Dark Sweater

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    True.But, almost every example you cited still supports being mainly premium and temporarily subscribing for VIP stuff.
    The only example that supports being premium only temporary is the "new low level alt/return VIP for incarnates" idea.

    In most situations and most of the time, it is better to be mainly premium, non-subscription, because they get a better value for their money that doesn't get worse over time due to recurring payments "just to maintain" what they have.
    As I said, IMO it's mainly a matter of personal preference. Some people have no problem budgeting $15 a month for a game, and choose to subscribe because they feel it's convenient to not have to buy everything separately, or that the extras are worth it for them, or they just love the game and feel they support it better that way. Other people prefer to feel ownership, that they can buy stuff and not just rent it, that they don't feel like they're losing money if they play only a little during a month.

    The bottom line is, far from being purely about dollar cost, this is about psychology and feeling. People who do care more about money and what they get for it are likely to gravitate towards Premium. That doesn't mean that VIP isn't worth it, just that it's not worth it for them.

    The only way to truly judge the worth of a subscription is see how many people stay subscribed and how many new subscriptions the game gets once Freedom launches.
  2. I'll be waiting until I21, and as for why I promise to tell and even show you once I create him, assuming I like what I get. It's a concept thing, a silly concept thing. And yes, there's a chance I'll AFK at a moment's notice, but that isn't really at the base of this.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    That being said, it's important that you, as the customer, know our response, especially in regards to something as sensitive as individual privacy.
    Thanks a lot for that post. Even though I wasn't worried, I must say that an official word on this is helpful.
  4. I want a character who'll be able to stand doing nothing (using only passives, toggles and an auto power) and survive incidental attacks. He shouldn't do any damage to the attackers, just be able to live as long as possible. Mez protection would be a bonus. What AT (I assume Tanker) and powersets will be best for this?
  5. Dark Sweater

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    Part of the problem is people are stating since CoH has some elements of F2P that everything should be free on the premium level. The common misconception is this was designed to step down from VIP eventually, when it is not. It was designed to better promote the game through free access thereby showcasing what subscription players get verus free/premium.
    It's a common misconception that Freedom was designed purely to showcase the game to promote subscription. If that was the case, there would be no need for reward levels. It's clear that Freedom is designed to allow the players who have paid most over time to gracefully degrade to Premium, getting many of the features for free. A player at the highest tier is getting a full game for free, equivalent to what was available before Going Rogue, which IMO is unheard of in F2P games.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    This becomes more of a problem for people that were going to be awarded a yearly badge because those give two tokens.
    I think those won't be a problem, because year counting will continue where it left off.

    My guess is that we'll get a token for a partial month (and whatever full months you have left). I think this was alluded to in an answer on a previous Freedom Friday when it was said that the $2 account would have 3 tokens: one free, one for the box and one for the month. That would only work if the 3rd token is awarded when Freedom launches. In that case someone with 2 days left would still get a token, but it will be for their first month on Freedom instead of for the 3 months.

    It would still be nice to get official confirmation on this.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    The entitlement oriented folks who expect everything they had for free, I doubt they'd ever be a customer.
    Show me one of these folks, please. Nobody expects to get everything for free. It's just a turn of phrase some people (like you) use to make it sound as if giving free players a little more is a terrible thing which only the lowest scum would want.

    Edit: Actually I seem to remember an "I want everything for Premium" guy. I think that went with "if you don't give me everything for free then I'll stop playing" (ooh, now they're shaking). Still these will be a tiny minority. Most people just want a little more and aren't adverse to paying. By ignoring them and talking only about the folks who want everything for free you're weakening your argument, because you're implicitly telling us that only by taking the issue to an extreme you can show a real problem with it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PBAtty View Post
    Reward tier and reward level are the same thing. There was no confusion there. But you said "get to" tier 7. You only need 21 tokens to "get to" tier 7. But you need 27 tokens to "fill" tier 7 which unlocks the tier 7 bonus of permanent invention access system. Hence my comment....when you're saying "get to" tier 7, it sounded like you were talking about just getting into the tier which is not the same as filling up the tier.
    I apologised for having used the wrong term. I also had a typo in the last post, posting "mean" instead of "meant".

    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Also consider purchasing IO licenses. $5 every 2.5 months will keep those IOs functioning for you.

