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  1. Ok, maybe amaze was a stronger word, surprise might have been better, allow me a bit of hyperbole at least

    But even so, these cards are over a 100 years old and no one has found them in a loft that people live in? No one has sorted out that loft in a 100 years? Even if they are from the 40's, that's still over 70 years!

    I wish I had a family member with a home that old, I'd be straight in that loft, just in case
  2. Ok, I know it's not the usual things we collect on here, but as a lot of us are collectors of things ourselves, I thought it might be of interest.

    Baseball cards from 1910 found and worth sooooo much!

    It amazes me that these sort of things keep being found! You would think after so long, it would all be out there by now!

    Amazing find though, for any kind of collector
  3. Yeah, that connection with the comics......won't be enough

    Thanks for the link though, I'm certainly interested!

    But, yeah, IBTL
  4. Saw it yesterday and enjoyed it. Not up there with Avengers or Batman but still a good film.

    Best thing for me was the portrayal of Spider-Man. LOVED seeing the joking, fast talking, non-stop quips we all know and love from the webslinger, something sorely lacking in the Raimi run. Even being smashed against a wall, he's making with the jokes.
  5. Bear in mind, Lullipop, no one is actually deciding if she's actually any good at the games, the debate is about whether she actually plays them enough.

    I've been playing this game over 7 years, I still screw up on teams and cause team wipes.

    No one said she has to be uber

    And for the record, I don't believe a word of it until I see some linked proof
  6. Given that I don't know a lot about Marvel, how do the Guardians and Big Hero 6 fit in to the general Marvel universe? I know one of them is an animated movie, could are they likely to even reference the rest of the movies out?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Which is part of her image. That's why it is, as you put it, so "well documented". Has she played WoW? Probably, but casually. Not "obsessively". I'd be surprised if she had a character over 40 that wasn't PLed or someone played for her.
    You might want to research before making such broad statements.

    Have a read of this interview from 5 years ago, just as The Guild was starting to launch, WELL before she became the well known gamer geek she is now.

    Felicia Day interview

    Doesn';t sound like someone who get's PL'd to me.

    Also, have you actually watched any of her Flog show on the GeekandSundry channel? She knows a LOT about games, that's very evident from it. Not to mention how much she clearly loves games as well.

    I really don't get the hate some people have for her, I can't think of many people out there less offensive in any branch of the industry.

    Either way, given how well loved she is by a lot of people, the guy who dissed her......not a bright spark
  8. Same here, been waiting on my 7th badge for a good few months now.
  9. Interesting storyline playing out on Twitter recently.

    Seems a contributor to the website Destructoid, a gaming site, decided, completely out of the blue to have a pop at Felicia, one of the internet's darlings, with these tweets...

    Does Felicia Day matter at all? I mean does she actually contribute anything useful to this industry, besides retaining a geek persona?

    @feliciaday, I keep seeing everywhere. Question: Do you matter at all? Do you even provide anything useful to gaming, besides “personality?

    Could you be considered nothing more than a glorified booth babe? You don’t seem to add anything creative to the medium.
    Now, tbf, in America, it's all about free speech, so he has the right to do so, but man, as a gaming journo, this has got to amount to professional suicide? Saying she adds nothing creative to gaming, after 5 seasons of the Guild, helping out on several games, promoting several, youtube channels such as GeekandSundry and a LOT more, he hasn't really done much research!

    Needless to say, the fans responded immediately with a LOT of hatred to the man, resulting in him eventually being fired from Destructoid.

    He then decided to turn on Will Wheaton!! LOL Sadly, I can't quote that here as he used foul language, but yeah, not the wisest idea

    And then, amusingly, Day was defended by none other than Adam Baldwin. Heh, would like to see the loon say stuff to Baldwin in person

    The guy did eventually apologise, although he blamed it on being drunk late at night and being new to Twitter and not realising that messages sent to someone on there can be seen by everyone. I'm not sure how much of I buy, but hey, it's out there.

    Nicely, Felicia Day accepted the apology with good grace and has not really mentioned in any detail, other than to thank people for their support.

    So, what do we think? Did he know what he was doing? Was he just INCREDIBLY stupid? Or a clever and devious plan to gain notoriety and increase his career with it?

