1776 -
Quote:This was one of the biggest problems with that rule. It's not only singling out one particular poster for things other posters have been widely known to do, it's also not even enforced a lot of the time.Happens all the time by certain people, like "The Squirrel" does all the time already.
Any mod who would make a such a rule just because they didn't like someone or they were having a bad day is not really worthy of that responsibility. Leave that kind of felgercarb on the Furry websites, where it happens each and every single day, lol. -
Quote:From what I recall, it really was just Ex Libris getting annoyed at so many posts simply saying "no".Well what did it actually mean or was insinuating? I mean paragonwiki explains that it meas no and how it came to be but what about it made it bannable or even enough to catch the attention of a mod? There seems to be more to it. Was people starting to use it for less than friendly meaning? Was people spamming it? Or what?
Quote:I always thought that was a severe overreaction on the part of Ex Libris. I lost respect for her after making such a silly and stupid little rule.
Quote:Didn't it happen once though? Like, back when the game had just launched. I have some vague recollection of it.But that is a LOT of speculation on things. Just thinkin' about what's client, and what's server, and throwing darts. Realistically, though, it would really take a Dev to say "Here. This is how.". Or better yet, "Oops, I accidentallied the server code onto the intarwebs. My bad."
Bettin' that last doesn't happen. -
Quote:Now that you mention it, how much does it cost to be forever on the lookout for emulated servers, finding out who's responsible for it and then sending out cease and desist letters?Which, as a side track, is the weirdest part. Yes, it costs some money to keep Paragon *working* on it... but what's the cost to just keep it running, as a legacy, a tribute to the work that was done on it?
If the community doing that was large enough, how much would it cost NCSoft to play whack-a-mole trying to squash private servers that kept popping up?
I suppose if that sort of thing was big enough, it might have been cheaper in the long run for them to keep the game officially online, lol.
Sorry. Dreaming. -
I was going to spontaneously admit to where I got "Fighting the Zombie" as my location. But I think I'd like to see first if anyone else knows the reference!
I mean, it was noticeable even a few weeks ago. A lot of the other subforums got real quiet rather quickly, and a few have become silent altogether. This particular subforum has remained the loudest, but even here things are starting to quiet down. At least that's my perception, anyway.
I have to admit that I've already detached myself from the game itself. I'm focusing my need to build perfect things in Sim City 4 and Civilization IV. Yeah... I guess I am like that!
Still, it's sad to see how quiet things have gotten here, as people start to drift away. I wonder how much longer this board has, before it's taken offline. -
BTS Patch 3.19 confirmed. I ejected the disc and the game launched normally anyway. So there's no need for a virtual disc. Joy!
Thanks to all who helped! -
Last night my civilization managed to build the Internet before completing the Manhattan Project, sometime in the 1400's. This was on Marathon speed and Deity difficulty level on a huge map. Yay!
I should prolly get out more, lol. -
Quote:I ripped my install discs for Sim City 4 and the Rush Hour expansion quite some time ago and the disc image files have always worked with the virtual drive. That's how I install and play that game now, using the disc images (I think I've misplaced the actual discs by now, d'oh).I presume other discs imaged are working correctly also not clear as to whether the game works and the problem only occurs when ejecting the disc or if it fails to play at all.
May also be that the virtual drive isn't the first removable drive (or worse if it checks for D: specifically) - I'd expect that to cause problems playing rather than when ejected though.
Civ 4 plays just fine! Though I had to install BTS using the actual discs. If it's true that its most recent patch removed the need to have the disc in the drive then I'll figure this is a moot problem. -
Quote:Oh really? I patched the game from inside it (it has a check for updates option) but I can't recall if the version number was 3.19. I'll have to see when I get home!I'm not super familiar with Alcohol 120%. But if I remember correctly, Civ 4 BTS, patch 3.19 removed the need to have to use the disc in the drive. You may need to download the patch and install it outside the game for it to work.
If not then I'll have to search for the patch. I'd hope it's still somewhere on 2K's website, yeah?
Thanks!!! -
Since this particular forum is rather dead now, and for good reasons, I figured... well, what the heck? This is at least a technical problem I have!
Last night I decided to make image files all of my Civ 4 install discs, in order to save wear on them. I used Alcohol 120%, since it has served me well so far. Making the disc images wasn't all that difficult, but using those images turned out to be a real pain.
The problem arose when I tried to mount the Warlords and Beyond the Sword disc images. Initially they would mount just fine, but when I attempted to dismount them (or even sometimes right-click in order to dismount them) I would get troubles. It would either cause Windows Explorer to hang, or else make it crash, or sometimes I'd get a pop-up from DEP telling me that it had to terminate Windows Explorer! The end result was always the same though. Windows Explorer terminates and auto-restarts, and I still can't dismount the disc image. The only way I could dismount it is if I restarted the computer.
The only thing I can think of is that I somehow made the disc images incorrectly. Which I guess means I'll have to tweak Alcohol 120%'s settings and try again. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experience with this! -
Spider-Clerk, Spider-Clerk...
Quote:Totally with you on this. SC4's community exactly like this. They've come out with a lot of mods that do their best to patch up the holes left when EA stopped working on the game. They've even managed to improve on a lot of things, like the game's highway system for one. They're still doing that! And it's been... what, over ten years now since the game first came out. I think that's pretty awesome.I'm coming around to the notion that the only things I'll be trusting moving forward are fan-driven, community run games or mods. The reality that you can play a game for most of a decade only to have it arbitrarily murdered by some anonymous suits is unacceptable to me.
Just remember that if someone calls someone else a troll, and there's no actual signs that the person they're arguing with is just saying whatever to get rises out of people, then that person is really saying they've run out of any actual points with which to back up their arguments. It's name-calling. They might as well be saying, "Oh yeah? Well you're a big doody-head!"
Well, unless of course the person calling other people trolls is actually a troll himself! That sometimes happens too. -
That's human nature diluting the original meaning of the term. You get mad at someone arguing with you on the Internet? Well, obviously that person is a troll! It's a way of trivializing your opponents in an argument so that you don't have to actually think about their point of view as being at all relevant. Pretty insulting, actually.
A troll is someone who says things specifically to get a rise out of people and anger them. Often such people don't even care what the topic is really about or even bother to have opinions on it one way or the other. Their goal and their focus is to raise the ire of the other posters. Once they know what gets under their skin, whatever that happens to be, they will use that to get as many people mad as possible, and then laugh at the results.
Sometimes, trolling can evolve into a form of performance art. But only sometimes. -
Quote:Feh! Feh to alla that felgercarb!Oh yeah, it's going to be so awesome when mainstream commercial software doesn't even run locally. See: Google Docs, MS Office 365 (depending on version) and Adobe Creative Cloud.
Oh, you didn't want that upgrade? Sorry.
'Sides, it ain't even what I'd consider real "cloud computing". Bit Torrent is closer to that idea in my head. -
I beg to differ. That movie actually set the standard!
Anyways... After the initial announcement, I kind of considered maybe going to CO or STO as a new place to play. But then I realized, the same thing will probably happen there too. It's an inherent risk in the medium. You make characters, build them up and get attached to them, and then sooner or later they just all go poof, because the publisher has decided to shut the game down.
Well after getting my first taste of that now, I think that totally sucks. I think I'll stick with things that are a little more real from now on. Or that can at least exist entirely on my own hard drives.