    Edit for clarity: An IO license is worth $2, but the minimum point purchase is $5. So pay $5, and you've got the IO license for 2 months, with $1 worth of points left. For the third month, pay another $5, and you've got enough points for 3 more months.
    I know about this option, and I agree it's not a lot of money. I think my problem with it comes from the psychological pressure of "play or you lose your money". Not rational, I know, but it would still be a problem for me.
  9. It could be a plan to make all these free server transfer tokens all VIP's get useful. Transfer your character to Exalted, participate in the event, then move back to your original server (well, assuming nobody took the name in the meantime; that could be a problem).
  10. I think that's the reason they didn't provide forum access to free and Premium players: there's a percentage of the subscriber base who's prejudiced against "free" players and would disrupt any attempts by them to post legitimate concerns and questions.

    A solution to this would be a forum where only Premium players can post, and VIP's aren't allowed.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PBAtty View Post
    Keep in mind, you have to fill all the reward token slots in tier 7 (which is 27 tokens total) to unlock permanent access to the invention system....not just get into tier 7.
    Thanks. I know that. When I said "tier" I mean "reward level". That account will be reward level 6 (only just) and will require 7 reward tokens to get to reward level 7. That's $105 or 7 months of subscription. I can envision this happening over the years.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    to benefit customers who by definition aren't going to pay.
    Customer: one that purchases a commodity or service

    Just saying.

    The whole point of the "free to play" model is that "free" players, as a whole, pay, and pay a lot. Some of them pay nothing, but others pay more than a subscription would cost.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Okay, a few thoughts:

    1. See the /devices guide in my sig. If you want to solo on a blaster, play with /devices as your primary. You pick it second, but it is the set that defines how you play.
    2. Controllers and dominators can solo pretty well for some kinds of stuff, but will be at a big disadvantage against things that don't mez easy. I love mind/ and ill/ for that.
    3. Scrappers, brutes, and tankers are all pretty durable, and by a few levels in can be quite fun to play casually without worrying too much.
    4. Consider setting difficulty to something like -1/x2, or even just -1/x1 if you're having a hard time. You'll get levels/inf slower, but you'll win more fights.
    5. Don't worry about "XP debt". As people like to say, the "XP debt" bar is just the game's gauge for how much Awesome you are generating.

    Mostly, what matters most is what's fun to you. You will do better playing a character that basically fits your style than you will one which doesn't.
    Thanks for these tips. I never considered dropping difficulty (mainly because most of the time I played it was 5 fixed levels).
  14. Thanks. I guess I'll just go for the Dominator then, since he's the one I most want to play. He also fits that account best since he's a recreation of a Controller I had on that account (which won't be accessible), but with a different background, and Dominator actually fits him better (Mind Control / Dual Pistols would fit him best, but unfortunately isn't an available choice).
  15. I love this, Snow Globe. Made me laugh.

    Since this thread is a repeat of several others and I enjoy repeating myself, I'll sum up what I think:
    • A major problem currently is the lack of information about this on the Freedom website. The IO situation should be made abundantly clear so that people will know what to expect. They'll still be disappointed but will be able to manage that better than if they're surprised by it when they go Premium.
    • Lack of IO's won't be a problem for new players. The game is playable with SO's. It's only a problem for people who've already invested a lot in IO's.
    • Many people will feel it's a real problem. Telling them their opinion is wrong will do nothing but convince them you're not worth talking to. I wish I'd learn to take this advice myself, but it's just fun telling people they're wrong. So if like me you sometimes can't resist, at least try not to make it personal. They're not idiots or cheapskates with self entitlement problems. Even if you think that, keep it to yourself.
    • It's not the end of the world. You might have to say goodbye to your uber characters, but you're still getting to play your beloved game for free. Great opportunity to play some new characters, that's what I've decided.
    • My opinion is that allowing IO's to continue to be used, just not be able to slot them will benefit both players and the game (make more money, be less bug prone).
  16. When Freedom fully arrives I'll be playing Premium and won't have access to IO's. I'll have three accounts, one tier 6, one tier 3 and one tier 2 (this one).

    Of these the tier 3 account should be the one active through the head start period (I'll apply Going Rogue to it), and I'll want to create a character there, but with the obvious caveat that it will never use any IO's after going Premium, unlike characters on the tier 6 account which might one day get to tier 7 and unlock IO's.

    I have several characters in mind that I want to create, and I wonder which is them is best to create on that account. They are: a Martial Arts / Super Reflexes Brute, a Mind Control / Psionic Assault Dominator, an Empathy / Energy Defender and a Demon Summoning Mastermind (I'm not yet sure what secondary best fits his story). I'm also tempted to play a Dual Pistols Blaster, because I played one on trial and found it fun, but I don't have a character concept yet. I never played any of these specific AT/powerset combinations. My main characters were typically Scrappers, though I also played a Controller and Mastermind to their 20s.

