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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
    A GREAT film, although im not sure the bit where Cap 'tipped' Fury a few bucks really had to be there.
    Erm, he didn't "tip" him.

    It was Cap paying off his bet that he made earlier in the film about nothing surprising him anymore. Makes perfect sense for Captain America not to welsh on a bet.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    Serenity isn't better than Avengers. Honestly, I wish people would take off their fanboy blinkers and just acknowledge some stuff works better than others. If Firefly's setting was going to take off, it just would've. The movie would've done better also, studio interference or no.
    Sorry, but no.

    This makes no sense, ust like the series made no sense on it's original showing due to the way Fox showed it! Have you seen the running order they played it in? It's on Wikipedia, go look it up. They showed the pilot episode last for heavens sakes. How is anyone supposed to understand it all properly like that?

    I was lucky. I got to watch it properly, in order, thanks to the DVD set, then I watched the film afterwards. All the episodes were corkers, the storyline made a lot of sense and I was left feeling thoroughly gutted that there would be no more afterwards.

    This is a show that Fox seemed determined to kill off, and I have no idea, other than stupidity. Maybe Whedon upset someone, I dunno, but this was never given anything like a fair go.

    Also, after the success of Avengers, if he does go back to television, I'd like to see the exec brave enough to cancel one his shows now
  3. Speaking as an English man, yeah, that word is considered a rude word, but honestly, I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it in 40 years on this planet

    I'd be amazed if anyone in the general public complains about it, tbh.
  4. Honestly, not a fan of either.

    Positioning them outside the forum is one thing, but both images have their faults and, yeah, too much obsession with Yin.

    Personally, I'd rather the time was spent fixing the damn log out bug. In 15 years of using internet forum, I've NEVER known any other site do this.

    It's annoying as all hell.
  5. Looks good. I thought Bane's voice was a lot clearer than the first couple of trailers though, so some progress made there.

    Love the look of the flying machine as well

    Such a great time to be a comic book movies fan
  6. Whedon doing Wonder Woman....

    Who knows the link for the Fry screaming Shut Up and Take My Money thing?
  7. I think it's safe to say, if Whedon ever goes back to television, no one will dare cancel his shows for a loooooooong time

    Can't wait, going to see Avengers again tomorrow with my wife.

    Yes. It's just that good
  8. New Gods save us, not Slo-Bo! LOL
  9. I think where DC falls down is, well, they just aren't as funny as the marvel stuff.

    the big names in the Justice League, they're all VERY pompous and pious, especially the likes of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. There's no light-hearted undertone in the team, nothing to overcome when they have to win the battle

    Avengers has that in spades, it feels like a real dysfunctional and human team, one that you can believe in and support and want to win when they group up at the end.

    The JLU animated series worked as it had the humour of Wally West as the Flash, plus a lot of funny supporting characters. A movie with Barry Allen in it, the only one of the big 7 that's really got a sense of humour is Hal Jordan, at least in his early days. I think that's what they tried to introduce with the GL movie but it never quite gelled in the same way that Robert Downey Jr did with Iron Man.

    Comic Book movies such as the big teamups work best when there's a little bit of humour in there, Justice League will be hard pressed to do that.
  10. Heh, I was the same in the Green Lantern episode, I've been pronouncing Zamoran with a long ohh in the middle

    Enjoyed the new YJ, nice to see new characters, now at last we get Tim Drake......wonder if we'll get Impulse as well!

    Also, was it just me or was the font used the words Justice League on the screen behind Godfrey the same as it was for the JLU series? Nice touch if it was
  11. Seriously, did they think people would watch this and then not watch the shows?
  12. DC are in a little bit of an awkward position now, really.

    Despite the fact that they pretty much created the superhero genre and the concept of a superteam, with the likes of the JSA/JLA etc, if they now go and do something similar to Marvel in the movies, with several solo hero films, leading into a Justice League movie eventually, even if it's the greatest movie ever made, they'll just be percieved by the general public as copying what Marvel have done!

    Saying that, if they make the money off it they want, I don't think they'll care
  13. I remember reading in several books about Bruce Lee scaring the crap out of Burt Ward, the guy who played Robin in the 1966 Batman TV series. He was guest starring as Kato alongside the Green Hornet for a crossover thing and decided to wind up Burt Ward, acting all serious about the fight scene they all had to do together, with Robin fighting Kato.

    Ward must have been terrified
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    I have no powers but I'm smart enough to work out how to take down each of the Avengers would be a good plot IMO.
    Sooooo.......Batman then?
  15. I have no doubt there will be detractors for this film, there always are, some justified, some not so much (check out the negative review from Amy Nicholson on Rotten Tomatoes, I'm not even sure she's actually seen the film!)

    I loved the film, thought it was easily the best big box office actionfest comic book movie ever, tbh!

    For me, there's very little wrong with it and, as expected from a Joss Whedon movie, all the characters get a fair shake at screen time, although the bigger name stars tend to get a little more, which I would expect.

    Honestly, if you're even remotely a comic book fan, a superhero fan, a sci-fi fan, any of those......just go and see it
  16. For the first time ever, the benefits of living in the UK

    It was released here today. Dunno why we got it before y'all in the US though!
  17. Just got back from seeing it.

    No spoilers here, don't worry, just to is ALL KINDS OF FREAKING AWESOMESAUCE!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, go see this film as soon as you can, it's incredible!

    I damn near applauded one scene in the movie
  18. Ok, I dunno how true this really is, but if that Chuck Norris one is real, that has to leap immediately to the top of the Darwin Awards

  19. Question for a friend who's on the basic Free account.

    The VIP starter kit, can that be applied to a Free account to upgrade it, or is it just a fresh new account? They've been on Free for a few weeks, got to about lvl 20 or so and are looking at going VIP, this would be a good entry for them to do so.
  20. Copyright law and all this malarkey is just very weird.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Also they all pretty much bust a gut laughing when they talk about Jack Thompson......
    To be fair, who doesn't?
  22. Ok, I don't do lawyer speak, can someone put this into plain English for me, please

    I gather it's good for DC and Warner, but what actually is it?
  23. Personally, I'm not a fan of the Zone PVP, hate steping in there only to be destroyed in seconds by some purpled-up Defender, very embarrassing

    I do enjoy the Arena matches though. Anyone else in the EU base that remembers to S4 tournament, was about 5 or 6 years ago, organised by Bridger?

    Was a massive amount of work, but damn, was amazing fun