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  1. I dont like SR with commons anymore, having played it at the Def cap on two toons it doesn't feel right being below it.

    Fire/regen should be alright but I think with fire you get more out of a secondary with a damage/agro aura personally. Fire/WP is fun, Fire/SD is pretty good. Fire/Fire is insanely fun when it goes well.

    Edit: I levelled my DM/SR to 50 after I5 and before defence got "fixed" and it was still fine, for most of the levelling I didn't even have the passives and I just used Elude when things got tough. SR is fine not at the softcap until you've played one that's there
  2. I'd try both but I like Claws much more than DB. I love the animations for the Claws attacks, I love Focus too. My Claws/WP was the most fun toon I've ever levelled, even though I don't do much with it since it hit 50. I am considering a Claws/Elec or a Claws/Fire once I have got my DM/WP to 50 but I am not sure cause I want to try CLaws with FURY! too and I dont want to burn out on the set.
  3. Given that I hate the NC Launcher and this is the only game that doesn't use that dire front end I wouldn't use a Pass. Also I don't think NC Soft will produce another game I want to play for a fairly long time as this is the only one I thought was worth any money. I did like Guildwars for a while I must admit, but its not a monthly fee anyway.

    Nope I wouldn't use an NC Soft pass, and I wont be playing this any more if they make it use the NC Launcher either

    Edit: Oh yeah, 3 accounts, that would cause problems too I imagine
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Mayhem View Post
    ^This, times several million.

    This is my biggest problem with the new boards by far.

    I'm using Google Chrome on Windows XP - what's your browser/OS and is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
    Use XP and IE at work and XP and Firefox at home. Also using Blackberry and what ever that has, though very rarely cause its a pain to navigate without those markings on a tiny screen
  5. Why are we still talking about Doom when we should be talking about Rum?
  6. I found my FIre/Shield to be really good ST and OK AoE, my Fire/Fire gets more out of AoE but is a load more squishy. The Spine/Fire is silly AoE but I have to pay close attention to both bars. But Fire/Shield is good. Now ST wise its probably the best I have, so all in all its a good combination
  7. Only counting those I can remember, cause I cant log in at work and check all 3 accounts

    10 Scrappers
    4 Tanks
    3 Controllers
    2 Defenders
    2 Blasters
    1 Brute
    1 Master Mind

    In the 40s I know I have

    1 Dominator
    1 Scrapper
    1 Tank
    1 Controller
    1 Master Mind


    2 Brutes
    1 Defender
    1 Blaster


    1 SoA
    1 Widow
    1 Warshade

    Other than my Scrapper obsession its fairly even between the ATs I play and those I don't like I just dont have any toons for at all. Though this means I have created at least one of each AT to test

    Most of my characters are Magic Origin, of my 50s I have 2 Mutant, 1 Science, 1 Tech, 2 Natural and the rest are all Magic, I cant remember for the other levels though
  8. Croatoa on Monday it is then. It also has a TF we can probably go through quickly when we've done all the contacts, not that you really get rewarded for it. I want to see just how many merits we end up with by the time we ding 50 running through content and the odd TF without doing TF farming and that kind of thing
  9. Monday's good for me, working on a shed in the rain sucks by the way, so I'm off down the pub
  10. Mine marks threads as read before I've read them, I never had problems with the old forum. Bring back I5
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueRabbit View Post
    Of course he is. Why bring logic and proof of fact to a forum when clearly he knows for a "fact" that's what happened?

    Sweet mother of candied carrots...

    I also know for a "fact" that Deviant isn't dead or dying. It's very much alive and kicking. It just has a more discerning and older population than Onion.
    This is why you're on my friends list mate.
  12. I didn't say was looking for an AE team, just that I logged off half way through a mission and thanks to the TF code wasn't booted. Normally when I get back from spending time away like that I've had a couple of messages from friends and nothing else. But this time had randoms asking me to team.

    Sure may have been more people looking for fillers, but was still more people on.

    I know someone that's moved from the US back to defiant because both servers dont have people looking for teams anymore, at least on defiant he enjoys the global company more. The US server has a much higher poulation.

    So for less teams on DXP weekend I would blame the stupidity of the AE's implimentation rather than the population on any of the servers
  13. Wend out for half an hour, left myself in AE mode and I had 7 different people asking me to join their teams when I got back (had over 10 messages from one of them who obviously really needed my scrapper for some reason or other I guess)

    That's more than I would get normally so I assume DXP increased people teaming if not people online, or something
  14. Can we also stop claiming the defiant has died unless we're also going to claim that all non English Language servers are also long dead
  15. Am gonna guess this is happening stateside so good luck
  16. Just checking, are we all on for tonight? What's the plan? Hess for those who missed it? Or are we starting Croatoa?

    Speak to me people
  17. Was mostly finishing off some characters.

    Got my Fire/Fire scrapper to 50 was the most notable for me because its been sat in the 40s for a long time.

    Got a couple of other 50s too and chatted a hell of a lot.
  18. Cynic


    With time and Inf claws/Invul would be my ideal scrapper, but putting in the post 50 time on it is not something I would like to do.

    I loved my Claws/WP scrapper, it was my favourite toon to level. But as much as I muck around with it since hitting 50 I cant really get into the late game content with it.

    Inv has the nicer destination and WP has the nicer journey IMO
  19. Well after looking through this place it does seem of the mostly US populated boards the Scrapper section is the friendliest so I will use the fact its my most played AT to make it my home.

    I also saw Shannon tank the AVs on the all scrapper STF, which was impressive.

    I have solo'd a few AVs with my DM/SR, but now I know it can be done I am less interested and looking for new concepts to build. I like to alt with scrappers but Defenders are my favourite AT, I only have 3 defenders, I only need 3 to play out the concepts I have and i love them all. But scrappers I have too many concepts for to maintain my focus on anyone to love as much as a defender. When I can be bothered to sit by the AH for long enough I will be soloing some with a Fire/Shield, hopefully successfully. Not having DM will take me out of my confort zone I think.

    Oh and I've tanked GMs with an SO only build on my Claws/WP but I've made it even more squishy since then and dropped confront.

    I'm waiting for elec to be released on heroes to see if claw/elec is as fun as it sounds and am interested to see people run the numbers on it.

    I love seeing scrappers bring something to a team and prove those haters out there wrong, I like it even more when a team brings something to my scrapper
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
    If I turn off my rep-meter, how will I know if people love me or not? What other way of telling could there possibly be?!
    Check your pulse before you got to bed at night, if its still there you're probably not that hated.
  21. I am Cynic and I have far too many scrappers and many new ideas. I am known but I don't know why
  22. Have disabled it, which makes it better than the star system, couldn't disable that
  23. Oh we get Aussies too? Good value on this merge then
  24. no worries mate, it sometimes happens