371 -
Who cares its just a game! an Awsome game at that!
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Give that you are a kid judging by your response you may not. But parents that pay for you to play just might.
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Holy jumping to conclusions batman! -
It's not crossdressing. Female costume options are not being ported to males, nor vice versa.
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But it is cross dressing. When ppl do drag they do there clothes and makeup to match. most men that cross dress actually look like females. They dont look like hairy men in a women's dress. Take the muary show, on numerous times they have brought ppl on the show that do drag and most the ppl in the audaince cant tell if they are really a male or female. Same thing you have here.
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still not covered by your definition of mature. -
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
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If these transgender characters start mature roleplaying in local or general, report em. This however, is NOT dependent on the sexuality, or sex of a player character. Switching genders or bodytypes is not inherrently sexually related in that sense. Therefore, there is nothing about switching gender that is covered in your definition of "mature" -
ok....i'm startin to have a feeling that once reach a certain level, you have no choice but to do missions with others....is this true? if so, what level is pretty much the end of the line for doing missions solo?
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51 -
Virtue has tons of real CC's. ....best Marvel, best DC, these happen all the time. ...
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I certainly hope not. That would be against the EULA and endangering our beloved game.
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Maybe Marvel or DC Inspired? -
Please empty your PM box!
Also, is there a reason we have never had parts on our character models that arent there? like the middle of ancestor spirits, or a headless horsemen? Obviously we couldnt have whole limbs missing, but why not parts of our chest?Or skinnier than normal parts(aside from the robot arms) like for example, having a thigh like a jumpbot or mekman. Is it a technical or aesthetic reason? -
With the strong hint of customizing the colors of our powers, i think it would be a really good idea if the devs implemented a saturation slider for the available colors
well, what i had happen, was it was the same model, but because the saved one used an unlockable costume piece, the council gun, it would not allow me to use it.
When Loading costumes, if the character the costume is being loaderd onto does not have a specific costume piece, can you please make it so it reverts to a default piece rather than not letting us load the costume at all?
So... my grav/ff controller almost feels like a defender, because of all attacks he has available. I was thinking, it would be pretty fun to play with those same powers, but on a serious damage scale, so...
Gravity blast(telekinetic blast?)
Lift:Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smash), Foe Knockup
Force Bolt: Ranged, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Area lift: targeted aoe version of lift
Propel: Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
Gravity blast Ranged, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe: Knockback (Telekinetic Blast clone)
anti Gravity well : placed aoe power that makes all the mobs inside it float & immob & -kb. (a reverse ice patch)
Crushing Wormhole: Ranged foe teleport, Foe disorient, knockback Damage(smash)
Gravitational flux: Nova clone with ff style graphics and immob component.
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Not a fan. Way too much lifting, not enough gravo-crushing.
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Honestly, what i wanted was a powerset thats kind of like a jedi. throwing stuff around to damage mobs. We have a mental blast set, but not a primarily telekinetic based set. Also, gravo-crushing seems to much like grav control. Maybe for a /grav manipulation secondary? -
Ignore the drones. Besides Ms. Liberty, on most servers there would be dozens of heroes on site in seconds.
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It would be terribly boring for me and my villain friends to pound through waves and waves of grays.
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alot of level 50 heros hang out under atlas as well. -
The level 32 power should be "Super Black Hole" or something.
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Black hole seems to be the obvious choice... but its taken.
Maybe make it a placed aoe power(like the rain powers) that sucks all the enemies to teh middle and damages them?? -
So... my grav/ff controller almost feels like a defender, because of all attacks he has available. I was thinking, it would be pretty fun to play with those same powers, but on a serious damage scale, so...
Gravity blast(telekinetic blast?)
Lift:Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smash), Foe Knockup
Force Bolt: Ranged, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Area lift: targeted aoe version of lift
Propel: Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
Gravity blast Ranged, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe: Knockback (Telekinetic Blast clone)
anti Gravity well : placed aoe power that makes all the mobs inside it float & immob & -kb. (a reverse ice patch)
Crushing Wormhole: Ranged foe teleport, Foe disorient, knockback Damage(smash)
Gravitational flux: Nova clone with ff style graphics and immob component. -
The only part of that paragraph which was correct was the last sentence.