    Personally, I find it hard to believe that someone who writes on a site like that, as a contributor, can claim not to know who Felicia Day is and what she does. Thats like a football commentator not knowing who David Beckham is, it's crazy.

    Either way, it will be interesting to see the numerous takes on this on the web over the next day or so before it all blows over.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I must have those leggings!
    $81 I'm afraid. I checked for Rosie as she said the same.

  11. Caroline Shaw dies, aged 71

    I never realised she was only in 4 storylines and the 5 Doctors episode! Feels like she was in more
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samothrake View Post
    In many ways, the Doctor is a special case. As far as we have seen, he has never regenerated for any reason other than grievous bodily harm. And a few times he has had a very difficult time while regenerating. This is most likely because of what he does with his life.
    Second Doctor regenerated when it was forced on him by the Time Lords as part of his punishment.

    But yeah, any time we've seen a violent death, it's caused him to regenerate in a way he doesn't seem to be able to control.
  13. Guilty Zombies.

    Not sure if that's good a or not, tends to make think...

    "Oh....oh, I'm sorry......did I just....I did, I just ate your brain, didn't I. Oh I am so sorry, here, let me pay for the medical care, it's the least I could do......"
  14. See, this is what I love about comics, this! This discussion right here, about the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, justice and corruption, hell, even Superman and Batman!

    This is what I love about being a superhero and comic book fan, it makes you think!!

    Take that, all those insipid soap operas!
  15. Exactly.

    The Elite set themselves up as gods, they would decide who deserved to die and were going around killing anyone they considered bad. That is what Superman had the problem with.

    It wasn't the death penalty that Superman had the problem with, it was the fact that the people with all the power were the ones making the decision, with no input from the "common man" something even the goverment has to take into account.

    I'm presuming in the universe that Superman is in, the death penalty, death row and all that stuff still exists. He might not personally agree with it, we don't know, but at least it's being decided by people elected by the public in a court of law. He even acknowledges that it's a flawed system and that there are people out there in charge who are "bad guys" but he knows if he starts to remove those people based on his own judgement, then he risks becoming as bad as the Elite.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    Yes. Very yes.
    My belief too. My understanding is that at he time that The Authority series was very popular (understandable as it was excellent) and the writers of Superman wanted to show the opposing view and created the Elite to tell the story.

    Truly excellent comic as well, kept me enthralled when I read it
  17. No need to explain or apologise for anything, Kisana

    Lets bottom line this, shall we.

    No one is under ANY obligation to invite ANYONE they don't want to, to any team, league, TF, Trial, team story story arc of any sort.

    I've played this game since EU launch and have been turned down for numerous teams for numerous reasons, including teaming with friends, running a specific team, superteams, project teams, conflicts with people on the team, SG arguments....and many more.

    Not once have I been upset or angry about this. End of the day, it's that players team, they can invite who they want.

    Play the game YOU want to play, you're the one paying your subs after all
  18. Watched it yet. Bloody amazing

    Artowrk is a little shonky at times, but George Newbern nails the role of Superman again, just the right balance between earnest and anger.

    IT expands on the original comic a lot as well, adds more backstory, especially for Manchester Black.
  19. That looks awesome! Might actually be able to get my gaming obsessed 8 yr old to sit still long enough to watch it

    Not overly surprised at the gaming names appearing in it. After hearing about how Mattel turned down the chance to have Barbie in the first Toy Story movie, I would imagine the likes of Nintendo and Sega jumping at the chance to get in there
  20. And another successful run on Union, again, run by Kisana

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
    If you read the article, you might have seen this bit of information:

    You're welcome

    Ashes to ashes,
    Actually, I had read the article, I had seen that part and that is what I was saying, as long as they've got the original voices and they haven't gotten any replacements, that's only one word to describe it.....booyah!
  22. ....albeit in a more humour-heavy, Teen Titans Go format.

    As long as it's the original voices, there's only one thing to say to this.

  23. Coin

    Arrow trailer

    Hmmm, starts off well enough, but not convinced by the end.

    Seems to want to stray a little too much, especially with his name.

    Also, does he kill someone in the trailer? Does Green Arrow do that?