    Of these the MM will probably have to wait, since the tier 3 account won't have it unlocked. I could conceivable pay for it, but it would be a better deal to just create it on the tier 6 account.

    I'm going to play mainly short, solo sessions. I mainly play for content (story arcs) and don't care about going up quickly in levels, but I'd prefer not having each door mission take a long time. My level 50 is a scrapper, and she was able to finish most (non-CoT) missions in under 15 minutes, which is the way I like it.

    The Brute will probably be the easiest to play that way, so there's a chance I'll gravitate towards that. This character is a test to see how it compares to my scrapper, so it's somewhat of a boring choice. Based on that Scrapper I assume the Brute will be able to solo most high level EB's even with just SO's, right?

    The Dominator should be the most interesting character. He's Praetorian and proud of it, and I'd like to play someone in Praetoria, which I only done a little bit. I just wonder how viable this combination is for soloing (in particular without IO's).

    The Defender and Blaster are below the Dominator on the list, but comments about them will be appreciated as well.

    Although the real question is not who's best for soloing, but who gains to benefit the least from IO's.

    Any insights will be appreciated.
  17. I started composing an answer to refute specific points, then realised I have no idea who is arguing for what general idea, and I'd have to go back over the thread to try to reconstruct this. So I'll stick to addressing the general subject of value and people changing subscription level.

    I'll assume there's enough information for people to make educated decisions about the move from Premium to VIP or vice versa. Not a given, but will likely be truer some time down the road. People will then move between subscription level based on this information.

    I think that the choice between Premium and VIP comes mainly to personal preference. There are people more predisposed towards paying a monthly fee and getting stuff up front, and others who are willing to make do with less and invest over time in exactly what they feel they need. Those who prefer VIP will look at Premium as a way to save money when they're short and those who prefer Premium will look at VIP as a way to gain momentary benefits.

    A VIP subscriber might drop to Premium because she's playing a new low level character of an AT and powersets available under Premium. Perhaps she'll even spend some PP to unlock an AT or powerset, if she assumes she'll play it for more than a month (or if she has PP to spare). Once that toon is ready for incarnate content, or if she wants to play another toon, she will go back.

    A Premium player might decide that he needs a server transfer. Since a VIP month gives that and is less costly, he'll go that way, then perhaps stay a little to play incarnate content before dropping back to Premium. Or he might decide that a VIP month is worth the price to check the large amount of content has hasn't bought, stay a month or two, play a large number of characters then decide on one, buy the relevant content and go back to Premium, unlocking only that character.

    Both people will feel that they've done a good deal.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captiosus View Post
    Currently subscribers get all of the character slots, all of Praetoria, ans incarnate items. We're not gaining thwse things, we're retaining them. But we're now being asked to pay the same amount for things as non-subscribers.
    Just to pick a nit, currently subscribers don't get Praetoria or anything from Going Rogue (including Incarnate stuff) unless they've bought the expansion. After Freedom launches every VIP subscriber will get all this content. Granted most current subscribers are likely to have GR, but those who don't or new players won't even be able to buy Going Rogue, but will have to buy all its parts separately (if they want it all), at a higher total cost (at current prices $40 for the powersets, $15 for the alignment system, $15 to create a Praetorian, ...). So although from the point of view of someone who already has GR this might not be worth much, for someone just starting to play the game it will be significant.

    As for the issue itself, Freedom was designed deliberately to offer long time subscribers the option of dropping to Premium without losing much, while stiff providing value and exclusive content for VIP's. The more someone has invested in the game, the less VIP will offer over Premium. This gives veteran players the choice of continuing the subscription if they feel it's worth it, or dropping to Premium if they don't, as well as alternating between them.

    If you feel that the subscription isn't worth the price, you have the choice of going Premium. If you don't want to go Premium then obviously the subscription has enough value for you. I can understand the wish to get more than you already get (it's only natural), but arguing that you're not getting enough value is only affirming that the devs have done a good job providing a smooth downgrade path for the subscription.
  19. I just went over the Freedom Friday answers, and I saw these:

    @Gregory A Robbins: To get into the VIP head start, you must have an active subscription on September 13.

    @Johnny Andre: The VIP head start will allow players who have active subscriptions on September 13 to access all of the features and content in Issue 21: Convergence on the Live servers, before the launch of City of Heroes Freedom!

    @Hope Lefstein: The VIP Head Start will allow all players who have active subscriptions on September 13 to access Issue 21: Convergence content on all Live servers!

