles.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Hmm....Interesting...There are some really awesome shots there that I loved..Thank you for sharing, and I hope others continue to share.



Roffle! Moon over Skyway is great - I love the forced perspective that makes the character look about 1' tall

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Are the elves your work (Elf Form!)? That's cool....



Are the elves your work (Elf Form!)? That's cool....

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, all the stuff regarding the Otherforest and Elves on my links are, while loosely based on the Elfquest comic, my own stuff (art and characters).

Fill out teh form. Send me request. I have a lot of elves left to do for the forums, but... I quit my job last week and I've been getting more and more stuff done writing and artsy.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Mmmmmm. Sexy Jay for the win. The butts in this game rule.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Hehe..I actually got stuck behind a big guy (a.k.a the big butt) and my character is small and that was her eye



Here is...
Mr hovering in front of the Echo banner.

And here is...
The flyer...

[[Rpers welcomed. Looking for more staff and regular customers...On the virtue server. We are just getting started but we hope to be big.]]

[/ QUOTE ]

Some people have pushed the boundaries of what a "scenery" pic is (shots of toon butts and exploding cars), but I think a flyer isn't even in the ballpark, really.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I meant for this thread to be somewhere you can put the screen shots that you like or find interesting. I started it off with scenery because that is what I love taking shots of the most...



Haven't visited the forums in a while, so I'd like to put up a new screen shot...

I think it is beautiful...

Please feel free to add more...