Which will play best without IO's?

Dark Sweater



When Freedom fully arrives I'll be playing Premium and won't have access to IO's. I'll have three accounts, one tier 6, one tier 3 and one tier 2 (this one).

Of these the tier 3 account should be the one active through the head start period (I'll apply Going Rogue to it), and I'll want to create a character there, but with the obvious caveat that it will never use any IO's after going Premium, unlike characters on the tier 6 account which might one day get to tier 7 and unlock IO's.

I have several characters in mind that I want to create, and I wonder which is them is best to create on that account. They are: a Martial Arts / Super Reflexes Brute, a Mind Control / Psionic Assault Dominator, an Empathy / Energy Defender and a Demon Summoning Mastermind (I'm not yet sure what secondary best fits his story). I'm also tempted to play a Dual Pistols Blaster, because I played one on trial and found it fun, but I don't have a character concept yet. I never played any of these specific AT/powerset combinations. My main characters were typically Scrappers, though I also played a Controller and Mastermind to their 20s.

Of these the MM will probably have to wait, since the tier 3 account won't have it unlocked. I could conceivable pay for it, but it would be a better deal to just create it on the tier 6 account.

I'm going to play mainly short, solo sessions. I mainly play for content (story arcs) and don't care about going up quickly in levels, but I'd prefer not having each door mission take a long time. My level 50 is a scrapper, and she was able to finish most (non-CoT) missions in under 15 minutes, which is the way I like it.

The Brute will probably be the easiest to play that way, so there's a chance I'll gravitate towards that. This character is a test to see how it compares to my scrapper, so it's somewhat of a boring choice. Based on that Scrapper I assume the Brute will be able to solo most high level EB's even with just SO's, right?

The Dominator should be the most interesting character. He's Praetorian and proud of it, and I'd like to play someone in Praetoria, which I only done a little bit. I just wonder how viable this combination is for soloing (in particular without IO's).

The Defender and Blaster are below the Dominator on the list, but comments about them will be appreciated as well.

Although the real question is not who's best for soloing, but who gains to benefit the least from IO's.

Any insights will be appreciated.



Well, for what it's worth... everything works on SOs. You won't get perma-anything on SOs these days (I don't believe.) That said, Mender Ramiel's arc - the one with multiple EBs? I've soloed that on SOs on two peacebringers, a Sonic/Sonic defender and an Ice/Psy Dominator (and common IOs/light IOing for most of my others.)

Yes, Brutes/Scrappers/Tanks will be easy - that's pretty much true whether you're looking at IOs or not. Most Controllers are going to be slower, but typically safer. And so forth.



Thanks. I guess I'll just go for the Dominator then, since he's the one I most want to play. He also fits that account best since he's a recreation of a Controller I had on that account (which won't be accessible), but with a different background, and Dominator actually fits him better (Mind Control / Dual Pistols would fit him best, but unfortunately isn't an available choice).



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
Of these the tier 3 account should be the one active through the head start period (I'll apply Going Rogue to it), and I'll want to create a character there, but with the obvious caveat that it will never use any IO's after going Premium, unlike characters on the tier 6 account which might one day get to tier 7 and unlock IO's.
Keep in mind, you have to fill all the reward token slots in tier 7 (which is 27 tokens total) to unlock permanent access to the invention system....not just get into tier 7.



Originally Posted by PBAtty View Post
Keep in mind, you have to fill all the reward token slots in tier 7 (which is 27 tokens total) to unlock permanent access to the invention system....not just get into tier 7.
Thanks. I know that. When I said "tier" I mean "reward level". That account will be reward level 6 (only just) and will require 7 reward tokens to get to reward level 7. That's $105 or 7 months of subscription. I can envision this happening over the years.



Also consider purchasing IO licenses. $5 every 2.5 months will keep those IOs functioning for you.

Edit for clarity: An IO license is worth $2, but the minimum point purchase is $5. So pay $5, and you've got the IO license for 2 months, with $1 worth of points left. For the third month, pay another $5, and you've got enough points for 3 more months.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Also consider purchasing IO licenses. $5 every 2.5 months will keep those IOs functioning for you.

Edit for clarity: An IO license is worth $2, but the minimum point purchase is $5. So pay $5, and you've got the IO license for 2 months, with $1 worth of points left. For the third month, pay another $5, and you've got enough points for 3 more months.
And the third time you do it, you get a Reward Token for one of those slots. Although buying $15 of points at a time is a better deal. You get an extra hundred or so for a bonus.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
Thanks. I know that. When I said "tier" I mean "reward level". That account will be reward level 6 (only just) and will require 7 reward tokens to get to reward level 7. That's $105 or 7 months of subscription. I can envision this happening over the years.
Reward tier and reward level are the same thing. There was no confusion there. But you said "get to" tier 7. You only need 21 tokens to "get to" tier 7. But you need 27 tokens to "fill" tier 7 which unlocks the tier 7 bonus of permanent invention access system. Hence my comment....when you're saying "get to" tier 7, it sounded like you were talking about just getting into the tier which is not the same as filling up the tier.



Originally Posted by PBAtty View Post
Reward tier and reward level are the same thing. There was no confusion there. But you said "get to" tier 7. You only need 21 tokens to "get to" tier 7. But you need 27 tokens to "fill" tier 7 which unlocks the tier 7 bonus of permanent invention access system. Hence my comment....when you're saying "get to" tier 7, it sounded like you were talking about just getting into the tier which is not the same as filling up the tier.
I apologised for having used the wrong term. I also had a typo in the last post, posting "mean" instead of "meant".

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Also consider purchasing IO licenses. $5 every 2.5 months will keep those IOs functioning for you.

Edit for clarity: An IO license is worth $2, but the minimum point purchase is $5. So pay $5, and you've got the IO license for 2 months, with $1 worth of points left. For the third month, pay another $5, and you've got enough points for 3 more months.
I know about this option, and I agree it's not a lot of money. I think my problem with it comes from the psychological pressure of "play or you lose your money". Not rational, I know, but it would still be a problem for me.



I'll chime in to say that Super Reflexes is still famous for being very powerful just on SOs. Lots of people have a great experience levelling on SOs with /SR. So if you want an alt to go with your dominator, that would get my vote for your second character.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.