    I was under the impression that once the head start starts then I21 and Freedom will be what's on the live server, so anyone who resubscribes at any point after that will play I21. So does "you must have an active subscription on September 13" just mean you must have it to start playing on the 13th, and newer subscriptions will also be a part of the head start if they start later, or is it like the beta, where anyone not subscribed at that particular point needed to go through support?
  20. I agree that the solution would be some sort of division between content and farming arcs. Rating on various criteria can be used for this, have a specific rating for XP and story separately, for example. This can probably even be done automatically: the system could see what kind of XP an arc makes and allow players to sort stories by XP vs. playing time. That could help remove the need for rating farms manually, which will probably make everyone happy. Farmers will get a definitive answer to their one question, and will not need to interfere with other ratings.

    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    All that really needs to happen to put a stop to the 1-star bombing is to disallow the rating of arcs you haven't completed.
    I shouldn't be forced to go through an entire shoddily written arc (possibly so difficult to win that it would be hard for any non-uber character to go through) just to rate it as bad.
  21. Dark Sweater

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And in this case, limited means you can buy them from the store
    That's what "purchasable" means, and that's listed for free players. Therefore "limited" can't mean that. I think it would be good to listen to some wise words posted here: "Limited could mean lots of things, but when you're not sure, you're not supposed to assume it means what you want it to mean".
  22. Dark Sweater

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    That's exactly what I mean. Rather than working for something the developers are giving impatient players a means to obtain something a lot of people have worked for. Instead of saying STFU and work for it they're enabling a generation of "instant gratification-ers."
    That's a great move by the devs, I'd say. It's a game; "work for it" doesn't fit. The generation of players who don't want to work hard at their games already exists. Make the game a better fit for them and you'll get more players and more money. If you can do that while still maintaining a high enough difficulty for those who want it, you're golden.
  23. Dark Sweater

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Limited is a bit vague. In this case it means: pay $2 a month for an Invention License, or use 27 Reward Tokens for a lifetime license. Or purchase attuned IO sets from directly the store. Of course, that's all very wordy. Perhaps they can make a Knowledge Base article on this subject

    In any case, Limited does seem to imply some sort of limits
    (Forum logout ate my reply, so here goes again.)

    Thank you. "Sorry, we're fresh out of limited IO's, but here's an invention license for only $2 a month." And you know what's that called.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not really saying that this is bait and switch. That would imply that Paragon is doing it deliberately, and I don't believe that. I just hitched a ride on that term when someone posted it because that's what I think some people will feel.

    "Limited" is not at all descriptive in this case. I assume it's meant to tell that there's a tier at which you get the system, but it doesn't do that. It's just confusing, because if the invention system is "purchasable" for free players and "limited" for Premium, this implies that there are parts of it you don't need to pay for, not that at some point you'll get the system for free.

    By the way, "purchasable" is also confusing in this context. Players won't expect to rent systems, they'd expect to unlock them or buy limited number of uses for them. That's how it goes in other games and that's what "purchasable" means in other parts of the table (such as Going Rogue access).

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    So, Dark Sweater... So long as they add a bit of text on their page about what "limited" means... they're fine?
    To a large extent, yes. People might still be disappointed, but they'll have time to digest it. There's real need for expectation management here. As I said before, I was very excited about going back to my characters when Freedom was announced, then disappointed when I read about the IO's, then came to terms with it. I'm still disappointed, but I changed my plans to fit the situation (play new characters instead of old), so that I'll still be happy with Freedom. If I only found that out when I started to play, my reaction would likely have been much stronger.

    Knowledge helps people prepare. Add more details, add a specific section to the FAQ about going back to play old characters, what limitations will be on them, and what solutions (get to tier 5 or buy MM and Controller, get to tier 7 or license inventions, perhaps even add the suggestion to use a second build).

    I still think the concept itself (renting a system) doesn't fit a "free to play" game (don't argue that it's hybrid, please). I think that limiting the invention system could be done better, and I discussed elsewhere the benefits I see in letting players continue to use IO's (one of these benefits, IMO, is that it would make more money for Paragon). But yes, providing more information would IMO do wonders to prepare people for the game. There's a lot of information on these forums (in particular the beta forum) which isn't available on the site, and I think it should be there. Hopefully it will appear there some time before Freedom.
  24. Dark Sweater

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Now are you going to claim that you didn't know that Inventions are IO's?
    No, I'm claiming I didn't know that "limited" meant "all your IO's are disabled".