19 -
The lack of healing/buffing for the ninjas will make things quite difficult. Ninjas are very, very frail.
You'll want to keep the ninjas close to you so they benefit from the PBaoe effects (Steamy mist, possibly hurricane.)
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Actually his job as a Storm would be to continually keep the Hurricane debuff up by making sure to criss cross through mobs.
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your doing it wrong -
Well, actually, on my Stone Armor Tanker in Granite Armor with Power Boosted Bubbles and Power Boosted Fortitude, the Sunless Mire Nictus Essence (AV) wasn't hitting me. So,
High enough Defense > Romulus_Augustus_Nictus.Friends["Sunless Mire"].Accuracy
The only thing they have that's auto-hit seems to be the Death Throw and has a radius of a bazillion yards and line of sight.
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you are wrong its autohit... -
Anyways, the reason I asked was because a LOT of your post demonstrates a lack of knowledge about PvP in issue 12 and before.
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lolnub=you lol -
So I've been around the forums a bit, checked out the patch notes..and I'm curious. Why all the hate towords I13 pvp?
Perhaps that l33t regen build that was impossible to take down without a fully raged brute or multi stalker AS (not likely because of your spines AOE constantly running) now suffers from diminishing returns, requiring you to do more than spam the heal button and haste whenever possible to win?
Maybe your Bots/FF now isn't getting such an obscene defense bonus as before, so instead of simply setting to BG mode and going afk in the middle of warburg, you actually have to actively sit at the computer/laptop and DO something to win now?
Just kidding folks. Relax, seriously..chill..Whuusahhh..I know some of you up there are getting worked up, but cmon. It's just a game. And it sounds to me like the diminishing returns and all around boosts give players more survivability without being IO'ed to perfection, while making damage somewhat reasonable as well.
Basically, people can't just spam heals, or holds, or this, that, or the other, because of DR, so people actively have to try a bit more now. One shotting aught to be more difficult with base resistances and defenses...but obscene ammounts of defense (Sr) or resistance (granite) are no longer so immensely overpowered it's just better to wander off and find something else to do.
But that's my take. So cmon people. Lets hear your complaints, opinions, stories and then some.
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I agree superman high five for you MUAHAHAHAHA... Nice post mate -
11. HAVE FUN. If you aren't having fun go find something else to do. I get an adrenaline rush from a great run because its fun. The reward is just an added bonus.
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OOps, I must have missed this part.
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He is not really having fun he is just saying that so we can not call him a loot [censored] ha! ahahha lawlzor time -
With the introduction of the merit system in CoX its important for players to learn the skills and tactics needed to maximize the productivity of their gaming time.
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That's all well and good in the business world... but isn't this a game? Played for entertainment and fun?
Well, I suppose some people's idea of fun is to be the most efficient at grinding to get imaginary rewards.
Nevermind, forget I said anything. You guys do what you do, and I'll be happy with my running around in fake tights fighting fake thugs in my pretendy fun time game.
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I agree good sir... -
loot is ruining this game.. ugh double edge sword .. I love my purples and oranges.. hate this...
It's a kins life to sb people
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You ALMOST had me... until you said this.
As someone who's played his share of Kinetics, I can assure you that it's not a "kin's[sic] life to sb people", and it's players who insist that a Kin's sole role is to SB the team that drives us away... or makes it so that you never get one from us. Ever.
Should a Kin be SBing if he has the power? Sure. Should he feel obligated? Perhaps... But should you feel entitled? No way.
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should a tank hold agro? should a blaster attack? should an astronaut wear a space suit... I love silly questions..
Great JOB!... HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR SPEED BOOST HOW DARE YOU! TAKE IT BACK.. NOW! or else NO MORE.. I TOOK THIS POWER WITH NO INTENTION OF USING IT.. ALLZ I WANTED waz Fulcrum SHIFTZOR butz i had too take dis power or else people would call me a NOOOOB...
As a kin you should on an 8 man team pressing that SB button fairly often unless you are doing it wrong that is what he meant home slice. As a kin I honestly can not play one too long otherwise I have nightmares of SB people but that is the power set.. enjoy!
*Conman* Wishes for a PBAOE SB so hard.. sad panda time. -
Do you guys run this every Thursday?
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Chins without beards deserve no honor Spanish Proverb -
Make it so it can not be used in PVP tweak/balance it and call it a day... Sounds cool on paper good sir the Bearded nation salutes you. haha
I dont want to givez you my ebil trickz..
"hat off"
Honestly mate that is kinda like asking "Why aren't more people giving free advice"... It takes time and how does it benefit the guy that took the time to write the guide, other then a warm and fuzzy feeling. If its something that guy wants to do then they do it. Its not just a build that makes a guide its understand how to play that build. -
been told it IS possible to run within the 30 min time limit...
Anyone willing to give it shot?...
I'll be lfm shortly after maintenance this morning...
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sounds risky.. I will channel the fury of a 1000 war pigs and do rain dance chin digs with a kilt and a bottle of malt liquor... should work ha!
ha for more flavor -
Armageddon chance for fire damage when slotted in Lighting Rod does damage to the caster. Castle please fix this and I will give you half of my beard now and 75% of the gross proceeds that come from me competing in beard offs.. men beard competitions it doesn't get any more beardmazing then that.
Nice if someone really wants a respec and does not have the time to grind for the cost of the recipe and used up all the ones from the trials.
Thank you so much Seriac I really appreciate it mate
I have a few names I'd be willing to get rid of;
Amazing Machine
Desired names;
I like simple one word names.
But frankly, if you want the name bad enough, I might just give it to you.
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If the name Avalon is still available I would love to have that mate have a toon that i have been trying to name the past week or so and fits perfectly. I don't really have anything that really matches what you are looking for although I have a pal that has a few names that match what you are looking for. I think one of them is Imminent, he might be willing to part with it he offered it to me about 3 days ago.
Also mate my globals are Conman and Conman1
Also if anyone is not using any of these names for a toon I am trying to get any of these names for this one character that I have.
Willing to trade rare recipes also for names