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I specifically remember the devs stating that slows counted as controls. It irritated the crap out of me at the time, since my main is a storm/elec, and i was basicalyl being told that controllers got bette modifiers for a large portion of my primary power set. I believe there was a considerable thread over it. Since then the devs have changes their stance, and both defenders and controllers get even numbers, therefore, it counts equally as a debuff and as a control. -
I think it depends on how they set it up. If they do it so that its one power(that grants 3 toggles) out of the 9, then i dont neccesarily see the problem. As long as the core of the powerset revolves around shooting pistols in a fairly traditional fashion im ok. I DO NOT want ar with pistols. I wouldnt mind "trick pistols" as a defender or corr powerset, but as a pair to regular pistols much like trick arrow matches archery.
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Are not controls.
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Slows are controls. Back in the day, controllers got higher -slow numbers than defenders did, because the devs classibfied it as control. Now defenders and controllers get even numebrs.
-kb can be a control. It is mob placement, thus controlling where they are. -
that would be the raptor pack(fly) not the zero g pack(sj)
Currently, we can get a recipe for a level 10, 15, or 25 recipe from the io tutorial. Why no level 20? Why CANT we pick something we cant slot yet? We also cant put off the decision till later once the mission is accepted, so you have to either take an lower level io, or nothinh.
Seriously though, why cant we make 20 ios as an option int eh tutorial? -
a secondary completely comprised of toggles? or are you thinking of something like trick arrow where you get different bullets with different effects (like "tumbler bullet" or "Hollow Point" etc).
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I was thinking of a set that is designed to alter another set. "specialized ammo" was the best name i could come up with.
Maybe something like:
Pistol whip/Gun butt/kick(?): you use your weapon to do a mildly stunning blow to your enemy
Tracer rounds(arrow?)(toggle): -x% damage to you, but adds -def to your targets. "utilizing tracer rounds allows you and your allies to better hit their targets" the -X% damage is a tradeoff for using tracer bullets instead of real bullets
Incindiary rounds(toggle): -x% s/l damage plus x% fire damage plus a chance for a small dot
Braced shot (toggle): +damage, +acc, adds rooted status.
Ice ammo: -x% s/l damage +y (where y<x)percent cold damage. minor -speed possibly minor -recharge. Chance for low mag hold
Reload: a +recharge power that is a cross between hasten and buildup. Basically a large boost to +recharge, for about 10-20 secondsish.
Acid Rounds: -x% s/l damage, +y%(where y<x) toxic damage. -resist. Small dot.
Fragmentation rounds: -x% s/l damage. adds small aoe(splash damage really) to each attack that does y damage(where y<x)
im not sure if multiple damage modifier toggles should be allowed to be active... in theory it could be balanced, because each damage toggle removes part of your base damage and replaces it with a differntly typed damage. But on the other hand, it makes it a bit complicated.
For one powerset, its probably not worth it... but if they could go back and alter trick arros and AR to be able to be useable with it, it could be interesting. For defenders they would ahve to switch out some of the powers to be more group effective. For Corr, i would be hapy with keeping them as is. Im not a numbers guy, so obviously it would have to be giver percentages that wouldnt make it op. -
I still think it would better (and easier) to just add some simple text bearing signs, but anything would be preferable to players getting lost trying to leave the place.
Yes, I know we want people to explore, but we don't need them to get lost while doing do.
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Like I said, use the arcane teleport beacons. They have pictures of the zones they lead to, so they arent glaringly obvious, but do give an indication. -
How about this.... We can have a pistol set... and have a "Specialized ammo" secondary that has the toggles? It would be a bit limited in set usage, but maybe if archery and AR can be recoded a bit to include the new "damage type" that would have to be activated by the toggle then maybe it would be worth it? It would be nice in that it would be a good natural or low tech secondary too.
I recall reading something very similar a few years ago, and someone said that it couldnt be done under the current system, but i still like it and would love to see it.